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Books (International) .
1. Arslan S., Gönenç Sorguç A.,'A Parametric Approach to Biomimesis: A Proposal for a Non-Dimensional Parametric Interface Design in Architecture', LAP Lambert Academic Publishing AG & Co KG., 2010.
Books (National) .
1. Günel, M.H., Ilgin, H.E., Gönenç Sorguç A., 'Rüzgar Enerjisi ve Bina Tasarimi', ODTÜ Mimarlik Fakultesi yayinlari, Ankara, 2007.
Chapter in a Book (International) .
1. Arslan, S., Gönenç Sorguç, A., 2005, 'Biomimesis in Architecture: Inspiration for Next Generation Po(r)table Buildings' Transportable Environments III Book editied by Kronenburg R. and Klassen F., pp.188-191.
Publications (International) .
Journal Papers
1. Arzu Gönenç, The Effect of Helmholtz Resonator in Acoustoelastically Coupled Spaces and a Comparison Between Resonators and Absorptive Materials in the Coupled System Response. "Next Generation CAD & Modelling Technique in Concurrent Design of JSME" (1999).
2. Arzu Gonenç Sorguç, Ichiro Hagiwara, Modelling of Sound Fields Inside Acoustically-Structurally Coupled Sound Fields by a Combined Method. "Computation Mechanics and Domain Decomposition Methods" (1999).
3. W. Cheng (TIT), Gönenç Sorguç A., (METU), J.Shinoda (TIT), I. Hagiwara (TIT), MOAA and Topology Judgement for Mesh Construction, ASME/JSME Pressure Vessels snd Piping Conference: Computer Technology and Applications, PVP Vol. 482, pp.238., June 2004.
4. W. Cheng (TIT), Gönenç Sorguç A., (METU), J.Shinoda (TIT), I. Hagiwara (TIT), The Maximum Opposite Angulation for Mesh Construction, Journal of Japan Society of Industrial and Applied Mathematics (JSIAM), Vol.22, No. 1, p. 21-44, February 2005
5. Gönenç Sorguç A., 'Teaching Mathematics in Architecture', Nexus Journal special issue on didactics, Vol 7, No.1, pp. 119-124, Spring 2005.
6. Gönenç Sorguç A., 'Role of System Architecture in Developing New Drafting Tools', Japanese Society of Mechanical Engineers International Journal, Special Issue: The Latest Frontiers of CAD/CAE/CG, Vol. 28, No. 2, pp. 244-250, June 2005.
7. Gönenç Sorguç A., 'The Evolving Role of Mathematics in Designing in Digital Medium' Nexus Architecture and Mathematics, Kim Williams Books, pp. 47-56, 2006.
8. Faucard B., Gönenç Sorguç A., Magoules F., Hagiwara I., "Refining technique for multilevel graph k-partitioning and its application on domain decomposition non overlapping Schwarz technique for urban acoustic pollution", Journal of the Japan Society for Simulation Technology, pp.17-27, June, Vol.28, No.6, 2009.
9. Gönenç Sorguç A., Hagiwara I., Arslan S., "Origamics in Architecture: A Medium of Inquiry for Design in Architecture", METU Journal of Architecture, 26:2, p.235-247, 2009(2).
10. Özgenel F., Gönenç Sorguç, A., 'Sayısal Ortamda Tasarımın Deneyimlenmesi için Arayüzlerin Gelistirilmesi: Bir Ön Tasarim Parametresi Olarak Ses', METU Journal of Architecture, 28:2, p.248-253, 2011(2).
11. Erdogan E., Gönenç Sorguç, A., ' Hesaplamali Modeller Araciligiyla Mimari ve Dogal Biçim Üretim Ilkelerini Iliskilendirmek' METU Journal of Architecture, 28:2, p.269-281, 2011(2).
Conference Papers
1. Analysis of forced acoustic fields inside structurally coupled cavities, A. Gönenç, M. Çaliskan, proceedings of Second International Congress on Air and Structure Borne Sound and Vibration, ALABAMA-USA, pp.651-658, March 1992
2. Active minimization of acoustic potential energy inside structurally coupled enclosures: an analytical approach, proceedings of Inter-noise 93, LEUVEN-BELGIUM, pp.785-788, September 1993
3. A.G. Sorguç, M.Çaliskan, 'Active Minimization of Acoustic Potential Energy Inside Acoustoelastically Coupled Enclosed Spaces', proceedings of the Australasian Conference on Structural Optimization, February 11, 1998, pp.621-627, Sydney-Australia.
