Book Chapters
O. Uzol, J. Katz, 2011, “Measurement of Turbulence in Flows with
System Rotation,” in Effect of System Rotation on Turbulence with
Applications to Turbomachinery, Editors: M. Bilka, P. Rambaud, Rhode
Saint Genese - Belgium, von Karman Institute for Fluid Dynamics
Lecture Series.
Uzol, O., Katz, J., 2007, “Flow Measurement Techniques in
Turbomachinery”, Chapter 14 in Handbook of Experimental Fluids
Mechanics by Springer. Tropea, Cameron; Yarin, Alexander L.; Foss,
John F. (Eds.), ISBN: 978-3-540-25141-5.
Archival Journal Publications
Ozgen, S., Uzol, O., 2012, “Investigation of the linear stability problem of electrifed jets, inviscid analysis,” ASME Journal of Fluids Engineering, accepted for publication.
Kurc, O., Kayisoglu, B., Shojaee, S. M. N., Uzol, O., 2012, “Investigation of Wind Effects on High-Rise Buildings Through Wind Tunnel Testing,” Teknik Dergi, Technical Journal of the Turkish Chamber of Civil Engineers, accepted for publication.
Yavrucuk, I., Bakir, M., Uzol, O., 2012, “Mathematical Modeling of the NOTAR Anti-Torque System for Flight Simulation,” Journal of The American Helicopter Society, accepted for publication.
Sezer-Uzol, N., Uzol, O., 2011, “Effect of Steady and Transient
Wind Shear on the Wake Structure and Performance of a Horizontal
Axis Wind Turbine Rotor,” Wind Energy, accepted for publication, DOI:
Cevik, M., Uzol, O., 2011, “Design Optimization of a Mixed-Flow
Compressor Impeller for a Small Turbojet Engine,” Aircraft
Engineering and Aerospace Technology, Vol. 83, No. 3, pp. 127-137 (DOI
Uzol, O., 2011, “A New High-Fidelity Transient Aerothermal Model
for Real-Time Simulations of the T700 Helicopter Turboshaft Engine,”
Journal of Thermal Science and Technology, Vol. 31, No. 1, pp.
Uzol, O., Yavrucuk, I., Sezer-Uzol, N., 2010, “Panel Method Based Path Planning and Collaborative Target Tracking for Swarming Micro Air Vehicles in Urban Environment,” Journal of Aircraft, Vol. 47, No. 2, pp. 544-550.
Soranna, F., Chow, Y. C., Uzol, O., Katz, J., 2010, “The Effects of IGV Wake Impingement on the Boundary Layer and the Near Wake of a Rotor Blade,” Journal of Turbomachinery, vol. 132, No. 4
Soranna, F., Chow, Y. C., Uzol, O., Katz, J., 2008, “Turbulence Within a Turbomachine Rotor Wake Subject to Nonuniform Contraction,” AIAA Journal, Vol. 46 No.11, pp. 2687-2702.
Uzol, O., Brzozowski, D., Chow, Y. -C., Katz, J., Meneveau, C.,
2007, "A Database of PIV Measurements within a Turbomachinery
Stage and Sample Comparisons with unsteady RANS," Journal of
Turbulence, Vol. 8, April 2007.
Soranna, F., Chow, Y.-C., Uzol, O., Katz, J., 2006, "The Effect
of IGV Wake Impingement on the Flow Structure and Turbulence around
a Rotor Blade," ASME Journal of Turbomachinery Vol. 128, No.
1, pp. 82-95.
Chow, Y. C., Uzol, O., Katz, J., Meneveau, C., 2005, "Decomposition
of the Spatially Filtered and Ensemble Averaged Kinetic Energy,
the Associated Fluxes and Scaling Trends in a Rotor Wake,"
Physics of Fluids, Vol. 17 No. 8.
Uzol, O., Camci, C., 2005, "Heat Transfer, Pressure Loss and
Flow Field Measurements Downstream of Staggered Two-Row Circular
and Elliptical Pin Fin Arrays", ASME Journal of Heat Transfer,
Vol.127, No. 5, pp. 458-471.
