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                              TEFL 172 EXPOSITORY WRITING II


Lecturer:  Y. Doç. Dr Margaret J-M Sönmez


Week-by-week schedule




1 (22 Feb)

Introduction. Review of paragraph-writing. From paragraph to essay.  Standards and criteria (rubric)

Write check-list of personal aims for this course. Make 2 copies (one for you, one for instructor)

2 (29 Feb)

Types of essay.    Analysis of sample essay according to rubric.

Study sample essay for syntactic variety and idiomaticity. Learn useful vocabulary. Make printed list of what you have learned and bring it to class.

3 (6 Mar)

Note taking: from written sources. Abbreviations. Subjects for first essay.

Find sources for first essay, read and take notes.

4 (13 Mar)

Thesis Statements and topic sentences.  Outlines for Compare and Contrast essays.

Finalise your thesis statements, and detailed outlines.  Finish note-taking.  Bring all to class.

5 (20 Mar)

Supervised writing: Compare and Contrast essay.

Finish essay

6 (27 Mar)

Supervised peer review according to given rubric. 

Assess your work so far in terms of your check-list of personal aims.  Make 2 copies, one for instructor.

7 (3 Apr)

Brainstorming. Writing essays without preparation in exam conditions.

Practice from "practice topics" list .

8 (10 Apr)

Mid term exam (timed essay)

Do homework suggested to bring your work in line with your personal aims.

9 (17 Apr)

The argumentative essay; analysis of such an essay. Outlines for Argumentative essays. 

Study sample essay for syntactic variety and idiomaticity. Learn useful vocabulary. Make printed list of what you have learned and bring it to class.

10 (24 Apr)

Note taking: from spoken sources.  Select topic for next essay.

Find and read written sources for essay. Prepare thesis statement and outline.

11 (1 May)

Note taking: from spoken source followed by outlining essays.   Supervision/discussion of thesis statements and outlines.


Write list of expressions you have learned this semester that are useful in English essays. Bring it to class

12 (8 May)

Writing: timed essay.  Peer review.

Check work so far against personal aims check-list. Bring  your comments to the next class.

13 (15 May)

Supervised rewriting and improving of  essays.  Self-review.  Discussion of personal aims.

Suggested homework to bring your work in line with your personal aims.

14 (22 May)

Practice Writing: thesis statements and detailed outlines from list of practice topics.

Continue practice at home.

15 (29 May)

Revision. Practice timed argumentative essay




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