Nursen çoruh
metu biochemistry department
- 1. Çoruh, N.; Hilmes, G. L.; Riehl, J.P. “Applications of Circularly Polarized Luminescence to Biochemical Systems: Terbium(III)- Calmodulin”, J. Luminescence, 1988, 40, 227.
- 2. Hilmes, G. L.; Çoruh, N.; Riehl, J.P. “Quantitative Aspects of Pfeifer-Effect Optical Activity in Aqueous Dysprosium(III) Complexes with 2,6-pyridine dicarboxylate”, Inorg. Chem., 1988, 27, 1136-39.
- 3. Hilmes, G. L.; Çoruh, N.; Riehl, J.P. “Use of the Pfeifer-Effect to Probe the Optical Activity of Europium(III) Complexes with 2,6-pyridine dicarboxylate”, Inorg. Chem., 1988, 27, 3647.
- 4. Çoruh, N.; Riehl, J. P. “Circularly Polarized Luminescence as a Probe of Metal-Ion Binding Sites In Calcium- Binding Proteins “, Eur. J. Solid State and Inorg. Chem., 1991,28, 263.
- 5. Çoruh, N.; Riehl, J. P. “Circularly Polarized Excitation Spectroscopy and Circularly Polarized Emission Spectroscopy as a Probe of Metal-Ion Sites in Calmodulin”, Coll. Chezch. Chem. Comm., 1991, 56, 33028.
- 6. Çoruh, N.; Riehl, J. P. “Circularly Polarized Luminescence from Tb(III) as a Probe of Metal-Ion Binding Sites in Calcium -Binding Proteins”, Biochemistry,1992, 13, 7970.
- 7. Çoruh, N.; Wu, S.; Hilmes, G.L.; Riehl, J. P.; “Solvent effects in enantioselective Quenching of Tb (2,6-Pyridine -dicarboxylate ) 33- by Ru (1,10 Phenanthroline ) 32+” Lanthanidine and Actinide Reseach , 1991, 3, 357
- 8. Lew, J.; Çoruh, N.; Tsigelny, I.; Garrod, S.; Taylor, S. S. “ Synergistic Binding of Nucleotides and Inhibitors to cAMP-dependent Protein Kinase Examined by Acrylodan Fluorescence Spectroscopy” J.B.C. 1997 , 272 , 1507.
- 9. Çoruh, N.; Sağdıçoğlu, A. G.; İşcan M. “The Extracts From Aesculus hippocastanum L.: Screening for the Natural Antioxidants (in prep.)
- 10. N. Çoruh, A.G. Sağdıçoğlu Celep and F. Özgökçe. “Antioxidant properties of Prangos ferulacea L., Chaerophyllum macropodum Boiss. and Heracleum persicum Desf. from Apiaceae family used as food in Eastern Anatolia and their inhibitory effects on glutathione-S-transferase” , Food Chemistry, In Press, Available online 9 February 2006,
- 11. N. Çoruh, A.G. Sağdıçoğlu Celep, F. Özgökçe and M. İşcan. “Antioxidant capacities of Gundelia tournefortii L. extracts and inhibition on glutathione-S-transferase activity” Food Chemistry, In Press, Available online 9 February 2006
International Conference Proceedings
- 1. Çoruh, N.; Riehl, J. P. “Europium Excitation for Probing the Different Binding Sites in Calcium- Binding Proteins” 35th IUPAC Congress, 1995 İstanbul, Turkey
- 2. Çoruh, N.; Taylor, S. S. “Fluorescence Spectroscopy for Monitoring the Substrate Binding to cAMP-Dependent Protein Kinase Complexes” Colloquium Spectroscopicum Internationale XXXI, 1999 Ankara, Turkey
- 3. Sağdıçolu, A. G.; Çoruh, N. “Horse Chesnut Extracts as Natural Antioxidants” Minerva Medica, 2001, 92 (suppl.1 al N. 3):130
- 4. Çoruh, N.; Taylor, S. S. “fluorescence spectroscopy in probing the environmental
changes in the protein kinase a” First International Conference on Biomedical Spectroscopy: From Molecules to Man, July, 2002, England. - 5. Sağdıçoğlu, A. G.; Çoruh, N. “The Extracts From Aesculus hippocastanum L. :Screening For The Natural Antioxidants”, First International Conference on Biomedical Spectroscopy: From Molecules to Man, July, 2002, England.
- 6. Çoruh N., “Extraction and isolation of potential antioxidants from Aesculus hippocastanum L.”, The 3rd World Congress on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants for Human Welfare (WOCMAP III), February 2003 Chiang Mai, Thailand.
- 7. N. Çoruh , E. Aydın “Investigation of the antioxidant properties of bark extracts from Aesculus hippocastanum L. ” 51st Annual Congress of the Society for Medicinal Plant Research September, 2003, Kiel, Germany
- 8. Erkin Aydın Nursen Çoruh “Antioxidant capacities of bark extracts from Aesculus hippocastanum L. ” 13th Balkan Biochemical Biophysical Days, october, 2003 Turkish Journal of Biochemistry:, 28, (3), page 191, Kusadasi, Turkey
- 9. Gülçin Sağdıçoğlu, Nursen Çoruh “Antioxidant activities of the ethanol extracts from Aesculus hippocastanum components” 13th Balkan Biochemical Biophysical Days, october, 2003 Turkish Journal of Biochemistry, 28, (3), page 189, Kuşadası, Turkey
- 10. Nursen Çoruh, Erkin Aydın “Antioxidant capacities of bark extracts from Aesculus hippocastanum L.” Bioresources Towards Drug Discovery and Development, IUPAC Satellite Symposium, Book of Abstracts page 21 oral presentation 3-4 February 2004, Reduit, Mauritius.
- 11. Nursen Çoruh, A. Gülçin Sağdıçoğlu, “Antioxidant activity of seed extract and isolation of Aescin from Aesculus hippocastanum L.” Bioresources Towards Drug Discovery and Development, IUPAC Satellite Symposium, Book of Abstracts page 55, 3-4 February 2004, Reduit, Mauritius.
National Conference Proceedings
1. Nursen Çoruh, Susan S. Taylor “Fluorescent Molecules as Probes for Enviromental Changes in Protein Kinase”, XI. Kimya Kongresi, 1997 Van .
2. A.Gülçin Sağdıçoğlu, Nursen Çoruh, Mesude İşcan, “Aesculus hippocastanum L. özütlerinden antioksidan madde eldesi ve mikrozomal lipid peroksidasyon inhibisyonu”, III. Serbest radikaller ve Antioksidanlar Kongresi, Page 93, Mart 2003, Afyon.