Office: IE 218, Industrial Eng., METU, Ankara, Türkiye
Phone: +90 (312) 210 2287
Fax: +90 (312) 210 4786

Publications in Refereed Journals:
Lokman, B., Köksalan, M., Korhonen, P. J., and Wallenius, J., “An Interactive Approximation Algorithm for Multi-objective Integer Programs,” Computers & Operations Research, 96, 80-90, 2018.
Özmen, M., Karakaya, G., and Köksalan, M., “Interactive Evolutionary Approaches to Multi-Objective Feature Selection,” International Transactions on Operational Research 25, 3, 1027-1052, 2018.
Karakaya, G., Köksalan, M., and Ahipasaoglu, S. D., “Interactive Algorithms for a Broad Underlying Family of Preference Functions,” European Journal of Operational Research, 265, 1, 248-262, 2018.
Köksalan, M. and Öztürk, Tezcaner D., “An evolutionary approach to generalized biobjective traveling salesperson problem,” Computers and Operations Research, 79, 304-313, 2017.
M. Köksalan, M., Mousseau, V., and Özpeynirci, S., “Multi-Criteria Sorting with Category Size Restrictions,” International Journal of Information Technology & Decision Making, 16, 1, 5-23, 2017.
Öztürk, Tezcaner D. and Köksalan, M., “An interactive approach for biobjective integer programs under quasiconvex preference functions,” Annals of OR, 244, 2, 677-696, 2016.
Karakaya, G. and Köksalan, M., “An interactive approach for Bi-attribute multi-item auctions,” Annals of Operations Research, 245, 97-119, 2016.
Köksalan, M. and Şakar, C. T., “An interactive approach to stochastic programming-based portfolio optimization,” Annals of Operations Research, 245, 47-66, 2016.
Lokman, B., Köksalan, M., Korhonen, P. J., and Wallenius, J., “An Interactive Algorithm to Find the Most Preferred Solution of Multi-objective Integer Programs,” Annals of Operations Research, 245, 67-95, 2016.
Ravaja, J. N., Korhonen, P., Köksalan, M., Lipsanen, J. O., Salminen, M., Somervuori, O. and Wallenius, J., “Emotional-motivational responses predicting choices: The role of asymmetrical frontal cortical activity,” Journal of Economic Psychology, 52, 56-70, 2016.
Marquis, J., Gel, E., Fowler, J., Köksalan, M., Korhonen, P., and Wallenius, J., “Impact of Number of Interactions, Different Interaction Patterns, and Human Inconsistencies on Some Hybrid Evolutionary Multiobjective Optimization Algorithms,” Decision Sciences 46, 5, 981-1006, 2015.
Köksalan, M. and Lokman, B., “Finding Nadir Points in Multi-objective Integer Programs,” Journal of Global Optimization, 62: 55–77, 2015.
Özmen, M., Tunç, S., Yıldırım, S., Yağız, G., Yıldız, E., Köksalan, M., Gürel, S., “Merkezi Vezne Yer Seçimi ve ATM Envanter Yönetim Politikaları ile Nakit Yönetimi Sistemi Optimizasyonu,” Endüstri Mühendisliği 26, 2, 4-20, 2015.
Ulu, C. and Köksalan, M., “An interactive approach to multicriteria sorting for quasiconcave value functions,” Naval Research Logistics, 61: 447–457, 2014.
Köksalan, M. and Karakaya, G., “An Evolutionary Algorithm for Finding Efficient Solutions in Multi-attribute Auctions,” International Journal of Information Technology & Decision Making, 13 (3), 649-673, 2014.
Dehnokhalaji, A., Korhonen, P. J., Köksalan, M., Nasrabadi, N., Öztürk, D. T., and Wallenius, J., “Constructing a Strict Total Order for Alternatives Characterized by Multiple Criteria: An Extension,” Naval Research Logistics, 61 (2), 155-163, 2014.
