Gas Turbines, Turbomachinery, Wind Energy, Wind Engineering, Active Flow
Control, Turbulence.
Current Projects
METU Center for Wind
Energy, Funding Agency: DPT
Investigation of
Wind Effects on Suspension Bridges, Funding Agency: METU
and TUBITAK (with Asst. Prof. Kurc of Civil Engineering).
COMBINA - Combustion Models for Industrial Applications,
FP7-PEOPLE-IAPP-2008 Project,
NUMECA International s.a.
Past Projects
Active Tip
Vortex/Leakage Control Using Unsteady Tip Injection, Funding
Agency: TUBITAK, Project PI: Asst. Prof. Uzol.
Development of a
LED based PIV system, Funding Agency: METU, Project
PI: Asst. Prof. Uzol.
Small UAV
propulsion system development and testing, Funding Agency:
METU, Project PI: Asst. Prof. Uzol.
Wind effects on
high-rise buildings, Funding Agency: METU, Project PI:
Asst. Prof. Kurc, Project Co-PI: Asst. Prof. Uzol.
Ceramic turbine
blade development for small turbojet engines, Funding Agency:
METU, Project PI: Asst. Prof. Dericioglu, Project Co-PI: Asst.
Prof. Uzol.
Investigation of
high speed viscous jet atomization using Interferometric Particle
Imaging technique, Funding Agency: TUBITAK, Project PI:
Prof. Ozgen, Project Co-PI: Asst. Prof. Uzol.
applications in gas turbines, Funding Agency: TUBITAK,
Project PI: Prof.
Co-PI: Asst. Prof. Uzol.
Current Students
Bayram Mercan
investigation of active tip leakage control in LPT blades
Nuri Erkin Ocer
Development of a
LED based PIV system
Omer Emre Orhan (PhD)
Direct Calculation of Entropy Generation by Solving
Reynolds-Averaged Entropy Transport Equation
Bora Yazıcı (PhD)
Experimental and Numerical Investigation of Droplet Sizes in a
Swirling Isothermal Flow
Halil Kaya (MS)
Viscous Flow
Simulations Using Vortex Particle Methods
Ozcan Yirtici
Eddy Simulations of turbulent flows
Ugur Karban (MS)
Three-Dimensional Flow Solutions for Noise & Performance Estimation
of Wind Turbines by Using FMBEM and IBL Theory
Ersan Turan (MS)
Supersonic Inlet
Optimization with Boundary Layer Bleed
Eda Dogan (MS)
Experimental Investigation
of Boundary Layer Control using Fluidic Oscillator based Pulsed
Vortex-Generator-Jets in LPT blades
Yaroslav Novikov (MS)
Aerothermal Modeling
and Simulation of Helicopter Turboshaft Engines
Senem Haser (MS)
Anas Abdelrahim (MS)
Past Students
Bayram Mercan (MS) (now
a PhD student at METU)
Yashar Ostovan (MS) (now at
Iman Ashtiani (MS) (now a PhD student at
University of Melbourne)
Can Dedekarginoglu (MS) (now at
Ece Sagol (MS) (now a PhD student at
Ecole Polytechnique de Montreal)
Oznur Yemenici (MS)
(now at TAI)
Nuri Erkin Ocer (MS)
(now a PhD student at METU)
Mert Cevik (MS) (now
a PhD student at Ecole Polytechnique de Montreal)
Gursu Tasar (MS)
(co-advised with Prof. Ozgen. Now a PhD student at
Norwegian University of Science
and Technology)
Gulru Kocer (MS) (now
a PhD student at ETH-Zurich)