Barış Nakiboğlu
Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering
Middle East Technical University

Office: C-207
Phone:+90 (312) 210-4405
E-mail: bnakib (at) metu (dot) edu (dot) tr

Ph.D. Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Electrical Engineering, 2011.
Thesis:"Exponential Bounds on Error Probability with Feedback"
M.Sc.Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 2005.
Thesis:"Variable Block Length Coding for Channels with Feedback and Cost Constraints"
B.Sc.Middle East Technical University,Electrical and Electronics Engineering, 2002.
B.Sc.Middle East Technical University,Physics, 2002.

Notes for EE230 (2023 Spring)
Supplementary notes for EE230 (2020 Spring)


Submitted Papers

Journal Papers

  1. B. Nakiboğlu, "The Sphere Packing Bound For Memoryless Channels,"
    Problems of Information Transmission, 56(3):201-244, July 2020,
    doi:10.1134/S0032946020030011, 10.31857/S0555292320030018. (arXiv:1804.06372)

  2. B. Nakiboğlu, "A Simple Derivation of the Refined Sphere Packing Bound Under Certain Symmetry Hypotheses,"
    Turkish Journal of Mathematics, 44(3):919-948, May 2020,
    doi:10.3906/mat-1912-106. (arXiv:1904.12780)

  3. B. Nakiboğlu, "The Sphere Packing Bound for DSPCs with Feedback a la Augustin,"
    IEEE Transactions on Communications, 67(11):7456-7467, November 2019,
    doi:10.1109/TCOMM.2019.2931302. (arXiv:1806.11531)

  4. B. Nakiboğlu, "The Augustin Capacity and Center," (arxiv version with additional proofs)
    Problems of Information Transmission, 55(4):299-342, October 2019,
    doi:10.1134/S003294601904001X, 10.1134/S0555292319040016. (arXiv:1803.07937)

  5. B. Nakiboğlu, "The Sphere Packing Bound via Augustin's Method," (arxiv version with appendices)
    IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 65(2):816-840, February 2019,
    doi:10.1109/TIT.2018.2882547. (arXiv:1611.06924)

  6. B. Nakiboğlu, "The Renyi Capacity and Center," (arxiv version with examples and additional proofs)
    IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 65(2):841-860, February 2019,
    doi:10.1109/TIT.2018.2861002. (arXiv:1608.02424)

  7. B. Nakiboğlu, S. K. Gorantla, L. Zheng, T. P. Coleman, "Bit-wise Unequal Error Protection for Variable Length Block Codes with Feedback,"
    IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 59(3):1475-1504, March (2013),
    doi:10.1109/TIT.2012.2227671. (arXiv:1101.1934)

  8. B. Nakiboğlu, L. Zheng, "Error-and-Erasure Decoding for Block Codes with Feedback,"
    IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 58(1):24-49, January (2012),
    doi:10.1109/TIT.2011.2169529. (arXiv:0903.4386)

  9. R. G. Gallager, B. Nakiboğlu, "Variations on a theme by Schalkwijk and Kailath,"
    IEEE transactions on Information Theory, 56(1):6-17, January 2010,
    doi:10.1109/TIT.2009.2034896. (arXiv:0812.2709)

  10. S. P. Borade, B. Nakiboğlu, L. Zheng, "Unequal Error Protection: An information Theoretic Perspective,"
    IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 55(12):5511-5539, December 2009,
    doi:10.1109/TIT.2009.2032819. (arXiv:0803.2570)

  11. P. Berlin, B. Nakiboğlu, B. Rimoldi, E. Telatar, "A Simple Converse of Burnashev's Reliability Function,"
    IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 55(7):3074-3080, July 2009,
    doi:10.1109/TIT.2009.2021322. (arXiv:cs/0610145)

  12. B. Nakiboğlu, R. G. Gallager, "Error Exponents for Variable-Length Block Codes With Feedback and Cost Constraints,"
    IEEE transactions on Information Theory, 54(3):945-963, March 2008,
    doi:10.1109/TIT.2007.915913. (arXiv:cs/0612097)

Conference Papers

  1. H.-C. Cheng, B. Nakiboğlu, "Augustin Information In The Vicinity of Augustin Capacity-Achieving Input Distributions,"
    IEEE Information Theory Workshop (ITW), Shenzhen, China, 2024, pp. 567-2572,

  2. H.-C. Cheng, B. Nakiboğlu, "A New Characterization Of Augustin Information And Mean,"
    IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT), Athens, Greece, 2024, pp. 2538-2543,

  3. H.-C. Cheng, B. Nakiboğlu, "The Mutual Information In The Vicinity of Capacity-Achieving Input Distributions,"
    IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT), Taipei, Taiwan, 2023, pp. 2111-2116,

  4. M. F. Yıldız, B. Nakiboğlu, "Augustin Information Measures on Fading Channels Under Certain Symmetry Hypothesis,"
    IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT), Espoo, Finland, 2022, pp. 3061-3066,

  5. H.-C. Cheng, B. Nakiboğlu, "On the Existence of the Augustin Mean," (arxiv version with additional proofs)
    IEEE Information Theory Workshop (ITW), Kanazawa, Japan, 2021, pp. 1-6,

  6. H.-C. Cheng, B. Nakiboğlu, "Refined Strong Converse for the Constant Composition Codes,"
    IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT), Los Angeles, CA, USA, 2020, pp. 2149-2154,

  7. B. Nakiboğlu, "A Simple Derivation of the Refined SPB for the Constant Composition Codes,"
    IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT), Paris, France, 2019, pp. 2659-2663,

  8. B. Nakiboğlu, "The Augustin center and the sphere packing bound for memoryless channels,"
    IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT), Aachen, 2017, pp. 1401-1405,

  9. G. Como, B. Nakiboğlu, "Sphere-packing bound for block-codes with feedback and finite memory,"
    IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory, Austin, TX, 2010, pp. 251-255,

  10. S. K. Gorantla, B. Nakiboğlu, T. P. Coleman, L. Zheng, "Bit-wise unequal error protection for variable length blockcodes with feedback,"
    IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory, Austin, TX, 2010, pp. 241-245,

  11. B. Nakiboğlu, L. Zheng, "Upper bounds to error probability with feedback,"
    47th Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and Computing (Allerton), Monticello, IL, 2009, pp. 865-871,

  12. B. Nakiboğlu, L. Zheng, "Upper bounds to error probability with feedback,"
    IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory, Seoul, 2009, pp. 1515-1519,

  13. B. Nakiboğlu, L. Zheng, "Errors-and-erasures decoding for block codes with feedback,"
    IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory, Toronto, ON, 2008, pp. 712-716,

  14. S. P. Borade, B. Nakiboğlu, L. Zheng, "Some Fundamental Limits of Unequal Error Protection,"
    IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory, Toronto, ON, 2008, pp. 2222-2226,

  15. B. Nakiboğlu, R. G. Gallager, M. Z. Win, "Error Exponents for Variable-length block codes with feedback and cost constraints,"
    IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory, Seattle, WA, 2006, pp. 74-78,

Last modified 31/12/2024.