4. A.G. Sorguç, I.Hagiwara and M. Çaliskan, Study Of Inside Coupled Noise Reduction Under The Presence of Helmholtz Resonators, Proceedings of Dynamics and Design Conference'99 of JSME,(1999-3), pp707-710.
5. Arzu Gönenç Sorguç, I.Hagiwara, Q. Shi and Mehmet Çaliskan: The Effect of Sound Source Position in The Coupled System Response and Shaping The Coupled Field by Optimizing The Source Position, Proceedings of Dynamics and Design Conference'99 of JSME, (1999-3),pp207-209.
6. Arzu Gönenç Sorguç, Ichiro Hagiwara, Quizong Shi, Effect of Source Position on the Sound Fields Insider Acoustically Structurally Coupled Enclosed Spaces Using Holographic Neural Network. "12th DDM International Conference" (1999).
7. Arzu Gonenç Sorguç, Ichiro Hagiwara, Quinzong Shi, Mehmet Çalışkan, The Effect of Sound Source Position in the Coupled System Response and Shaping the Coupled Field by Optimizing the Source Position. "Dynamics and Design Conference'99 of JSME", 3 (1999).
8. Arzu Gönenç Sorguç(TIT/METU), Development of Efficient Method for Interior Coupled Noise Problem of Large Structure, Special lecture in Research Center of NISSAN Motor Company(1999.3.24)
9. Arzu Gönenç Sorguç(TIT/METU) and I. Hagiwara(TIT), Modeling of sound fields inside acousitcally-structurally coupled fields by a combined method, Symposium of Computation Mechanics and Domain Decomposition Methods, Sponsored by Japanese Ministry of Education and Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences of Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan (January 18--20, 1999).
10. Arzu Gönenç(TIT/METU), Modeling of Sound Fields Inside Acoustically-Structurally Coupled Fields by A Combined Method/Part II, Research Committee of DDM Sponsored by JSIAM(1999.2.20).
11. Arzu Gönenç(TIT/METU),Development of High/Efficient Performance for Coupled Structural and Acoustic Problem,
12. Arzu Gönenç(TIT/METU),Development of High/Efficient Performance for Coupled Structural and Acousty Problem, First Conference of Virtual Design/Manufacturing Group of TIT VBL(1996.12.25)
13. Arzu Gönenç Sorguç(METU),Reshaping of Sound Fields Inside Acoustoelastically Coupled Enclosed Spaces By Helmholtz Resonators, Research Committee on Next-Generation CAD &Modeling Technique in order to Realize Concurrent Design & Development of JSME(1998.12.1).
14. Arzu Gönenç Sorguç(Middle East Technical University Dept. of Architecture, Ankara-Turkey) ,The Effect of Helmholtz Resonators in Acoustoelastically Coupled Enclosed Spaces, and a Comparison Between Resonators and Absorptive Materials in the Coupled System Response, Research Committee on Next-Generation CAD &Modeling Technique in order to Realize Concurrent Design & Development of JSME(1999.1.29).
15. Arzu Gönenç Sorguç (METU), Ichiro Hagiwara(TIT), Qinzhong Shi(TIT) and Junichi Shinoda (TIT), Effect of Source Position on the Sound Fields Inside Acoustically Structurally Coupled Enclosed Spaces Using Holographic Neural Network, The 12th DDM International Conference(1999.10).
16. Arzu Gönenç Sorguç (METU) , Ichiro Hagiwara(TIT), Mehmet Çaliskan (METU) and Junichi Shinoda(TIT), Analysis of Sound Fields Inside Acoustically Structurally Coupled Enclosed Spaces Based on Acoustic-Elasticity, The 12th DDM International Conference (1999.10).
17. A.G. Sorguç, I. Hagiwara and M.Çaliskan: Analysis of Sound Fields Inside Acoustically-structurally Coupled Enclosed Spaces Excited by Structural and/or Acoustical Means; Proceedings of TITech COE/Super Mechano-Systems Workshop '99 (1999-3), pp.324-331.
