
ESME 560: Analysis of Research in Elementary Mathematics and Science Education
Examines the current state of theory and research on learning, instruction, and curriculum in school science and mathematics. Review of selected research studies in mathematics and science education.
Syllabus: (PDF) (Word) (WWW)

ELE 224 Instructional Planning and Evaluation
Basic concepts in curriculum development and its processes; development of lesson plan, unit plan, annual and daily plan; selection of content and organization. Teaching methods and strategies; properties of materials and their selection; measurement and evaluation; approaches in evaluation; types of tests; developing achievement tests.
Syllabus: (PDF) (Word) (WWW)

ELE 420 Practice Teaching
Field experience and teaching practice (minimum 12 weeks) including class observation, adaptation to classroom condition, planning and preparation for teaching. Guided teaching practice in science in elementary schools (Prerequisite: ELE 437)
Syllabus: (PDF) (Word) (WWW)

ELE 317 Instructional Development and Media in Mathematics Education
Characteristics of various instructional technologies, the place and the use of technologies in instructional process, development of teaching materials through instructional technologies (worksheets, transparencies, slides, videotapes, computer-based course materials, etc.) and assessment of the qualities of various teaching materials. (Prerequisite: ELE 300)
Syllabus: (PDF) (Word) (WWW)