Kitap ve Tezler
- Cetin K. O. A comparative study on the quality perceptions of American and Turkish firms in the construction industry. M.B.A. Thesis, Middle East Technical University, Turkey, August 1999.
- Cetin K. O. Reliability-based assessment of seismic soil liquefaction initiation hazard. Ph.D. Thesis, University of California, Berkeley, May 2000.
- Cetin K.O., Zemin Mekaniği ve Temel Mühendisliği Semineri II, Bölüm 6: Zemin Sıvılaşması ve Sismik Zemin Davranışı, İller Bankası Genel Müdürlüğü, Ankara, Ocak 2002.
- Cetin K. O., Bakir B. S., Yilmaz R., Gulkan P., Soyoz S., Yilmaz M. T., Unutmaz B., Ozan C. Zemin araştırmaları ve yüzey zeminlerinin karakterize edilerek belgelendirilmesi. Türkiye Afet Yönetim Sisteminin İyileştirilmesi Projesi (TUR/94/006), Afet İşleri Genel Müdürlüğü, 200 sayfa, Nisan 2002.
- Akman H. et al., Cetin K. O. et al. (63 authors have contributed to report). Seismic microzonation for municipalities, State-of-the-Art Report.World Institute for Disaster Risk Management, Inc. and General Directorate of Disaster Affairs, February 2004.
- Akman H. et al., Cetin K. O. et al. (63 authors have contributed to report). Seismic Microzonation for Municipalities, Pilot Studies: Adapazari, Gölcük, İhsaniye, and Değirmendere.World. Institute for Disaster Risk Management, Inc. and General Directorate of Disaster Affairs, February 2004.
- Akman H. v.d., Cetin K. O. v.d. (63 yazar bu rapora katkıda bulunmuştur).Belediyeler için Sismik Mikrobölgeleme, El Kitabı, Afet İşleri Genel Müdürlüğü, Ocak 2004.
- Akman H. v.d., Cetin K. O. v.d. (63 yazar bu rapora katkıda bulunmuştur).Belediyeler için Sismik Mikrobölgeleme, Bilimsel Son Durum Raporu, Afet İşleri Genel Müdürlüğü, Ocak 2004.
- Akman H. v.d., Cetin K. O. v.d. (63 yazar bu rapora katkıda bulunmuştur).Belediyeler için Sismik Mikrobölgeleme, Örnek Uygulamalar, Afet İşleri Genel Müdürlüğü, Ocak 2004.
- Ulusay R., Ekmekçi M., Gerçek H., Çetin K. Ö., Aktar M. Yer Mühendislik Terimleri Sözlüğü. TMMOB Maden Mühendisleri Odası. Ocak 2011. ISBN 978-605-01-0063-1.
- Bardet J. P., Cetin K. O., Lettis W., Rathje E., Rau G., Seed R. B., Ural D. Chapter 7: Soil liquefaction, landslides and subsidences. Earthquake Spectra, EERI, Volume 16: 141-162, December 2000.
- Olgun C. G., Martin J. R., Mitchell J. K., Emrem C., Durgunoglu H. T., Cetin K. O., Karadayilar T. Chapter 9: Performance of improved ground and earth structures. Earthquake Spectra, EERI, Volume 16: 191-225, December, 2000.
- Boulanger R.W., Iai S., Ansal A., Cetin K. O., Idriss I. M., Sunman B., Sunman K. Chapter 13: Performance of waterfront structures. Earthquake Spectra, EERI, Volume 16: 295-310, December, 2000.
- Cetin K. O., Der Kiureghian A., Seed R. B. Probabilistic models for the initiation of seismic soil liquefaction. Journal of Structural Safety 24(1): 67-82, 2002.
- Cetin K. O., Youd T. L., Bray J. D., Seed R. B., Sancio R. B., Lettis W., Yilmaz M. T., Stewart J. P., Durgunoglu H. T., Onalp A. Liquefaction-induced ground deformations at Hotel Sapanca during Izmit-Turkey Earthquake. J. of Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Eng. 22(9-12): 1083-1092, 2002.
