Yönetilen/Devam Eden Araştırmalar
Doktora Tezleri
“Probabilistic Assessment of Liquefaction-induced Lateral Ground Deformations” Ph. D. thesis of Dr. Wael Albawwab , Middle East Technical University, November 2005.
“Assessment of Soil-structure-earthquake interaction induced soil liquefaction triggering” Ph. D. thesis of Dr. Berna Unutmaz, Middle East Technical University, December 2008.
“Cyclic Volumetric and Shear Strain Responses of Fine Grained Soils”, Ph.D. thesis of Dr. H. Tolga Bilge, Middle East Technical University, May 2010.
“GIS-based Seismic Hazard Mapping of Turkey”, Ph.D. thesis of Dr. A. Anıl Yunatcı, Middle East Technical University, October 2010.
“Sıvılaşmayla İlişkili Yanal Yayılma Yer Değiştirmesinin Kestirimi”, Ph.D. thesis of Ms. Nilsun Hasançebi, Hacettepe University, June 2011 (co-supervisor).
Yüksek Lisans Tezleri
“An Experimental Study on the Behavior of Box-Shaped Culverts Buried in Sand Under Dynamic Excitations”, Ph. D thesis of Mr. Deniz Ülgen, Middle East Technical University, September 2011.
“Cyclic Behavior of Adapazari Clayey Silts”, Master of Science thesis of Mr. Onur Pekcan, Middle East Technical University, September 2001.
“Seismic Behavior of Embankment Dams” M. S. thesis of Mr. Fatih Kavruk, Middle East Technical University, April, 2003.
“Estimation of grain characteristics of soils by using CPT data” M. S. thesis of Mr. Cem Ozan, Middle East Technical University, July 2003.
“Assessment of Buried Pipeline Performance During the 1999 Düzce Earthquake”, M. S. thesis of Mr. Volkan Yargici, Middle East Technical University, July 2003.
“3-D Soil Structure Interaction Analyses of Three Identical Buildings in Sakarya City After 17 August 1999 Kocaeli Earthquake”, M. S. thesis of Mr. Orhan Ünal, Middle East Technical University, October 2003.
“Assessment of the coupling between soil response and the duration of earthquake loading on seismic soil liquefaction potential”, Tubitak-ICTAG 1724 Research Project, completed in November 2003.
“Effects of Soil-Structure Interaction and Base Isolated Systems on Seismic Performance of Foundation Soils”, M. S. thesis of Mr. Serdar Soyoz, Middle East Technical University, July 2004.
“CPT-based Compressibility Assessment of Soils”, M. S. thesis of Ms. Fatma Özkahriman, Middle East Technical University, July 2004.
“GIS-based Structural Performance Assessment of Sakarya City after 1999 Kocaeli-Turkey Earthquake from Geotechnical and Earthquake Engineering Point of View”, M.S. thesis of Ms. Zeynep Yılmaz, Middle East Technical University, July 2004.
“An Integrated Seismic Hazard Framework for Liquefaction Triggering Assessment of Earthfill Dams’ Foundation Soils” M. S. thesis of Ms. Sevinç Ünsal, Middle East Technical University January 2009.
"Assessment of the ground subsidence and lining forces due to tunnel advancement”, M. S. thesis of Mr. Ömer Karamanlı, Middle East Technical University, 2009.
“A comparative assessment of available methods for seismic performance evaluation of buried structures”, M. S. thesis of Mr. Ali Güney Özcebe, Middle East Technical University, 2009.
“Assessment of liquefaction susceptibility of fine grained soils”, M. S. thesis of Ms. Menzer Pehlivan, Middle East Technical University, 2009.
“Parallel Solution of Soil-Structure Interaction Problems on PC Clusters”, M.S. thesis of Mr. Tunç Bahçecioğlu, Middle East Technical University, February 2011.
“Numerical Assessment of Negative Skin Friction Effects on Diaphragm Walls”, M.S. thesis of Ms. Cansu Gençoğlu, Middle East Technical University, January 2013.