Journal Paper Publications
- Çetin, C., Yavuz, M. M., 2025, “Comprehensive Characterization of a Pneumatic Active Flow Control System Using In-Situ Hot Wire Calibration”, Flow Measurement and Instrumentation, Vol. 102, 102815.
- Yılmaz, O., Koçak, G., Aktaş, M. K, and Yavuz, M. M., 2025, “Effect of Passive Bleeding on Flow Structure and Aerodynamics of a Non-Slender Delta Wing in Ground Effect”, submitted to AIAA Journal.
- Mutlu, O., Mazhar, N., Saribay, Yavuz, M. M., Ozturk. D., Ghareeb, A. N, Alnabti, A., Yalçın, H.Ç, 2025 “Finite Element Analysis of Evolut Transcatheter Heart Valves: Effects of Aortic Geometries and Valve Sizes on post-TAVI Wall Stresses and Deformations”, Journal of Clinical Medicine, Vol. 14, Issue 3, No. 850.
- Faisal, A. A., Mutlu, O., Mahmud, S., Tahir, A., Chowdhury, M. E. H., Bensaali, F., Alnabti, A., Yavuz, M. M., Menyar, A.E., Al-Thani, H., Yalcin, H. C., 2025, “Rapid Wall Shear Stress Prediction for Aortic Aneurysms Using Deep Learning: A Fast Alternative to CFD” Submitted to Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing.
- Ramazanlı, B. Sert, C. and Yavuz, M. M., 2025 “Effect of Infrarenal Flow Waveform on Hemodynamics of Abdominal Aortic Aneurysms and Selection of Rheology Models” Journal of Thermal Sciences and Technology, accepted, in print.
- Çetin, C., Yılmaz, O., and Yavuz, M. M., 2024, “Control of Flow Structures on a Nonslender Delta Wing Utilizing Nozzle Type Bleeding Slots”, AIAA Journal, Vol. 62, No. 10, pp. 4017-4027.
- Mutlu, O., Saribay, M., Yavuz, M. M., Salman, H. E., Alnabti, A, Yalcin, H. C., 2024, “Material modeling and recent findings in transcatheter aortic valve implantation simulations” Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, Vol. 255, 108314.
- Çetin, C. and Yavuz, M. M., 2024, “Method Development for Estimation of Bleed Momentum Coefficient Using Surface Pressure Measurements and In Situ Hot Wire Calibration”, Flow Measurement and Instrumentation, Vol. 97, 102603.
- Koçak, G. and Yavuz, M. M., 2024, “Experimental investigation of dynamic ground boundary condition for a non‑slender delta wing”, CEAS Aeronautical Journal, Vol. 15, Issue 4, pp. 957 - 976.
- Ramazanlı, B. Sert, C. and Yavuz, M. M., 2023 “Effect of inlet velocity profile and entrance length on abdominal aortic aneurysm hemodynamics simulations” Journal of Thermal Sciences and Technology, Vol. 43, Issue 2, pp. 159-174.
- Koçak, G. and Yavuz, M. M., 2023, “Aerodynamics of non-slender delta and reverse delta wings: Wing thickness, anhedral angle and cropping ratio”, Chinese Journal of Aeronautics,. Vol. 36, Issue 4, Pages 79-91.
- Koçak, G., Yavuz, M. M., 2022, “Effect of Ground on Aerodynamics and Longitudinal Static Stability of a Non-Slender Delta Wing”, Aerospace Science and Technology, Vol. 130, 107929.
- Kestel, K., Ramazanlı, B., & Yavuz, M. M., 2020, "Control of flow structure over a non-slender delta wing using passive bleeding", Aerospace Science and Technology, Vol. 106, 106136.
- Salman, H.E., Ramazanli, B., Yavuz, M.M., and Yalcin, H.C., 2019, "Biomechanical Investigation of Disturbed Hemodynamics-Induced Tissue Degeneration in Abdominal Aortic Aneurysms Using Computational and Experimental Techniques", Front. Bioeng. Biotechnol., Vol. 7, pp. 1–27.
