Books and Monographs
Book Reviews and
Other Publications
Working Papers
Presentations, Commentaries
Türkiye'de Neoliberalizme Geçiş, İlk Etkiler ve "Kayıp Yıllar":
1980-1999. July 2022, (Cumhuriyetin yüzüncü yılı bağlamında İstanbul Büyükşehir
Belediyesi öncülüğünde Mine Eder-Barış Alp Özden editörlüğünde
hazırlanmakta olan iktisat cildinde yayımlanmak üzere sunulmuştur).
Kalkınma ve Demokrasi İlişkisi Işığında Türkiye'de Sanayileşme
Stratejilerinde Ana Kırılma Noktalarının ve
Dönüşümünün Kısa Öyküsü:
1923-1980. June 2022, (Efil Yayınevi tarafından Cumhuriyet'in
yüzüncü yılı bağlamında Ömer Faruk Çolak
editörlüğünde basılması planlanan kitapta yayımlanmak
üzere sunulmuştur).
The Long and Bitter Fall: An Account of Events that Shook the Turkish Economy During September-December 2021, New Perspectives on Turkey, Spring, No. 66, May 2022, 180-190. [Access]
Ziya Öniş ve Fikret Şenses, "Turkey’s Encounter with Neoliberal
Globalization and the Logic of Washington Consensus, 1980–1990", Political Economy of Development in Turkey, 1838-Present, Emre Özçelik ve Yonca Özdemir (eds.), Palgrave Mac Millan, London, 2022, 197-226.
"Tahir ve Biz, Siz, Onlar", Fişek Enstitiüsü Çalışan Çocuklar Vakfı Bilim ve Eylem Merkezi Vakfı, Borçlu Olduklarımız: Umutları, Gelecekleri Çalınan İşçi Çocukların Öyküleri içinde, Ankara, 2021. [Full
text in
Turkish, PDF]
Bir Başka “Harp ve Sulh”:
1940’lar Türkiye’sinde Siyasal ve İktisadi Yaşama Toplu bir Bakış, Funda
Barbaros ve Erik Zürcher (der) Modernizmin
Yansımaları , 40’lı Yıllarda Türkiye, Efil Yayınevi (forthcoming).
Tanıl Bora'yla Söyleşi, Toplum ve Bilim, No 156, 2021, 225-243.
Book Review: İkinci Dünya Savaşı
Türkiye’si - Üçüncü Cilt: İlhan Tekeli ve Selim İlkin, İletişim, 2014, İktisat ve
Toplum, 128, June, 2021, 119-27.
Book Review: İkinci Dünya Savaşı
Türkiye’si - İkinci Cilt: İlhan Tekeli ve Selim İlkin, İletişim, 2014, İktisat ve
Toplum, 127, May, 2021, 119-29.
Book Review: İkinci Dünya Savaşı
Türkiye’si - Birinci Cilt: İlhan Tekeli ve Selim İlkin, İletişim, 2013, İktisat ve
Toplum, 126, April, 2021, 111-119.
"1950’li Yıllar: Ne getirdi? Ne Götürdü?", Modernizmin Yansımaları, 50’li Yıllarda Türkiye, Funda Barbaros and Erik Zürcher (ed.), 2021.
Book Review: Turkey in Turmoil, Social Change and Political Radicalization during
the 1960s, Berna Pekesen (ed.), de Gruyter Oldenbourg, Berlin/Boston
2020, Efil Journal, (3), 10-11, 2020, p.80-90.
"Sosyal Bilimciler Konuşuyor: Fikret Şenses'le Söyleşi", İktisat ve Toplum, Year 10, No 117, July 2020, 38-50.
Book Review: Yakup Kepenek, Cumhuriyet Çağdaşlaşmasından Günümüze Türkiye’nin
Değişimi, Yeni Kuşak Köy Enstitülüler Derneği Yayınları, Bassaray
Matbaası, İzmir, 2019. İktisat ve Toplum, Year 10, No 116, June, 2020.
Ziya Öniş and Fikret Şenses, "Turkey’s Encounter with Neo-liberal
Globalization and the Logic of Washington Consensus: Political Economy
of the 1980s in Comparativeand Historical Perspective" (mimeo), May 2020.
"Yoksulluk ve Eşitsizlik: Sonuç Değerlendirmeleri", Türkiye’de Yoksulluk ve Eşitsizlik, Nedenler, Süreçler, Çözümler, Sencer Ayata (ed.), Sosyal Denge ve Demokrasi Araştırma Merkezi-1, Sosyal Demokrasi Derneği, Ankara, March, 2020.
"Fikret Şenses'le Söyleşi", Darüşşafaka Gazetesi, December 2019, No 5.
Sosyal Demokrasi
Sempozyumu: Dünyada ve Türkiye’de Yaşanan Demokrasi
Krizi ve Sosyal Demokrasinin Yeniden Yapılandırılması, Sosyal Demokrasi
Derneği, October 18, 2019,Ankara (Participant).
