138.      Saraçoğlu, N., Menzek, A., Kınal, A., Balcı, M.
            Synthesis of new substituted dihydroheptalene derivatives: SiO
2- and base-catalyzed rearrangement of dimethyl trans-3,8-


            Can. J Chem., 79, 35-41, 2001

139.      Saraçoğlu, N., Menzek, A., Balcı, M.
            An Investigation on the Cycloaddition Reactions of cis- and trans-3.8-dicarbomethoxy-3.8-dihydroheptalene: Synthesis and

            Structure of Systems Containing Pyramidalized and Strained Double Bonds

            Turk. J. Chem. 25, 123-133, 2001.

140.      Saraçoğlu, N., Balcı, M.
Synthesis of a new System Containing a Pyramidalized Double Bond: Lack of Reactivity of Strongly Protected

            Pyramidalized Double Bond

            Helv. Chim. Acta, 84, 707-714, 2001.  

141.      Tümer, F., Taşkesenligil, Y., Balcı, M.
Generation and Trapping of a Highly Strained Bicyclic Alkyne: Tricyclo[,7]dodeca-2,4,6-trien-9-yne

            J. Org. Chem., 66, 3806-3810, 2001

142.      Şimşek, N., Arıcı, C., McKee M. L., Ülkü, D., Balcı, M.
High Temperature Bromination XIII:1 Bromination of Dimethyl 7-oxabicyclo[2.2.1]hepta-2,5-diene-2,3-dicarboxylate

            Struct. Chem., 12, 305-311, 2001

143.      Zengin, M., Daştan, A., Balcı, M.
A new and efficient Synthesis of Indenone

            Synthetic. Commun., 31, 1993-1999, 2001

144.      Dastan, A, Saracoglu, N. and Balcı, M.
            A New Method for the Synthesis of Stipitatic Acid Isomers: Photooxygenation of Ethyl 6
H-cyclohepta- [d][1,3]dioxole-6-


            Eur. J. Org. Chem., 3519-3522, 2001

145.      Özen, R., Kormalı, F., Balcı, M., Atasoy, B.
Rearrangement of Unsaturated Cyclic Peroxides Obtained by Photooxygenation of 2,3-Dimethylene-7-oxabenzonorbornene 

            and 2,3-Dimethylene-1,4-etheno-1,2,3,4-tetrahydro-naphthalene

            Tetrahedron, 57, 7529-7535, 2001

146.      Ünaldı, S. N., Balci, M.
            Substituent effect on regioselectivity in the di-
p-methane rearrangement: Synthesis of disubstituted benzobarrelene  

            derivatives and their photochemistry

            Tetrahedron Lett., 42, 8365-8367, 2001

147.      Tutar, A., Çakmak, O., Balcı, M.
Photobromination of indane: Preparation of bromoindenones and ready access to benzo[c]fluorenone skeleton

            Tetrahedron, 57, 9759-9897, 2001

148.      Kılıç, H., Balci, M
A New Antiaromatic Compound: 1,4-Biphenylenequinone Synthesis and Trapping Reactions, Can a Quinone Unit Stabilize

            the Cyclobutadiene

            Tetrahedron, 57, 9889-9897, 2001

149.      Daştan, A., Yıldız, Y. K. Balcı, M.
A New and Short Synthesis of 7H-benzo[a]cyclo- hepten-7-one and some Derivatives: Oxidation of 7-bromo-5H-benzo[a


            Synthetic Commun., 31, 3817-3827, 2001.

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