- Cetin K. O., Seed R. B. Nonlinear shear mass participation factor, rd for cyclic shear stress ratio evaluation. J. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Eng. 24(2): 103-113, 2002.
- Cetin K. O., Isik N., Unutmaz B. Seismically-induced landslide at Degirmendere Nose, Izmir Bay after 1999 Kocaeli (Izmit) – Turkey Earthquake. J. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Eng. 24(3): 189-197, 2004.
- Bray J. D., Sancio R. B., Durgunoglu H. T., Onalp A., Youd T. L., Stewart J. P., Seed R. B., Cetin K. O., Bol E., Baturay M. B., Christensen C., Karadayilar T. Subsurface characterization at ground failure sites in Adapazari, Turkey. ASCE J. of Geotech. and Geoenvir. Eng. 130(7): 673-685, 2004.
- Cetin K. O., Seed R. B., Der Kiureghian A., Tokimatsu K., Harder Jr. L. F., Kayen R. E., Moss R. E. S. SPT-based probabilistic and deterministic assessment of seismic soil liquefaction potential. ASCE J. of Geotech. and Geoenvir. Eng. 130(12): 1314-1340, 2004.
- Cetin K. O., Youd T. L., Seed R. B., Bray J. D., Durgunoglu H. T., Lettis W., Yilmaz M. T. Liquefaction-induced lateral spreading at Izmit Bay during the 1999 Kocaeli (Izmit) – Turkey Earthquake. ASCE J. of Geotech. and Geoenvir. Eng. 130(12): 1300-1313, 2004.
- Yuksel Y., Cetin K. O., Ozguven O., Isik N. S., Cevik E., Sumer B. M. Seismic response of Eregli fishery port rubble mound breakwater. ICE Maritime Eng. 157(MA 4): 151-161, 2004.
- Cetin K. O., Isık N. S., Batmaz S., Karabiber S. A comparative study on the actual and estimated seismic response of Kiralkizi Dam in Turkey. J.of Earthquake Eng., 9(4): 445-460, 2005.
- Bray J. D., Sancio R. B., Durgunoglu H. T., Onalp A., Youd T. L., Stewart J. P., Seed R. B., Cetin K. O., Bol E., Baturay M. B., Christensen C., Karadayilar T. Closure to “Subsurface characterization at ground failure sites in Adapazari, Turkey”. ASCE J. of Geotech. and Geoenvir. Eng. 132(4): 541-547, 2006.
- Cetin K. O., Seed R. B., Der Kiureghian A., Tokimatsu K., Harder Jr. L. F., Kayen R. E., Moss R. E. S. Closure to “SPT-based probabilistic and deterministic assessment of seismic soil liquefaction potential”. ASCE J. of Geotech. and Geoenvir. Eng. 132(5): 667-669, 2006.
- Cetin K. O., Youd T. L., Seed R. B., Bray J. D., Durgunoglu H. T., Lettis W., Yilmaz M. T. Closure to “Liquefaction-induced lateral spreading at Izmit Bay during the 1999 Kocaeli (Izmit) – Turkey Earthquake”. ASCE J. of Geotech. and Geoenvir. Eng. 132(7): 956-959, 2006.
- Moss, R. E. S., Seed, R. B., Kayen, R. E., Stewart, J. P., Kiureghian, A. Der., Cetin, K. O. CPT-based probabilistic and deterministic assessment of in situ seismic soil liquefaction potential. ASCE J. of Geotech. and Geoenvir. Eng. 132(8): 1032-1051, 2006.
- Sumer B. M., Ansal A., Cetin K. O., Damgaard J., Gunbak A. R., Hansen N. E. O., Sawicki A., Synolakis C. E., Yalciner A. C., Yuksel Y., Zen K. Earthquake-induced liquefaction around marine structures. J. Wtrwy., Port, Coast., and Oc. Engrg., 133(1): 55-82, 2007.