- Ozturk, İ., Çetin, C., and Yavuz, M. M., 2019, "Effect of Fan and Shroud Configurations on Underhood Flow Characteristics of an Agricultural Tractor", Engineering Applications of Computational Fluid Mechanics, Vol. 13, No. 1 pp. 506–518.
- Sharifi Ghazijahani, M. and Yavuz, M.M., 2019, "Effect of thickness-to-chord ratio on aerodynamics of non-slender delta wing", Journal of Aerospace Science and Technology, Vol. 88,May pp. 298–307.
- Gulsacan, B., Sencan, G., and Yavuz, M. M., 2018, "Effect of Thickness-to-Chord Ratio on Flow Structure of a Low Swept Delta Wing", AIAA Journal, Vol. 56, No. 12, pp. 4657–4668.
- Çetin, C., Celik, A., and Yavuz, M. M., 2018, "Control of Flow Structure over a Nonslender Delta Wing Using Periodic Blowing", AIAA Journal, Vol. 56, No. 1, pp. 90-99.
- Celik, A., Çetin, C., and Yavuz, M. M., 2017, "Effect of Passive Bleeding on Flow Structure over a Nonslender Delta Wing", AIAA Journal, Vol. 55, No. 8, pp. 2555-2565.
- Gursoy, K. A. and Yavuz, M. M., 2016, "Effect of Flow Rate Controllers and Their Opening Levels on Liquid Steel Flow in Continuous Casting Mold", ISIJ International, Vol. 56, No. 4, pp. 554:563.
- Celik, A. and Yavuz, M. M., 2016, "Effect of Edge Modifications on Flow Structure of Low Swept Delta Wing", AIAA Journal, Vol. 54, No. 5 , pp. 1789-1797.
- Zharfa, M., Ozturk, I., and Yavuz, M. M., 2016, "Flow Structure on Nonslender Delta Wing: Reynolds Number Dependence and Flow Control" AIAA Journal, Vol. 54, No. 3 pp. 880-897.
- Yavuz, M. M., 2012, "Transformation of Flow Structure on a Delta Wing of Moderate Sweep Angle During Pitch-Up Maneuver", Journal of Fluids and Structure Vol:33, August, pp:59-69
- Yavuz, M. M., 2011, "Liquid Steel Flow in Continuous Casting Machine: Modeling and Measurement", Ironmaking and Steelmaking, Vol. 38, No. 6, August, pp. 453-463.
- Sengupta, J., and Yavuz, M. M 2011, "Nozzle Design for Dofasco’s No. 1 Continuous Caster for Minimizing Sliver Defects", Iron and Steel Technology Magazine July, pp.39-47.
- Yavuz, M. M., 2011, "The Effects of Electromagnetic Brake on Liquid Steel Flow in Thin Slab Caster", Steel Research International, Vol. 82, Issue 7, July 2011, pp. 809-818.
- Yavuz, M. M. and Rockwell, D., 2006, "Identification and Control of Three-Dimensional Separation on Low Swept Delta Wing", AIAA Journal, Vol. 44, No. 11, November, pp. 2805-2811.
- Yavuz, M. M. and Rockwell, D., 2006, "Control of Flow Structure on Delta Wing with Steady Trailing Edge Blowing", AIAA Journal, Vol. 44, No.3, March, pp.493-501.
- Elkhoury, M., Yavuz, M. M and Rockwell, D., 2005, "Near-Surface topology of a UCAV planform: Reynolds number dependence", AIAA Journal of Aircraft, Vol.42, No.5, Sep-Oct, pp.1318-1330.
- Yavuz, M. M., Elkhoury, M. and Rockwell, D., 2004 "Near-Surface Topology and Flow Structure on a Delta Wing", AIAA Journal, Vol.42, No.2, February, pp.332-340.
Conference Paper Publications
- Çetin, C., Yılmaz, O. and Yavuz, M. M., 2024 “Genişletilmiş Bir Aktif Akiş Kontrol Sistem Tasarimi Ve Karakterizasyonu” X. Ulusal Havacılık ve Uzay Konferansı, UHUK, Eylül 18-20 2024, Ankara, Turkiye, Paper No: 2024-133.