Uzol, O., Chow Y.C., Katz J., Meneveau C., 2003, "Average
Passage Flow Field and Deterministic Stresses in the Tip and Hub
Regions of a Multi-Stage Turbomachine", ASME Journal of Turbomachinery,
Vol. 125, No. 4, pp. 714-725.
Uzol, O., Chow Y.C., Katz J., Meneveau C., 2002, "Experimental
Investigation of Unsteady Flow Field Within A Two Stage Axial Turbomachine
Using Particle Image Velocimetry", ASME Journal of Turbomachinery,
Vol. 124, No. 4, pp. 542-552.
Chow Y.C., Uzol, O., Katz J., 2002, "Flow Non-Uniformities
and Turbulent "Hot Spots" Due to Wake-Blade and Wake-Wake
Interactions in a Multistage Turbomachine", ASME Journal of
Turbomachinery, Vol. 124, No. 4, pp. 553-563.
Uzol, O., Chow Y.C., Katz J., Meneveau C., 2002, "Unobstructed
PIV Measurements within an Axial Turbo-pump Using Liquid and Blades
with Matched Refractive Indices", Experiments in Fluids, Vol.33
No.6, pp. 909-919.
Uzol, O., Camci, C., 2002, "Experimental and Computational
Visualization and Frequency Measurements of the Jet Oscillation
inside a Fluidic Oscillator ", Journal of Visualization, Vol.
5 No. 3. pp. 263-273.
Uzol, O., Camci, C., and Glezer B., 2001, "Aerodynamic Loss
Characteristics of a Turbine Blade With Trailing Edge Coolant Ejection
Part 1: Effect of Cut-back Length, Spanwise Rib Spacing, Free-Stream
Reynolds Number and Chordwise Rib Length on Discharge Coefficients",
ASME Journal of Turbomachinery, Vol. 123, No. 2, pp. 238-248.
Uzol, O., and Camci, C., 2001, "Aerodynamic Loss Characteristics
of a Turbine Blade With Trailing Edge Coolant Ejection Part 2: External
Aerodynamics, Total Pressure Losses and Predictions", ASME
Journal of Turbomachinery, Vol. 123, No. 2, pp. 249-257.
Conference Proceedings
Mercan, B., Ostovan, Y., Uzol, O., 2011, “Effect of waveform tip
injection on tip leakage characteristics of a LPT blade,” 11th
International Conference on Fluid Control, Measurements and
Visualization FLUCOME 2011 – Paper No. 202, December 5-9, 2011,
National Taiwan Ocean University, Keelung, Taiwan.
Uzol, O., Sezer-Uzol, N., 2011, “Aerodynamics of Wind Turbines,”
International 100% Renewable Energy Conference and Exhibition (IRENEC
2011), 06-08 Oct 2011, Istanbul, Turkey
Mercan, B., Ostovan, Y., Doğan, E., Uzol, O., 2010, “Effect of
Chordwise Modulated Waveform Tip Injection on the Characteristics of
the Tip Vortex,” 40th Fluid Dynamics Conference and Exhibit,
Chicago, Illinois, June 28-1.
Yemenici, O., Sezer-Uzol, N., Uzol, O., 2010, “Investigation of
Rotor-Rotor Interactions for Two Helicopters in Forward Flight Using
Free-Vortex Wake Methodology,” 28th AIAA Applied Aerodynamics
Conference, Chicago, Illinois, June 28-1.
Yemenici, O., Sezer-Uzol, N., Uzol, O., 2010, “Effects of
Rotor-Rotor Interactions on Aerodynamic Loads for Two Helicopters in
Forward Flight” European Rotorcraft Forum, Paris, France, September
Yavrucuk, I., Bakir, M., Uzol, O., 2010, “Mathematical Modeling of the NOTAR Anti-Torque System for Flight Simulation,” American Helicopter Society 66th Annual Forum, Phoenix, AZ, May 11-13.
Sagol, E., Sezer-Uzol, N., Uzol, O., 2009, “Site Specific Cost-Effective Design Optimization of a Horizontal Axis Wind Turbine, ” Conference on Nuclear and Renewable Energy Sources with International Participation, 28-29 September 2009, Gazi University, Ankara, Turkey.
Shojaee, N., Kayisoglu, B., Uzol, O., Kurc, O., 2009, “Design and Analysis of Passive Devices for Atmospheric Boundary Layer Simulation in a Short Aeronautical Wind Tunnel,” Proceedings of 5th Ankara International Aerospace Conference, August 17-19, Ankara, Turkey.
Özgen, S., Uzol, O., Öçer, N. E., Tasar G., 2009, “Parametric Study on the Instability Characteristics of a Liquid Jet,” 3rd European Conference for Aerospace Sciences, July 6-9, Versailles, France.
Tasar G., Öçer, N. E., Özgen, S., Uzol, O., 2009, “Near and Far Field Measurements of Circular and Non-Circular Turbulent Jets,” 3rd European Conference for Aerospace Sciences, July 6-9, Versailles, France.
Cevik, M., Uzol, O., Yavrucuk, I., 2009, “A Robust Design Optimization of a Mixed-Flow Compressor Impeller,“ Proceedings of ASME Turbo Expo 2009, Orlando, Florida, June.
Sezer-Uzol, N., Uzol, O., 2009, “Effect of Steady and Transient Wind Shear on the Wake Structure and Performance of a Horizontal Axis Wind Turbine Rotor,” Proceedings of 47th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, 5 - 8 Jan 2009, Orlando World Center Marriott, Orlando, Florida
Uzol, O., Yavrucuk, I., Sezer-Uzol, N., 2008, “Collaborative
Target Tracking for Swarming MAVs Using Potential Fields and Panel
Methods,” AIAA Guidance, Navigation and Control Conference and
Exhibit, 18-21 Aug 2008, Honolulu, Hawaii
Soranna, F., Chow, Y. C., Uzol, O., Katz, J., 2008, “The Effects
of IGV Wake Impingement on the Boundary Layer and the Near Wake of a
Rotor Blade,” ASME Turbo Expo 2008 Berlin, Germany, June 9-13, 2008.
Kocer, G., Uzol, O., Yavrucuk, I., 2008, “Simulation of the
Transient Response of a Helicopter Turboshaft Engine to Hot-Gas
Ingestion,” ASME Turbo Expo 2008 Berlin, Germany, June 9-13, 2008.
Taşar, G., Öçer, N. E., Miu, L. M., Uzol, O., Özgen, S., 2007, “A
Low-Cost Miniature Two-Color Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) System
for Fluid Mechanics Measurements,” Proceedings of Ankara
International Aerospace Conference, September 10-12, Ankara, Turkey.
Koçer, G., Uzol, O., 2007, “Real-time Simulation of a Small
Turbojet Engine,” Proceedings of Ankara International Aerospace
Conference, September 10-12, Ankara, Turkey.
Soranna, F., Chow, Y. C., Uzol, O., Katz, J., 2007, “Flow
Structure and Turbulence in the Tip Region of a Turbomachine Rotor
Blade,” Proceedings of ASME Turbo Expo 2007 Montreal, Canada, May
14-17, 2007.
Yavrucuk, I., Uzol, O., 2007, "Panel Method Based Motion Planning
for Swarming MAVs with Probabilistic Target Tracking," AIAA
Guidance, Navigation and Control Conference and Exhibit, 20-23 Aug
2007, Hilton Head, South Carolina.
Soranna, F., Katz, J., Chow, Y. C., Uzol, O., 2007, "Structure
of Turbulence in a Rotor Boundary Layer near the Trailing Edge region,"
To be presented at 5th Joint ASME/JSME Fluids Engineering Conference,
July 30-Aug 2, San Diego, CA.
Uzol, O., Zhang, X.F., Cranstone, A., Hodson, H., 2007, "Investigation
of Unsteady Wake-Separated Boundary Layer Interaction using Particle
Image Velocimetry," To be presented at ASME Turbo Expo 2007
Montreal, Canada, May 14-17, 2007.
Soranna, F., Chow, Y. C., Uzol, O., Katz, J., 2007, "Flow
Structure and Turbulence in the Tip Region of a Multi-stage Turbomachine
Rotor Blade," To be presented at ASME Turbo Expo 2007 Montreal,
Canada, May 14-17, 2007.