- Cetin, K. O., Isik, N. S. Probabilistic assessment of stress normalization for CPT data. ASCE J. of Geotech. and Geoenvir. Eng., 133 (7): 887-897, 2007.
- Youd, T. L., De Den, D. W., Bray, J. D., Cetin, K. O. Zero-displacement lateral spreads, 1999 Kocaeli, Turkey Earthquake. ASCE J. of Geotech. and Geoenvir. Eng., 135 (1): 46-61, 2009.
- Cetin, K. O., Ozan, C., CPT-based probabilistic soil characterization and classification. ASCE J. of Geotech. and Geoenvir. Eng., 135 (1): 84-107, 2009.
- Cetin, K. O., Bilge, H. T., Wu, J., Kammerer, A., Seed, R. B. Probabilistic models for cyclic straining of saturated clean sands. ASCE J. of Geotech. and Geoenvir. Eng., 135 (3): 371-386, 2009.
- Cetin, K. O., Bilge, H. T., Wu, J., Kammerer, A., Seed, R. B. A probabilistic model for the assessment of cyclically-induced reconsolidation (volumetric) settlements. ASCE J. of Geotech. and Geoenvir. Eng., 135 (3): 387-398, 2009.
- Sett, K., Unutmaz, B., Cetin, K. O., Koprivica, S., Jeremic, B. Soil uncertainty and its influence on simulated G/Gmax and damping behavior. ASCE J. of Geotechnical and Geoenvir. Eng., Vol. 137 (3), 218-226, 2011.
- Cetin, K. O., Bilge, H. T. Cyclic large strain and induced pore pressure models for saturated clean sands. ASCE J. of Geotechnical and Geoenvir. Eng. 138(3), 309–323,2012.
- Cetin, K. O., Bilge, H. T. Performance-based assessment of magnitude (duration) scaling factors. ASCE J. of Geotechnical and Geoenvir. Eng. 138(3), 323–334,2012.
- Cetin, K. O., Unutmaz, B., Jeremic, B. Assessment of seismic soil liquefaction triggering beneath building foundation systems. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering Vol. 43, 160-173, 2012.
- Unutmaz B. and Cetin K. O. Post cyclic settlement and tilting potential of mat foundations. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Eng., Vol. 43, 271-286, 2012.
- Kayen, R., Moss, R. E. S., Thompson, E. M., Seed, R. B., Cetin, K. O., Der Kiureghian, A., Tanaka, Y., Tokimatsu, K. Probabilistic and deterministic assessment of seismic soil liquefaction potential by shear wave velocity. ASCE J. of Geotechnical and Geoenvir. Eng. 139(3), 407–419,2013.
- Cetin K.O., Seed R. B., Der Kiureghian A. Probabilistic assessment of liquefaction initiation hazard. 12th World Conference in Earthquake Engineering, Auckland, New Zealand, January 2000.
- Luccioni L. X., Marek A. R., Cetin K. O. Probabilistic Assessment of liquefaction over large areas. 8th ASCE Specialty Conference on Probabilistic Mechanics and Structural Reliability, April, 2000.
- Seed R.B., Stewart J. P., Moss R. E. S., Cetin K. O. Lessons and opportunities regarding liquefaction presented by the 921 earthquake. International Workshop on Annual Commemoration of Chi-Chi earthquake, Taipei, Taiwan: 65-73, 2000.
- Cetin K. O. Pipeline damage due to fault offsets and liquefaction-induced lateral spreading. Symposium on Water Supply Situation in Earthquake Affected Region, Unicef, April 4, 2001.
- Cetin K.O., Seed R. B., Der Kiureghian A. Reliability-based assessment of seismic soil liquefaction initiation hazard. XVth International Conference on Soil Mechanics & Geotechnical Engineering, Istanbul, August 2001.