- Dikbaş, D., Koçak, G. and Yavuz, M. M., 2024 “Doğadan Esinlenilmiş Kenar Değişikliklerinin Düşük Ok Açili Delta Kanatlarin Aerodinamik Katsayilarina Etkileri” X. Ulusal Havacılık ve Uzay Konferansı, UHUK, Eylül 18-20 2024, Ankara, Turkiye, Paper No: 2024-094.
- Koçak, G. and Yavuz, M. M., 2022 “Düşük Ok Açılı Delta ve Ters Delta Kanatların Aerodinamiği: Kanat Kalınlığı Etkisi” IX. Ulusal Havacılık ve Uzay Konferansı, UHUK, Eylül 14-16 2022, İzmir, Turkey, Paper No: 2022-034.
- Çetin, C., Koçak, G. and Yavuz, M. M., 2022 “Yeni Bir Pasif Akıtma Tasarımı ile Düşük Ok Açılı Delta Kanat Akışının Kontrolü” IX. Ulusal Havacılık ve Uzay Konferansı, UHUK, Eylül 14-16 2022, İzmir, Turkey, Paper No: 2022-041.
- Yılmaz, O., Aktaş, M. K. and Yavuz, M. M., 2022 “Pasif Akıtma Tekniğinin İnce Olmayan Bir Delta Kanadın Aerodinamik Performansina Etkisinin Yer Etkisi Durumunda İncelenmesi” IX. Ulusal Havacılık ve Uzay Konferansı, UHUK, Eylül 14-16 2022, İzmir, Turkey, Paper No: 2022-026..
- Şahin, D., Yavuz, M. M.,"Analysis of Flow Structure in a Helicopter Cabin to Improve the Thermal Comfort Using CFD Modeling", 10th Ankara International Aerospace Conference AIAC-2019-071, September 2019, Ankara, Turkey.
- Ramazanli, B., Kestel, K., Yavuz, M. M., "Düşük ve Orta Ok Açılı Delta Kanatlar Üzerindeki Akışın Pasif Akıtma Yöntemi ile Kontrolü", ", VII. Ulusal Havacılık ve Uzay Konferansı, UHUK, September 12-14 2018, Samsun, Turkey, Paper No: 2018-114.
- Cesur, İ. S., Yavuz, M. M., Albayrak, K., "Kalınlık-Veter Oranının Düşük Ok Açılı Delta Kanat Üzerindeki Akış Yapısına Etkisinin Nümerik İncelenmesi", ", VII. Ulusal Havacılık ve Uzay Konferansı, UHUK, September 12-14 2018, Samsun, Turkey, Paper No: 2018-047.
- Gülsaçan, B., Şencan, G., Yavuz, M. M., "Kalınlık-Veter Oranının Düşük Ok Açılı Delta Kanat Üzerindeki Akış Yapısına Etkisi", ", VII. Ulusal Havacılık ve Uzay Konferansı, UHUK, September 12-14 2018, Samsun, Turkey, Paper No: 2018-112.
- Sencan, G., Yazicioglu, A., Yavuz, M. M., "Effect of Wing Heating of Flow Structure of Low Swept Delta Wing", ", 9th. Ankara International Aerospace Conference, AIAC, September 20-22 2017, Ankara, Turkey.
- Sencan, G., Yazicioglu, A., Yavuz, M. M., "Kanat Isıtmasının Düşük Ok Açılı Delta Kanat Üzerindeki Akış Yapısına Etkisi", ", 21. Ulusal Isı Bilimi ve Tekniği Kongresi, ULIBTK'17, September 13-16 2017, Çorum, Turkey.
- Celik, A., Cetin, C., Yavuz, M. M., "Düşük Ok Açılı Delta Kanat Üzerindeki Akışın Pasif Akıtma Yöntemiyle Kontrolü", VI. Ulusal Havacılık ve Uzay Konferansı, UHUK, September 28-30 2016, Kocaeli, Turkey, Paper No: 2016-085.