18. A.G. Sorguç (Middle East Technical University, Ankara-Turkey), Development of Automatic Mesh Enhancement Based on Monte Carlo Simulation, JSME Advanced Meeting, July 2002.
19. A.G. Sorguç (Middle East Technical University, Ankara-Turkey), O.Egorova (Tokyo Institute of Technology), I.Hagiwara (Tokyo Institute of Technology), A Method for Obtaining the Optimum Mesh for Sound and Vibration, JSME Dynamic and Design Conference, September 2002.
20. A.G. Sorguç (Middle East Technical University, Ankara-Turkey), H.Takahashi (Nissan Motor Car Company), I.Hagiwara (Tokyo Institute of Technology), Simulation of Car Cruise from Motion History, Proceedings of The 2002 annual conference of the Japan Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics JSIAM2002 (Japan, Tokyo, September 19-21, 2002).
21. A.G. Sorguç (Middle East Technical University, Ankara-Turkey), O.Egorova (Tokyo Institute of Technology), I.Hagiwara (Tokyo Institute of Technology), Distribution Control of Aspect Ratios and Automatic Generation of Surface Meshes, JSIAM Anniversary Conference, September 2002.
22. A.G. Sorguç (Middle East Technical University, Ankara-Turkey), O.Egorova (Tokyo Institute of Technology), I.Hagiwara (Tokyo Institute of Technology), An Aspect Ratio Controlled New Mesh Enhancement Method Based on Statistical Mathematics, the 5 th Optimization Conference, pp.235-240, October 2002.
23. O.Egorova (Tokyo Institute of Technology), A.G. Sorguç (Middle East Technical University, Ankara-Turkey), I.Hagiwara (Tokyo Institute of Technology), Automatic Mesh Enhancement by Control of Aspect Ratio, the 15 th Computational Mechanics Conference, pp.731-732, November 2002.
24. O. Egorova, A.Gönenç, M.Savchenko, J.Shinoda and I. Hagiwara, "Study on
Precision of Mesh Enhancement", In Proceedings of the 16th Computational
Mechanics Conference of JSME, pp. 1021-1022, Kobe, Japan, Nov. 2003
25. Kakuuchi, H., Gönenç Sorguç, A, Hagiwara, I., 'The Design of radiation of Sound of Structure' the 16 th Computational Mechanics Conference, pp.1015-1017, November 2003.
26. JACM (Japan Association for Computational Mechanics), Minisymposia organized at WCCM6 Beijing, New Methods Developed for CAD/CAE Systems, Ichiro HAGIWARA(, Zheng-Dong MA(, Arzu Gönenç Sorguç.
27. Arslan S., Gönenç Sorguç, A., 'Biomimesis in Architecture: Inspiration for Next Generation Po®table Buildings', Transportable Environments 3 Conference, pp. 200, April 8, 2004, Toronto Canada.
28. Arslan S., Gönenç Sorguç A., 'Similarities between Structures in Nature and Man-Made Structures: biomimesis in architecture', Design and Nature Conference II, pp.45-55., June 2004, Rodos, Greece.
29. Gönenç Sorguç A., Özkar M., Uçar B., Arslan S., "Planing Curriculum Elements For an Integration of Digital Design Knowledge to Design Thinking", MIMED Mayis 2009, Kayseri.
30. Gönenç Sorguç A., Arslan S., "Art and Literature as a Teaching/Learning Interface of Mathematics for Students of Architecture, eCAADe 2009 September 2009, pp. 465-472, Istanbul.
31. Arslan S., Gönenç Sorguç A., Exploring Complex Forms in Nature through Mathematical Modeling: A Case of Turritella Terebra, eCAADe 2009, September 2009, pp. 665-672, Istanbul.
32. Çakici F.Z., Gönenç Sorguç A., "Not Restrictive, Target Directives", International Ecological Architecture and Planning Symposium 2009/ Uluslararasi Ekolojik Mimarlik ve Planlama Sempozyumu 2009, October 22-25 Antalya, vol. I, pp. 144-150 (Turkish); vol. II, pp. 137-143 (English).
33. Gönenç Sorguç A., Arslan S., "Performative Architecture for Sustainability/ Sürdürülebilirlik için Performatif Mimarlık", International Ecological Architecture and Planning Symposium 2009/ Uluslararasi Ekolojik Mimarlik ve Planlama Sempozyumu, October 22-25 Antalya, pp. 132-136.
