- Supervisor: M.K. Leblebicioğlu
- 2006-2008
- Research fund project (METU): “Bulanık Renkli Petri Devreleri ile Hata Teşhis ve Tesbiti”.
- Project No: AFP - 2000 - 03 - 01 – 01
- Supervisor: M.K. Leblebicioğlu
- May 2000-May 2001
- Research fund project (METU): “Six Legged Walking Robot”.
- Project No: BAP - 2002 - 03 - 01 – 06
- Supervisor: M.K. Leblebicioğlu
- June 2002-June 2004
- Research fund project (METU): “Robot Navigation by Genetic Programming”.
- Project No: BAP - 2002 - 07 - 04 – 05
- Supervisor: M.K. Leblebicioğlu
- June 2002-June 2004
- Research fund project (METU): “Speeding up of evolutionary algorithms by a parabolic approximation and their use in the training of artificial neural networks”.
- Project No: 98-06-04-01
- Supervisor: M.K. Leblebicioğlu
- May 1998-May 1999
- TÜBİTAK project: ‘‘Image filtering and segmentation by multi-scale approaches’’.
- Project No: 198E008
- Supervisor: M.K. Leblebicioğlu
- Sep. 1998-Feb. 2000
- TÜBİTAK complementary doctorate program: 5 Ph.D students are assigned to ‘‘Computer Vision and Neural Networks’’ research group.
- Group coordinator: Prof. Dr. Uğur Halıcı
- Sep. 1996-
- Research fund project (METU): “Anahtarlı Relüktans Motorlarında Moment Dalgalanmasının Minimize Edilmesi”.
- Project No: 94-03-01-05
- Supervisor: M.K. Leblebicioğlu.
- Sep. 1994-Sep. 1995
- Research fund project (METU): ‘‘Development of a 3-D computer graphics software for problems in EMT and control’’.
- Project No: 89-03-01-06
- Supervisors: M.K. Leblebicioğlu and G. Dural.
- Sep. 1989-Sep.1991