Communication Theory
Detection theory: binary M-ary hypothesis testing. Estimation theory.
Representation of stochastic processes: Karhunen-Loeve expansion. Detection and
estimation of signal parameters in white and colored noise. Estimation of
continuous waveforms. Optimum linear realizable processor: Wiener-Hopf equation
and its solution.
EE536 Digital Communication
Baseband pulse transmission. Modulation of digital signals: ASK, FSK, PSK, OAM,
OPSK, MSK systems. Equalizers. Carrier and bit synchronization.
Telecommunication Networks
Overview of existing analog and digital telephone networks. Review of voice
digitization, digital transmission and multiplexing. Digital switching. Network
synchronization. Control and management. Fundamentals of fiber optic
transmission systems. Data and integrated services digital networks (ISDN).
Traffic analysis.
Digital Radio Communications
Characterization of fading multipath channels. Digital signalling over
frequency selective and nonselective fading channels.Diversity techniques.
Coded waveforms for fading channels. Direct sequence spread spectrum signals.
Frequency hopping spread spectrum signals. Synchronization of spread spectrum
signals. Some applications.
Amplitude and angle
modulation techniques: Amplitude Modulation, Double Side Band, Single Side
Band, Vestigial Side Band,Quadrature Amplitude Modulation, Frequency
Modulation, Pulse Modulation. Phase-locked loops. Superheterodyne recievers.Frequency
division multiplexing. Television. Noise in CW systems.
Pulse modulation: Sampling
process, pulse-amplitude modulation, time-division multiplexing, quantization,
pulse-codemodulation. Line codes. Baseband pulse transmission. Digital passband
transmission. Introduction to information theory and error control coding.
430 Digital Signal Processing
Discrete-time signals
and systems. Discrete Fourier transform. Sampling and reconstruction. Linear
time-invariant systems. Structures for discrete-time systems. Filter design
techniques. Fast Fourier Transform methods. Fourier analysis of signals using
discrete Fourier transform. Optimal filtering and linear prediction.
Correlation of
signals. Energy and power spectral densities. Hilbert transform. Principles of
modulation. Stochastic processes: Characterization, correlation functions,
stationarity, ergodicity, power spectral density, Transmission of random
signals through linear systems. Special stochastic processes. Noise.
412 Nonlinear Electronics for Communications
Nonlinear controlled
sources: piecewise linear, square-law, exponential and differential pair
characteristics. Low level amplitude modulation and analog multiplication.
Narrowband transformer like coupling networks. Nonlinear loading of tuned
circuits. Tuned large signal transistor amplifiers and frequency multipliers.
Sinusoidal oscillators. Frequency mixers and converters.
Large signal
transistor models. TTL, MOS and CMOS logic gates: Inverters, input and output
circuits, NAND and NOR gates; static and dynamic analyses. Regenerative
circuits: Astable, monostable, bistable multivibrators and Schmitt triggers.
Introduction to VLSI. Static and dynamic memories: RAM, ROM, EPROM, EEPROM,
etc. A/D and D/A converters.
443 Computational Methods in Electrical Engineering
Numerical errors and
their estimation. Aproximation and interpolation. Roots of equations. Solutions
of linear and nonlinear simultaneous equations. Numerical differentiation and
integration. Solution of ordinary and partial differential equations.
Introduction to statistical methods.
Supervised Ph.D. Theses
Supervised M.S. Theses (finished)
are over 60 theses supervised, only the most recent ones are listed: