Mailing Address: Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering
Middle East Technical University 06531 Ankara, TURKEY
Office: A-402
Phone: +90 (312) 2102339
Fax: +90 (312) 2102304
e-mail: eguran[at]metu.edu.tr
Please ask for a reference letter only if you got AA from EE444/EE445/EE446.
Teaching Spring 2024-2025:
EE446 Computer Architecture II: Tuesday, 09:40 - 10:30, EA208, Thursday, 09:40 - 11:30, EA208
Computer Option in METU EE:
ODTU Elektrik Elektronik Mühendisliği Bölümü Bilgisayar Alanı
Downloadable CV
Education Background:
2004: Ph.D. in
and Computer Engineering,
Carnegie Mellon
University, Pittsburgh, USA.
Thesis Title:
“Scheduling and Switching Architecture for Virtual
Synchronous Frame (VSF)”
2001: M.Sc. in Electrical
and Computer Engineering,
Carnegie Mellon
University, Pittsburgh, USA.
Thesis Title: “A
Novel Scalable Packet Switch Architecture with
Quality of Service Support"
1997: B.Sc. in Electrical and
Electronics Engineering, Middle East Technical
University, Ankara, Turkey.
1993: High School
Diploma: Ankara Atatürk Anadolu Lisesi (AAAL),
7-year program.
Google Scholar
International Journal:
- Z. Ayhan Kılınç, E. G. Schmidt and K. W. Schmidt, "Computation of tight bounds for the worst-case end-to-end delay on Avionics Full-Duplex Switched Ethernet," Journal of Systems Architecture 156 (2024): 103278., doi: 10.1016/j.sysarc.2024.103278.(2024).
- M. Akpınar, E. G. Schmidt and K. W. Schmidt, "Weak TDMA for the Deterministic Medium Access on the Controller Area Network," IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Volume: 25, Issue: 8, August 2024., doi: 10.1109/TITS.2024.3400853.(2024).
- F. Koltuk and E. Güran Schmidt "Uniformity and Independence of H3 Hash Functions for Bloom Filters," IEEE Transactions on Computers, vol.73, no. 8, pp. 1913 - 1923, Aug. 2024.
- İ. Peşkircioğlu Gökçe, M. Üçüncü, and E. Güran Schmidt "OMNeT++ Simulation Framework for Avionics Full-Duplex Switched Ethernet." Journal of Aerospace Information Systems, vol. 21, No. 5 (2024), pp. 443-454.
- Atagoziev, Maksat, Ece Güran Schmidt, and Klaus Werner Schmidt. "Lane change scheduling for connected and autonomous vehicles." Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 147 (2023): 103985.
- Akpinar, Murat, Ece Guran Schmidt, and Klaus Werner Schmidt. "Highly Accurate Clock Synchronization with Drift Correction for the Controller Area Network." IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems (2022).
- S. Zengin and E. G. Schmidt, "A Fast and Accurate Hardware String Matching Module with Bloom Filters," IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, vol. 28, no. 2, pp. 305-317, Feb. 1 2017.
- Y. B. Kartal, E. G. Schmidt, and Klaus Werner Schmidt "Modeling Distributed Real-time Systems in TIOA and UPPAAL", vol 16, no. 1 ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems, 2016.
- Klaus Werner Schmidt, Burak Alkan, Ece Guran Schmidt, Duygu Culum Karani, Utku Karakaya, “Controller Area Network (CAN) With Priority Queues and FIFO Queues: Improved Schedulability Analysis and Message Set Extension, “International Journal of Vehicle Design,71.1-4 (2016): 335-357.
- N. Ayyildiz, E. G. Schmidt and H. C. Guran, “ S-DIRECT : Scalable and Dynamically Reconfigurable TCAM Architecture for High-speed IP Lookup,” The Computer Journal, vol. 58, no.6, pp. 1443-1455, 2015.
- M. Sanli, E. G. Schmidt and H. C. Guran, “ Hardware Design and Implementation of Packet Fair Queuing Algorithms for the Quality of Service Support in the High-speed Internet,” Elsevier Computer Networks, in the Special Issue on “Challenges in High-Performance Switching and Routing in the Future Internet”, vol. 56, no.13, pp. 3065-3075, 2012.
- K. W. Schmidt and E. G. Schmidt, “Distributed Real-time Protocols for Industrial Control Systems: Framework and Examples,” IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, vol. 23, no.10, pp. 1856-1866, 2012.
- M. Sanli, E. G. Schmidt and H. C. Guran, “ FPGEN: A Fast, Scalable and Programmable Traffic Generator for the Performance Evaluation of High-speed Computer Networks,” Elsevier Performance Evaluation, vol. 68, no.12, pp. 1276-1290, 2011.
- S. Senol, K. Leblebicioglu and E. G. Schmidt, “ INtERCEDE: An Algorithmic Approach to Networked Control System Design,” Elsevier Journal of Network and Computer Applications, vol. 34, no.4, pp. 1326-1341, 2011.
- M. Soysal and E. G. Schmidt, "Machine Learning Algorithms for Accurate Flow-based Network Traffic Classification: Evaluation and Comparison," Elsevier Performance Evaluation, vol. 67, no.6, pp. 451-467, 2010.
- K. Schmidt and E. G. Schmidt, “Message Scheduling for the FlexRay Protocol: The Static Segment, “ IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 58, no.5, pp. 2170-2179, 2009.
- E. G. Schmidt and K. Schmidt, “Message Scheduling for the FlexRay Protocol: The Dynamic Segment, “ IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 58, no.5, pp. 2160-2169, 2009. (
- K. Schmidt and E. G. Schmidt, “Systematic Message Schedule Construction for Time-Triggered CAN, “ IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol.56, no.6, pp.3431-3441, 2007.
