
The following are software written by Dr. Cüneyt Sert and his students.

CFD with CUDA is the outcome of an ongoing TUBITAK research project. The aim is to develop a finite element based incompressible flow solver utilizing the parallel programming infrastructure provided by NVIDIA's CUDA toolkit. It is under heavy development, details of which can be followed thorugh its web site.

LSSEM is a flow solver based on Least Squares version of Legendre polynomial based Spectral Element Method. It can solve two-dimensional, steady, incompressible, laminar flows on quadrilateral and triangular meshes. The solver can utilize solution based mesh adaptation. It is written in C++ language.

Virtual Flow Lab is an educational CFD software. It includes simple but functional pre-processing, solver and post-processing tools. It allows to create structured meshes using either algebraic of differential mesh generation methods. It is possible to put solid bodies in a flow field by simply labeling the desired computational cells as blocked cells. Its incompressible flow solver is based on the SIMPLE algorithm of Patankar. Its variations such as SIMPLER and SIMPLEC are also available as alternative solver schemes. Space discretization can be made using one of Central, Upwind, Power Law or Hybrid choices. It is possible to perform steady or unsteady simulations on staggered mesh arrangements. Calculated flow fields can be visualized by generating contour or vector plots. Virtual Flow Lab is written in C++ and its graphical user interface is developed using the open source Qt toolkit.

EasyNumerics is designed to be used as a practice tool for the students of an introductory level numerical methods course. It can also be used by the instructors of such a course as an in-class teaching aid. Instructors might also find it useful in preparing examples and homework questions. It consists of several modules, each covering a separate topic such as finding roots of nonlinear equations, solving systems of linear algebraic equations, optimization, curve fitting, differentiation, integration, and solving ordinary differential equations. The user can run typical numerical methods problems and get detailed numerical and visual output of the solution. EasyNumerics is written in Tcl/Tk language. It has a graphical user interface for user interaction. You can visit its home page to get the latest working version.