34. Gönenç Sorguç, A., Arslan Selçuk, S., A Sustainable Transformation on Construction Process: From Scale Models to the End Product, 1st International Conference of Sustainable Life in Manufacturing (SLIM 2010), Isparta, 24-26 June 2010.
35. Sorguç, A.G., Çakici, F.Z., New Level of Precision in Architecture, the 2 nd International Symposium on Computing in Science & Engineering (ISCSE 2011), Gediz University the Faculty of Engineering and Architecture, Kuşadası, Aydin, 1-4 June 2011.
36. Sorguç, A.G., Selçuk, S.A., Çakici, F.Z., Computer Simulation as an Integral Part of Digital Design Education in Architecture, Education and Research in Computer Aided Archtectural Design in Europe (eCAADe 2011), University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Architecture, Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 21-24, 2011.
Publications (National) .
Journal Papers
1. A. Gönenç, M. Çaliskan, Sesin Sesle Etkin Denetimi Üzerine Yayin Taramasi, Tübitak Doga Dergisi, 1989
2. Arslan S., Gönenç Sorguç A., 'Mimari Tasarim Paradigmasinda Biomimesis'in Etkisi', Gazi Mimarlik Mühendislik Fakültesi Dergisi, vol. 22, no.2 pp. 451-460, June 2007.
3. Gönenç Sorguç A., "Dogadaki Süreçleri Anlamak için Bir Arayüz: Sayisal Teknolojiler, Sayisal Düsünme ve Tasarlama", Arredamento Mayis 2009.
4. Arslan S., Gönenç Sorguç A., 'Altin Oranla Tasarlamak: Dogada, Mimarlikta ve Yapisal Tasarımda F Dizini' Trakya Univ J Sci, vol. 10(2), 2009, s. 149-157.
5. Gönenç Sorguç A., "Mimarlikta Sayisal Teknolojilerin Kullanimi: Yeni Teknolojiler ve Hibridlesen Malzemeler", Mimarlikta Malzeme Dergisi, yil 5, no: 15, Bahar 2010, s. 41-46.
6. Gönenç Sorguç, A., "Matematigin Mimarligi, Mimarlikta Matematik", Arredemento Mimarlik Sayi 256, p. 67-72, Nisan 2012.
Conference Papers
1. Gönenç Sorguç A., Arslan S., 'Yapay Zeka Arastirmalari ve Biomimesis Kavramlarinin Günümüzde Mimarlik Alanindaki Uygulamalari: Akilli Mekanlar', Yapi ve Kentte Bilisim IV. Kongresi, Haziran 2006, s.75-80.
2. Gönenç Sorguç A., 'Gulliver'dan Greg Lynn'e Mimarlikta Matematik', Mimarlik Eğitiminde Bütünlesik Yaklasımlar, Bilgisayar Destekli Tasarim Sempozyumu, 23 Mart 2007, ODTÜ, Ankara.
3. Arslan S., Gönenç Sorguç A., 'Ekolojik Mimarlik Çalismalarinda Doganin En iyi Fikirlerinden Ögrenmek', Ekolojik Mimarlik ve Planlama Sempozyumu, Antalya, 27-28 Nisan 2007, s. 147-151.
4. Gönenç Sorguç A., "Sürdürülebilirlik için Performatif Mimarlik", Ekolojik Yapi Tasarimi, Malzeme, Teknoloji ve Çevre Sempozyumu, TMMOB İstanbul, 7-8 Mayis 2009.
5. Gönenç Sorguç A., "Bilgisayarak Ögrenmek, Bilgisayarla Ögrenmek", 16. Sosyal Psikiyatri Kongresi, Safranbolu, 4-8 Temmuz 2009, s. 120-123.
Other Publications .
1. Arslan, S., Gönenç Sorguç, A. 'Akademik Etik ve Bir Fikir Yarismasinin Ardından Düsünceler' 18 Haziran 2007
2. Arslan, S., Gönenç Sorguç, A. 'Mimarlikta Doganın En iyi Fikirlerinden Ögrenmek' (Arkitera Ekim 2008 Gündem Dosyasi - Biyomimikri için Davetli Yazi)