- S. Ece (Guran) Schmidt and Hyong S. Kim, “A new scalable service discipline for real-time traffic: The framed-deadline scheduler,” Elsevier Computer Communications, vol. 30, no.6, pp. 1258-1277, 2007.
- S. Ece (Guran) Schmidt and Hyong S. Kim, “Frame-counter scheduler: A novel QoS scheduler for real-time traffic,” Elsevier Computer Communications, vol. 29, no.12, pp. 2181-2200, 2006.
International Conference:
- H. Sağırkaya, E. G. Schmidt, “An Approach for Defining and Predicting Faults in Mil STD 1553 Bus in an Avionics Architecture,” 2023 IEEE/AIAA 42nd Digital Avionics Systems Conference (DASC2023), Barcelona, Spain, 2023.
- F. Yazıcı, A. S. Yıldız, A. Yazar, E. G. Schmidt, “A Novel Scalable On-chip Switch Architecture with Quality of Service Support for Hardware Accelerated Cloud Data Centers,” IEEE International Conference on Cloud Networking, 2020.
- C. Canpolat and E. G. Schmidt, "Dynamic User Count Aware Resource Allocation for Network Slicing in Virtualized Radio Access Networks," 2020 25th IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications (ISCC) , Rennes, France, 2020.
- F. Koltuk and E. G. Schmidt, "A Novel Method for the Synthetic Generation of Non-I.I.D Workloads for Cloud Data Centers," 2020 25th IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications (ISCC) , Rennes, France, 2020.
- M. Akpınar,E. G. Schmidt and K.W. Schmidt, "Drift Correction for the Software-based Clock Synchronization on Controller Area Network," 2020 25th IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications (ISCC) , Rennes, France, 2020.
- M. Ç. Güldiken,E. G. Schmidt and K.W. Schmidt, "Telegram Scheduling for the Multifunction Vehicle Bus (MVB): Algorithms and Evaluation," 2020 25th IEEE
- N. U. Ekici, K. W. Schmidt, A. Yazar and E. G. Schmidt, "Resource Allocation for Minimized Power Consumption in Hardware Accelerated Clouds," 2019 28th International Conference on Computer Communication and Networks (ICCCN), Valencia, Spain, 2019.
- A. Erol, A. Yazar and E. G. Schmidt, "OpenStack Generalization for Hardware Accelerated Clouds," 2019 28th International Conference on Computer Communication and Networks (ICCCN), Valencia, Spain, 2019.
- M. Akpinar, K. W. Schmidt and E. G. Schmidt, "Improved Clock Synchronization Algorithms for the Controller Area Network (CAN)," 2019 28th International Conference on Computer Communication and Networks (ICCCN), Valencia, Spain, 2019.
- A. Batur, E.G. Schmidt, K.W. Schmidt, “Offset Computation of Response Time Distributions for Messages on the Controller Area Network,” IEEE Symposium on Industrial Embedded Systems, SIES2018.
- M. E. Afşin, K.W. Schmidt, E.G. Schmidt, “C3: Configurable CAN FD Controller: Architecture, Design and Hardware Implementation,” IEEE Symposium on Industrial Embedded Systems, SIES2017.
- A. Batur, E.G. Schmidt, K.W. Schmidt, “Offset Assignment on Controller Area Network: Improved Algorithms and Computational Evaluation,” IEEE Symposium on Industrial Embedded Systems, SIES2017.
- Maksat Atagoziyev, Klaus W. Schmidt, Ece G. Schmidt, “ Lane Change Scheduling for Autonomous Vehicles,” IFAC Symposium on Control in Transportation Systems, 2016.
- M. Sanli, A. Pehlivanli, and E. G. Schmidt, "Window Based Fair Aggregator for the Scalable Support of QoS Guarantees in the Backbone: An Experimental Performance Study," IEEE ICNC 2016.
- M. Sanli, E. G. Schmidt and H. C. Guran, "A Flow Aggregation Method for the Scalable and Efficient Quality of Service Support in Next Generation Networks, "IEEE GLOBECOM 2013.
- M. Ozkardes and E. G. Schmidt, "CALMTV: A Cluster Based Application Layer Multicast Architecture for IPTV," IEEE GLOBECOM 2013.
- K. Schmidt and E. G. Schmidt, "A Shortest-Path Problem for Evaluating the Worst Case Packet Delay of Switched Ethernet,"IEEE Symposium on Industrial Embedded Systems, SIES2010.
- E. G. Schmidt, M. Alkan, K. Schmidt, E. Yuruklu, and U. Karakaya, "Performance Evaluation of FlexRay/CAN Networks Interconnected by a Gateway," IEEE Symposium on Industrial Embedded Systems, SIES2010.
- E. G. Schmidt and K. Schmidt, "Schedulability Analysis and Message Schedule Computation for the Dynamic Segment of FlexRay," IEEE VTC Fall 2010.
- K. Schmidt and E. G. Schmidt, "Optimal Message Scheduling for the Static Segment of FlexRay," IEEE VTC Fall 2010.
- K. Schmidt, E. G. Schmidt, A. Demirci, E. Yuruklu , and U. Karakaya, “An Experimental Study of the FlexRay Dynamic Segment,” IFAC Symposium Advances in Automotive Control, IFAC AAC2010.
- K. Schmidt and E. G. Schmidt, "Communication of Distributed Discrete-Event Supervisors on a Switched Network," 9th International Workshop on Discrete Event Systems, WODES08.
- K. Schmidt, E. G. Schmidt and J. Zaddach, "Safe operation of distributed discrete-event controllers: A networked implementation with real-time guarantees," IFAC 2008.
- K. Schmidt and E. G. Schmidt "Echtzeitimplementierung verteilter ereignisdiskreter Steuerungen mittels Kommunikationsnetzwerken, " Entwurf Komplexer Automatisierungssysteme, EKA 2008.
- Murat Soysal and E. G. Schmidt, “ An Accurate Evaluation of Machine Learning Algorithms for Flow-based P2P Traffic Detection,” IEEE ISCIS07, 2007.
