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Welcome to YILDIRAY OZAN's Personal Home Page
Book: Türevlenebilir
Manifoldlara Giriş (Preface)
Edition is available form Odtüden, Important note:
The book is soft cover unlike the picture
above suggests.)
2020 Spring Semester
Math 709: Differentiable Manifolds and Vector Bundles (Lecture Notes and Videos) (Youtube) (Youtube Video Notes 1-24) (25-36) (37-57) Video Contents
Math 371: Differential Geometry (Videos)
(Notes) (Video Lecture Notes)
Research Interests
Topology of Real Algebraic Varieties and Symplectic - Contact Topology
Education History
Bs. METU Mathematics Dept., 1989
Ph.D. Michigan State University, 1994
Publications and Preprints (available upon request)
3. (F. Atalan ve E. Medetoğulları ile ortak) Liftable homeomorphisms of rank two finite
abelian branched covers, Archiv der Mathematik, 116 (2021), 37–48, doi:
4. (Aram Bingham ve Mahir Bilen
Can ile ortak) A
Filtration on Equivairant Borel-Moore Homology,
Forum Math. Sigma 7 (2019), e18, 13 pp.
5. On Cohomology of Invariant Submanifolds of Hamiltonian Actions, Michigan
Math. J. 53 (2005), no. 3, 579-584.
6. Relative Flux Homomorphism
in Symplectic Geometry, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc.
133 (2005),
no. 4, 1223-1230.
7. On Homotopy Groups
of Real Algebraic Varieties
and Their Complexifications, Geom. Dedicata,
108 (2004), no.1, 131-140.
8. Relative Topology of Real Algebraic Varieities in Their Complexifications, Pacific
J. Math. 217 (2004), no. 2, 291-302.
9. On Algebraic K-Theory of Real Algebraic Varieties, J. Pure and Appl. Algebra
170 (2002), no. 2-3, 287-293.
10. On Entire Rational
Maps of Real Surfaces, J.
Korean Math. Soc. 39
(2002), no. 1, 77-89.
11. On Homology of Real Algebraic Sets, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc.
129 (2001), no. 11, 3167-3175.
12. (Arzu Çelikten’le ortak), An Obstruction
to Finding Algebraic Models for Smooth
Manifolds with Prescribed Algebraic Submanifolds, Math. Proc.
Cambridge Philos. Soc.
130 (2001),
no. 2, 281-286.
13. Homology of Real Algebraic Fiber Bundles Having Circle as Fiber or Base, Michigan
Math. Journal, 46
(1999), 113-121.
14. Characteristic Classes and
Algebraic Homology of Real Algebraic Varieties, Proceedings of the 11.
Türk Matematik Kongresi, Isparta, Türkiye, 7-11 Eylül
1998. Süleyman Demirel
Üniversitesi Basimevi, Isparta, 1999, 81-84.pdf
15. Quotients of
Real Algebraic Sets via Finite Groups,
Turkish Journal
of Mathematics, 21 (1997), 493-499.
16. On Entire Rational
Maps in Real Algebraic Geometry, Michigan Math. Journal,
42 (1995), 141-145.
17. Real Algebraic Principal Fibrations, AMS. Contemporary Mathematics, Volume
182 (1995), 121-134.
18. Trace Homomorphism for Smooth Manifolds
19. Triviality of Symplectic SU(2)-actions on Homology, MSRI preprint series #2004-004.pdf
20. Homology of Non Orientable Real Algebraic Varieties (preprint)pdf
21. (J. Huisman’la ortak)
Real Algebraic Differential
Forms On Real Algebraic Varieties
Yönelik Geometri Topoloji Semineri (Mersin Üniv.
2012) 17/10/2017
Milnor’un Egzotik Küreleri Üzerine Seminer
Notları 20/10/2017
Cebirsel Topoloji Yaz Okulu
Notları 21/06/2016
Simplektik Topoloji Çalıştayı
Ders Notları ( Atılım Üniv.
Eylül 2016) 19/10/2017
Arf Değişmezi Semineri
Notları 01/10/2016 Video 1, Video 2, Video 3
Grassmann Manifoldları Seminerleri Notları 06/09/2017
Teori, Örtü Uzayları ve Diferansiyel Denklemler (Hacettepe Üniv.) 09/11/2017, Sunum Dosyası
BAA Semineri
– Matematikte Sonsuzluklar Video Video Notları Detaylı Taslak
BAA Semineri
– Yüzeylerin Sınıflandırması ve Gauss-Bonnet Teoremi Video Detaylı
Yozgat Bozok
Üniversitesi Matematik Bölümü Semineri – Eğri
Üzerine Dikdörtgen Çizme Problemi Video Detaylı
Smith Normal
Form ve Matrislerin Kanonik Formları Video
Contact Information
Middle East Technical University
Mathematics Department
06800 Ankara
Office place: M-217
Phone: +90 312-210 5373
Fax: +90 312-210 2972