- Bray, J. D., Sancio R. B., Durgunoglu H. T., Onalp A, Seed R. B., Stewart J. P., Youd T. L., Baturay M. B., Cetin K. O., Christensen C., Karadayilar T., Emrem C. Ground failure in Adapazari. XVth International Conference on Soil Mechanics & Geotechnical Engineering, Istanbul, August 2001.
- Pekcan O., Cetin K. O., Bakir B. S. The Effects of local soil conditions and liquefaction on the damage patterns observed in Adapazari-Central District after the 17th August, 1999 Izmit -Turkey Earthquake. Published Abstract for the Tenth International Conference on Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, October 2001.
- Cetin K. O., Seed R. B., Youd T. L. Investigation and evaluation of liquefaction-induced ground deformations at Izmit Bay During the 1999 Kocaeli (Izmit), Turkey Earthquake. Published Abstract for the Tenth International Conference on Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, October 2001.
- Seed R. B., Cetin K. O., Moss R. E. S., Kammerer A. M., Wu J., Pestana J. M., Riemer M. F. Recent Advances in Soil Liquefaction Engineering and Seismic Site Response Evaluation. 4th International Conference on Recent Advances in Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering and Soil Dynamics, San Diego, March 28-31, 2001.
- Ascıgil S., Cetin K. O. A comparison of quality perceptions of Turkish and U.S. managers in construction industry. Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Advances in Management, Needham, July 10 2002.
- Cetin, K. O. Zemin sıvılaşması ve sismik zemin davranışı. 4. Kıyı Mühendisliği Ulusal Sempozyumu, Antalya :19-54, 2002.
- Cetin, K. O., Ozan, C. A probabilistic model for CPT-based soil classification. Proceedings of the International Conference on Applications of Statistics and Probability in Civil Engineering, San Francisco, CA, U.S.A.: 1231-1234, 2003.
- Moss, R. E. S., Cetin, K. O., Seed, R. B. Seismic liquefaction triggering correlations within a Bayesian framework. Proceedings of the International Conference on Applications of Statistics and Probability in Civil Engineering, San Francisco, CA, U.S.A.:1331-1336, 2003.
- Seed R. B., Cetin K. O., Moss R. E. S., Kammerer A. M., Wu J., Pestana J. M., Riemer M. F., Sancio R. B., Bray J. D., Kayen R. E., Faris A. Recent advances in soil liquefaction engineering: a unified and consistent framework. Keynote Presentation, 26th Annual ASCE Los Angeles Geotechnical Spring Seminar, Long Beach, CA., 2003.
- Cetin K. O. Unutmaz B. Probabilistic models for the assessment of post cyclic soil deformations. 9th ASCE Specialty Conference on Probabilistic Mechanics and Structural Reliability, Albequerque, New Mexico, 2004.
- Yilmaz Z., Cetin K. O. GIS-based seismic soil liquefaction assessment for Sakarya City after 1999 Kocaeli-Turkey Earthquake. Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering (The 3rd International Conference on Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering), U. C. Berkeley, CA, U.S.A., Vol. 1: 909-917, 2004.
- Pekcan O., Cetin K. O., Bakir B. S. Cyclic behavior of Adapazari silt and clay mixtures. Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering (The 3rd International Conference on Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering), U. C. Berkeley, CA, U.S.A., Vol. 1: 676-682, 2004.
- Kayen R., Seed R. B., Moss R. E.S., Cetin K. O., Tanaka Y., and Tokimatsu K. Global shear wave velocity database for probabilistic assessment of the initiation of seismic soil liquefaction. Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering (The 3rd International Conference on Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering), U. C. Berkeley, CA, U.S.A., Vol. 2: 506-513, 2004.
- Cetin K. O., Bilge H. T. Monitoring systems for earthfill dams. Proceedings of the 1st National Symposium on Dams and Hydropower Plants: 351-361, 2004 (in Turkish).