- Y. B. Kartal and E. G. Schmidt, "An Evaluation of Aspect Oriented Programming for Embedded Real-Time Systems," IEEE ISCIS07, 2007.
- K. Schmidt, E. G. Schmidt and J. Zaddach, “A shared-medium communication architecture for distributed discrete event systems,” Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation, 2007.
- K. Schmidt and E. G. Schmidt, “Modeling and networked implementation of distributed discrete event dynamic controllers,” (in Abstract book), European Conference on Operational Research, 2007.
- S. Ece (Guran) Schmidt, Murat Soysal, “An intrusion detection based approach for the scalable detection of P2P traffic in the National Academic Network backbone, “IEEE ISCN06 pp.128-133, 2006.
Recent SIU Conferences:
- U. Doğan, A. Koyun, S. S. Yalçın and E. Güran Schmidt, "RISC-V Simulator Library for Real-time Applications: Development and Verification," 2024 32nd Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference (SIU), IEEE 2024.
- Çemen, Mustafa Fatih, and Ece Güran Schmidt. "Quality of Service Support for a 5G Network UPF Module: Software Implementation and Realistic Evaluation." 2024 32nd Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference (SIU). IEEE, 2024.
- E. B. Yitim and E. Güran Schmidt, "An AXI Data Shaper for Heterogeneous FPGA System-on-Chip (SoC) Architectures," 2022 30th Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference (SIU), 2022.
- D. E. Arkadaş, M. Akpınar, E. G. Schmidt and K. W. Schmidt, "Clock Synchronization for the Controller Area Network using Bit Timing Information," 2022 30th Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference (SIU), 2022.
- A. Tırlıoğlu, Ö. B. Demir, A. Yazar, E. G. Schmidt, “Bulut Bilişim için Donanım Hızlandırıcılar: Özellikler ve Gerçekleştirim-Hardware Accelerators for Cloud Computing: Features and Implementation,” IEEE 29. Sinyal İşleme ve İletişim Uygulamaları Kurultayı, 2021.
- F. Yazıcı, A. S. Yıldız, A. Yazar, E. G. Schmidt, “Donanım Hızlandırıcılı Bulut Bilişim Sistemleri için Yonga-üstü Anahtar Mimarisi-An On-chip Switch Architecture for Hardware Accelerated Cloud Computing Systems,” IEEE 28. Sinyal İşleme ve İletişim Uygulamaları Kurultayı, 2020.
- F. Koltuk, E. G. Schmidt, “Bulut Veri Merkezleri için Gerçekçi İş Yükü Üretimi- Realistic Workload Generation for Cloud Data Centers,” IEEE 28. Sinyal İşleme ve İletişim Uygulamaları Kurultayı, 2020.
- M. Ç. Güldiken, E. G. Schmidt, K.W. Schmidt, “MVB'de Telegramların Çizelgelenmesi İçin Buluşsal Algoritmalar- Heuristic Algorithms For The Telegram Scheduling On MVB,” IEEE 28. Sinyal İşleme ve İletişim Uygulamaları Kurultayı, 2020.
- M. Akpınar, E. G. Schmidt, K.W. Schmidt, “CAN Ağı Üzerinde Saat Senkronizasyonu Algoritmalarının Değerlendirilmesi-Evaluation of Clock Synchronization Algorithms for Controller Area Network,” IEEE 28. Sinyal İşleme ve İletişim Uygulamaları Kurultayı, 2020.
- A. Erol, A. Yazar, E. G. Schmidt, “Heterojen Bulut Kaynaklarının Yönetimi İçin OpenStack Genelleştirimi-A Generalization of OpenStack for Managing Heterogeneous Cloud Resources,” IEEE 27. Sinyal İşleme ve İletişim Uygulamaları Kurultayı, 2019.
- F. Koltuk, A. Yazar, E. G. Schmidt, “CLOUDGEN: Bulut Bilişim Sistemlerinin Başarım Değerlendirmesi için İş Yükü Üretimi-CLOUDGEN: Workload Generation for the Evaluation of Cloud Computing Systems,” IEEE 27. Sinyal İşleme ve İletişim Uygulamaları Kurultayı, 2019.
- N. U. Ekici, K. W. Schmidt, A. Yazar, E. G. Schmidt, “ACCLOUD-MAN — Heterojen Bulutlarda Güç Etkin Kaynak Ataması-ACCLOUD-MAN — Power Efficient Resource Allocation for Heterogeneous Clouds,” IEEE 27. Sinyal İşleme ve İletişim Uygulamaları Kurultayı, 2019.
- A. Yazar, A. Erol, E. G. Schmidt, “ACCLOUD: FPGA ile Hızlandırılmış Yeni bir Bulut Mimarisi-ACCLOUD (ACcelerated CLOUD): A Novel FPGA-Accelerated Cloud Archictecture,” IEEE 26. Sinyal İşleme ve İletişim Uygulamaları Kurultayı, 2018.
- G. Eral, E. G. Schmidt, “FASST: Yazılım Tanımlı Bilgisayar Ağları için Yüksek Başarımlı, Ölçeklenebilir bir Kural Tablosu Donanım Mimarisi-FASST: A High Performance Scalable Rule Table Hardware Architecture for Software Defined Networks,” IEEE 26. Sinyal İşleme ve İletişim Uygulamaları Kurultayı, 2018.
- A. Öge, E. G. Schmidt, “Verimli Uyarlanabilir Akış (EFAST): Algoritma,Gerçekleştirim, Değerlendirme-EFficient Adaptive STreaming (EFAST): Algorithm, Implementation and Evaluation,” IEEE 26. Sinyal İşleme ve İletişim Uygulamaları Kurultayı, 2018.
- A. Batur, E.G. Schmidt, K.W. Schmidt, “CAN Mesajları için Tepki Zamanı Dağılımlarının Elde Edilmesi-Evaluation of Response Time Distributions for
- Controller Area Network Messages,” IEEE 26. Sinyal İşleme ve İletişim Uygulamaları Kurultayı, 2018.
- Ç. Bağcı, E.G. Schmidt, “Akıllı Ulaşım Uygulamaları İçin Bir Haberleşme Mimarisi - A Communication Architecture for Intelligent Transportation Applications,” IEEE 25. Sinyal İşleme ve İletişim Uygulamaları Kurultayı, 2017.
- C. Çakmak, E.G. Schmidt, K.W. Schmidt, “Hızlı ve Optimal Bir FlexRay v3.0 Statik Bölüt Çizelgelemesi Yöntemi - A Fast and Optimal Method for Scheduling the Static Segment of FlexRay v3.0,” IEEE 25. Sinyal İşleme ve İletişim Uygulamaları Kurultayı, 2017.
- M. E. Afşin, K.W. Schmidt, E.G. Schmidt, “Ayarlanabilir Bir CAN FD Kontrolcusu: Mimari ve Gerçekleştirim-A Configurable CAN FD Controller: Architecture and Implementation,” IEEE 25. Sinyal İşleme ve İletişim Uygulamaları Kurultayı, 2017.
- A. Batur, E.G. Schmidt, K.W. Schmidt, “CAN Ağları Ofset Çizelgelemesi İçin İyileştirilmiş Yük Dağılımı - Improved Load Distribution for Controller Area Network,”IEEE 25. Sinyal İşleme ve İletişim Uygulamaları Kurultayı, 2017
National Conference (In Turkish):
- U. Karakaya, D. Ç. Karani, B. Alkan, E. G. Schmidt, and K. W. Schmidt, “AUTONET – An Automatic Scheduling Tool for In-Vehicle Networks,” Otomotiv Teknolojileri Kongresi, OTEKON 2014.
- B. Alkan, E. G. Schmidt, and K. W. Schmidt, “Karayollarında Akıllı Ulaşım İçin Araç-içi Haberleşme Ağları,” 1 . Karayolu Akıllı Ulaşım Sistemleri Kongre ve Sergisi, 2014.
- H. İ. Balcı, E. G. Schmidt, “Yaya ve Araç Güvenliği için Akıllı Karayolları: Haberleşme Altyapısı ve Güncel Uygulamalar,” 4 . Karayolu Trafik Güvenliği Sempozyumu, 2013.
- A. K. Gözcü, U. Turan, E. G. Schmidt and K. Schmidt, “Dinamik Dağitik Gerçek Zamanli Endüstriyel İletişim Protokolu (D2GEP) Gerçekleştirimi-The implementation of Dynamic Distributed Real time Industrial communication Protocol (D2RIP) ,” IEEE 20. Sinyal İşleme ve İletişim Uygulamaları Kurultayı, 2012.
- Y. B. Kartal, E. G. Schmidt and K. Schmidt, “Paylaşımlı Ethernet Üzerinde Çalışan Özgün Bir Gerçek-zamanlı Haberleşme Protokolü İşçerçevesinin Doğrulanması-The verification of a novel framework for real-time shared medium communication network protocols ,” IEEE 20. Sinyal İşleme ve İletişim Uygulamaları Kurultayı, 2012.
- A. Demirci, E. G. Schmidt, E. Yuruklu, and U. Karakaya, “Flexray Araçiçi Haberleşme Ağlarının Deneysel Başarım Değerlendirmesi – Experimental Evaluation of FlexRay InVehicle Communication Networks,” Otomotiv Teknolojileri Kongresi, OTEKON 2010.
- E. G. Schmidt and K. Schmidt, “FlexRay Protokolu statik bölütü için mesaj çizelgelenmesi-Message Scheduling for the Static Segment of the FlexRay Protocol,” IEEE 16. Sinyal İşleme ve İletişim Uygulamaları Kurultayı, 2008.
- E. G. Schmidt and K. Schmidt, “Dağıtık Ayrık Olaylı Denetleyiciler için Paylaşımlı Ortamda Haberleşme - Shared Medium Communication for Distributed Discrete Event Control,” IEEE 16. Sinyal İşleme ve İletişim Uygulamaları Kurultayı, 2008.
- S. Şenol, K. Leblebicioğlu, E. G. Schmidt, “Zaman Dilimli İletişim Protokolleriyle Haberleşen Ağ Tabanlı Kontrol Sistemleri İçin Mesaj Zamanlama Algoritmaları - Message Scheduling Algorithms For Networked Control Systems With Time Slotted Communication Protocols,” IEEE 16. Sinyal İşleme ve İletişim Uygulamaları Kurultayı, 2008.
- M. Sanlı, E. G. Schmidt, “Yüksek Hızlı Ağlar İçin Zamanlama ve Anahtarlama Mimarilerinin Tasarımı ve Gerçeklenmesi – Design and Implementation of the Scheduling and Switching Architectures for High-Speed Networks,” Gömülü Sistemler ve Uygulamaları Sempozyumu, GÖMSİS2008.
- S. Şenol, K. Leblebicioğlu, E. G. Schmidt, “Ağ tabanlı kontrol sistemi için Flexray benzetimi geliştirilmesi-Flexray simulator development for networked control system,” IEEE 15. Sinyal İşleme ve İletişim Uygulamaları Kurultayı, 2007.
- Y. B. Kartal and E. G. Schmidt, “İlgiye odaklı programlamanın gerçek zamanlı gömülü sistemler üzerinde bir degerlendirmesi,” UYMS, AOP Çalıştayı, 2007.
In Progress:
- Industrial Project conducted with BullTech and METU TTO: “Risk Management for FPGA-Based High Frequency Trading Users”, Principal Investigator, Project end date: December 2026.
