Hakan Karataş


Short CV

Hakan Karataş has a Degree in Industrial Engineering. He worked as a National Contact Person (NCP) for the EU 7th Framework Programme’s European Research Council (ERC) and Regional Development Programmes between 2005-2010. He then served respectively at the Ministry for EU Affairs and the Prime Ministry, in the latter as a Head of Department. Since 2014, he has been working as the Director for International Cooperation at TÜBİTAK (The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey).


Incentives for H2020 EU Framework Programmes (EU FPs) stand as the primary tools for the realization of European Research Area (ERA). EU FPs help to actualize alignment of research efforts, research programmes and policies at European level. Besides being the major instrument for funding joint European research efforts, they stimulate policy learning environment. Thus, EU FPs could be elaborated as the facilitators of international and supranational alignment of research activities, programmes and policies. Turkey’s participation to EU FPs from 6th Framework Programme (2002-2006) onwards as an associated country has multifaceted effects. Turkey gained access to European wide concerted actions towards realization of ERA mainly through FPs. Moreover, Turkish research and innovation community could offer its potential for a well-functioning and sustained ERA backed up by diversified research and innovation structures. Following her association to the 7th Framework Programme (2007-2013), Turkey is participating to Horizon 2020 Programme (2014-2020) as well. Turkish international STI Policy making process is nowadays directed towards dedicated efforts to improve Turkey’s participation to Horizon 2020 Programme both quantitatively and qualitatively. In this regards, a new and highly generous support and award mechanism is designed to help Turkish research and innovation community in every step to access European consortiums and develop successful project proposals.