Lokman, B. and Köksalan, M., “Finding Highly Preferred Points for Multi-objective Integer Programs,” IIE Transactions, 46, 11, 1181-1195, 2014.
Şakar, C. T. and Köksalan, M., “A Stochastic Programming Approach to Multicriteria Portfolio Optimization,” Journal of Global Optimization, 57, 299-314, 2013.
Köksalan, M., Wallenius, J., and Zionts, S.,“An Early History of Multiple Criteria Decision Making,” Journal of Multi-criteria Decision Analysis, 20, 87–94, 2013.
Bugdaci, A., Köksalan, M., Özpeynirci, S., and Serin, Y., “An Interactive Probabilistic Approach to Multi-Criteria Sorting,” International Journal of Production Economics, 143, 527-535, 2013.
Lokman, B. and Köksalan, M., “Finding all Nondominated Points of Multi-objective Integer Programs,” Journal of Global Optimization, 57: 347–365, 2013.
Güllü, R. and Köksalan, M., “A model for Performance Evaluation and Stock Optimization in a Kit Management Problem,” International Journal of Production Economics, 143, 527-535, 2013.
Çelik, T. Y., E. Doğan, E. Sanci, H. Türeci, M. Köksalan, S. Gürel, “Bankamatik Kasalarinin Nakit Yönetimi,” Endüstri Mühendisliği Dergisi, 24 (3-4), 16-28, 2013.
Balibek, E. and Köksalan, M., “A Visual Interactive Approach for Scenario Based Stochastic Multi-Objective Problems and an Application,” Journal of Operational Research Society, 63, 1773-1787, 2012.
Lee, D., Kim, K., and Köksalan, M., “An Interactive Method to Multiresponse Surface Optimization Based on Pairwise Comparisons,” IIE Transactions, 44, 1, 13-26, 2012.
Tezcaner, D. and Köksalan, M., “An Interactive Algorithm for Multi-objective Route Planning,” J Optim Theory Appl, 150, 379–394, 2011.
Karakaya, G. and Köksalan, M., "An Interactive Approach for Multi-Attribute Auctions," Decision Support Systems, 51, 299–306, 2011.
Dehnokhalaji, A., Korhonen, P., Köksalan, M., Nasrabadi, N. and Wallenius, J., “Convex Cone-Based Partial Order for Multiple Criteria Alternatives,” Decision Support Systems, 51, 256-261, 2011.
Görmez, N., Köksalan, M., and Salman, S., “Locating Disaster Response Facilities in Istanbul,” Journal of Operational Research Society, 62, 1239–1252, 2011.
Lee, D., Kim, K., and Köksalan, M., "A Posterior Preference Articulation Approach to Multiresponse Surface Optimization," European Journal of Operational Research, 210 (2), 301-309, 2011.
Bozkurt, B., Fowler, J. W., Gel, E. S., Kim, B., Köksalan, M., and Wallenius, J., “Quantitative Comparison of Approximate Solution Sets for Multi-Criteria Optimization Problems with Weighted Tchebycheff Preference Function,” Operations Research 58 (3), 650-659, 2010.
Özpeynirci, Ö. and Köksalan, M., “An Exact Algorithm for Finding Extreme Supported Nondominated Points of Multiobjective Mixed Integer Programming Problems,” Management Science, 56, 2302-2315, 2010.
Deb, K. and Köksalan, M., "Guest Editorial Special Issue on Preference-Based Multiobjective Evolutionary Algorithms," IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation, 14 (5) 669-670, 2010.
Köksalan, M. and Karahan, I., "An Interactive Territory Defining Evolutionary Algorithm: iTDEA," IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation, 14 (5) 702-722, 2010.
Karahan, I. and Köksalan, M., "Territory Defining Evolutionary Algorithm and Preference Incorporation," IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation, 14 (4), 636-664, 2010.
