Afsar Saranli's Curriculum Vitae (CV)
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recent list of publications.

The sections of this document are:

[Contact][Objective][Professional Experience][Education][Technical Skills]
[Languages][Personal Interests][International Patents][Publications][Awards]

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Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering
Middle East Technical University                               Phone: (Home) +90 312 223-2936
Ismet Inonu Bulvari 06531                                             (Work) +90 312 210-4529
Ankara - Türkiye                                             E-mail : afsars (at)


Objective and Research Interests

To achieve the highest standards of teaching and research as part of the academic staff in Middle East Technical University. My current research interests include pattern recognition, machine intelligence and autonomous robotics; real-time automation and machine vision systems; development, simulation and modeling of control systems; stochastic and adaptive image and signal processing.


Professional Experience

Assistant Professor ( January 2005 - Present )
Middle East Technical University - Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering,
Ankara, Turkey.

Computer Scientist – Software Engineer ( June 2000 - November 2004 )
Photon Dynamics Canada Inc. (formerly named Image Processing Systems (IPS) Automation Inc.), Toronto, Canada.
Technical Advisor to the President (September 1995 – November 1999) – Part Time
STFA Savronik Defense Electronics Inc., Ankara, Turkey.

Research-Teaching Assistantship (February 1995 – February 2000)
Middle East Technical University - Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering,
Ankara, Turkey.
Part-Time Researcher (September 1992-February 1993)
TUBITAK, Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey - Institute of Electronic Research and Development -VLSI Laboratories, Ankara, Turkey.
Development Oriented Internship (August-September 1992)
TUBITAK, Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey - Institute of Electronic Research and Development -VLSI Laboratories, Ankara, Turkey.

Development Oriented Internship (July-September 1991)
ASELSAN, Military Electronics Industries, Ankara, TURKEY.


Ph.D. Degree in Electrical and Electronics Engineering (January 2000)
Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey.
M.Sc. Degree in Communications and Signal Processing (with Distinction, October 1994)
Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine, University of London, UK.
B.S. Degree in Electrical and Electronics Engineering (with Honors, June 1993)
Middle East Technical University, Ankara, TURKEY.

Technical Skills




Personal Interests


International Patents








Page created by Afsar Saranli. Last Updated: March 28, 2005