Afsar Saranli Publications Page
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Dr. Afsar Saranli's Publications

In this page, you can find a list of my publications and links to either postscript or pdf versions if a pre-print personal version is available. Please feel free to contact me in case you have any problems with any of the links in this page. You can also return back to my home page.

Last Update was on: October 2012.
The list is from the latest to earliest.


Journal Papers

International Patents

International Conference Papers

(Yet more recent papers are to appear...)

M.S. and Ph.D. Thesis Supervised

(Ph.D. Theses in bold)

Thesis, Reports and Other Publications


[Teaching] [Research] [Publications] [Curriculum Vitae] [People]
Page created by Afsar Saranli. Last Updated: October, 2012