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Classroom: YP-04

Wednesday @ 13:40-17:30


Class Hour
YP-04, Wednesday @ 13:40-17:30
1. Review of Structures
    a. Equilibrium and stability
    b. Degrees of freedom
    c. Static determinacy and indeterminacy
2. Structural Analysis of Trusses, Frames, Arches, Beams and Cables
3. Approximate Analysis Methods of Indeterminate Beams
4. Loads
5. Structural Response to Gravity & Lateral Loads
6. Design of Structural Elements and Building Code Requirements
    a. Columns
    b. Shear Walls
    c. Beams
    d. Slabs
         i.   Solid slabs
         ii.  Joist slabs
         iii. Waffle slabs
         iv. Flat slabs and flat plates
7. Final Project
Exams / Grades: (tentative)
Midterm Project and/or Exam(s) : 40%                   
Final Project and/or Exam : 50%
Quizzes, Assignments and Class Contribution : 10%
Full attendance and active participation in discussions are strongly recommended for success in this course.
ARCH 331