T u g b a T o k e l
Conference Presentations
Tokel, S. T. & Isler, V. (2013, November). Case Study of User
Acceptance in Virtual Worlds. Paper to be presented at the
Association for Educational Communications and Technology, Anaheim,
Tokel, S. T., & Karatas Cevizci, E. (2013, July). Communication and
Avatar Representation During Role-Playing in Second Life Virtual
World. Paper to be presented at the HCI International 2013, Las
Vegas, NV, USA.
Tokel, S. T., Cevizci, E., Gul, A. (2013). Üç Boyutlu Sanal
Dünyalar: Eğitimciler İçin Yol Haritası. Akademik Bilişim 2013,
Kamali, T., & Tokel, S. T. (2012). Foreign Language Education in
Virtual World: A Review of Pervasive Studies. Paper presented at the
4th International Conference on Education and New Learning
Technologies, Barcelona, Spain.
Yildiz, I., & Tokel, S. T. (2012, November). Effects of Question
Prompts Embedded Within WBPES on Pre-Service Teachers' Reflective
Thinking. Paper presented at the Association for Educational
Communications and Technology, Louisville, KY.
Ustunel, H. H., & Tokel, S. T. (2012, November). Supporting
Students’ Learning and Scientific Argumentation in
Technology-Enhanced Learning Environments: Distribution of
Scaffolds. Paper presented at the Association for Educational
Communications and Technology, Louisville, KY.
Kamali, T., & Tokel, S. T. (2012, November). Students’ Experiences
and Perceptions of Anxiety, Motivation, and Self-Confidence in
Speaking English During TBLL Activities in Second Life: The Case of
Metu. Paper presented at the Association for Educational
Communications and Technology, Louisville, KY.
Kayaduman, H., Semiz, K., Sertel, O., & Tokel, S. T. (2012,
November). Design and Development of Physical Activity Environment
in 3D Virtual World. Paper presented at the Association for
Educational Communications and Technology, Louisville, KY.
Kamali, T. & Tokel, S. T. (2012, September). The Solution Virtual
Worlds Bring in the Field of Language Education. Paper presented at
the 6th International Computer & Instructional Technologies
Symposium, Gaziantep, Turkey.
Cansız, Y., & Tokel, S. T. (2012, June). Effects of Way Finding
Affordances on Usability of Virtual World Environments in Terms of
Users’ Satisfaction, Performance, and Mental Workload: Examination
by Eye-Tracking and fNIR. Paper presented at the EdMedia 2012 -
World Conference on Educational Media and Technology, Denver, CO.
Bulu, S. T., Isler, V. (2011, November). Second Life METU Campus: A
case of teaching methods course. Paper presented at the Association
for Educational Communications and Technology, Jacksonville, FL.
Kamali, T., Cevizci, E., Leymun, C., & Bulu, S.T. (2011, September).
3D Learning Environment for Conscious Individuals and Livable
Environment for Elementary Students. Paper presented at the 5th
International Computer & Instructional Technologies Symposium,
Elazig, Turkey.
Yildiz, I. & Bulu, S. T. (2010, October). Preservice teachers’
reflective thinking during microteaching sessions. Paper presented
at the Association for Educational Communications and Technology,
Anaheim, CA.
Bulu, S. T. & Cifuentes, L. (2009, October). Cross-cultural
E-Co-Mentoring experiences. Paper presented at the Association for
Educational Communications and Technology, Louisville, KY.
Bulu, S. T. & Pedersen, S. (2009, April). The role of students’
prior knowledge and metacognitive skills in a problem-based
hypermedia learning environment. Paper presented at the American
Educational Research Association Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA.
Bulu, S. T. & Pedersen, S. (2008, November). Supporting
ill-structured problem solving in hypermedia learning environment.
Paper presented at the Association for Educational Communications
and Technology, Orlando, FL.
Bulu, S. T., Pedersen, S., & Bulu, S. (2008, November). Design and
development of prompt scaffolds. Paper to be presented at the
Association for Educational Communications and Technology, Orlando,
Bulu, S. T. & Pedersen, S. (2008, March). Scaffolding students’
content knowledge and ill-structured problem solving in a
problem-based hypermedia learning environment. Paper presented at
the American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting, New
York City, NY.
Bulu, S. T. (2007, October). Scaffolding in ill-structured problem
solving. Poster presented at the Association for Educational
Communications and Technology, Anaheim, CA.
Bulu, S. T. & Yildirim, Z. (2006, October). Communication behaviors
and trust in collaborative online teams. Paper presented at the
Association for Educational Communications and Technology, Dallas,
Bulu, S. T. (2004, February). A review of ways we partition sums of
squares throughout the general linear model. Paper presented at the
annual meeting of the Southwest Educational Research Association,
Dallas, TX.
Bradshaw, A.C., Hahn, J., Scheider, D., Smith, A., Bulu, S.T.,
Draine, S., Koszalka, T.A., Pan, C.C., & Branch, R.M. (2006,
October). International and U.S. University Curricula in Educational
Communication & Technology. Presentation at the annual conference of
the Association for Educational Communications and Technology,
Dallas, TX.
Pedersen, S., Williams, D., & Bulu, S. (2007, June). Virtual
environments for learning: The design model. Paper presented at the
Ed-Media World Conference on Educational Multimedia and Hypermedia,
Vancouver, Canada.
Pedersen, S., Williams, D., & Bulu, S. (2004, June). Teachers’
beliefs underlying their assessment practices in a problem-based
learning activity. Paper presented at the Ed-Media World Conference
on Educational Multimedia and Hypermedia, Lugano, Switzerland.