- Cetin K. O., Unutmaz B. Seismic performance assessment of earthfill dams: State of the art. Proceedings of the 1st National Symposium on Dams and Hydropower Plants: 435-445, 2004 (in Turkish).
- Cetin K. O., Yunatci A. A., Çağli S., Gülkokar T., Aktaş R., Altınışık F., Çelik S., Arabacı H. M., Çekmeceli M. GIS-based probabilistic seismic hazard and soil liquefaction initiation assessment for the City of Bursa. 10th National Conference of Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering, Istanbul Technical University, İstanbul, 2004. (in Turkish).
- Bilge, H. T., Cetin, K. O. Probabilistic models for the assessment of cyclic soil deformations. Proceedings of the 8th U.S. National Conference on Earthquake Engineering, April 18-22, San Francisco, California, USA, 2006.
- Yunatcı, A. A., Cetin, K. O. Impact of attenuation models on probabilistic seismic hazard analysis: A case study for Bursa City, Turkey. Proceedings of the 8th U.S. National Conference on Earthquake Engineering, April 18-22, San Francisco, California, USA, 2006.
- Yunatcı, A. A., Cetin, K. O. Probabilistic seismic hazard analysis for Büyük Karaçay Dam and HEPP”, 1st National Dam Safety Symposium and Exhibition, Ankara, 2007. (in Turkish).
- Unutmaz, B., Cetin, K. O. Seismic response and seismic soil liquefaction in embankment dams. 1st National Dam Safety Symposium and Exhibition, Ankara, 2007. (in Turkish).
- Bilge, H. T., Cetin, K. O. Probabilistic models for the assessment of cyclic soil straining in fine-grained soils. 4th International Conference on Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering, Thessaloniki, Greece, 25-28 June 2007.
- Unutmaz, B., Cetin, K. O. Effects of soil-structure-earthquake-interaction on seismic soil liquefaction triggering. 4th International Conference on Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering, Thessaloniki, Greece, 25-28 June 2007.
- Ciliz, S., Ozkan, M. Y., Cetin, K. O. Effect of basin edge slope on the dynamic response of soil deposits”, 4th International Conference on Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering, Thessaloniki, Greece, 25-28 June 2007.
- Soyoz, S., Cetin, K. O., and Sucuoglu, H. Effects of soil-structure interaction and base isolation on seismic performance of foundation soils. 4th International Conference on Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering, Thessaloniki, Greece, 25-28 June 2007.
- Cetin, K. O., Horoz, A., Erol, O., and Unutmaz, B. Seismic performance of existing Bakacak landslide after 1999 Düzce (Turkey) Earthquake. XIV. European Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, Madrid, Spain, 24-27 September 2007.
- Bilge, H. T., and Cetin, K. O. Probabilistic models for the assessment of cyclic soil straining in fine-grained soils. 6th National Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Istanbul, Turkey, October, 2007. (in Turkish)
- Unutmaz, B., and Cetin, K. O. Effects of soil-structure-earthquake interaction on seismic soil liquefaction triggering. 6th National Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Istanbul, Turkey, October, 2007. (in Turkish)
- Yunatci, A., and Cetin, K. O. Site specific response and soil liquefaction triggering assessment integrated within probabilistic seismic hazard framework. 6th National Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Istanbul, Turkey, October, 2007. (in Turkish)
- Bilge, H. T., Yunatci, A., Unutmaz, B., Yunatci, I., and Cetin, K. O. Liquefaction triggering under cyclic sea-wave loading. 6th National Symposium on Coastal Engineering, Izmir, Turkey, October, 2007. (in Turkish)
- Unutmaz, B., and Cetin, K. O. Effects of soil-structure-earthquake interaction on seismic soil liquefaction triggering. Symposium on Soil Structure Interaction in Theory and Application, Istanbul, Turkey, November, 2007. (in Turkish)
- Bilge, H. T., and Cetin, K. O. Probabilistic models for the assessment of cyclic soil straining in fine-grained soils. Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering and Soil Dynamics IV, Sacramento, Califonia, USA, 18-22 May 2008.
