Professor (Profesör)
Department of Business Administration (İşletme
Middle East Technical University (Orta Doğu Teknik
06800 Ankara, Turkey
1995 |
of Michigan-Ann Arbor Dissertation: Supplier
Involvement in Automotive Component Design: A Study of the U.S. and Japan
Automotive Industries |
and Operations Engineering |
1992 |
of Michigan-Ann Arbor |
and Operations Engineering |
1989 |
of Missouri-Rolla (renamed as Missouri
University of Science and Technology) Thesis: An Intelligent
Scheduling System for Automatic Storage and Retrieval |
Management |
B.S., 1988 |
East Technical University |
Engineering |
Spring 2009-present |
Full Professor,
Department of Business Administration, METU |
Fall 2000-Spring
2009 |
Professor, Department of Business Administration, METU |
July-September 2000 |
Visiting Scholar,
Center for International Research on the Japanese Economy (CIRJE), Faculty of
Economics, Tokyo University |
June-September 1998 |
Japan Foundation
Fellow, Faculty of Economics, Tokyo University |
Summer 1995-Fall
2000 |
Professor, Department of Business Administration, METU |
Winter 1991-Fall
1995 |
Research Associate:
Japan Technology Management Program, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor |
Summer 1991 |
Research Assistant:
Industrial Development Division, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor |
Fall 1989-Summer
1990 |
Teaching Assistant,
Department of Industrial Engineering, METU |
Fall 1988-Summer
1989 |
Teaching Assistant,
Department of Engineering Management, University of Missouri-Rolla |
Innovation management
Operations and supply chain management
Interorganizational trust, trust repair
Organization theory
Spring 1996-2003; Spring 2014- |
Organizational Theory, Sophomore year
course, METU |
Fall 2009 |
Managing Technology and Innovation,
Executive MBA course, METU |
Fall 2006 |
Supply Chain Management, Executive MBA
course, METU |
Fall 2006-present |
Operations Management, Sophomore year
course, METU |
Spring 2005-present |
Essentials of Organizations, Executive MBA
course, METU (with co-instructor) |
Spring 2005-present |
Operations Management, MBA course, METU |
Spring 2003-present |
Supply Chain Management, Junior-Senior year
and Master's-level course, METU |
Fall 2003-present |
Organizations, Sophomore year course, METU
(with co-instructor) |
Fall 2000-2012 |
Organization and Management, MBA course,
METU (with co-instructor) |
Spring 1998-Spring 2003 |
Macro Organization, Ph.D. course, METU |
Fall 1995-present |
Japanese Business Systems, Junior-Senior
year and Master's-level course, METU |
Fall 1995-present |
Managing Technology and Innovation,
Junior-Senior year and Master's-level course, METU |
Fall 1994, ‘93, ‘92 |
Teaching Assistant: Work Organizations,
Senior year and Master's-level course, University of Michigan |
Fall 1991 |
Teaching Assistant: Managing Technological
Change, Senior year and Master’s-level course, University of Michigan |
Spring 1990 |
Teaching Assistant: Management For
Engineers, Senior -level course, METU |
Fall 1989 |
Teaching Assistant: Engineering Economy,
Junior -level course, METU |
METU Graduate School of Social Sciences Certificate for Thesis Supervisor
of METU Best Thesis Award Winner, 2019.
METU Graduate School of Social Sciences Certificate for Thesis Supervisor
of METU Best Thesis Award Winner, 2015.
Middle East Technical University Performance Award [cash], 2018, 2015,
2012, 2010, 2008, 2006, 2003.
Confucius Institutes Headquarters (Hanban) Individual Personal Excellence
Award, 2012.
Recipient of the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey
(TÜBİTAK) award as part of the Support for International Publications
Programme [cash], 2011, 2009, 2008, 2007, 2006.
Middle East Technical University International Publication Award [cash],
2011, 2009, 2008, 2007, 2006.
Academy of Management Technology and Innovation Management Division Award
for Outstanding Review, 2003.
Middle East Technical University Overall Success Award [cash and
certificate], 2000.
Middle East Technical University Faculty of Economic and Administrative
Sciences 1999 Young Faculty Research 3rd Place Award.
Japan Foundation Fellow: Visiting Scholar at Tokyo University,
June-September 1998.