- Celik, A., Cetin, C., Yavuz, M. M., "Kenar Değişikliklerinin Düşük Ok Açılı Delta Kanat Üzerindeki Akış Yapılarına Etkileri", VI. Ulusal Havacılık ve Uzay Konferansı, UHUK, September 28-30 2016, Kocaeli, Turkey, Paper No: 2016-084.
- Kocak, G., Nalbantoglu, V., Yavuz, M. M., "Döner Kanatlar için Yer Etkisinin Deneysel Olarak İncelenmesi", VI. Ulusal Havacılık ve Uzay Konferansı, UHUK, September 28-30 2016, Kocaeli, Turkey, Paper No: 2016-081.
- Cetin, C., Celik, A., Yavuz, M. M., "Düşük Ok Açılı Delta Kanat Akışının Zamana Bağlı Üfleme Tekniği ile Kontrolü", VI. Ulusal Havacılık ve Uzay Konferansı, UHUK, September 28-30 2016, Kocaeli, Turkey, Paper No: 2016-071.
- Guden, Y., Yavuz, M. M., "Analysis and Control of Complex Flows in U-Bends using Computational Fluid Dynamics", 4th Joint US-European Fluid Engineering Division Summer Meeting and 11th International Conference on Nanochannels, Microchannels, and Minichannels, FEDSM2014-21557, 10 pages, August 3-7 2014, Chicago, USA.
- Ozturk, I., Zharfa, M., Erkal, B., Yavuz, M. M., "Orta Süpürme Açılı Delta Kanat Etrafındaki Akışın Deneysel Olarak İncelenmesi", V. Ulusal Havacılık ve Uzay Konferansı, UHUK, September 8-10 2014, Kayseri, Turkey, Paper No: 2014-037.
- Gursoy, K. A. and Yavuz, M. M., 2014, "Effect of Slide-Gate Opening on Mold Flow Structure", The Iron and Steel Technology Conference, AISTech 2014, May 5-8 2014, Indianapolis, USA, Proceeding Volume II pp.1631-1640.
- Demircan, E., Aksel, M. H., Yavuz, M. M., 2013, "Dikey Eksenli Darrieus Tip Su Turbinlerinin Hesaplamali Akiskanlar Dinamigi ile Analizi", 8. Pompa Vana Konferansi, May 2-4, Istanbul.
- Demircan, E., Aksel, M. H., Yavuz, M. M., 2013, "Darrieur Rotor Tipi Dikey Eksenli Su Turbin Performansinin Hesaplamali Akiskanlar Dinamigi ile Incelenmesi", 2. Anadolu Enerji Sempozyumu May 2-4 , Diyarbakir.
- Ozturk, I., Celik, A., Tunc, H. C. and Yavuz, M. M., 2012, “Orta Süpürme Açısına Sahip Delta Kanat Üzerindeki Akış Yapısının Kalkış Manevrası Sırasında Değişimi”, UHUK-2012-109, 10 pages, September 12-14 2012, Hava Harp Okulu, Istanbul
- Gursoy, K. A. and Yavuz, M. M., “Mathematical Modeling of Liquid Steel Flow in Continuous Casting Machine” IISS 2012, International Iron and Steel Symposium, April, Karabuk, Turkey, Volume I pp.99-105.
- Yavuz, M. M., Blazek, K., J. Thacker,Neale, K., Fiegle, S., Fritz, C., and Kaurich, T., “Analysis of Mold Flow Structure under the Influence of Electromagnetic Brake at ArcelorMittal Riverdale Thin Slab Caster” AISTech 2011, May, Indianapolis, Proceeding Volume I pp.1497-1506.
- Yavuz, M. M., Thacker, J.,“Analysis of Mold Flow Structure at ArcelorMittal Indiana Harbor No. 1 Slab Caster” AISTech 2011, May, Indianapolis, Proceeding Volume II pp.453-461.
- Lui, R., Sengupta, J., Crosbie, D., Yavuz, M. M., and Thomas, B. “Effects of Stopper Rod Movement on Mold Fluid Flow and Sliver Formation at ArcelorMittal Dofasco’s No. 1 Continuous Caster” AISTech 2011, May, Indianapolis, Proceeding Volume I pp.1619-1631.
