Algebra I
Math 503 - Fall 2013
Textbook and Reference
Textbook: Hungerford - Algebra
Reference: Dummit, Foote - Abstract Algebra
Course Policy and Exams
There will two midterms and one final exam with contibution %30, %30 and %40 respectively.
If you attend less than %60 percent of classes than you may receive NA.
Only one make-up examination will be offered. The excuse for not attending an examination must be proved with documents. The make-up examination will take place shortly after the final exam.
Course Outline and Suggested Exercises
Preliminaries (1 week):
Groups (8 week):
- Groups, subgroups, homomorphisms.
- Normality and quotient groups.
- Symmetric, alternating and dihedral groups.
- Direct products and direct sums.
- Free groups, generators and relations.
- Free abelian groups, finitely generated abelian groups.
- Group actions.
- Sylow theorems.
- Nilpotent and solvable groups.
Rings (5 weeks):
- Rings and homomorphisms.
- Ideals.
- Factorization in commutative rings.
- Rings of quotients and localization.
- Rings of polynomials and formal power series.
- Factorization in polynomial rings.