Köksalan, M. and Soylu, B., "Bicriteria p-hub Location Problem and Evolutionary Algorithms," INFORMS Journal on Computing, 22 (4), 528-542, 2010.
Soylu, B. and Köksalan, M., "A Favorable Weight-Based Evolutionary Algorithm for Multiple Criteria Problems," IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation, 14 (2), 191-205, 2010.
Özpeynirci, Ö. and Köksalan, M., “Pyramidal tours and multiple objectives,” Journal of Global Optimization, 48 (4), 569-582, 2010.
Fowler, J., Gel, E., Köksalan, M., Korhonen, P., Marquis, J., and Wallenius, J. "Interactive Evolutionary Multi-Objective Optimization for Quasi-Concave Preference Functions," European Journal of Operational Research, 206 (2), 417-425, 2010.
Dehnokhalaji, A., Korhonen, P., Köksalan, M., Nasrabadi, N., and Wallenius, J. "Efficiency Analysis to Incorporate Interval Scale Data," European Journal of Operational Research, 207(2), 1116-1121, 2010.
Köksalan, M., Özpeynirci B. S., and Süral, H., "Forecasting Beer Demand at Anadolu Efes," INFORMS Transactions on Education, 10 (3), 140-145, 2010.
Barutçuoğlu, A., Demirtaş, D., Dilan, B., Düzgün, R., Savaşaneril, S., and Köksalan, M. "Bitmiş Araç Dağitimi ve Dağitim Merkezi Yer Seçimi," (Distribution Planning and Site Selection for a Car Manufacturer), Endüstri Mühendisliği Dergisi 21 (1), 4-16, 2010.
Balibek, E. and Köksalan, M., "A Multi-Objective Multi-Period Stochastic Programming Model for Public Debt Management," European Journal of Operational Research, 205, 1, 205-217, 2010.
Köksalan, M., Büyükbaşaran, T., Özpeynirci, Ö., and Wallenius, J., "A Flexible Approach to Ranking with an Application to MBA Programs," European Journal of Operational Research, 201, 470-476, 2010.
Karasakal, E. K. and Köksalan, M., "Generating a Representative Subset of the Efficient Frontier in Multiple Criteria Decision Making," Operations Research, 57 (1) 187-199, 2009.
Köksalan, M., Mousseau, V., Özpeynirci, Ö., and Özpeynirci B. S., "A new outranking-based approach for assigning alternatives to ordered classes," Naval Research Logistics, 56 (1), 74-85, 2009.
Köksalan, M., Leskelä, R., Wallenius, H., and Wallenius, J., "Improving Efficiency in Multiple-Unit Combinatorial Auctions: Bundling Bids from Multiple Bidders," Decision Support Systems, 48, 103–111, 2009.
Köksalan, M., "Multiobjective Combinatorial Optimization: Some Approaches," Journal of Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis, 15, 69-78, 2009.
Köksalan, M. and Lokman B., "Approximating the Nondominated Frontiers of Multi-objective Combinatorial Optimization Problems," Naval Research Logistics, 56, 191-198, 2009.
Köksalan, M. and Özpeynirci B. S., "An Interactive Sorting Method for Additive Utility Functions, "Computers and Operations Research, 36, 2565-2572, 2009.
Özpeynirci, Ö. and Köksalan, M., "Multiobjective Traveling Salesperson Problem on Halin Graphs," European Journal of Operational Research, 196, 155-161, 2009.
Köksalan, M. and Tuncer, C., "A DEA-Based Approach to Ranking Multi-Criteria Alternatives," Information Technology & Decision Making, 8, 29-54, 2009.
Köksalan, M. and S. Batun, “Assigning Regions to Sales Representatives at Pfizer Turkey,” INFORMS Transactions on Education, 9, 70-83, 2009.