Middle East Technical University Faculty of Economic and Administrative
Sciences 1998 Young Faculty 1st Place Research Award.
Recipient of the Turkish Academy of Sciences (Türkiye Bilimler Akademisi)
cash award as part of the Support for International Publications in the Social
Sciences Programme [cash], 2001.
Invited Participant, Ph. D. Internship Programme: United Nations
University, Institute for New Technologies, Maastricht, the Netherlands,
May-August 1994.
Invited participant, Production and Operations Management Division Doctoral
Consortium, The Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Atlanta, GA, August 6-7,
Middle East Technical University Honor's List, 1984-88.
Kaygan, P., Wasti, S.
N., Dilek Alptekin, İ., 2023, “Enacting Individual Ambidexterity in Design
Entrepreneurship,” The Design Journal, DOI:
Wasti, S. N., Terzi, H.,
Kerti, F., 2022, “Social Capital, Information Sharing, Ambidexterity, and
Performance for Technology Park Firms in Turkey,” Thunderbird International
Business Review, vol. 64, 531–557.
Rosell, D. T., Lakemond,
N., Wasti, S. N., 2014, “Integrating Knowledge with Suppliers at the
R&D-Manufacturing Interface,” Journal of Manufacturing Technology
Management, vol. 25(2), 240-257.
Çetindamar, D., Wasti, S.
N., Beyhan, B., 2012, “Technology Management Tools and Techniques: Factors
Affecting Their Usage and Their Impact on Performance,” International
Journal of Innovation and Technology Management, vol. 9(5), October.
Şengün, A. E.,
Wasti, S. N., 2011, “Trust Types, Distrust, and Performance Outcomes in Small
Business Relationships: The Pharmacy-Drug Warehouse Case,” The Service Industries Journal, vol. 31, 287–309.
Wasti, S. N., Kozan, M.
K., Kuman Çınar, A., 2009, "Ana Sanayi Firmalarının Yan
Sanayiye Yaptıkları İlişkiye Has Yatırımın
Öncülleri: Türk Otomotiv Sanayiinde bir Araştırma," (Antecedents
of Buyer Firms’ Relation-Specific Investments in Their Suppliers: A Study of
the Turkish Automotive Industry), ODTÜ Gelişme Dergisi (METU
Studies in Development), vol. 35, Special Issue, 315-340.
Wasti, S. N., Wasti, S. A., 2009, “Gelişmekte
Olan Ülkelerde Ana Sanayi-Yan
Sanayi İlişkilerinde
Güvenin Öncülleri: Türk Otomotiv Sektörü
Örneği (Antecedents of Trust in Buyer-Supplier
Relations in Developing Countries: The Case of the Turkish Automotive
Industry),” TODAİE Amme İdaresi
Dergisi (Journal of the Public Administration
Institute for Turkey and the Middle East), vol. 42, 139-160.
Şengün, A. E.,
Wasti, S. N., 2009, “Revisiting Trust and Control:
Effects on Perceived Relationship Performance,” International Small Business Journal, vol. 27, 39-69.
Çetindamar, D., Wasti, S.
N., Ansal, H., Beyhan, B., 2009, “Does Technology Management Research Diverge
or Converge in Developing and Developed Countries?” Technovation, vol.
29, 45-58.
Wasti, S. N., Wasti, S. A., 2008, “Trust in Buyer-Supplier
Relations: The Case of the Turkish Automotive Industry,” Journal of
International Business Studies, vol. 39, 118-131.
Şengün, A. E.,
Wasti, S. N., 2007, “Trust, Control, and
Risk: A Test of Das and Teng’s Conceptual Framework
for Pharmaceutical Buyer-Supplier Relationships,” Group and Organization
Management, vol. 32, 430-464.
Şengün, A. E.,
Wasti, S. N., 2006, "Alıcı-Satıcı İlişkilerinde
Güvenin Performansa Etkisi: Eczane-Ecza Deposu Örneği," (The Effect
of Trust on Buyer-Supplier Relationships: The Pharmacy-Drug Warehouse Case), ODTÜ
Gelişme Dergisi (METU Studies in Development), vol. 33, 223-254.
Wasti, S. N., Kozan, M.
K., A. Kuman, 2006, “Buyer-Supplier
Relationships in the Turkish Automotive Industry,” International Journal of
Operations and Production Management, vol. 26, 947-970.
