107.      Balcı, M.
            Synthesis of Conduritols and Related Compounds

            Pure Appl. Chem. 69, 97-104, 1997.

108.      Salamci, E. Seçen, H., Sütbeyaz, Y, Balcı, M.
            A Novel Synthesisi of DL
-proto-, and DL-vibo-Quercitol via 1,4-Cyclohexadiene

            Synthetic Commun. 67, 2223-2234, 1997.

109.      Salamci, E. Secen, H., Sutbeyaz, Y., Balcı, M.
            A Concise and Convenient Synthesis of DL-
proto-Quercitol, and DL-gala-Quercitol via ene-Reaction of Singlet Oxygen

            Combined with [2+4] Cyclo Addition to Cyclohexadiene

            J. Org. Chem. 62, 2453-2457, 1997.

110.      Kilic, H., Balcı, M., Yurtsever, E.
            A new Antiaromatic Compound: 1,4-Biphenylenequinone Synthesis and Trapping Reaction

            J. Org. Chem. 62, 3434-3435, 1997.

111.      Pan, W., Balcı, M., Shevlin, P.B.
            The Thiacyclohexatriene-Thiophenylcarbene Rearrangement. A Sulfur Analog of the Cycloheptatetraene-Phenylcarbene 


            J. Am. Chem. Soc. 119, 5035-5036, 1997.

112.      Dastan, A., Nawaz, M. T., Ülkü, D., Shevlin, P. B., Balcı, M.
            Bromination of Decalin: High Temperature Bromination IX

            J. Org. Chem 62, 4018-4022, 1997.

113.      Sengul, M.E., Balcı M.
            Thermolysis and Co(II)-tetraphenylporphyrin catalyzed decomposition of substituted cycloheptatriene endoperoxides: A new

            synthetic approach to the substituted dihydro-oxepin derivatives

            J. Chem. Soc. Perkin Transactions 1, 2071-2077, 1997.

114.      Cossu, S., De Lucchi, O., Lucchini, V., Valle, G. Daştan, A., Demirci, B, Balcı, M.
            Synthesis of 2,3-Dibromobenzonorbornadiene and its Cyclotrimerization into 5,18:6,11:12,17-Trimethano- trinaphthylene

            Tetrahedron Lett. 38, 5319-5322, 1997.

115.      Sengul, M. E., Ceylan, Z., Balcı, M.
            Unusual Triethylamine Catalyzed Rearrangement of Bicyclic Endoperoxides Derived from Substituted Cycloheptatrienes

            Tetrahedron, 53, 8522-8532, 1997.

116.      Altundaş, R., Balcı, M.
            The Di-
p-Methane Photorearrangement of 2,3-Disubstituted Benzobarrelenes: The Effect of Substituents of Opposite 

            Polarity on the Regioselectivity

            Austr. J. Chem. 50, 787-793, 1997.

117.      Menzek, A., Saraçoğlu, N., Dastan, A., Balcı, M., Abbasoğlu, R.
            Bromination of Benzhomobarrelene Derivatives: 10. High Temperature Bromination

            Tetrahedron, 42, 14451-14462, 1997.

118.      Altundas, R., Watson, W. H. Balcı, M.
            Photooxygenation of 2-Amino-3-cyano-4,5,6,7-tetrahydro-benzo[b]thiophene

            J. Chem. Crystal. 27, 645, 1997.

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