Dr. Başak Şahin-Acar
Dr. Başak Şahin-Acar
Nur Elibol-Pekaslan
Hatice Işık
Didem Türe
Cansu Alsancak
Gizem Çeviker
Nazlı Akay
Elif Bürümlü
Ceren Arslan
Hurigül Bayram

Research interests: Autobiographical memory development; parent-child memory conversations across cultures& self-construals; gender differences in reminiscing.

Research interests: Memory development; cognitive development; socio-emotional development; parent-child reminiscing
Research interests: Parent-Child Relationship, Autobiographical Memory Characterictics, Mother and Father Involvement, Early Childhood Education, Early Childhood Play and Imagination.
Research interests: Memory development; gender socialization and mother-child conversations about gender, mothering and motherhood conceptualization
Research interests: Moral development; self and gender identity formation in childhood; memory development; parent-child interactions.
Research interests: Social and moral development; gender role development in children; socialization by parents; gender stereotypes.
Research interests: Episodic memory in classroom context; transfer from episodic to semantic memory; autobiographical memory development.
Research interests: Attachment; development of emotion regulation, maternal sensitivity and intrusiveness.

Research interests: Role of teacher involvement in academic success, academic self-efficacy, gender socialization and autobiographical memory.
Research interests: Caregiving and mothering attitudes of mothers and baby sitters, mothering practices.
Buse Gönül
Research interests: Autobiographical memories of culturally specific events; sibling relationships and conflicts; temperament; parenting.
Demet Kara
İlknur Çoban
Kübra Aytaç
Pelin Deniz

Research interests: Autobiographical memory development, memory characteristics and gender differences in family conversation, parental attitudes and socio-emotional development.

Research interests: Parent-child interactions, development of gender identity in childhood, development of children with different SES.

Research interests: Autobiographical memory development, collective memory, social cognition, self and identity formation.

Research interests: Developmental psychopathology, emotions, parent-child relationship, schema theory & therapy, therapeutic alliance

basaks@metu.edu.tr gbuse@metu.edu.tr nur.elibol@metu.edu.tr hatice.isik@metu.edu.tr didem.ture@metu.edu.tr
cansu.alsancak@hotmail.com gizemceviker@hotmail.com gul.bayram@metu.edu.tr nazliakay@outlook.com demet.kara@metu.edu.tr
elif.burumlu@metu.edu.tr ilknur.coban@metu.edu.tr cerenarslan1@hotmail.com kubra.aytac@metu.edu.tr bezmisefa@gmail.com