Kozan, M. K., Wasti, S.
N., A. Kuman, A., 2006, “Management of
Buyer-Supplier Conflict: The Case of the Turkish Automotive Industry,” Journal
of Business Research, vol. 59, 662-670.
Tukel, O. I., Wasti, S.
N., 2001, “Analysis of Supplier-Buyer Relationships Using Resource Constrained
Project Scheduling Strategies,” European Journal of Operational Research,
vol. 129, 271-276.
Wasti, S. N., 1999,
"Japon Firmalarında Ar-Ge: Yöntemler ve Yapılardan
Örnekler," (R&D in Japanese Firms: Examples of Methods and
Structures), ODTÜ Gelişme Dergisi (METU Studies in Development),
vol. 26, 203-224.
Wasti, S. N., Liker, J.
K., 1999, "Collaboration with Suppliers in Product Development: A U.S. and
Japan Comparative Study," IEEE Transactions in Engineering Management,
vol. 46, 444-461.
(This paper
received the 1999 EMS Transactions Publication Award given by the Institute of
Electrical and Electronics Engineers Engineering Management Society (EMS)).
Liker, J. K., Kamath, R.
R., Wasti, S. N., 1998, "Supplier Involvement in Design: A Comparative
Survey of Automotive Suppliers in the USA, UK, and Japan," The
International Journal of Quality Science (merged into the International
Journal of Quality & Reliability Management), vol. 3, 214-238.
(This paper was
chosen as a “highly commended paper” by the MCB University Press Literati Club
Award for Excellence, 1999.)
Wasti, S. N., Liker, J.
K., 1997, "Risky Business or Competitive Power: Supplier Involvement in
Japanese Product Design," Journal of Product Innovation Management,
vol. 14, 337-355.
Liker, J. K., Kamath, R.
R., Wasti, S. N., Nagamachi, M., 1996, "Suppliers' Involvement in Product
Development: Are There Still Large U.S.-Japan Differences?" Research
Policy, vol. 25, 59-89.
(The aforementioned book is the 1996 recipient of the
Shingo Prize for Excellence in Manufacturing Research in the Books and
Monographs Category.)
1. Lianidou, T., Wasti, S. N., Dominick, P. G., “Understanding Female
Learner Reactions to Case Studies Portraying Female Leaders”, Academy of
Management Annual Meeting, Chicago, 9-13 August, 2024
2. Wasti, S. N., Lianidou, T., Dominick, P. G., “Case studies with female
protagonists: "Hidden" inequalities in the hidden curriculum”, European
Group for Organizational Studies (EGOS), Milan, 4-6 July, 2024.
3. Wasti, S. N., "Tenant
Firms’ Trust Towards the Technology Park Management:
The Case of a Turkish Technology Park", 12th FINT Workshop on Trust
Within and Between Organizations, Helsinki, 14 - 17 June, 2023.
4. Karababa, E., Wasti, S. N., Oran, A., Andrews, S., “Academic communities
of practice as a response to institutional tensions,” Proceedings of the British Academy of Management Conference, Manchester, August
31-September 2, 2022.
5. Andrews, S., Wasti, S. N., “Participant centred
learning in management education: The
case for learning in Turkey,” 11th Annual Euromed
Academy of Business (EMAB) Conference, Valetta, 12-14 September 2018.
6. Durukan, C., Narooz, R., Wasti, S. N.,
“Entrepreneurial adaptation in the video game industry: A case for game developers in a Turkish
university technopark,” Proceedings of the British Academy of Management Conference, Bristol, 3-6
September 2018.
(This paper received the Best Developmental Paper Award from the Cultural
and Creative Industries Division of the British Academy of Management, 2018)
7. Horata, A. M., Wasti, S. N., Ceylan, C., Dul, J., “Physical space matters: How social capital
fosters creativity and innovation in technopark
firms?” Proceedings of the European Academy of Management (EURAM) Conference,
Reykjavik, 19-22 June 2018.
8. Ceylan, C., Horata, A. M., Wasti, S. N., Dul, J., “Social capital and physical space in facilitating
creativity and innovation: A case study,” Clustering—International
Conference on Clusters and Districts, Valencia, 24-25 May 2018.