- Yavuz, M. M and Sengupta, J., 2010, “Nozzle Design for Dofasco’s No. 1 Continuous Caster for Minimizing Sliver Defects” AISTech 2010, May, Pittsburgh, Proceeding Volume II pp.41-51.
- Yavuz, M. M., Cho, M. J., Lee, S. M. and Neale, K., 2010, “Mold Flow Modeling of ArcelorMittal Riverdale and POSCO Thin Slab Casters” AISTech 2010, May, Pittsburgh, Proceeding Volume I pp.1291-1302.
- Forman, B., Yavuz, M. M., Thacker, J., Tsai, T., 2010, “Optimization of a Submerged Entry Nozzle Design to Reduce Non-Metallic Inclusions in Line Pipe Steel” AISTech 2010 May, Pittsburgh, PA Proceedings Volume II pp. 53-62.
- Yavuz, M. M. and Besich R., 2009, “CFD modeling of Indiana Harbor #2 Steel Producing #2 and #3 Slab Casters” AISTech 2009 May, St. Louis, Proceedings Volume I pp. 1163-1170.
- Yin, H., Besich R., Demmon, F., Shale, E., Kittridge, R., Tsai, T. Forman, B., and Yavuz, M. M., 2008, “Reduction of Oxide Inclusion-Induced Hook Crack in Tubular Steel at ArcelorMittal USA Indiana Harbor No. 2 Steel Producing” 6th European Conference on Continuous Casting, Riccione, Italy.
- Rockwell, D., Elkhoury, M., Saelim, N., Sever C., Yang Y. and Yavuz M. M., 2004, “Quantitative Imaging of Flow Structure Interactions: Origin of Unsteady Loading and Vibration” 8th International Conference on Flow-Induced Vibration, Vol.2, pp.457-462, Paris, France.
Conference Abstract Publications & Presentations
- Koçak, G. and Yavuz, M. M., 2023, "Effect of Ground Boundary Condition on Aerodynamics of a Non-Slender Delta Wing in Static Ground Effect", 76th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, November 19-21 2023, Washington, DC.
- Yılmaz, O., Aktaş, M. K. and Yavuz, M. M., 2022 “Effect of Passive Bleeding on Aerodynamics of a Non-slender Delta Wing in Ground Effect” 7th Thermal and Fluids Engineering Conference TFEC-2022-43052, May 2022, Las Vegas, Nevada
- Yavuz, M. M., Ramazanli, B., Kestel, K., "Control of Flow Structure on Nonslender Delta Wing using Passive Bleeding: Effects of Orientation, Angle, and Solidity Ratio", 71st Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, Volume 63 Number 13, L5 9, November 18-20 2018, Atlanta, Georgia.
- Gulsacan, B., Sharifi Ghazijahani, M., Sencan, G., and Yavuz M. M., "Effect of thickness-to-chord ratio on flow structure of nonslender delta wing", 71st Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, November 18–20 2018, Atlanta, USA.
- Ramazanli, B., Kestel, K., Yavuz, M. M., "Control of Three-dimensional Seperation on Nonslender Delta Wings Using Passive Bleeding ", 12th European Fluid Mechanics Conference, EFMC, September 9-14 2018, Vienna, Austria.
- Kestel, K., Ramazanli, B., Yavuz, M. M., "Effectiveness of Passive Bleeding as a Flow Control Method for the Flow Structure on Low to Moderate Swept Delta Wings ", 9th International Conference on Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering (ICMAE), July 10-13 2018, Budapest, Hungary.
- Koçak, G., Nalbantoğlu, V., Yavuz, M. M., "Effect of Different Ground Scenarios on Flow Structure of a Rotor at Hover Condition ", 70th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, Submitted, November 19-21 2017, Denver, Colorado.
- Koçak, G., Nalbantoğlu, V., Yavuz, M. M., "Flow Characterization of Full, Partial and Inclined Ground Effect", 8th International Conference on Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering (ICMAE), July 22-25 2017, Prague, Czech Republic.