Soranna, F., Chow, Y. C., Uzol, O., Katz, J., 2006, "Evolution
of Flow Structure and Turbulence around a Rotor Blade due to Interaction
with the Non-Uniform Strain Field Generated by Upstream Blades,"
26th Symposium on Naval Hydrodynamics Rome, Italy, 17-22 September
Soranna, F., Chow, Y. C., Uzol, O., Katz, J., 2006, "Structure
of Turbulence within a Sheared Wake of a Rotor Blade," Proceedings
of FEDSM2006, To be presented at 2006 ASME Joint U.S. - European
Fluids Engineering Summer Meeting July 17-20, Miami, FL.
Soranna, F., Chow, Y. C., Uzol, O., Katz, J., 2006, " The
Effect Of IGV Wake Impingement on a Rotor Boundary Layer,"
Proceedings of 44th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit,
Reno, Nevada, Jan 2006.
Uzol, O., Chow, Y. -C., Soranna, F., Katz, J., Meneveau, C., 2005,
"Two-dimensional and Stereoscopic PIV Measurements within an
Axial Turbomachine," 3rd Ankara International Aerospace Conference,
August 22-25, Ankara, Turkey.
Brzozowski, D., Uzol, O., Chow, Y. -C., Katz, J., Meneveau, C.,
2005, "A Comparison of Unsteady RANS Simulations with PIV Data
in an Axial Turbomachine," Proceedings of 2005 ASME Fluids
Engineering Division Summer Meeting and Exhibition, June 19-23,
Houston, TX.
Soranna, F., Chow, Y. -C, Uzol, O., Katz, J., 2005, "3D Measurements
of the Mean Velocity and Turbulence Structure within the Near Wake
of a Rotor Blade," Proceedings of 2005 ASME Fluids Engineering
Division Summer Meeting and Exhibition, June 19-23, Houston, TX.
Soranna, F., Chow, Y.-C., Uzol, O., Katz, J., 2005, "The Effect
of IGV Wake Impingement on the Flow Structure and Turbulence around
a Rotor Blade," Proceedings of ASME Turbo Expo 2005 Reno-Tahoe,
Nevada, USA, June 6-9, 2005.
Chow, Y. C., Uzol, O., Katz, J., Meneveau, C., 2005, " On
the Energy Flux between Large, Small, Mean and Fluctuating Parts
of the Flow in a Turbomachinery Rotor Wake," Proceedings of
43rd AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit, Reno, Nevada,
10 - 13 Jan 2005.
Uzol, O., Chow, Y.C., Soranna F., Katz J., Meneveau C., 2004, "3D
Measurements of Deterministic Stresses within a Rotor-Stator Gap
at Mid-Span and Tip Regions", Proceedings of ASME Heat Transfer/Fluids
Engineering Summer Conference, Charlotte, North Carolina, July 11-15,
Soranna, F., Chow, Y.C., Uzol, O. Katz J., 2004, "Boundary
Layer Response to an Impinging Wake", Proceedings of ASME Heat
Transfer/Fluids Engineering Summer Conference, Charlotte, North
Carolina, July 11-15, 2004.
Uzol, O., Chow Y.C., Soranna F., Katz, J., 2004, "3D Structure
of a Rotor Wake at Mid-Span And Tip Regions", Proceedings of
34th AIAA Fluid Dynamics Conference and Exhibit, June 28-July 1.
Chow, Y. C., Uzol, O., Katz, J., Meneveau, C., 2003, "Experimental
study of the structure of a rotor wake in a complex turbomachinery
flow" Proceedings of ASME Fluids Engineering Division Summer
Meeting Honolulu, Hawaii, July 6-10.
Uzol, O., Chow Y.C, Katz J., Meneveau C., 2003, "Average Passage
Flow Field and Deterministic Stresses in the Tip and Hub Regions
of a Multi-Stage Turbomachine ", Proceedings of ASME Turbo
Expo 2003 International Gas Turbine Institute Conference, Atlanta
GA, June 16-19.