9. Durukan, C., Narooz, R., Wasti, S. N., “A
conceptual framework for effectuation in video game industry,” Institute for
Small Business and Entrpreneurship (ISBE) Conference,
Belfast, 8-9 November, 2017.
10. Hofmann, E., Nienaber, A., Narooz, R., Wasti, S. N., Searle, R., “Distrust between stakeholders in
technology parks,” Proceedings of the British Academy of
Management Conference,
Warwick, 5-7 September 2017.
11. Wasti, S. N., Ceylan, C., Dul, J., “Physical
Space, Communication and Social Capital: The Case of Technoparks
as Innovative Clusters,” Proceedings of the European
Academy of Management (EURAM) Conference, Glasgow, 21-24 June 2017.
Keskin, F. F., Wasti, S.
N., “Teknopark Firmalarında Sosyal Sermaye, Bilgi
Paylaşımı, Örgütsel Çiftyönlülük ve Firma Performansı
Arasındaki İlişki,” (“Social Capital and Its Effects on
Organizational Ambidexterity and Firm Performance in Technology Parks”), 25.
Ulusal Yönetim ve Organizasyon Kongresi Bildiriler Kitabı (Proceedings
of the 25th National Management and Organization Congress), Ankara, May 25-27,
Narooz, Nienaber, A., Wasti, S. N., Hoffmann, E.
“Co-creation of Collaborative entrepreneurial Eco-systems: An Investigation of
Trust Building Mechanisms in Turkish Science Parks”, 9th Workshop on Trust
Within and Between Organizations, Dublin, 17-18 November 2016.
Wasti, S. N., Çelik, H.,
Public Reaction to Toyota’s Trust Repair Efforts Using Image Restoration
Theory,” 9th Workshop on Trust Within and Between Organizations, Dublin,
17-18 November 2016.
Wasti, S. N., Ceylan, C., Dul, J., “Physical
Space, Social Capital, and Collaborative Innovation: The Case of Technoparks as Innovative Clusters”, Proceedings of the British Academy of Management Conference,
Newcastle, 6-8 September 2016.
Wasti, S. N., Tarı Kasnakoğlu, B., “Consumer Responses to Toyota’s Crisis
Communication Tactics,” Proceedings of the British Academy of Management
Conference, Portsmouth, 8-10 September 2015.
Aslan, D., Wasti, S. N.,
“Social Capital Development in High Tech Firms,” Proceedings of the 15th
European Academy of Management (EURAM) Conference, Warsaw, June 17-20,
Aslan, D., Wasti, S. N.,
“Space, Interaction, and Innovation: Does Proximity Really Matter for High Tech
Firms,” Proceedings of the DRUID15 Conference, Rome, June 15-17, 2015.
Şengün, A. E.,
Wasti, S. N., “Precious Yet Perilous: Exloring the Dark Side of Trust in the
Jewelry Trade,” European
Group for Organizational Studies (EGOS) 31st Colloquium, Athens, July 2-4, 2015.
Köksal, G., Tarı
Kasnakoğlu, B., Wasti, S. N., “QFD for Identification of Services for New
Markets: A Case of Technopark Services,” Proceedings of the 20th
International Symposium on Quality Function Deployment, Istanbul, 4-5
September 2014.
Şengün, A. E.,
Wasti, S. N., Cantekin, M., “The Dark Side of Trust: Institutional, Relational
and Economic Antecedents,” Proceedings of the British Academy of Management
Conference, Liverpool, 10-12 September 2013.
Köksal, G., Wasti, S.
N., Tarı Kasnakoğlu, B., “A Service Package Development Methodology
for Technoparks,” abstract in proceedings of XXVI EURO–INFORMS Joint
International Conference, Rome, 1-4 July 2013.
Feşel Akbay, N. N.,
Köksal, G., Wasti, S. N., “Etkin Ürün
Yönetimi için Bir Karar Destek Sistemi,” Üretim Araştırmaları
Sempozyumu, Izmir, September 2012.
Rosell, D. T., Lakemond,
N., Wasti , S. N. “Capturing supplier knowledge in new product development:the
effects of trust,” 21st IPSERA (International Purchasing and Supply
Education and Research Association) International Conference, Naples, April
1-4, 2012.
Wasti, S. N., “Trust
Repair Activities at Toyota: A Crisis Communication Approach,” 6th Workshop
on Trust Within and Between Organizations Proceedings CD, Milan, June
14-15, 2012.