Book Review: Barış İçin Akademisyenler Anlatıyor: İmza ve Ötesi, Nurettin Öztatar (eds.), Mülkiye, 43 (2), July 2019.
Sosyal Demokrasi
Derneği, Yoksulluk-Eşitsizlik Platformu, VII.Oturum, Tartışma ve Toplu
Değerlendirme Paneli: Korkut Boratav, Bilsay Kuruç, Fikret
Şenses, Sosyal Demokrasi Derneği, November 2-3, 2018.
Book Review: Akademisyenlerden KHK öyküleri, Kuvvet Lordoğlu (eds.), İktisat ve Toplum, 94, August 2018.
Gölgesinde Eşitsizlikler, Sagalassos Çalıştayı, İTÜ
Ekonomik ve Sosyal Araştırmalar Merkezi, October 4-7, 2018,
Burdur, (Commentator).
AND MONOGRAPHS ( Top of the Page )
* İktisada (Farklı Bir) Giriş: Giriş İktisadı Öğrencileri ve İktisada İlgi Duyanlar İçin Yardımcı Kitap, İletişim: İstanbul, 2017.
* AKP'li yıllarda emeğin durumu / Bağımsız Sosyal Bilimciler (Korkut Boratav, Fikret Şenses, Oktar Türel, Ebru Voyvoda /eds.) Istanbul : Yordam Kitap, 2015.
* Crisis and the New Economic
Order (ed.
with Ziya Öniş and Caner Bakır), İletişim: İstanbul, 2013.
* Essays in Honor of Selim İlkin and İlhan
Tekeli, METU Studies in Development, 40 (2), 2013
(ed. with Eyüp Özveren).
* Turkey
and the Global Economy: The New Phase of Neo-Liberal Restructuring and
Integration in the Post-Crisis Era (eds. Ziya
Öniş and Fikret Şenses),
Oxford and New York, September, 2009.
* Neoliberal Globalization and Development (ed. Fikret
Şenses), (in Turkish), İstanbul:
İletişim, November 2009.
Neoliberal Globalization as New Imperialism: Case Studies on
Reconstruction of the Periphery (eds.Köse, A.H.; Şenses, F.
and Yeldan, E.), Nova Science
Publishers, 2007.
* İktisat
Öngörü Çalışması 2003-2023 (ed. F. Şenses),
Türkiye Bilimler Akademisi Raporları, Number 17, TÜBA:
Ankara, 2007.
* Essays
in Honor of Merih Celasun, METU Studies in Development (Co-editor), 32 (2), 2005.
Essays in Economics I, Global Order: Accumulation, State and Classes
(in Turkish), (eds. A.H.Köse, F.Şenses and E. Yeldan), İletişim:
İstanbul, 2003.
Essays in Economics II, Economic Development, Crisis and Stabilization
(in Turkish), (eds. A.H.Köse, F.Şenses and E. Yeldan), İletişim:
İstanbul, 2003.
The Other Face of Gobalization: Poverty (in
Turkish), İletişim:
İstanbul, 2001.
* Essays
in Honor of Fikret Görün, METU Studies in Development (Co-editor), 26 (3-4), 1999.
Development Economics-Its Rise and Fall (edited book) (in
Turkish), İletişim:
İstanbul, 1996.
Recent Industrialization Experience of Turkey in a Global Context
(ed. F. Şenses), (A collection of twelve papers by Turkish, American
and British scholars including the introduction, conclusion and a long
chapter entitled Stabilization and Structural Adjustment Program and
the Process of Turkish Industrialization: Main Policies and their
Impact, by the editor), Greenwood Press, Westport, Conn.(October 1994).
* Essays
in Honor of Ergin Günçe, METU Studies in Development (Co-editor), 20 (1-2), 1993.
Stabilization Policies in Turkey (joint with T. Yamada),
Institute of Developing Economies, Joint Research Program Series,
Tokyo, 1990.
Turkey's Industrialization in the Light of post‑l980
Economic Policies (in Turkish), V Yayınları, Ankara, l989.
Studies in Development, Vol.13, Nos. 1‑2, 1986
Special Issue on the Turkish Economy, (ed. F. Şenses), List of
Contributors. Asım Erdilek, Merih Celasun, Maxwell Fry, Cevat Karataş,
Ziya Öniş and F. Şenses (Editor's Introduction).
Studies in Development, Vol.11, Nos. 1‑2, 1984
editor of the Special Issue on Development Economics, (ed. F. Şenses),
with contributions from some of the pioneers and leading practitioners
in the field of development economics.
ARTICLES ( Top of the Page )
* Türkiye'de Neoliberalizme Geçiş, İlk Etkiler ve "Kayıp Yıllar":
1980-1999. July 2022, (Cumhuriyetin yüzüncü yılı bağlamında İstanbul Büyükşehir
Belediyesi öncülüğünde Mine Eder-Barış Alp Özden editörlüğünde
hazırlanmakta olan iktisat cildinde yayımlanmak üzere sunulmuştur).