Chow, Y. C., Uzol, O., Katz, J., 2003, "On The Flow and Turbulence
within the Wake and Boundary Layer of a Rotor Blade Located Downstream
of an IGV " Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo 2003 International
Gas Turbine Institute Conference Atlanta, Georgia, June 16-19.
Uzol, O., Chow Y.C, Katz J., Meneveau C., 2002, "Experimental
Investigation of Unsteady Flow Field Within A Two Stage Axial Turbomachine
Using Particle Image Velocimetry", Proceedings of ASME Turbo
Expo 2002 International Gas Turbine Institute Conference, Amsterdam,
The Netherlands, June 3-6.
Chow Y.C, Uzol, O., Katz J., 2002, "Flow Non-Uniformities
and Turbulent "Hot Spots" Due to Wake-Blade and Wake-Wake
Interactions in a Multistage Turbomachine", Proceedings of
ASME Turbo Expo 2002 International Gas Turbine Institute Conference,
Amsterdam, The Netherlands, June 3-6.
Chow, Y. C., Uzol, O., Katz, J., Meneveau C., "An Investigation
of Axial Turbomachinery Flows Using PIV in an Optically-Unobstructed
Facility" Proceedings of the 9th International Symposium on
Transport Phenomena and Dynamics of Rotating Machinery, Honolulu,
Hawaii, February 10-14 2002.
Uzol, O., Chow Y.C, Katz J., Meneveau C., 2001, "Unobstructed
PIV Measurements within an Axial Turbo-pump Using Liquid and Blades
with Matched Refractive Indices", Proceedings of the 4th International
Symposium on Particle Image Velocimetry, Gottingen, Germany, September
Uzol, O., Camci, C., 2001, "Experimental and Computational
Visualization and Frequency Measurements of the Jet Oscillation
inside a Fluidic Oscillator", Proceedings of the 4th International
Symposium on Particle Image Velocimetry, Gottingen, Germany, September
Uzol, O., Camci C., 2001, "The effect of sample size, turbulence
intensity and the velocity field on the experimental accuracy of
ensemble averaged PIV measurements", Proceedings of 4th International
Symposium on Particle Image Velocimetry, Gottingen, Germany, September
Uzol, O., and Camci, C., 2001, "Elliptical Pin Fins as an
Alternative to Circular Pin Fins for Gas Turbine Blade Cooling Applications
Part 1: Endwall Heat Transfer and Total Pressure Loss Characteristics",
Proceedings of ASME Turbo Expo 2001 International Gas Turbine Institute
Conference, New Orleans, LA, June 4-7.
Uzol, O., and Camci, C., 2001, "Elliptical Pin Fins as an
Alternative to Circular Pin Fins for Gas Turbine Blade Cooling Applications
Part 2: Wake Flow Field Measurements and Visualization Using Particle
Image Velocimetry", Proceedings of ASME Turbo Expo 2001 International
Gas Turbine Institute Conference, New Orleans, LA, June 4-7.
Uzol, O., Camci, C., and Glezer B., 2000, "Aerodynamic Loss
Characteristics of a Turbine Blade With Trailing Edge Coolant Ejection
Part 1: Effect of Cut-back Length, Spanwise Rib Spacing, Free-Stream
Reynolds Number and Chordwise Rib Length on Discharge Coefficients",
Proceedings of ASME Turbo Expo 2000 International Gas Turbine Institute
Conference, Munich, Germany.
Uzol, O., and Camci, C., 2000, "Aerodynamic Loss Characteristics
of a Turbine Blade With Trailing Edge Coolant Ejection Part 2: External
Aerodynamics, Total Pressure Losses and Predictions", Proceedings
of ASME Turbo Expo 2000 International Gas Turbine Institute Conference,
Munich, Germany.
Uzol, O., and Camci, C., "Oscillator Fin as a Novel Heat Transfer
Augmentation Device for Gas Turbine Cooling Applications",
Proceedings of ASME Turbo Expo 1998 International Gas Turbine Institute
Conference, Stockholm, Sweden, June 1998,
Uzol, O., Akmandor I.S., "Quasi-Three Dimensional Euler Analysis
and Design of Turbomachinery Cascades", Proceedings of the
Ankara International Aerospace Conference and Symposia AIA'96, September
1996, Ankara, Turkey