Tarı, B., Uzunca, B.,
Wasti, S. N., “Mikro ve Makro Dönüşümlerin Tedarikçi Gelişimine ve
Öğrenmesine Etkileri: Otomotiv Sektöründe bir İnceleme,” (“The
Effects of Micro and Macro Transitions in Supplier Development and Learning: A
Study in the Automotive Sector”), 18. Ulusal Yönetim ve Organizasyon
Kongresi Bildiriler Kitabı (Proceedings of the 18th National
Management and Organization Congress), Adana, May 20-22, 2010.
Wasti, S. N.,
Şengün, A. E., Önder, Ç., “The Dark Side of Trust in Buyer-Supplier
Relationships: The Case of Pharmacy-Drug Wholesaler Relationships,” 5th
Workshop on Trust Within and Between Organizations Proceedings CD, Madrid,
January 28-29, 2010.
Uzunca, B., Wasti, S.
N., “The Effect of Social Capital in Supplier Development and Organizational
Learning: Spinoff Suppliers of a Turkish Automotive Manufacturer,” posted on
the website for the European
Group for Organizational Studies (EGOS) 25th Colloquium (, Barcelona, July
2-4, 2009.
Wasti, S. N., Kozan, M.
K., Kuman Çınar, A., “Ana Sanayi Firmalarının Yan Sanayiye
Yaptıkları İlişkiye Has Yatırımın Öncülleri:
Türk Otomotiv Sanayiinde bir Araştırma,” (“Antecedents of
Relationship Specific Investments of Buyers: A Study of the Turkish
Automotive Industry”), 16. Ulusal Yönetim ve Organizasyon Kongresi Bildiriler
Kitabı (Proceedings of the 16th National Management and Organization
Congress), Antalya, May 16-18, 2008.
30. Köseoğlu, G., Wasti, S. N., “Social Capital Development Among Tenant Firms
in Business Incubators: The Case of a Turkish Business Incubator,” extended
abstract in European Operations Management Association (EUROMA) Conference
Proceedings CD, Ankara, June 17-20, 2007.
Çetindamar, D., Wasti, S.
N., Ansal, H., B. Beyhan, “A Knowledge Map of the Technology Management Discipline,”
European Operations Management Association (EUROMA) Conference Proceedings
CD, Ankara, June 17-20, 2007.
Şengün, A. E.,
Wasti, S. N., “Between Trust and Distrust: An Investigation of the Linkage
Between Trust Types and Relationship Performance Outcomes,” European Institute
for Advanced Studies in Management (EIASM) 3rd Workshop on Trust
Proceedings CD,
Amsterdam, October 27-28, 2005.
Şengün, A. E.,
Wasti, S. N., “Interaction Between Trust, Control, and Risk in a Long-Term
Supply Arrangement Type Alliance: A Test of Das & Teng’s (2001) Framework,”
posted on the website for the European Group for Organizational Studies
(EGOS) 21st Colloquium (, Berlin, June 30-July 2, 2005.
Özalp, Y., Köksal, G., S.
N. Wasti, S. N., “An Integrative Framework for Supplier Segmentation,” Proceedings
of the 35th International Conference on Computers and Industrial Engineering,
İstanbul, June 19-22, 2005.
Şengün, A. E.,
Wasti, S. N., “Alıcı-Satıcı İlişkilerinde Güvenin
Performansa Etkileri: Ankara’daki Eczaneler Üzerine Nicel Bir
Çalışma,” (“The Effect of Trust on Buyer-Supplier Relations: A
Quantitative Study of Pharmacies in Ankara”), 13. Ulusal Yönetim ve
Organizasyon Kongresi Bildiriler Kitabı (Proceedings of the 13th
National Management and Organization Congress), İstanbul, May 12-14, 2005.
36. Kozan, M. K., Wasti, S. N., Kuman, A., “Management of Buyer-Supplier
Conflict: The Case of the Turkish Automotive Industry,” The Global
Business and Economics Research Conference Proceedings, İstanbul,
August 6, 2004.