* Sanayileşme,
Kalkınma ve Demokrasi İlişkisi Işığında Türkiye'de Sanayileşme
Stratejilerinde Ana Kırılma Noktalarının ve
Dönüşümünün Kısa Öyküsü:
1923-1980. June 2022, (Efil Yayınevi tarafından Cumhuriyet'in
yüzüncü yılı bağlamında Ömer Faruk Çolak
editörlüğünde basılması planlanan kitapta yayımlanmak
üzere sunulmuştur).
* The Long and Bitter Fall: An Account of Events that Shook the Turkish Economy During September-December 2021, New Perspectives on Turkey, Spring, No. 66, May 2022, 180-190.
* Ziya Öniş ve Fikret Şenses, "Turkey’s Encounter with Neoliberal
Globalization and the Logic of Washington Consensus, 1980–1990", Political Economy of Development in Turkey, 1838-Present, Emre Özçelik ve Yonca Özdemir (eds.), Palgrave Mac Millan, London, 2022, 197-226.
* Bir Başka “Harp ve Sulh”:
1940’lar Türkiye’sinde Siyasal ve İktisadi Yaşama Toplu bir Bakış, Funda
Barbaros ve Erik Zürcher (der) Modernizmin
Yansımaları , 40’lı Yıllarda Türkiye, Efil Yayınevi (forthcoming).
* "1950’li Yıllar: Ne getirdi? Ne Götürdü?", Modernizmin Yansımaları, 50’li Yıllarda Türkiye, Funda Barbaros and Erik Zürcher (eds.), 2021.
* "Yoksulluk ve Eşitsizlik: Sonuç Değerlendirmeleri", Türkiye’de Yoksulluk ve Eşitsizlik, Nedenler, Süreçler, Çözümler, Sencer Ayata (ed.), Sosyal Denge ve Demokrasi Araştırma Merkezi-1, Sosyal Demokrasi Derneği, Ankara, March, 2020.
* “Introduction”, in Reflections on Modernism, Turkey in the 1990’s (in Turkish), edited by R. Funda Barbaros and Erik Jan Zurcher, Efil: Ankara, 2017.
* “Türkiye
Ekonomisinde Neoliberal Dönüşümün Arka Planı ve
Başlangıcına İlişkin Gözlem ve Değerlendirmeler”, in Reflections on Modernism, Turkey in the 1980’s
(in Turkish), edited by R. Funda Barbaros and Erik Jan Zurcher, Efil: Ankara,
2017, 31-67.
* “Sunuş: Afetler ve Kalkınma Konusuna Toplu Bakış”, in Afetlerle Kalkınma: Tecrübeler, Politikalar ve Beklentiler, Murad Tiryakioglu (ed.), Efil: Ankara, 2016, 17-34.
“Industrialization against the Background of the Great
Depression: The Turkish and Brazilian Experience in the 1930s”
(in Turkish),
in Türkiye Ekonomisinin
Dünü, Bugünü, Yarını: Yakup Kepenek'e ve Oktar
Türel'e Armağan (in Honor of Yakup
Kepenek and Oktar Türel) edited by Emre Özçelik
and Erol Taymaz, İmge, Ankara, 2015, 365-399.
“Yakup Kepenek ve Oktar Türel Üzerine” (in
in Türkiye
Ekonomisinin Dünü, Bugünü, Yarını: Yakup Kepenek'e
ve Oktar Türel'e Armağan (in Honor of Yakup
Kepenek and Oktar Türel) edited by Emre Özçelik
and Erol Taymaz, İmge, Ankara, 2015, 9-14.
* “Income
Distribution and Poverty: Main Trends, Main Factors and
Policies” (in Turkish), in New
Approaches in Development (edited by Ahmet Faruk Aysan and
Dumludağ) İmge: İstanbul, 2014, 93-121.
“Industrialization in Challenging Times: Turkish Experience in
the 1970s”(in Turkish), in Reflections
on Modernism Turkey in the 1970’s, edited by R.
Funda Barbaros ve Erik Jan Zurcher, Efil: Ankara, 2014, 31-67.
* “Comments
on Prof. Colander’s Paper, “What Should Turkish Economists
Do and How Should They Do It?" ", Ekonomi-tek,
Vol. 2, No. 3, September 2013, 47-54.
"Studies of İlhan Tekeli and Selim İlkin on Higher Education in Turkey"
(in Turkish), Special Issue on İlhan
Tekeli and Selim İlkin, METU Studies in Development, 40 (2),
2013, 339-71.
"Alice Amsden in Memoriam" (with Ziya Öniş), METU Studies in
Development, 39, No. 2, 2012.
* “Turkey's
experience with neoliberal policies since 1980 in retrospect and
prospect”, New perspective
on Turkey, Special Issue on Turkey's Experience with Neoliberal
Policies and Globalization edited by Şevket Pamuk, No.47, Fall
and Dealing with Poverty - Human Rights Dimension”, Human Rights 60
Years after the Universal Declaration (edited by Ioanna
Maltepe University, Centre for Research and Application of Human
Rights, İstanbul, 2011, pp.121-47.