- Industrial Project conducted with OGEMSAN: “FIBER-O is a system for transferring Multimedia (Serial, Camera and Ethernet) to a remote point via fiber cable”, Principal Investigator, Project end date: March 2025.
- Industrial Project conducted with BullTech and OTEST: “Development of a New FPGA-based UPF Device Architecture for 5G Networks”, Principal Investigator, Project end date: April 2024.
- Industrial Project conducted with SAGE and OTEST: "ozgur: A Custom RISC-V Processor Core and Hardware Accelarator Platform for Real-time Embedded Applications, " Principal Investigator, Project end date: July 2024.
- Industrial Project conducted with ElectraIC: “A Software Tool for the Configuration Analysis of ARINC664 Networks”, Principal Investigator, Project end date: August 2022.
- Industrial Project conducted with ISSD: “Detection Of Anomalies Through The Moving Camera in Open Area Using Computer Vision and Transferring Detection Data to In-Car Built-in Units” , Principal Investigator, Project end date: November 2022.
- TUBITAK 1003 -ACCLOUD (ACCELERATED CLOUD): A Novel, FPGA-Accelerated Cloud Architecture -ACCLOUD (ACCELERATED CLOUD): FPGA İle Hızlandırılmış Yeni Bir Bulut Mimarisi, Principal Investigator (2018-2021) Project Description Hardware Accelerated Cloud Computing-Overview Lecture
- Industrial Project conducted with ElectraIC: “Design and Software Modeling of a Fault Tolerant, High-Speed Bus Architecture”, Principal Investigator, 2020.
- Industrial Project conducted with FARBA: “Fonksiyonel Güvenlik Standartlarına Uygun Yazılım Test Sistemi Geliştirimi-Development of a Functional Safety Standards Compliant Software Test Method”, researcher, Project end date: October 2019.
- Independent R-D Project with TAI: "Very Light Aircraft (VLA)", researcher, Project end date: December 2020.
- Industrial Project conducted with ROKETSAN (SAYP): “MOKA (Model Kullanım Altyapısı)-Model-based Embedded Software Development”, researcher, Project end date: 2019.
- METU Research Project: “METU-STARS: Yüksek Başarımlı Yeni Bir Sistematik Yazılım Tanımlı Ağ (Software Defıned Network-SDN) Yönetimi -A Novel and High-performance Systematic Software Defıned Network-SDN Management Method”, principal investigator, Project end date: May 2019.
- METU Research Project: “METU-HAS: Yüksek Başarımlı Yeni Bir Sistematik HTTP Adaptive Streaming (HAS) Yöntemi – METU-HAS: A Novel and High-performance Systematic HTTP Adaptive Streaming (HAS) Method”, principal investigator, Project end date: December 2017.
- METU Research Project: “Araç içi Haberleşme için CAN-FD Kontrolcusu (METU-CAN): FPGA Geliştirimi, Gerçekleştirimi ve Testleri – A CAN-FD Controller (METU-CAN) for In-vehicle Communication: FPGA Development, Implementation and Evaluation”, principal investigator, Project end date: December 2017.
- Industrial Project conducted with TURK TRAKTOR: “Connected Tractor”: Yeni Nesil Traktörler içinAraç-içi ve Araç-X (V2X) Haberleşme Mimarisi Geliştirilmesi Ar-Ge Projesi-
- Connected Tractor”: Development of in-vehicle and V2X network architecture for next generetaion tractors", principal invesigator, Project end date: June 2017.
- METU Research Project: “Akıllı Ulaşım Sistemleri (AUS) için gerçek zamanlı bir haberleşme mimarisi – A real time communication architecture for Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS)”, principal invesigator, Project end date: December 2016. Official completion: February 2017.
- Industrial Project conducted with TURK TRAKTOR: “Yeni Nesil Traktörlerde Uygulanabilecek Gövde Kontrol Sistemi Modülü Geliştirilmesi AR-GE Projesi-
- Development of a Body Control Module that can be implemented for next generation tractors”, principal investigator, Project end date: August 2016.
- Industrial Project conducted with TURKCELL (supported by TUBITAK): “CarCoDe:Araçlar için Akıllı İçerik İletim Platformu-CarCoDePlatform for Smart Car to Car Content Delivery”, principal invesigator, Project end date: April 2015. Project Leaflet
- Industrial Project conducted with TOFAS and Cankaya University (supported by TUBITAK): “Otomotiv Haberleşme Ağları için Algoritmik Çizelgelendirme Yapabilen Tasarım Yazılımı Geliştirme (AUTONET)-AUTONET: A software design tool for algorithmic scheduling of automotive networks”, principal invesigator, Project end date: April 2015.
- TUBITAK Carrier Award Project: “Ethernet üzerinde dinamik, dağıtılmış ve güvenilir endüstriyel haberleşme protokolları: Genel tasarım işçerçevesi, gerçekleştirim ve deneysel çalışma-Dynamic, distributed and dependable real-time industrial communication protocols over Ethernet: General design framework, implementation and experimental study”, principal invesigator, Project end date: March 2013. the experiments can be seen at this link .
- Industrial Project conducted with TOFAS: “Diagnoser Interface Development for Electric Vehicle”, principal invesigator, Project end date: September 2011.
- METU Research Project: “Endüstriyel ağ uygulamaları için paylaşımlı ortamda haberleşme protokolu geliştirilmesi-Development of a communication protocol in shared medium for industrial networking applications ”, principal invesigator, Project end date: May 2010.
- Industrial Projectconducted with TOFAS: “Otomatik park etme ve drive-by-wire uygulamaları için TOFAŞ araçlarında drive-by-wire haberleşme alt yapısının FlexRay veriyolu üzerinden kurulması-Establishing the drive-by-wire communication infrastructure over FlexRay Bus in TOFAS vehicles for automatic parking and drive-by-wire applications”, principal invesigator, Project end date: March 2010. A video of the experiments can be seen at this link
- METU Research Project: “FlexRay Araç içi haberleşme sistemleri için yüksek başarimli zaman çizelgeleyicisi tasarımı ve gerçekleştirimi-Design and implementation of high performance schedules for FlexRay in-vehicle communication networks ”, principal invesigator, Project end date: December 2008.
