157.      Can, H., Zahn, D., Balci, M., Brinkman, J.,
The Influence of Heteroatoms on the Extent of Double Dond Pyramidalization

            Eur. J. Org. Chem., 1111-1117, 2003

158.      Kara, Y., Balcı, M.
A New and Stereospecific Synthesis of Inositol Analogue: Bis-homoinositol

            Tetrahedron, 59, 2063-2066, 2003

159.      Mete, E., Altundaş, R., Seçen, H., Balcı, M.
            Studies on the Mechanism of Base-Catalyzed Decomposition of Bicyclic Endoperoxides

            Turk. J. Chem., 27, 145-153, 2003

160.      Ceylan, M., Yalcin S., Seçen, H., Sütbeyaz, Y., Balcı, M.
Evidence for the formation of a new five-membered ring cyclic allene: Generation of 1-cyclopenta-1,2-dien-1-yl-benzene

            J. Chem. Res. (S), 21-23, 2003

161.      Horasan (Kishali), N., Kara, Y., Azizoğlu, A. Balci, M.
            Low and High Temperature Bromination of Exocyclic Dienes: High Temperature Bromination Part XVI

            Tetrahedron, 59, 3691-3699, 2003

162.      Ceylan, M., Kınal, A., Sütbeyaz, Y.,  Balci, M.
Bromination of 1-cyclopent-1-en-1-ylbenzene and 1-(5-bromocyclopent-1-en-1-yl) benzene and theoretical investigation of 

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            Turk. J. Chem. 27, 287-294, 2003

163.      Özer, G.; Saraçoğlu, N. Balcı, M.
PIFA oxidation of the bicyclic endoperoxides obtained by trapping of fulvene endoperoxides with tetrazine: A new synthetic 

            route to acrylic acid derivatives

            J. Heterocyclic Chem., 40, 529-533, 2003

164.      Baran, A., Seçen, H., Balci, M.
            An Efficient and Stereospecific Synthesis of
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165.      Gültekin M. S., Salamci, E., Balcı, M.
            A Novel and short synthesis of (1,4/2)-cyclohex-5-ene-triol
and its conversion to (±)-proto-quercitol

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166.      Özer, G., Saraçoğlu, N, Balcı, M
            Synthesis and Chemistry of Unusual Bicyclic Endoperoxides Containing Pyridazine Ring

            J. Org. Chem., , 68, 7009-7015, 2003.

167.      Aydinli, B. Çelik, M., Gültekin, M. S., Uzun, O. Balcı, M.
            Controlled Synthesis of Substituted Benzobasketenes

            Helv. Chim. Acta, 86, 3332-3341, 2003.

168.      Dastan, A., Fabris, F., De Lucchi, O., Güney, M.  Balci, M.
            Cyclotrimerization of Benzobarrelene: Synthesis of New Isomeric Barrelene Architectures

            Helv. Chim. Acta, 86, 3411-3416, 2003.

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