In Progress:
Independent R-D Project with TAI: "Very Light
Aircraft (VLA)" , researcher, Project end date:
December 2018.
Industrial Project conducted with ROKETSAN
(SAYP): “MOKA (Model Kullanım
Altyapısı)-Model-based Embedded Software
Development”, researcher, Project end date:
- TUBITAK Carrier Award
Project: “Ethernet üzerinde dinamik, dağıtılmış ve
güvenilir endüstriyel haberleşme protokolları: Genel
tasarım işçerçevesi, gerçekleştirim ve deneysel
çalışma-Dynamic, distributed and dependable
real-time industrial communication protocols over
Ethernet: General design framework, implementation
and experimental study”, principal invesigator, Project end date: March 2013.
A video of the experiments can be seen at this link.
- METU Research Project: “Endüstriyel ağ
uygulamaları için paylaşımlı ortamda haberleşme
protokolu geliştirilmesi-Development of a
communication protocol in shared medium for
industrial networking applications ”, principal
invesigator, Project end date: May 2010.