
20) Group actions with TNI-centralizers, Groups St Andrews 2017 in Birmingham, 5-13 August 2017, Birmingham, UK.

19) Influence of the fixed point subgroup in group actions, 3-6 May 2017, Finite groups and their automorphisms 2017, Abant İzzet Baysal University, Bolu.

18) Group actions with TNI-centralizers, Cemal Koç 5th Algebra Days, 29 April 2017, İstanbul Kültür University, İstanbul.

17) Frobenius-like groups as groups of automorphisms, 31 August-2 September 2016, Groups,Rings and their Automorphisms, University of Lincoln, UK.

16) Frobenius-like groups as groups of automorphisms, 31 August-2 September 2016, Groups,Rings and their Automorphisms, University of Lincoln, UK.

15) Frobenius-like groups as groups of automorphisms, 7-12 August 2015, Finite groups and their automorphisms, Doğuş University, Istanbul.

14) Action of a Frobenius-like group, 22-24 May 2015, Zassenhaus Group Theory Conference, Binghamton University, New York.

13) Fixed Point Free Action, 1-3 May 2015, II. Kadın Matematikçiler Derneği Çalıştayı, Cumhuriyet Universitesi, Sivas.

12) Invariants of a finite group acted on by a Frobenius-like group, 12-13 March 2014, 6th Group Theory Conference of Iran, Golestan University, Gorgan, Iran.

11) Action of a Frobenius-like group, 16-20 July 2013, The International Conference on Group Theory in Honor of the 70th Birthday of Professor Victor D. Mazurov, Novosibirsk, Russia.

10) Coprime action of a Frobenius group and a generalization, 10-16 June 2013, ISGA, Third International Conference on Groups, Algebras and Related Topics, Beijing, China.

9) Nilpotent Length of a Finite Solvable Group with Frobenius Group of Automorphisms, 4-8 February 2013, 2BIG, 2nd Biennial Group Theory Conference, Istanbul.

8) A potpourri on generalized fixed point free actions, March 2012, International Group Theory and Lie Theory Conference, Allahabad, India

7) A Fitting Length Conjecture without the Coprimeness Condition, June 2011, Finite Groups and Their Automorphisms, İstanbul

6) On Noncoprime Fixed Point Free Action, July 2010, Groups and Their Actions, Bedlewo, Polland

5) A Fitting Length Conjecture without the Coprimeness Condition, August 2010, GAC 2010, Allahabad, India

4) On a conjecture of Thompson, 2009, Groups St Andrews in Bath .

3) Dade’s argument on a conjecture of Thompson revisited, 2009, Valencia, Spain.

2) On fixed point free action, 2007, Antalya Algebra Days.

1) On finite groups admitting a fixed point free automorphism of order pqr, 2003, Antalya Algebra Days.