- Yavuz, M. M., Celik, A., Cetin, C., "Control of Flow Structure on Non-Slender Delta Wing: Bio-inspired Edge Modifications, Passive Bleeding, and Pulsed Blowing", 69th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, Volume 61 Number 20, H7 10, November 20-22 2016, Portland, Oregon.
- Ozturk, I., Zharfa, M., Yavuz, M. M., "Control of Flow Structure on Low Swept Wing using Leading Edge Blowing", 67th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, Volume 59 Number 20, R20 10, November 23-25 2014, San Francisco, California.
- Gursoy, K. Al., Yavuz, M. M., "Effect of Flow Rate Controller on Liquid Steel Flow in Continuous Casting Mold using Numerical Modeling", 67th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, Volume 59 Number 20, G31 6, November 23-25 2014, San Francisco, California.
- Guden, Y., Yavuz, M. M., "Control of Flow Structure in Square Cross-Sectioned U Bend using Numerical Modeling", 67th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, Volume 59 Number 20, G31 4, November 23-25 2014, San Francisco, California.
- Zharfa, M., Ozturk, I., Yavuz, M. M., "Investigation of Flow Structure on Low and Moderate Swept Delta Wings", 10th European Fluid Mechanics Conference, EFMC, September 14-18 2014, Copenhagen, Denmark.
- Ozturk, I., Zharfa, M., Yavuz, M. M., "Flow Structure over Moderate Swept Delta Wing: Effects of Reynolds Number and Attack Angle", 66th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, Volume 58 Number 18, G13.00001, November 24-26 2013, Pittsburgh, Pennslyvania.
- Zharfa, M., Ozturk, I., Yavuz, M. M., "Unsteadiness of Flow Structure on Low Swept Delta Wing", 66th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, Volume 58 Number 18, G13.00002, November 24-26 2013, Pittsburgh, Pennslyvania.
- Celik, A., Ozturk, I., Tunc, H. C. and Yavuz, M. M., 2012, “Flow Structure on a Delta Wing of Moderate Sweep Angle During and After Maneuver”, 65th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, Volume 57 Number 17, L12.00001, November 18-20 2012, San Diego, California.
- Yavuz, M. M., 2008, “Mold Flow Modeling of Indiana Harbor #2 Steel Producing #2 and #3 Slab Casters: CFD Analysis” AIST Continuous Casting Operating Committee and AIST Birmingham Chapter, Feb 2008, Mobile, AL.
- Yavuz, M.M. and Rockwell, D., 2005," Control of Near-Surface Flow Structure on Low Swept Delta Wing with Steady Trailing Edge Blowing ", Bulletin of the American Physical Society, BAPS.2005.DFD.FM.1, November, 2005, Chicago, IL.
- Yavuz, M.M., Elkhoury, M. and Rockwell, D., 2003,"Near-Surface Topology and Flow Structure on a Delta Wing with Low Sweep Angle", Bulletin of the American Physical Society, JJ 8, Vol. 48, No. 10, p. 166, November, 2003, NYC, NJ.
- Elkhoury, M., Yavuz, M.M and Rockwell, D., 2003,"Flow Structure and Surface Topology on a UCAV Planform", Bulletin of the American Physical Society, JJ 6, Vol. 48, No. 10, p. 166, November, 2003, NYC, NJ.
Completed Dissertations
- Cenk Çetin, “Control of leading edge vortex and three-dimensional surface separation on a non-slender delta wing using passive and active techniques” PhD Thesis, December 2024.
- Mehmet Anıl Susar, “Characterization of Flow Structure and Wall Shear Stress in Patient-Specific Healthy and Aneurysmal Abdominal Aorta Phantoms Using Particle Image Velocimetry”, MS Thesis, September, 2023.
- Göktuğ Koçak, “Effect of Ground on Flow Structure of Non-slender Delta and Reverse Delta Wings” PhD Thesis, January 2023.
- Burcu Ramazanlı, “Simulation of Aneurysm Hemodynamics To Predict Intraluminal Thrombus Formation Region”, PhD Thesis, December 2022. (Co-supervisor)
- İrem Köse, “Thermal Comfort Analysis of Military Aircraft Cabin Using Computational Fluid Dynamics”, MS Thesis, September, 2022.