- Unutmaz, B., and Cetin, K. O. Assessment of structure-induced liquefaction triggering. Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering and Soil Dynamics IV, Sacramento, California, USA, 18-22 May 2008.
- Yunatci, A. and Cetin, K. O. Site Specific Ground Response Analysis Integrated within Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Framework. Proceedings, 8th International Congress on Advanced Civil Engineering, Eastern Mediterranean University, Famagusta, North Cyprus, 15-17 September 2008.
- Cetin, K. O., Bilge, T. H., Wu, J., Kammerer, A. M., and Seed, R. B., Probabilistic Models for Assessment of Cyclically-Induced Reconsolidation Settlements. 12nd National Conference of Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering, Selcuk University, Konya, Turkey, 16-17 October 2008.
- Unutmaz, B., Cetin, K. O., and Gokyay, M. C., Simplified Frame Analysis in Seismic Soil-Structure Interaction of Buried Structures. 12nd National Conference of Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering, Selcuk University, Konya,Turkey, 16-17 October 2008. (in Turkish).
- Unsal, S., Yunatci, A., Cetin, K. O., (2009) “An Integrated Seismic Hazard Framework for Assessing the Liquefaction Triggering of Dam Foundation Soils.”, International Conference on Performance Based Design in Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering, IS-Tokyo 2009, Tsukuba, Japan, 15-17 June 2009.
- Bilge, H. T., Unutmaz, B., Yunatci, A. A., Yunatci, I., and Cetin, K. O. Liquefaction triggering under cyclic sea-wave loading. 28th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering, May 31-June 05, Honolulu, HI.
- Cetin, K. O., Yargici, V., Yunatci, A. A., (2009), “Assessment of Buried Pipeline Performance During the 1999 Duzce Earthquake, Turkey”, ASCE Pipelines 2009, San Diego, CA, August 16-19.
- Cetin, K. O., Unsal, S., Yunatci, A. “An Integrated Seismic Hazard Framework for Assessing the Liquefaction Triggering of Dam Foundation Soils”, 2nd National Dam Safety Symposium and Exhibition, Osmangazi University, Eskisehir, Turkey, 13-15 May 2009 (in Turkish).
- Yunatci, A., Cetin, K. O., (2009), "Seismic Hazard Assessment: An Evaluation for the Design of Critical Structures ", 2nd National Dam Safety Symposium and Exhibition, Osmangazi University, May 13-15, 2009, Eskisehir, Turkey (in Turkish).
- Unsal, S., Yunatci, A., Cetin, K. O., (2009) “Assessment of Seismic Soil Liquefaction Triggering and Induced Deformation Potentials of Dam Foundation Soils : An Integrated Seismic Hazard Framework”, XVIIth International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotech. Eng. Satellite Conference, Alexandria, Egypt, 2-3 September 2009.
- Yunatci, A. A., Cetin, K. O., (2009), “Empirical Magnitude-Fault Rupture Dimension Relationships: A Reevaluation”, Presented at SSA 2009 Annual Meeting, 8-10 April, Monterey, CA.
- Unutmaz B., Bilge H. T., Cetin K. O. Seismic response and soil liquefaction triggering analyses for earth embankment dams: a case study. International Conference on Long Term Behavior of Dams in Graz, Austria, 12-13 October 2009.
- Pehlivan. M., Bilge H. T., Cetin K. O. CPT-based evaluation of liquefaction potential for fine-grained soils. 2nd International Symposium on Cone Penetration Testing. Huntington Beach, California, 2010.
- Unutmaz B., Bilge H. T., Cetin K. O. CPT-based assessment of liquefaction-induced foundation soil deformations. 2nd International Symposium on Cone Penetration Testing. Huntington Beach, California, 2010.
- Cetin, K. O., Unutmaz, B., Bilge H. T. Assessment of liquefaction-induced foundation soil deformations. Fifth International Conference on Recent Advances in Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering and Soil Dynamics and Symposium in Honor of Profesor I.M. Idriss, San Diego, California, U.S.A, May 24-29 2010.
- Unsal, S., Cetin, K. O., (2010) Effective Stress Based Numerical Assessment of Liquefaction Induced Landslide at Degirmendere Cape, Izmit Bay During Kocaeli (Izmit)-Turkey Earthquake. Fifth International Conference on Recent Advances in Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering and Soil Dynamics and Symposium in Honor of Profesor I.M. Idriss, San Diego, California, U.S.A, May 24-29 2010.
- Cetin, K. O., Bilge, H. T. (2010) State-of-the-art study: Seismic deformation and strength performances of soils. 13rd National Conference of Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering, İstanbul Kültür University, İstanbul, Turkey, September 30 - October 1, 2010. (in Turkish).
- Bilge, H. T., Cetin, K. O. (2010) Assessment of cyclic-induced volumetric strains of fine-grained soils. 13rd National Conference of Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering, İstanbul Kültür University, İstanbul, Turkey, September 30 - October 1, 2010. (in Turkish).
- Unutmaz, B., Cetin, K. O. (2010) Prediction of pore water pressure beneath foundations using cyclic stress ratio. 13rd National Conference of Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering, İstanbul Kültür University, İstanbul, Turkey, September 30 - October 1, 2010. (in Turkish).
- Bilge, H. T., Cetin, K. O. Sıvılaşma tetiklenme analizlerinde düşey efektif gerilmenin etkisi. 7. Ulusal Deprem Mühendisliği Konferansı, İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, İstanbul, Türkiye, 30 Mayıs - 3 Haziran, 2011.
- Hasançebi, N., Ulusay, R., and Cetin, K. Ö., 2011. Performance of the prediction methods to assess liquefaction-induced lateral spread displacements using a world-wide database. IAEG International Conference Engeopro-2011: Environmental Geosciences and Engineering Survey for Territory Protection and Population Safety, 6-8 September, Moscow, Russia.
- Bilge, H. T., Cetin, K. O. Suya doygun kumlu zeminlerin tekrarlı boşluk suyu basıncı gelişim davranışlarının modellenmesi. 1. Türkiye Deprem Mühendisliği ve Sismoloji Konferansı, Orta Doğu Teknik Üniversitesi, Ankara, Türkiye, Ekim, 2011.
- Bilge, H. T., Cetin K. O. Assessment of seismically-induced reconsolidation settlements for saturated sandy soils. 2nd Int. Conf. on Perf. Based Desing in Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering, Taormina, Italy, May, 2012.
- Cetin, K. O., Yunatcı, A. A., Bilge, H. T. Baraj yapılarının tasarımında sismik tehlike analizlerinin önemi: şartnamelere kıyaslamalı bakış. 3. Ulusal Baraj Güvenliği Sempozyumu, Eskişehir, Türkiye, Ekim, 2012.
- Bilge, H. T., Cetin, K. O. Kumlu zeminler için geliştirilen tekrarlı boşluk suyu basıncı modellerine kritik bakış. Zemin Mekaniği ve Temel Mühendisliği Onüçüncü Ulusal Kongresi, Ekim, 2012, Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi, Isparta, Türkiye.
- Kurt, E. ve Çetin, K.Ö., 2012. Darbeli Kırmataş Kolon (DKK) Yükleme Testi Sonuçlarının Değerlendirilmesi, Zemin Mekaniği ve Temel Mühendisliği Ondördüncü Ulusal Kongresi, Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi, Isparta.
- Bilge, H. T., Cetin, K. O. Cyclic shear strain response of fine-grained soils. 10th International Congress on Advances in Civil Engineering, October, 2012, Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey.