- METU Research Project: “Yüksek hızlı araç içi haberleşme sistemleri için yüksek başarımlı zaman çizelgeleyicisi gerçekleştirimi-Implementation of high-performance schedules for high-speed in-vehicle communication networks”, principal invesigator, Project end date: December 2007.
- METU Research Project: “Bilgisayar ağları üzerinde gerçek zamanlı trafik iletimi için kullanılan zamanlama algoritmaları analizi-Analysis of scheduling algorithms for real-time communication over computer networks”, principal invesigator, Project end date: December 2005.
- Industrial project grant from Pittsburgh Digital Greenhouse: “Network switch on a single chip”, researcher, Project end date: 2002.
3rd place in
Academic Innovative Embedded System Design Category
in CPU Turkey with:
“Gigaswitch”, Mustafa Sanli, Ece Schmidt
Associate Editor
SCIENCES (2017-)
EE446 Computer Architecture II
EE446 Computer Architecture II LAB
EE444 Introduction to Computer Networks
EE445 Computer Architecture I Course Information
EE444 Introduction to Computer NetworksCourse Information
EE441 Data StructuresCourse Information
EE348 Introduction to Logic Design
Course Information
EE5410 High-Speed and Embedded Computer Networking Course Information
EE542 Computer Networks Course Information
Research Interests
High Speed
Computer Networks and Systems:
Design and implementation of high speed switches,
routers, QoS schedulers, packet classifiers, hardware
traffic generators . Traffic classification and
management for the backbone networks. Cloud Computing
and Networks.
Netwoks for In-vehicle Communication and
FlexRay, CAN, CAN-FD, AFDX networks. Worst-case Response time analysis, Message schedule design,
gateway unit design and implementation.
Integrated and heterogenous communication architectures .
Networked Real-time Embedded Systems:
Communication for embedded systems with
deterministic real-time guarantees over shared
medium and switched networks. One specific
application area is industrial communication
I am open to possible other subjects that are related to my interests that prospective graduate students work on in their workplace.
Please attach BOTH your undergraduate and graduate transcripts when you contact me for a possible thesis supervision.
Supervised Ph.D. Theses
Please visit here for the abstracts and additional information.
- A General Framework For The Deterministic Medium Access On The Controller Area Network, Murat Akpınar, Ph.D. Thesis, Defense date: June 2022, Co-advised with Prof. Dr. Klaus Werner Schmidt.
- Communication and Coordination for Urban Intelligent Transportation: Architecture and Algorithms, Maksat Atagoziyev, Ph.D. Thesis, Defense date: February 2022 Co-advisor, Main advisor: Prof. Dr. Klaus Werner Schmidt.
- Fast, Efficient and Dynamically Optimized Data and Hardware Architectures for String Matching, Salih Zengin, Ph.D. Thesis, Defense date: September 2014, Co-advised with Prof. Dr. Hasan Guran. Thesis overview
- Dependability Design for Distributed Real-Time Systems with Broadcast Communication, Yusuf Bora Kartal, Ph.D. Thesis, Defense date: June 2014.Thesis overview
- Design and implementation of hardware architectures for high-speed IP address lookup, Nizam Ayyıldız, Ph.D. Thesis, Defense date: August 2013, Co-advised with Prof. Dr. Hasan Guran. Thesis overview
- QoC and QoS bargaining for message scheduling in networked control systems, Sinan Şenol, Ph.D. Thesis, Defense date: June 2012, Co-advised with Prof. Dr. Kemal Leblebicioğlu.
- Design and implementation of scheduling and switching architectures for high-speed networks, Mustafa Sanlı, Ph.D. Thesis, Defense date: October 2011, Co-advised with Prof. Dr. Hasan Guran.
Supervised M.Sc. Theses
Please visit here for the abstracts and additional information.
- An FPGA-Accelerated String-Matching Engine, Süleyman Samet Yalçın, M.Sc. Thesis, Defense date: November 2024.
- Cycle-Accurate Functional Simulation of RISC-V Processors for Embedded Applications: Timing Model Construction, Validation and Performance Evaluation, Utkucan Doğan, M.Sc. Thesis, Defense date: August 2024.
- Hardware Accelerators for High Throughput Packet Classification in Computer Networks, Doğu Erkan Arkadaş, M.Sc. Thesis, Defense date: August 2024.
- Hardware Accelerated Packet Parsers and Deparsers for High-Throughput Flow Classification in Computer Networks: Design, Implementation and Evaluation, Ömer Bayram Demir, M.Sc. Thesis, Defense date: August 2024.
- High-Throughput Bloom Filter Design: Systematic Parameter Selection and FPGA Implementation, Efe Berkay Yitim, M.Sc. Thesis, Defense date: July 2024.
- Anomaly Detection of MIL-STD 1553 Traffic: Machine Learning Methods and Realistic Simulation Evaluation, Hüseyin Sağırkaya, M.Sc. Thesis, Defense date: September 2023.
- A UPF Module for 5G Networks with Quality of Service Support: Software Implementation and Realistic Evaluation, Mustafa Fatih Çemen, M.Sc. Thesis, Defense date: September 2023.
- Optimal Resource Allocation and Migration Decision for Virtual Machine Requests in Cloud Data Centers, Nazım Kerem Mert, M.Sc. Thesis, Defense date: August 2023, Co-advised with Prof. Dr. Klaus Werner Schmidt.
- An Analytical Method for the Analysis and Design of AFDX Networks, Zeynep Ayhan, M.Sc. Thesis, Defense date: June 2023, Co-advised with Prof. Dr. Klaus Werner Schmidt.