Bilici, G., Ö. Çolak, F. Inaltekin, T.C. Küçük, S. Yetimoğlu, M. Köksalan, S.Savasaneril, "Fabrika Içi Çekme Esaslı Tasıma Sistemi Tasarımı,” (The Design of a Pull-Type Materials Handling System), Endüstri Mühendisliği Dergisi, 18,3,31-42, 2007.
Özpeynirci, Ö. and Köksalan, M., "Performance Evaluation using Data Envelopment Analysis in the Presence of Time Lags," Journal of Productivity Analysis, 27, 221–229, 2007.
Köksalan, M. and Pamuk, S. "An Evolutionary Metaheuristic for Approximating Preference-Nondominated Solutions," INFORMS Journal on Computing, 19, 291-301, 2007.
Köksalan, M. and Karasakal, E. “An Interactive Approach for Multiobjective Decision Making,” Journal of Operational Research Society, 57, 532–540, 2006.
Pamuk, S., Köksalan, M., and Gullu, R. “Analysis of the Product Delivery System of a Beer Producer in Ankara,” Journal of Operational Research Society, Vol. 55, 1137-1144, 2004.
Pamuk, S. and Köksalan, M. "An Interactive Evolutionary Metaheuristic for Multiobjective Combinatorial Optimization,"Management Science, Vol. 49, No. 12, 1726-1738, 2003.
Köksalan, M. and Plante, R. D. "Interactive Multi-Criteria Optimization for Multiple Response Product and Process Design," Manufacturing and Service Operations Management, Vol. 5, No. 4, 334-347, 2003.
Azizoglu, M, Köksalan, M, and Köksalan, S.K. "Scheduling to Minimize Maximum Earliness and Number of Tardy Jobs where Machine Idle Time is Allowed," Journal of Operational Research Society Vol. 54, pp. 661-664, 2003.
Köksalan, M. and Salman, S. "Beer in the Classroom: A Case Study of Location and Distribution Decisions, " INFORMS Transactions on Education, 4 (1), 65-77, 2003.
Azizoglu, M., Kondakci, S., and Köksalan, M. “Single Machine Scheduling with Maximum Earliness and Number Tardy,” Computers and Industrial Engineering, Vol. 45, 257-268, 2003.
Köksalan, M. and Keha A. B. "Using Genetic Algorithms for Single-Machine Bicriteria Scheduling Problems," European J. Oper. Res., Vol. 145, 543-556, 2003.
Köksalan, M. And Ulu, C. "An Interactive Procedure for Placing Alternatives in Preference Classes," European J. Oper. Res., Vol 144, 429-439, 2003.
Ulu, C and Köksalan, M. "An Interactive Procedure for Selecting Acceptable Alternatives in the Presence of Multiple Criteria, " Naval Research Logistics, Vol. 48, pp. 592-606, 2001.
Köksalan, M.M. and Rizi, O. "A Visual Interactive Approach for Multiple Criteria Decision Making with Monotone Utility Functions," Journal of Operational Research Society, Vol. 52, 665-672, 2001.
Altinkemer, K., Kazaz, B., Köksalan, M., and Moskowitz, H. "Optimization of Printed Circuit Board Manufacturing: Integrated Modeling and Algorithms," European J. Oper. Res., Vol. 124, 409-421, 2000.
Köktener, E. and Köksalan, M. "A Simulated Annealing Approach to Bicriteria Scheduling Problems on a Single Machine" Journal of Heuristics, Vol. 6, pp. 311-327, 2000.
Köksalan, M.M., "A Heuristic Approach to Bicriteria Scheduling," Naval Research Logistics Vol. 46, pp. 777-789, 1999.
Köksalan, M.M. and Süral, H., " Location and Distribution Decisions: An Application for Malt Plants," Interfaces Vol. 29, pp. 89-103, 1999.
Köksalan, M., Erkip, N., and Moskowitz, H., "Explaining Beer Demand: A Residual Modeling Regression Approach Using Statistical Process Control" International Journal of Production Economics, Vol. 58, pp. 265-276, 1999.
Köksalan, M., Azizoglu, M., and Kondakci, S. "Minimizing Flowtime and Maximum Earliness on a Single Machine," IIE Transactions, Vol. 30, pp. 192-200, 1998.
Kwangjae, K., Moskowitz, H., and Köksalan, M., "A Comparison of Fuzzy Regression and Statistical Regression," European J. Oper. Res., Vol. 92, pp. 417-434, 1996.
Kondakci, S., Azizoglu, M. and Köksalan, M.M., "Note: Bicriteria Scheduling Minimizing Flowtime and Maximum Tardiness," NRL, Vol. 43, pp. 929-936, 1996.
Kirca, Ö. and Köksalan, M.M., "An Integrated Production and Financial Planning Model: An Application," IIE Transactions, Vol. 28, pp. 677-686, 1996.
Köksalan, M.M. and Sagala, P.N.S., "Interactive Approaches for Discrete Alternative Multiple Criteria Decision Making with Monotone Utility Functions," Management Science, Vol. 41, pp. 1158-1171,1995.
Köksalan, M.M. and Sagala, P.N.S., "An Approach and Computational Results on Testing the Form of a Decision Maker's Utility Function," Journal of Multi-criteria Decision Analysis, Vol. 4, pp. 189-202, 1995.
Köksalan, M.M., Süral, H. and Kirca, Ö., " A Location-Distribution Application for a Beer Company, European J. Oper. Res., Vol. 80, No. 1, pp. 16-24, 1995.
Köksalan M.M. and Öden, Ö., "Visual Interactive Approaches for Bi-criteria Decision Making," Transactions on Operational Research (Yöneylem Arastirmasi Dergisi), Vol. 5, No. 1, pp. 27-44, 1993.
Köksalan, M.M. and Taner, O.V., "An Approach for Finding the Most Preferred Alternative in the Presence of Multiple Criteria," European J. Oper. Res., Vol. 60, No. 1, pp. 52-60, 1992.
Köksalan, M.M. and Sagala, P.N.S., "An Interactive Approach for Choosing the Best of a Set of Alternatives," Journal of the Operational Research Society, Vol. 43, No. 3, pp. 259-263, 1992.
Taner, O.V. and Köksalan, M.M., "Experiments and a Method for Solving the Discrete Alternative Multiple Criteria Problem," Journal of Operational Research Society , Vol. 42, No. 5, pp. 383-391, 1991.
Köksalan, M.M., "Identifying and Ranking a Most Preferred Subset of Alternatives in the Presence of Multiple Criteria," Naval Research Logistics, Vol. 36, No. 4, pp. 360-372, 1989.
Köksalan, M.M., Karwan, M.H., and Zionts, S., "An Approach for Solving Discrete Alternative Multiple Criteria Problems Involving Ordinal Criteria," Naval Research Logistics, Vol. 35, No. 6, pp. 625-641, 1988.
Kondakci, S., and Köksalan, M., "Interactive Decision Making: An Application," Makina Tasarim ve Imalat Dergisi, Cilt:1, No:3, 1987 (in Turkish).
Köksalan, M.M., "Practical Approaches in Solving the Multiple Criteria Decision Making Problems," Makina Tasarim ve Imalat Dergisi, Cilt.1, No. 3, 1987 (in Turkish).
Köksalan, M.M., Karwan, M.H., and Zionts, S., "Approaches for Discrete Alternative Multiple Criteria Problems for Different Types of Criteria," IIE Transactions, pp. 262-270, 1986.
Köksalan, M.M., Karwan, M.H., and Zionts, S., "An Improved Method for Solving Multiple Criteria Problems Involving Discrete Alternatives," IEEE Transactions on SMC, Vol. SMC-14, No.1, pp.24-34, 1984.
Multiple Criteria Decision Making: From Early History to the 21st Century, M. Köksalan, J. Wallenius and S. Zionts, World Scientific, forthcoming.