“Income Distribution, Labor
Markets and Poverty: The Intersecting and Most Challenging Issues under
Neoliberal Globalization”, (mimeo, 2010).
* “The New Phase
of Neo-Liberal Restructuring in Turkey: An Overview” (with Z.
Öniş), in Turkey and the Global Economy: The New
of Neo-Liberal Restructuring and Integration in the Post-Crisis Era edited
by Ziya Öniş and Fikret Şenses, Routledge, Oxford and New York,
September, 2009.
* “Turkish Economy
at a New Stage of Integration into the Global Economy; Towards a
Synthesis and
the Challenges Ahead” (with Z. Öniş), in Turkey and the Global Economy: The New Phase of
Neo-Liberal Restructuring and Integration in the Post-Crisis Era edited by Ziya Öniş and Fikret Şenses,
Routledge, Oxford and New York, September, 2009.
* "Missing
Links in Poverty Analysis in the Age of
Neoliberal Globalization: Some Lessons from Turkey", New
Perspectives on Turkey, No. 38, Spring, 2008.
* Some Observations on the State of Economics in
Turkey, New Perspectives on
Turkey, No 39 Fall 2008.
"Küresel Dinamikler, Ülkeiçi
Koalisyonlar ve Reaktif Devlet: Türkiye'nin Savaş
Sonrası Kalkınmasında Önemli Politika
Dönüşümleri", Neoliberal Globalization and Development (ed. Fikret
Şenses), (in Turkish), İstanbul:
İletişim, November 2009. (joint with Ziya Öniş),
2007. [Full
text in
Turkish, PDF]
"Global Dynamics, Domestic Coalitions and a
Reactive State: Major Policy Shifts in Post-War Turkish Economic
Development" (with Ziya Öniş), METU Studies in
Development, Vol. 34. No. 2, 2007, pp.251-286.
"Sosyal Bilimlerde
Öngörü Projesi, İktisat Grubu Raporu", in Sosyal
Bilimler Öngörü Çalışması 2003-2023,
Türkiye Bilimler Akademisi Raporları, Number 18, TÜBA:
Ankara, 2007.
"İktisat Alanýnda Eğitim ve Araştırma
Sorunları: Mevcut Durum, Beklentiler ve Öneriler", in İktisat
Öngörü Çalışması 2003-2023 (ed. F. Şenses),
Türkiye Bilimler Akademisi Raporları, Number 17, TÜBA:
Ankara, 2007, pp. 27-54.
"Sosyal Bilim Alanı Olarak İktisat: Mevcut Durum,
Öngörüler ve Öneriler, Bir Anket Çalışması",
in İktisat Öngörü Çalışması 2003-2023
(ed. F. Şenses), Türkiye Bilimler Akademisi Raporları, Number 17,
TÜBA: Ankara, 2007, pp. 69-111.
* Economics
Education in Turkey in Light of Dr. Kumcu's Assessment, The Platform of
Teaching Economics, Diary,
Turkish Academy of Sciences, No. 4, December 2006, pp.18-20.
* Foresight
Study in Economics in Retrospect and Prospect, Diary, Turkish Academy of Sciences,
No. 4, December 2006, p.25.
“Socioeconomic Effects of Economic Crises: A Comparative
Analysis of The Experience of Indonesia, Argentina and
Turkey” (joint with Murat Koyuncu), 2007 (forthcoming), in
Köse, A.H.; Şenses, F. and Yeldan, E.: Neoliberal Globalization as New
Imperialism: Case Studies on Reconstruction of the Periphery,
Nova Publishers; reprinted in Argentina
: economic, political and social issues / Jeanne B. Haverland,
editor. New York : Nova Science Publishers, 2009.
“Global Management,
Local Labour Turkish Workers and Modern Industry”: Palgrave
Macmillan, London, 2004 by Theo Nichols and Nadir Sugur, Economic
and Industrial Democracy, 2006, Vol.26, No 2.
“Ercan Kumcu’nun Gözlemleri Kapsamında
Türkiye’de İktisat Eğitimi" , TÜBA Günce,
“Some Salient Features of Recent Turkish DFI Experience with
Special Emphasis on Export and Employment Performance (with Tevfik
Koldas)", METU
Studies in Development, Vol. 32. No. 2, 2005,
Yoksulluk ve Yoksulluk
Düşüncesi” (joint with Harun
Önder), in İktisat, Siyaset, Devlet Üzerine
Yazılar (Prof. Dr. Kemali Saybaşılı'ya Armağan), Burak
Ülman ve İsmet Akça (eds.), Bağlam, İstanbul,
199-221. 2005.