- A Novel and Precise False Positive Probability Computation for Bloom Filters Implemented with Universal Hash Functions, Furkan Koltuk, M.Sc. Thesis, Defense date: August 2022.
- AFDX (Avionics Full-duplex Switched Ethernet) Network Simulation and Performance Analysis, İpek Peşkircioğlu Gökçe, M.Sc. Thesis, Defense date: July 2022,Co-advised with Assoc.Prof. Dr. Murat Üçüncü, Başkent University.
- Extension of an Open Source Resource Management Tool For Heterogeneous Cloud Data Centers: Implementation And Evaluation, Taha Doğan, M.Sc. Thesis, Defense date: February 2022.
- A Workflow for Offering Hardware Accelerators as a Cloud Computing Service: Implementation and Evaluation, Anıl Tırlıoğlu, M.Sc. Thesis, Defense date: February 2022. Thesis overview
- Design, Implementation And Verification Of A High-Speed On-Chip Packet Switch, Ayhan Sefa Yıldız, M.Sc. Thesis, Defense date: February 2022.
- A Novel Flexible On-chip Switch Architecture for Reconfigurable Hardware Accelerators, Fatih Yazıcı, M.Sc. Thesis, Defense date: August 2021. Thesis overview
- A New Fault-Tolerant Real-Time Ethernet Protocol: Design and Evaluation, Emre Atik, M.Sc. Thesis, Defense date: January 2021, Co-advised with Prof. Dr. Klaus Werner Schmidt. Thesis overview
- Dynamic Resource Allocation in Virtualized Networks for Network Slicing, Ceren Canpolat, M.Sc. Thesis, Defense date: February 2020. Thesis overview
- Clock Synchronization Algorithms on a Software Defined CAN Controller: Implementation and Evaluation Serkan Yalçın, M.Sc. Thesis, Defense date: January 2020, Co-advisor, Main advisor: Prof. Dr. Klaus Werner Schmidt.
- Train Communication Network, Multifunction Vehicle Bus, Scheduling, Integer Linear Programming, Heuristics, Mustafa Çağlar Güldiken, M.Sc. Thesis, Defense date: January 2020, Co-advisor, Main advisor: Prof. Dr. Klaus Werner Schmidt.
- Optimal Dynamic Resource Allocation for Heterogenous Cloud Data Centers, Nazım Umut Ekici, M.Sc. Thesis, Defense date: September 2019.Thesis overview
- Generalized Resource Management for Heterogeneous Cloud Data Centers, Ahmet Erol, M.Sc. Thesis, Defense date: September 2019.Thesis overview
- A Link Delay Computation Method for the Quality of Service Support in Software Defined Networks, Efe Balo, M.Sc. Thesis, Defense date: September 2019. Thesis overview
- C³: Configurable CAN FD Controller: Design, Implementation and Evaluation, Mehmet Ertuğ Afşin, M.Sc. Thesis, Defense date: February 2018, Co-advised with Associate Prof. Dr. Klaus Werner Schmidt.Thesis overview
- Controller Area Network with Offset Scheduling: Improved Offset Assignment Algorithms and Computation of Response Time Distributions, Ahmet Batur, M.Sc. Thesis, Defense date: February 2018, Co-advised with Associate Prof. Dr. Klaus Werner Schmidt.Thesis overview
- An End-To-End Communication Architecture for Intelligent Transportation Systems: Design, Implementation and Latency Analysis, Çağatay Bağcı, M.Sc. Thesis, Defense date: February 2018. Thesis overview
- Efficient and Fair Adaptive Streaming: Algorithm, Implementation and Evaluation, Ahmet Öge, M.Sc. Thesis, Defense date: June 2017. Thesis overview
- Efficient algorithms for the frame packing and slot allocation of FlexRay v3.0, Cumhur Çakmak, M.Sc. Thesis, Defense date: February 2017, Co-advised with Associate Prof. Dr. Klaus Werner Schmidt.Thesis overview
- A Low Latency, High Throughput and Scalable Hardware Architecture for Flow Tables in Software Defined Networks, Göksan Eral, M.Sc. Thesis, Defense date: September 2016. Thesis overview
- TZAR – Time Zone Based Approximation To Ring: An Autonomous Protection Switching Algorithm for Globally Resilient Optical Transport Networks, Fatih Düzgün, M.Sc. Thesis, Defense date: February 2016.
- Message Scheduling For The Static and Dynamic Segment of Flexray: Algorithms and Applications Özgur Kızılay, M.Sc. Thesis, Defense date: December 2015, Co-advised with Associate Prof. Dr. Klaus Werner Schmidt. Thesis overview
- Dynamic Analysis For Complex Event Processing, Muhammet Oğuz Özcan, M.Sc. Thesis, Defense date: December 2015, Co-advised with Associate Prof. Dr. Ali Doğru. Thesis overview
- Controller Area Network (CAN) Response Time Analysis and Scheduling For Advanced Topics: Offsets, FIFO Queues and Gateways, Burak Alkan, M.Sc. Thesis, Defense date: February 2015, Co-advised with Associate Prof. Dr. Klaus Werner Schmidt. Thesis overview
- A Frame Packing Method to Improve the Schedulability on CAN and CAN-FD, Gökhan Urul, M.Sc. Thesis, Defense date: February 2015, Co-advised with Associate Prof. Dr. Klaus Werner Schmidt. Thesis overview
- RSAR: A Layered Software Architecture for Cyber-physical Systems, Erhan Akagündüz, M.Sc. Thesis, Defense date: February 2015, Co-advised with Associate Prof. Dr. Halit Oğuztüzün.
- A Generic and Extendable System Architecture for Intelligent Transportation Systems, Kaan Çetinkaya, M.Sc. Thesis, Defense date: January 2015. Thesis overview
- UNIBUS: A Universal Hardware Architecture For Serial Bus Interfaces With Real-Time Support, Mehdi Duman, M.Sc. Thesis, Defense date: January 2015. Thesis overview
- Software Implementations of QoS Scheduling Algorithms for High Speed Networks Aydın Pehlivanlı, M.Sc. Thesis, Defense date: January 2015. Thesis overview
- Implementation and Performance Analysis Of Switch Fabric Schedulers With a New Accurate Simulator Software, Ahmet Ada, M.Sc. Thesis, Defense date: September 2014. Thesis overview
- Switch Fabric Schedulers with Intelligent Multi-Class Support: Design, Implementation and Evaluation on FPGA , Murat Akpınar, M.Sc. Thesis, Defense date: September 2014.Thesis overview
- Diagnosers for discrete event systems: improved realization and examples, Bora Eser Kart, M.Sc. Thesis, Defense date: February 2014, Co-advised with Associate Prof. Dr. Klaus Werner Schmidt. Thesis overview
- Combined centralized and decentralized fault diagnosis for discrete event systems, Ruhi Karav, M.Sc. Thesis, Defense date: February 2014, Co-advised with Associate Prof. Dr. Klaus Werner Schmidt. Thesis overview
- An FPGA implementation of two-step trajectory planning for automatic parking Halil Ertuğrul, M.Sc. Thesis, Defense date: September 2013, Co-advised with Associate Prof. Dr. Klaus Werner Schmidt. Thesis overview
- Simulation-based VoIP performance evaluation under different traffic and codec conditions, Berk Ünlü, M.Sc. Thesis, Defense date: September 2013. Thesis overview
- Implementation and evaluation of the dependability plane for the Dynamic Distributed Dependable Real Time Industrial Protocol (D3RIP), Ömer Berat Sezer, M.Sc. Thesis, Defense date: September 2013, Co-advised with Associate Prof. Dr. Klaus Werner Schmidt. Thesis overview
- Implementation and evaluation of the Dynamic Distributed Real Time Industrial Protocol (D2RIP), Adem Kaya, M.Sc. Thesis, Defense date: September 2013, Co-advised with Associate Prof. Dr. Klaus Werner Schmidt. Thesis overview
- HTTP Adaptive Streaming architectures for Video on Demand and Live TV services, Yiğit Özcan, M.Sc. Thesis, Defense date: August 2013. Thesis overview
- The development and hardware implementation of a dynamically reconfigurable and area optimized Cyclic Redundancy Check architecture, Özcan Yurt, M.Sc. Thesis, Defense date: August 2013. Thesis overview
- Software tool development for the automated configuration of FlexRay networks for in-vehicle communication, Can Öztürk, M.Sc. Thesis, Defense date: January 2013, Co-advised with Associate Prof. Dr. Klaus Werner Schmidt. Thesis overview
- The development and hardware implementation of a high-speed adaptable packet switch fabric, Erdem Eyüp Akbaba, M.Sc. Thesis, Defense date: January 2013. Thesis overview
- A new service architecture for IPTV over Internet, Merve Özkardeş, M.Sc. Thesis, Defense date: January 2013. Thesis overview
- A software tool for vehicle calibration, diagnosis and test via controller area network Utku Civelek, M.Sc. Thesis, Defense date: September 2012. Thesis overview
- Development of strategies for reducing the worst-case message response times on the controller area network, Vakkas Çelik, M.Sc. Thesis, Defense date: January 2012, Co-advised with Assistant Prof. Dr. Klaus Werner Schmidt.
- Simulation and performance evaluation of a distributed real-time communication protocol for industrial embedded systems, Güray Aybar, M.Sc. Thesis, Defense date: December 2011.
- Implementation and evaluation of a eynchronous time-slotted medium access protocol for networked industrial embedded systems, Ahmet Korhan Gözcü, M.Sc. Thesis, Defense date: September 2011.
- Implementing and evaluating the Coordination Layer and time-synchronization of a new protocol for industrial communication networks, Ulaş Turan, M.Sc. Thesis, Defense date: September 2011.
- A faster intrusion detection method for high-speed computer networks, Mehmet Cem Tarım, M.Sc. Thesis, Defense date: May 2011.
- Ethernet based real time communications for embedded systems, Ozan Yılmaz, M.Sc. Thesis, Defense date: May 2010.
- Inter-connected FlexRay and CAN Networks for ın-vehicle communication: Gateway implementation and end-to-end performance study, Melih Alkan, M.Sc. Thesis, Defense date: May 2010.
- Performance evaluation of FlexRay networks for in-vehicle communication, Ali Demirci, M.Sc. Thesis, Defense date: November 2009.
- A new feedback-based contention avoidance algorithm for optical burst switching networks, Hadi Alper Toku, M.Sc. Thesis, Defense date: December 2008.
- Time-triggered controller area network (TTCAN) communication scheduling: a systematic approach, Uğur Keskin, M.Sc. Thesis, Defense date: August 2008.
- Connectionless traffic and variable packet size support in high speed network switches: improvements for the delay-limiter switch, Alican Akçasoy, M.Sc. Thesis, Defense date: June 2008.
- Testing distributed real-time systems with a distributed test approach\ Gökhan Öztaş, M.Sc. Thesis, Defense date: May 2008.
- A new approach for the scalable intrusion detection in high-speed networks, Ümit Burak Şahin, M.Sc. Thesis, Defense date: December 2007.
- Scheduling algorithms for wireless CDMA networks, Serkan Ender Hakyemez, M.Sc. Thesis, Defense date: December 2007.
- Routing algorithms for on chip networks, Maksat Atagoziyev, M.Sc. Thesis, Defense date: December 2007.
- An evaluation of aspect-oriented programming for embedded real-time systems, Yusuf Bora Kartal, M.S. Thesis, Defense date: May 2007.
- A novel method for the detection of P2P traffic in the network backbone inspired by intrusion detection systems, Murat Soysal , M.Sc. Thesis, Defense date: June 2006.