Edited Books:
Operations Research, N. Erkip and M. Köksalan (editors), A Volume in Honour of Professor Halim Doğrusöz, 2002 (in Turkish).
Multiple Criteria Decision Making in the New Millennium, M. Köksalan and S. Zionts (editors), Springer Verlag, 2001.
Proceedings of the Operations Research and Industrial Engineering Conference '90, N. Erkip and M. Köksalan (editors), 1991 (in Turkish).
Proceedings of the Seminar on Productivity, Cyprus '85, Ö. Saatçioglu, N. Erkip, M. Köksalan (editors), 1985 (in Turkish).
Publications in Books and Conference Proceedings:
Soylu, B. and Köksalan, M., "An Evolutionary Algorithm for the Multi-objective Multiple Knapsack Problem," in Cutting-Edge Research Topics on Multiple Criteria Decision Making, Communications in Computer and Information Science 35, Y. Shi, S. Wang, Y. Peng, J. Li, Y. Zeng (eds), Springer-Verlag, pp. 1-8, 2009.
Köksalan, M., "Multiple Criteria Decision Making," in Operations Research, A Volume in Honour of Professor Halim Doğrusöz, N. Erkip and M. Köksalan (eds.), 2002 (in Turkish).
Pamuk, S. and Köksalan, M. "An Interactive Genetic Algorithm Applied to the Multiobjective Knapsack Problem," in Multiple Criteria Decision Making in the New Millennium, Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Multiple Criteria Decision Making, M. Köksalan and S. Zionts (Eds.), Springer Verlag, pp. 265-272, 2001.
Azizoglu, M., Köksalan, M., and Kondakci, S. "Scheduling to Minimize Maximum Earliness and Number of Tardy Jobs where Machine Idle Time is Allowed," in Research and Practice in Multiple Criteria Decision Making, Proceedings of the 14th Conference on MCDM, Haimes, Y. and Steuer, R. (Eds.) Springer, pp. 381-387, 2000.
Kondakci, S., Azizoglu, M. and Koksalan, M., "Scheduling to Minimize Maximum Job Earliness Subject to Maximum Number of Tardy Jobs," Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Computers and Industrial Engineering, S. Waly (ed.), 157-160, 1999.
Koksalan, M. and Tehneldere, M., "Approaches for Discrete Alternative Multiple Criteria Decision Making for Monotone Utility Functions," Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Computers and Industrial Engineering, S. Waly (ed.), 105-108, 1999.
Koksalan, M. and Kondakci, S., "Multiple Criteria Scheduling on a Single Machine: A Review and a General Approach," in Essays in Decision Making, A Volume in Honour of Stanley Zionts, M. H. Karwan, J. Spronk, and J. Wallenius (eds.), 331-341, Springer Verlag, Berlin 1997.
Kondakci, S., Emre, E., and Koksalan, M., "Scheduling of Unit Processing Time Jobs on a Single Machine," in Multiple Criteria Decision Making, Proceedings of the XII'th International Conference on MCDM, T. Gal and T. Hanne (eds.), 654-660, Springer Verlag, Berlin, 1997.
Azizoglu, M., Kondakci, S. and Köksalan, M.M., "Bicriteria Scheduling: Minimizing Flowtime and Maximum Earliness on a Single Machine," in Multicriteria Analysis, Proceedings of the XI'th International Conference on MCDM, Joao Climaco (ed.), 279-288, Springer Verlag, Berlin, 1997.
Goldsman, D., Koksalan, M., Ockerman, D., Picciuto, J., and Tokol, G. "Standardized Time Series L_p-Norm Confidence Interval Estimators for Simulations," Proceedings of the Fourth Industrial Engineering Research Conference (ed. B. Schmeiser and R. Uzsoy), 145-150, Institute of Industrial Engineers, Norcross, GA. 1995.
