Environmental Biotechnology
Welcome to the home page for Environmental Biotechnology. Environmental biotechnology is a system of sciences and engineering knowledge related to
the use of microorganisms and their products in the prevention, treatment, and monitoring of
environmental pollution through solid, liquid, and gaseous wastes biotreatment, bioremediation
of polluted environments, and biomonitoring of environmental and treatment processes. The proposed course is designed to summarize the biological systems, general approaches in biotechnology and use of biotechnology to solve the environmental issues. Various relevant topics have been chosen to illustrate each of the main areas
of environmental biotechnology: wastewater treatment, soil treatment, solid waste treatment, and waste gas treatment, dealing with both
the microbiological and process engineering aspects. The distinct role of environmental biotechnology in the future is emphasized
considering the opportunities to contribute with new solutions and directions in remediation of contaminated environments, minimizing
future waste release and creating pollution prevention alternatives. To take advantage of these opportunities, innovative new strategies,
which advance the use of molecular biological methods and genetic engineering technology, are examined.
For more information, see:
- Course Information & Syllabus
- Lecture Slides
- View Grades