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Grants & Sponsored Research Studies

Research & Education

1. Technical University of Delft by NATO scholarship during her PhD studies (1996-1997)
2. Tokyo Institute of Technology by Fullbright scholarship during her Postdoc studies and after (1998-2008)

1. Kapali Mekanlarin Akustik Özelliklerinin Bilgisayar Benzetisimli Modellenmesi, AFP Project-97-02-01-07, Project Leader, May 1997-May 1998.
2. Acoustical Design of Multi-purpose Auditorium of METU Cyprus Campus. METU, Project Leader, 1 January 2004 - 1 July 2004.
3. Biomimesis Kavramiyla Mimarlikta Yeni Nesil Teknoloji Hafif Tasiyici Sistemlerin Arastirilmasi, ÖYP Project, Project Leader, June-December 2004.
4. Acoustical Design of Conference Hall of Patent Institute /Patent Enstitüsü Konferans Salonu Akustik Projesi, Project Leader, 2004.
5. Acoustical Design of CHP New Building / CHP Yeni Binasi Akustik Projesi, Project Leader, 2005.
6. Mechanical System Advisory to METU Faculty of Architecture MATPUM Building / ODTÜ Mimarlik Fakültesi MATPUM Binasi Mekanik Sistemler Danismanligi, Project Consultant, 2005.
7. ODTÜ Mimarlik Fakültesi Bilisim Alt Yapisini Destekleme Projesi, BAP 2005-02-01-04. Project Leader, 2005.
8. Use of Wind Energy in High Rise Buildings / Yüksek Binalarda Rüzgar Enerjisi Kullanimi, TÜBITAK Project, Co-Director, September 2005-July 2006.
9. Acoustical Design of Cultural and Conventional Center of Osman Gazi University / Osman Gazi Üniversitesi, Kültür ve Kongre Merkezi Kompleksi, Akustik Tasarimi Projesi, Project Leader, 2006-2007.
10. Acoustical Design of Multi-purpose Auditorium of Malatya University / Malatya Üniversitesi, Çok Amaçli Salon Akustik Tasarimi Projesi, Project Leader, 2007.
11. Development and Integration of Turkish Consruction Platform to European Union Construction Platform / Türk Yapi Sektörü'nün Avrupa Birligi Ülkelerindeki Yapi Sektörleri ile Karsilastirilmasi ve Avrupa Birligi Uyum Sürecinde Sektörün Entegrasyonu için Model Gelistirilmesi, BAP-2007-02-01-02, Project Leader, 2007.
12. Acoustical Design of New York State University, Abu Dabi, Project Leader, 2008-2009.
13. Evaluation of Anechoic Room for Medical Testing on Hearing Impairements, Ankara University, Medical School, Project Leader, 2008.
14. Türkiye Kosullarinda insa Edilecek Sürdürülebilir Binalara iliskin Yasal Çerçevenin irdelenmesi ve Bir Yöntem Önerisi, DPT Projesi BAP-08-11- DPT2002K120510; Project Leader, August 2008 - continue.
15. Development of Computational Design Interface, BAP-2009, Project Leader, 2009.
16. Acoustical Design of Conference Hall of Tevfik Fikret High School / Tevfik Fikret Lisesi Konferans Salonu Akustik Projesi, Project Leader, 2010.
17. Acoustical Design of Multi-purpose Auditorium of Ramada Hotel / Ramada Otel Çok Amaçli Salon Akustik Projesi, Project Leader, 2010.
18. Acoustic Design of Astana Media Center 1800-people Multi Purpose Hall, Architectural Project by Tabanlioglu Architecture, Project Leader, December 2010 - July 2011.
19. Noise Control of Yunus Emre Power Plant / Yunus Emre Enerji Santrali Gürültü Kontrolü, Project Leader, 2012.
20. Acoustical Design of the Speakership of the Parliement Building Renovation / TBMM Binasi Meclis Baskanligi Yenilenmesi, Project Leader, 2012.
21. Acoustical Design of Additional Building of the Parliement / TBMM Ek Binasi Akustik Danismanligi, Project Leader, 2012.


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