- Kurt, E. ve Cetin, K.O., 2012. A Critical Assessment of Rammed Aggregate Pier Load Test Results, 10th International Congress on Advances in Civil Engineering, METU, Ankara, Turkey.
Teknik Raporlar
- Cetin K. O., Seed, R. B., Der Kiureghian A. SPT-based probabilistic evaluation of seismic soil liquefaction potential. University of California, Berkeley, Geotechnical Engineering Research Report No: UCB/GT- 1999/16, July 1999.
- Ansal J. P. Bardet J. Bray, K. O. Cetin, Durgunoglu H. T., Erdik M., Kaya A., Ural D., Yilmaz M. T., Youd T. L.. Initial geotechnical observations of the August 17, 1999 Izmit Earthquake. Earthquake Engineering Research Center, September 1999. (also available at http://nisee.berkeley.edu/turkey/report.html)
- Ansal A., Bardet J. P., Barka A., Baturay M. B., Berilgen M., Bray J. D., Cetin K. O., Cluff L., Durgunoglu H. T., Erten D., Erdik M., Idriss I. M., Karadayilar T., Kaya A., Lettis W., Olgun G., Paige W., Rathje E., Roblee C., Stewart J., Ural D. Initial geotechnical observations of the November 12, 1999, Düzce Earthquake, September 1999. (also available at http://geoinfo.usc.edu/gees/)
- Cetin K. O., Seed R. B. Earthquake-induced nonlinear shear mass participation factor, rd. University of California, Berkeley, Geotechnical Engineering Research Report No: UCB/GT- 2000/08, June 2000.
- Cetin K. O., Seed R. B., Der Kiureghian A., Tokimatsu T., Harder Jr. L. F., Idriss I. M., Kayen R. E. Field case histories for SPT-based in-situ liquefaction potential evaluation. University of California, Berkeley, Geotechnical Engineering Research Report No. UCB/GT- 2000/09, August 2000.
- Seed R. B., Cetin K. O., Der Kiureghian A., Tokimatsu K., Harder Jr. L. F., Kayen R. E. SPT-based probabilistic and deterministic assessment of seismic soil liquefaction initiation hazard. Pacific Earthquake Engineering Research Center, PEER Report No. PEER-2000/05, August 2000.
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- Seed R. B., Cetin K. O., Moss R. E. S., Kammerer A. M., Wu J., Pestana J. M., Riemer M. F., Sancio R. B., Bray J. D., Kayen R. E., Faris, A. Recent advances in soil liquefaction engineering: a unified and consistent framework. Report No. 2003- 06, Earthquake Engineering Research Institute, Berkeley, Calif., 2003.
- Bilge, H. T., Cetin, K. O. Field performance case histories for the assessment of cyclically-induced reconsolidation (volumetric) settlements”, METU-EERC Report, January, 2007.
- Bilge, H. T., Cetin, K. O. (2009). Cyclic large strain and induced pore pressure response of saturated clean sands. Rep. No. METU/GTENG 09/12-01, Middle East Technical Univ. Soil Mech. & Foundation Eng. Research Center, Ankara, Turkey.
- Bilge, H. T., Cetin, K. O. (2009). Performance-based assessment of magnitude (duration) scaling factors. Rep. No. METU/GTENG 09/12-02, Middle East Technical Univ. Soil Mech. & Foundation Eng. Research Center, Ankara, Turkey.
- Cetin, K. O., Unutmaz, B., Jeremic, B. (2010). Assessment of seismic soil liquefaction triggering beneath building foundation systems. Rep. No. METU/GTENG10/09-01, Middle East Technical Univ. Soil Mech. & Foundation Eng. Research Center, Ankara, Turkey.
- Unutmaz, B., Cetin, K. O. (2010). Seismic performance of mat foundations on potentially liquefiable soils after 1999 Turkey earthquakes. Rep. No. METU/GTENG10/09-02, Middle East Technical Univ. Soil Mech. & Foundation Eng. Research Center, Ankara, Turkey.