“Rethinking the Emerging Post-Washington Consensus: A
Critical Appraisal” (joint with Ziya Öniş), Development
and Change, 2005, Vol. 36, No. 2, pp. 263-90
“ODTÜ İktisat Bölümü
Öğrenci Profili – Yeniden”, METU Studies in Development,
32 (1), June 2005, pp. 185-198.
“Approaches to Poverty and Poverty Alleviation: A Turkish
Perspective- A Review Article”, New Perspectives on
Turkey, 2005, forthcoming.
“Difficulties and –trade-offs in performance
evaluation in social sciences- A Turkish perspective”, in Evaluation
of Performance in Social Sciences (edited by İlhan Tekeli and
Necdet Teymur), Turkish National Commission for UNESCO, Ankara, 2004,
pp. 83-105.
“Kısa Dönem Krizlerin Sosyoekonomik Etkileri:
Türkiye, Endonezya ve Arjantin Deneyimleri” (with M.
Koyuncu), Çalışma ve Toplum, 2004, pp.
“Neoliberal Küreselleşme Kalkınma için
Bir Fırsat mı, Engel mi ?”, in Kalkınma ve
Küreselleşme, S. Dedeoğlu ve T. Subaşat (eds.),
İstanbul, Bağlam Yayınları, 2004, p. 13-54.
“Yoksulluğun Küreselleşmesi mi? Küreselleşmenin Yoksulluğu mu?”, Toplum ve Hekim, Vol. 19, No 1, January-February 2004, pp. 13-18.
“Unutulan Bir Toplumsal Amaç: Sanayileşme Ne
oluyor? Ne olmalı?” (with E. Taymaz) (2003), in İktisat Üzerine Yazılar
II, İktisadi Kalkınma, Kriz ve İstikrar, Oktar
Türel’e Armağan, (eds.
A.H.Köse, F.Şenses and E. Yeldan), İletişim:
İstanbul, 429-61.
* “Neoliberal
Ekonomi Politikaları, İşgücü
Piyasaları ve İstihdam”, 2000-2003 in Petrol-İş
Yıllığı, Petrol-İş: İstanbul, 2003, pp. 149-161.
“Economic Crisis as an Instigator of Distributional Conflict:
The Turkish Case in 2001”, in The Turkish Economy
in Crisis (eds. Ziya Öniş and Barry Rubin), Frank
Cass, Londra, 2003, pp. 92-119.
“Yoksullukla Mücadelenin Neresindeyiz?:
Gözlem ve Öneriler”, in İktisat
Üzerine Yazılar I, Küresel Düzen: Birikim,
Devlet ve Sınıflar, (eds. A. H. Köse, F. Şenses ve
E. Yeldan), İletişim: İstanbul, 2003, pp. 319-356.
“Poverty Alleviation: Too Much Optimism, Too Little
Attention”, Journal of Economic Cooperation among
Islamic Countries, 23, 2002, pp. 1-16.
“Öncesiyle ve Sonrasıyla Ekonomide 1980
Dönüşümü: Gözlemler,
Kaygılar ve Beklentiler”, TES-İŞ Dergisi,
December 2002, pp. 18-23.
“Yoksulluk Artışlarına Kayıtsız Kalınmamalıdır”, TES-İŞ
Dergisi , October-November 2001, pp. 27-33
“Main Phases and Salient Features of Turkish Foreign Aid
Experience", in Foreign Aid: New Perspectives
(edited by Kanhaya L. Gupta), Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1999, pp.
* "Yoksullukla
Mücadele ve Sosyal Yardımlaşma ve Dayanışmayı Teşvik Fonu", METU
Studies in Development, 26 (3-4), 1999, 427-451.
“Yüksek Öğretimde Öğrenciler:
ODTÜ İktisat Bölümü
Öğrenci Profili”, METU
Studies in Development,
26 (1-2), 1999, pp. 179-201.
“Kriz, Dış Yardım ve Neoliberal Politikalar”, Toplum
ve Bilim, 77, Summer 1998, pp. 29-44.
“İşgücü Piyasalarında Esneklik
Türkiye İçin Geçerli Bir Kavram
mıdır?”, '95-'96 Petrol-İş Yıllığı,
“Gelişme İktisadı ve İktisadi Gelişme: Nereden
Nereye?”, Kalkınma İktisadı - Yükselişi ve
Gerilemesi (der. F. Şenses) içinde,
İletişim: İstanbul, 1996, s. 93-128.
“Structural Adjustment Policies and Employment in
Turkey”, New Perspectives on Turkey, Fall
1996 (14).
“Özelleştirme, Kamu girişimciliği ve
Sanayileşme”, Birikim, 70, Şubat 1995,
pp. 28-36.
“Can Effective Industrial Restructuring be Compatible with
Market-oriented Structural Adjustment Policies? The Evidence
from Turkey”, New Perspectives on Turkey,
Fall 1995, (13), pp. 51-74.
“The Turkish Export Boom ‑
Reward or Just Lucky?” (joint with Prof.Robin Barlow of
University of Michigan), Journal of Development Economics,
Vol.48, 1995, pp.111-133.