Köksalan, M. M. and Moskowitz, H. "Solving the Multiobjective Decision Making Problem Using a Distance Function," in Multiple Criteria Decision Making; Expand and Enrich the Domains of Thinking and Application, Gwo-Hshiung Tzeng, Hsiao-Fan Wang, Ue-Pyng Wen and Po. L. Yu (eds), Springer-Varlag, 101-107, Springer Verlag, New York, 1994.
Kondakci, S., Azizoglu, M., and Köksalan, M. M., "Scheduling with Multiple Criteria," in Multiple Criteria Decision Making; Expand and Enrich the Domains of Thinking and Application, Gwo-Hshiung Tzeng, Hsiao-Fan Wang, Ue-Pyng Wen and Po. L. Yu (eds), Springer-Varlag, 361-368, Springer Verlag, New York, 1994.
Tokol, G., Köksalan, M., Erkip, N., and Sepil, C., "Some Variations of the Batch Means Method," Proceedings of the IASTED International Conference on Modeling and Simulation, 58-61, Pittsburgh-USA, May 1993.
Sepil, C., Tokol, G., Köksalan, M., and Erkip, N., "A Review of Batch Means Procedures for Simulation Output Analysis," Proceedings of the Symposium on Advances in Simulation 1992, Istanbul, July 1992.
Köksalan, M. M. and Öden, Ö. "Visual Interactive Approaches for Bi-criteria Decision Making Problems," Proceedings of the International Workshop on Multiple Criteria Decision Support , 94-98, Helsinki, 1991.
Köksalan, M.M. and Basöz, N., "A Replication Approach to Interval Estimation in Simulation," Proceedings of the 1991 Winter Simulation Conference, Barry L. Nelson, W. David Kelton, Gordon M. Clark (eds.), 1023-1029, 1991.
Köksalan, M. and Beseli, Ç. "A Variation of the Methods of Zionts and Wallenius," in Multiple Criteria Decision Making and Risk Analysis Using Microcomputers, B. Karpak and S. Zionts eds., NATO ASI Series, Vol. F.56, pp. 283-291, Springer Verlag 1989.
Önal, Y., Erkip, N. and Köksalan, M., "A New Sequential Procedure for the Analysis of Simulation Output," Proceedings Intern. AMSE Confer. "Modeling and Simulation", Istanbul (Turkey), June 29-July 1, AMSE Press, Vol. 1D, 121-132, 1988.
Zionts, S., Karwan, M.H. and Köksalan, M.M., "An Approach for Solving the Discrete Alternatives Multicriteria Problem", Proceedings of the 21st IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Orlando, December 1982.
Project Reports:
Köksalan, M. (with the project team), Reorganization of the Supply Chain of Beer and Malt (made for Efes Pilsen - a private beer brewer company), Final Report, July 2005 (in Turkish).
Köksalan, M. (with the project team), A Routing System for the Distribution of Beer (made for Efes Pilsen - a private beer brewer company), Final Report, January 2000 (in Turkish).
Köksalan, M. (with the project team), A Sales Forecast Study for the Beer Demand in Turkey (made for Efes Pilsen - a private beer brewer company), The Final Report, January 1995 (in Turkish).
Köksalan, M. (with the project team), A Plant Location and Distribution System for the Malt Plants of Efes Pilsen (a private beer brewer company), The Final Report, March 1993 (in Turkish).
Köksalan, M. (with the project team), A Plant Location and Distribution System for Efes Pilsen (a private beer brewer company), The Final Report, Aug. 1992 (in Turkish).
Köksalan, M. (with the project team), A Planning and Control System for the Activities of Barmek Holding, The Final Report, Sept. 1989 (in Turkish).
Köksalan, M. (with the project team), A Systems Analysis Project for the Reorganization of Barmek Holding, The Final Report, Jan. 1989 (in Turkish).
Köksalan, M. (with the project team), A Waste Management Project for the Municipality of Bursa, The Final Report, April 1987 (in Turkish).