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2. "T-Theoreticity of the Single-Case Propensity Conception of Probability",
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3. "Reason and the Emancipation of Society: A Study of Jurgen Habermas
and the Theory of Knowledge in Critical Theory", Ahmet Çiğdem, 1988.
4. "Conventionalism in Geometry as an Instance of the Impact of Geometrical
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5. "Günümüz Amerikan İngiliz Felsefesinde Bilinç Problemine Bir Bakış",
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6. "Authenticity, Truth Content, Reality of a Work of Art",
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7. "The Evolution of Materialistic Thought in the Pre-Socratic Period",
Halil Şeref Turan, 1993.
8. "Facts and Theories: An Indispensible but a Misleading Distinction",
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9. "The Concept of Freedom in Kant's Philosophy", Enver Orman,
10. "Karl Jaspers'ta Tanrı Fikri", Süleyman Dönmez, Gazi Üniversitesi,1995.
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12. "Marxian Concept of Materialism in the Making: The Critique of
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13. "Hannah Arendth'te Şiddet ve Şiddetin Kaynağı", Songül Demir,
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14. "Philosophical Aspects of Artificial Intelligence", Murat
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15. "Why Does Ricoeur Consider Psychoanalysis as Relevant For Philosophical
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16. "Hegelian Contradiction in Thought and Kierkegaardian Contradiction
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17. "How Can We Save Scientific Progress in the Face of Incommensurability
with the Help of Hermeneutics", Ayşe Gülin Günal, 1999.
18. "A Study on Idea of Freedom in Kant's Critical Philosophy",
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19. "Education As A Moral Matter: Normative Ground of the Epictetian
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20. "Hegel's Notion of the End of History", Savaş Yazıcı, 2001.
21. "A Critque of the Individuation Problem in the Philosophy of
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22. "The Role of Other in the Hegelian Self Consciousness",
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23. "Technological Rationality and One Dimensional Man", Soner
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24."Intersubjectivity and Problem of Freedom", Güçlü
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25."Ousia and Tragedy: An Ontological approach to Aristotle's Poetics",
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26. "The Problem of Freedom in the Context of the Law of Causality
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1. "On
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David Grünberg, 1994.
2. "Knowledge and Immortality on the Structure of Transference of
Scientific Knowledge in terms of Royce's Community of Interpretation",
Galip Valiu, 1994.
3. "The Change in Rule-Governed Practices in Wittgenstein's Later
Philosophy", Aydan Turanlı, 1994.
4. "The Realism - Antirealism Debate in Contemporary Philosophy and
its Practical Implications", Hasan Aslan, 1995.
5. "The Problem of Solidarity in Whitehead's Pluralistic Universe",
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6. "An Inquiry to the Modern Conception of Self Articulated, Disarticulated",
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7. "A Realistic Conception of Morality", Erdal Cengiz, 1996.
8. "The Transformation of the Concept of Freedom in Modern Philosophy",
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9. "Sextus Empiricus' Problem of Criterion", Örsan Öymen, 1999.
10. "The Scope of Cartesian Epistemology", Halil Turan, 1999
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11. "Nietzsche's Concept of Drive and Metaphor as a Guide to His
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12. "An Epistemic Defense of Rationality in Scientific Knowledge",
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13. "The Problem of Transcendence: Time or Thought and the Question
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14. "The Ground of Law and Being Human:A Kantian Antinomy and its
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15. "Justice and Justification", Sedat Yazıcı, Ocak 2002.
16. "An Analysis in Conditional", Mustafa Dağlı, Eylül 2002.
17. "Husserl's Conception of Intentionality",Servet Gözetlik,
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18. "Self Love and Self Deception in Seneca,The Stoic",
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19. "An Inquiry Concerning the Place of Emotions in Virtue Ethics:
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