“Türkiye'de ve Dünyada
Yükseköğretim, Bilim ve Teknoloji”, Review
of TUSIAD Report, METU
Studies in Development, 21 (3), 1994, pp. 564-74.
“The Recent Debate on the Economic Role of State and
Privatization and State Economic Enterprises in Turkey" (in Turkish),
Proceedings of the 1993 Industrial Congress, Vol. 3, pp. 1‑8, reprinted
in Metalurji. No. 88, February 1994 pp.11‑16.
“Labour Market Response to Structural Adjustment and
Institutional Pressures”, Background Paper to the OECD 1993
Country Survey for Turkey, METU
Studies in Development,
21(3), 1994, pp. 405‑448.
“A Turning Point in the Process of Turkish Industrialization:
1980s and Beyond” (in Turkish), METU Studies in Development,
20(4), 1993, pp. 549‑80.
“Academic Life in Turkey : Some Observations and
Recommendations” (in Turkish), METU Studies in Development,
20 (1‑2),
1993, pp.169‑188
“Turkey's Labour Market Policies in the l980s against the
background of her Stabilization Program”, in Political
and Socioeconomic Transformation of Turkey Since 1980, in
B.Yeşilada, M.Tünay and A.Eralp (eds). Praeger, New York,
1993, pp. 97-109.
“Turkey's Stabilization and Structural Adjustment Program in
Retrospect and Prospect”, The Developing Economies,
September l991, XXIX (3), pp.210‑234.
“Income Distribution, Income Redistribution and Labor
Markets” (in Turkish), Türk Ekonomisine Sosyal
Demokrat Çözümler Cilt III: Gelir Dağılımı
ve Yeniden Dağıtım Mekanizmaları, TÜSES, İstanbul, 1991, pp.
“Stabilty and Growth in the Turkish Economy, l980s and
Beyond” (in Turkish), Review Article, METU Studies in Development,
18 (1-2), 1991, p. 111-142.
“An Assessment of the Pattern of Turkish Manufactured Export
Growth in the 1980s and its Prospects”, in The
Political Economy of Turkey : Debt, Adjustment and Sustainability,
in Tosun.Arıcanlı and Dani .Rodrik (eds.), Mac Millan, London, 1990,
pp. 60-77.
“Foreign Trade Liberalization in an Arch‑type Import
Substituting Economy: The Case of Turkey”, in Trade
Liberalization in the l980s, New World Order Series, eds.
H.W. Singer, N.Hatti, and R.Tandon, Vol.VIII, Indus Publishing Company,
New Delhi, l990, pp. 387-406.
“The Nature and Main Impact of Turkey's Stabilization and
Structural Adjustment Program ‑
Retrospect and Prospect”, in F. Şenses and T. Yamada, Stabilization
Policies in Turkey, Institute of Developing Economies, Joint
Research Program Series, Tokyo, l990
“1980 Sonrası Ekonomi Politikalari ve Sanayileşme”, Ekonomi
ve Politikada GÖRÜŞ,
No. 43, June 1990, pp. 34-35.
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Turkey in Turmoil, Social Change and Political
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Oldenbourg, Berlin/Boston 2020, p. 331. August 2020. (forthcoming).
Yakup Kepenek, Cumhuriyet Çağdaşlaşmasından
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* Reflections on Modernism-Turkey in the 1960s,
: Ankara, 2013, by Funda Barbaros and Erik Jan Zurcher (ed.) (in
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35, September, 2013, 89-93.
* Beyond the Resources of Poverty: Gecekondu Living in the
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2004, METU
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New Poverty and the Changing Welfare Regime of Turkey: Ayşe Buğra ve
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30 (1), 2003, pp. 121-28.
Ulusal Yenilik Sistemi- Türkiye İmalât Sanayiinde
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Studies in Development, 29 (1-2),
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ve M. Melih Pınarcıoğlu, METU
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Küreselleşme Sürecinde Türkiye Ekonomisi:
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Asia's Next Giant: South Korea and Late Industrialization: Alice H.
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PAPERS ( Top of the Page )
* "Global Dynamics,
Domestic Coalitions and a Reactive State: Major Policy Shifts in
Post-War Turkish Economic Development" (with Ziya Öniþ), METU-ERC
Working Papers, 2007, (07/06).
* "Uluslararasý
Geliþmeler Işığında Türkiye Yükseköğretim Sistemi:
Temel Eğilimler, Sorunlar, Çelişkiler ve Öneriler", METU-ERC
Working Papers, 2007, (07/05).
“Kısa Dönem Krizlerin Sosyoekonomik Etkileri:
Türkiye, Endonezya ve Arjantin Deneyimleri” (with M.
Koyuncu), METU-ERC Working Papers, 2003, (04/13).
“Neoliberal Küreselleşme Kalkınma için
Bir Fırsat mı, Engel mi ?”, METU-ERC Working Papers,
2003, (04/09).
“Unutulan Bir Toplumsal Amaç: Sanayileşme Ne
oluyor? Ne olmalı?”, METU-ERC Working Papers,
2003, (03/01).
“Rethinking the Emerging Post-Washington Consensus: A
Critical Appraisal” (joint with Ziya Öniş), METU-ERC
Working Papers, 2003, (03/09).
“Difficulties and –trade-offs in performance
evaluation in social sciences- A Turkish perspective”, METU-ERC
Working Papers, 2003, (03/11).
"Economic Crisis as an Instigator of Distributional Conflict: The
Turkish Case in 2001", METU-ERC Working Papers,
2003, (02/06).
“Yoksullukla Mücadele ve Sosyal Yardımlaşma ve
Dayanışma Teşvik Fonu”, METU-ERC Working
Papers, 1999, (99/2).
“Main Phases and Salient Features of Turkish Foreign Aid
Experience”, METU-ERC Working
Papers, 1998, (98/1).
“İşgücü piyasalarında esneklik
Türkiye için geçerli bir kavram
mıdır?”, METU-ERC Working Papers,
1997, (97/4).
“Gelişme İktisadı ve İktisadi Gelişme: Nereden
Nereye?”, METU-ERC Working Papers,
1997, (97/3).
“Structural Adjustment Policies and Employment in
Turkey”, METU-ERC Working Papers, 1996,
* “Turkiye'de
Isgucu Piyasalari-Issizlik
Profili Etkilesimi: Iktisadi bir Yaklasim”, METU-ERC Working
January 1991, (91/01).
“Alternative Trade and Industrialization Strategies and
Employment in the Turkish Manufacturing Sector”, Friedrich
Ebert Foundation Istanbul, 1990.
* Sosyal Demokrasi
Sempozyumu: Dünyada ve Türkiye’de Yaşanan Demokrasi
Krizi ve Sosyal Demokrasinin Yeniden Yapılandırılması, Sosyal Demokrasi
Derneği, October 18, 2019,Ankara (Participant)
* Sosyal Demokrasi
Derneği, Yoksulluk-Eşitsizlik Platformu, VII.Oturum, Tartışma ve Toplu
Değerlendirme Paneli: Korkut Boratav, Bilsay Kuruç, Fikret
Şenses, Sosyal Demokrasi Derneği, November 2-3, 2018.
* Globalleşmenin
Gölgesinde Eşitsizlikler, Sagalassos Çalıştayı, İTÜ
Ekonomik ve Sosyal Araştırmalar Merkezi, October 4-7, 2018,
Burdur, (Commentator).
* “Rethinking Policy Space in Today’s Development Discourse:
A Turkish Perspective” (Invited Speaker), 8. International Conference of Political Economy:
Institutions, National Identity, Power, and Governance in the 21st
Century, 28-30 Haziran 2017, Belgrade, Serbia.
* Speech made at the
Workshop on Turkish Economy and
Development Economics (in honour of Fikret Şenses), 2-4 April 2015,
Middle East Technical Universty, North Cyprus campus. [Full
text in
Turkish, PDF]
* Mimarlık Semineri
2015, 5-7 March 2015, Mimar Sinan Güzel Sanatlar
Üniversitesi, İstanbul, (Discussant).
UNDP; Discussant, Roundtable Discussion on Inclusive
Growth, Experts Meeting to comment on Nobel Laurate J. Stiglitz's
presentation/18 August 2014, Four Seasons Hotel-Istanbul.
“Türkiye'de Bireysel Gelir Dağılımı Eşitsizliklerive
Eşitsizlikler” Raporu (TÜSİAD)Tanıtım Toplantısı,
27 June 2014, Sabancı Center, İstanbul.
“Inequality under neoliberal globalization: How much we
What is to be done?-A Turkish perspective” (Invited
speaker), 19-20 June 2014, International Workshop,
Nantes Institute for Advanced Study-Nantes-France.
* Tragedy of
Exclusion Workshop, -Global Think-in at Columbia
University Global Center in Istanbul, (Invited Speaker/Commentator), 7
June 2014.
"Speech on the Life and Contributions of professors Yakup Kepenek and
Oktar Türel at the Closing session of the Workshop on Turkish
Organized in their honour", 25-26 April 2013, METU North Cyprus Campus,
(in Turkish). [Full
text in
Turkish, PDF]
* Turgut
Özal International Conference of Economics and Politics II, Global
Change and Democratization, 19-20 April 2012, İnönü
University, Malatya, Turkey (Panelist and Session Leader).
* Glodem
Panel Discussion, Koç University, Turkish Economy: Future
(Session Leader and Commentator), 11 May 2012, İstanbul.
"Turkey's Experience with Neoliberal Policies since 1980 in Retrospect
and Prospect", London School of Economics, 27 October 2011, London.
* "The
Implications of Global Economic Crisis for Development", Session 1
and Introductory Remarks, Young Scholars Workshop "The Global Economic
Crisis: Implications for Regional and Global Governance", 30 June 2011,
Koç University, İstanbul.
* "1980
Sonrası Türkiye Ekonomisi, Geçmişten Bugüne Bir
Gezinti", Prof. Dr. Demir Demirgil Conference, 16 May 2011,
Boğaziçi University, İstanbul.
"Workshop on “Between Shifting and Resilient Forces (1):
Turkey in Comparative Perspective, August 6-8, 2006, Işık University,
Şile, İstanbul
“Workshop on Türkiye’de Yoksullukla
Savaşım ve Mikrofinans”, Boğaziçi University,
İstanbul, 24 June 2005.
* “Yerel
Yönetişim Yoluyla Yoksulluğun Giderilmesi Bölgesel
Konferansı”, International Conference, İstanbul Richmond
Oteli, 15-16 April 2005.
* “Yerel
Yönetişim Yoluyla Yoksulluğun Giderilmesi”,
İstanbul Armada Oteli, Ocak 2005.
“International Workshop on Economic Reform, New Politics,
Rule of Law and Social Justice”, Boğaziçi University,
Istanbul , 4-6 November 2004
(commentator and session chair).
“International Conference on Changing Role of Unions in the
Contemporary World of Labour”, Boğaziçi University
Social Policy Forum, 26-27 November 2004 (commentator and session
“International Workshop on Basic Income:
Overcoming Insecurity in a Globalizing World Boğaziçi
University Social Policy Forum”, İstanbul, 21-22 May, 2004
“International Workshop on Quality Evaluation in Higher
Education”, İstanbul Bilgi University, 10 May 2004,
“Evaluation of the Performance in Social Sciences”,
Middle East Technical University, Ankara, 26-27 June 2003
(International Workshop), session chair and commentator.
“Economic Crisis as an Instigator of Distributional Conflict;
paper presented at the Workshop on The Turkish Economy at
the crossroads: critical perspectives on the 2000-2001 crises in
Turkey”, Koç University, İstanbul, 27
September 2002.
“Yüksek Öğretimde Özelleştirme
Eğilimi: Temel Sorunlar, Yaklaşımlar ve Perspektifler”,
Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, İstanbul Marmara Oteli, 4 Aralık 1999.
“Structural Adjustment Polices and Employment in
Turkey”, Paper presented at the Annual Meetings
of the Middle East Economic Association,
January, 3-5, 1997, San Francisco, USA.
* “Trade
and Industrialization Policies and Employment in Turkish Manufacturing
Industry”, Paper presented at the Annual
Meetings of the Middle East Economic Association,
January, 3-5, 1997, New Orleans, USA.
* “Major
Structural and Policy Elenments and Main Trends in Turkish Labour
Market Against the Background of Trends in Selected Orgaization for
Islamic Conference (OIC) Countries”, Paper presented at the
Research Workshop on Complementarities of the Economies of the OIC
Member Countries, Dhaka. Bangladesh, 3-6 January 1993.
* “Main
Characteristics of Turkish Industrial Policy”, 29 September
1990, Institute of Developing Economies, Tokyo, Japan.
* “The
Interaction Between post-1980 Economic Policies and Industrialization
in Turkey and the Need for Industrial Restructuring (with Arman
Kırım)”, 1989 Industrial Congress, TMMOB, Ankara, 4-9
December 1989.
ARTICLES ( Top of the Page )
* "Üniversiteme Dokunma", Cumhuriyet, March 24, 2017.
text in
Turkish, PDF]
* "Yükseköğretim
Reformu mu, Özelleştirme mi?", Cumhuriyet, October 12,
2012. reprinted in İktisat
ve Toplum, No 25, 2012, pp.65-67. [Full
text in
Turkish, PDF]
* "Yükseköğretim
Strateji Raporu", Cumhuriyet, September 14, 2006, p. 2.
text in
Turkish, PDF]
* "Yükseköğretim
Kurulu'nun Stratejisi", Radikal, August 31, 2006.
text in
Turkish, PDF]
“Setting up New Universities in Turkey” (in
Turkish), Cumhuriyet,
December 19, 2005, p. 2. [Full
text in Turkish, PDF]
“Yoksullukla Mücadele Edilmedi”, Cumhuriyet, January 31, 2005,
p. 6.
“Yoksullukla Savaşım İçin de Yeni Bakış Açıları
Gereklidir”, Cumhuriyet, December 30, 2001.
* "Yoksulluk
Kaygı Veriyor",
December 2, 1997, Milliyet, p. 20.
"Sanayileşmeden Vaz mı Geçiliyor?", Cumhuriyet,
October 27, 1995, p. 2.
* "Üniversitelerin
Kaynak Sorunu ve Özelleştirme", Cumhuriyet,
January 2, 1995, p. 2. reprinted in ÖES Bulletin No 7 February
* "Yükseköğretim
Kanunu Üzerine" (with
Güntaç Özler and Oktar Türel), Cumhuriyet, November 21, 1981.