- Amirhossein Fathipour, “Experimental Investigation of Hemodynamics in Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm”, MS Thesis, September, 2022.
- Anıl Güneş, “Experimental and Computational Investigation of Hydrokinetıc Turbine”, MS Thesis, September, 2022.
- Oğuzhan Yılmaz, “Pasif Akıtma Tekniğinin İnce Olmayan Bir Delta Kanadın Aerodinamik Performansına Etkisinin Yer Etkisi Durumunda İncelenmesi”, MS Thesis, TOBB ETÜ, February 2022. (Co-supervisor)
- Kerem Tuğ Gökçek, “Characterization of vortex ring in abdominal aortic aneurysm phantom using particle image velocimetry”, MS Thesis, September, 2021
- Semih Türk, “Characterization of wall shear stress in abdominal aortic aneurysm phantom using particle image velocimetry” MS Thesis, September, 2021
- Osman Ohtaroglu, "Experimental Investigation of Physiological Flow In Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm ", M.Sc. Thesis, Çukurova University, February, 2020. (Co-supervisor)
- Kayacan Kestel, "Effect of Bleed Opening Ratio on Flow Structure of a Nonslender Delta Wing", M.Sc. Thesis, METU, August, 2019.
- Mohammad Sharifi Ghazijahani, "Effect of Thickness-To-Chord Ratio on Aerodynamics of Non-slender Delta Wing ", M.Sc. Thesis, METU, December, 2018.
- Doruk Şahin, "Analysis of Flow Structure in a Helicopter Cabin to Improve the Thermal Comfort Using Computational Fluid Dynamics Modeling ", M.Sc. Thesis, METU, May, 2018.
- Serdar Emin Sayılır, "Control of Flow Structure on VFE-2 Delta Wing with Passive Bleeding using CFD ", M.Sc. Thesis, METU, January, 2018.
- Burcu Karagöz, "Control of Flow Structure on a 45 deg Swept Delta Wing Using Passive Bleeding ", M.Sc. Thesis, METU, September, 2017.
- Burak Gülsaçan, "Effect of Thickness-to-Chord Ratio on Flow Structure of A Low Swept Delta Wing ", M.Sc. Thesis, METU, September, 2017.
- Alper Çelik, "Development and Implementation of Novel Flow Control Techniques for Nonslender Delta Wings ", PhD. Dissertation, METU, June, 2017.
- Gizem Şencan, "Effect of Wing Heating on Flow Structure of Low Swept Delta Wing", M.Sc. Thesis, METU, December, 2016.
- Göktuğ Koçak, "Flow Characterization of Full, Partial, and Inclined Ground Effect", M.Sc. Thesis, METU, September, 2016.
- Gökay Günacar, "Effect of Blowing Pattern through Leading Edge on Flow Structure of 45 Degree Swept Delta Wing", M.Sc. Thesis, METU, September, 2016.
- Cenk Çetin, "Control of Flow Structure on Low Swept Delta Wing Using Unsteady Leading Edge Blowing", M.Sc. Thesis, METU, June, 2016.
- Can Kücükyılmaz, "Control of Flow Structure on 70° Swept Delta Wing with along-the-core Blowing Using Numerical Modeling", M.Sc. Thesis, METU, January, 2016.
- Mohammad Reza Zharfa, "Control of Flow Structure on Low Swept Delta Wing with Steady Leading Edge Blowing", M.Sc. Thesis, METU, January, 2015.
- Yiğitcan Güden, "Analysis and Control of Complex Flows in U-Bends using Computational Fluid Dynamics", M.Sc. Thesis, METU, September, 2014.
- Kadir Ali Gürsoy, "Quantifying the Effects of Flow Rate Controllers on Liquid Steel Flow in Contious Casting Mold Using CFD Modelling", M.Sc. Thesis, METU, September, 2014.
- İlhan Öztürk, "Experimental Analysis of Flow Structure on Moderate Sweep Delta Wing", M.Sc. Thesis, Department of Mechanical Engineering, METU, January 2014.