Şengün, A. E., Wasti,
S. N., “Alıcı-Satıcı İlişkilerinde Güvenin
Performansa Etkileri: Ecza Deposu-Eczane İlişkisi Örneği,” (“The
Effect of Trust on Buyer-Supplier Relations: The Case of the Drug
Warehouse-Pharmacy Relationship”), 12. Ulusal Yönetim ve Organizasyon
Kongresi Bildiriler Kitabı (Proceedings of the 12th National
Management and Organization Congress), Bursa, May 27-29, 2004.
38. Kuman, A., Wasti, S. N., Kozan, M. K., “Buyer-Supplier Relationship
Typologies in the Turkish Automotive Sector,” EURO/INFORMS Joint
International Meeting Abstracts CD, İstanbul, July 6-10, 2003.
39. Tarı, B., Wasti, S. N. “Algılanan Çevresel Belirsizllik, Örgüt
Yapısı ve Sınırsal Faaliyetler Arasındaki
İlişkilerin bir Türk Yarı-Kamu Kurumunda
Araştırılması,” (“The Investigation of the
Interrelationships Between Perceived Environmental Uncertainty, Organizational
Structure, and Boundary Spanning Activities in a Turkish Semi-Public
Organization”), 11. Ulusal Yönetim ve Organizasyon Kongresi Bildiriler
Kitabı (Proceedings of the 11th National Management and Organization
Congress), Afyon, May 22-24, 2003.
40. Kuman, A., Wasti, S. N., Kozan, M. K., “Türk Otomotiv Sektöründeki Ana-Yan
Sanayi İlişki Tiplemeleri ve Çatışma Yönetim Şekilleri
Üzerine bir Pilot Çalışma,” (“The Typology of Buyer-Supplier
Relations and Conflict Management Styles in the Turkish Automotive Sector,”) VII.
Otomotiv ve Yan Sanayii Sempozyumu Bildiri Kitabı (Proceedings of the
7th Automotive and Supplier Industry Symposium), Bursa, October 26-27, 2001.
Martin, X., Wasti, S.
N., “On
the Edge of Exit, Voice and Loyalty: Information Constraints and Supplier-Buyer
Relations in the Turkish Automotive Industry,” European Group for
Organizational Studies (EGOS) 17th Colloquium Abstracts CD,
Lyon, July 5-7, 2001.
Wasti, S. N.,
“Predictors of Trust in Buyer-Supplier Relations: A Contextual and Cultural
Comparison of Japan and Turkey,” Association of Japanese Business Studies 14th
Annual Meeting, Seinajoki, Finland, June 11-13, 2001.
Wasti, S. N. , Wasti, S.
A., “Ana Sanayi-Yan Sanayi İlişkilerinde Güven ve
Bağlılık Ölçeklerinin Geliştirilmesi,” (“The Development of
Trust and Loyalty Indices in Buyer-Supplier Relationships”), 8. Ulusal
Yönetim ve Organizasyon Kongresi Bildiriler Kitabı (Proceedings of the
8th National Management and Organization Congress), Nevşehir, May 25-27,
44. Wasti, S. N. “Japon Otomotiv Tedarik Yönteminin Uyarlanması:
Dünyadan ve Türkiye'den Örnekler,” (“The Adaptation of the Japanese Supply
Management System: Examples from the World and Turkey”), Invited Paper, VI.
Otomotiv ve Yan Sanayii Sempozyumu Bildiri Kitabı (Proceedings of the
6th Automotive and Supplier Industry Symposium), Bursa, November 19-20, 1999.
Wasti, S. N. "Can
Japanese Supplier Management Systems be Transplanted? Examples from the
Field,” Global Awareness Society International 8th Annual Conference
Proceedings, New Orleans, Louisiana, May 28-29, 1999.
46. Wasti, S. N., "Türk Otomotiv Sektörümüz Ana ve Yan Sanayi
İlişkilerinde Nerede?” (The Status of Buyer-Supplier Relationships in
the Turkish Automotive Sector), 7. Ulusal Yönetim ve Organizasyon Kongresi
(7th National Management and Organization Congress), İstanbul,
May 27-29, 1999.
Wasti, S. N., “Japon
Firmalarında AR-GE Proje Yönetiminden Örnekler,” (Examples of R&D
Project Management in Japanese Firms”), Invited Paper, Proje Yönetimi Ulusal
Kongresi Bildiriler Kitabı (Proceedings of the National Project
Management Congress), İstanbul, April 29-30, 1999.
48. Wasti, S. N., "Japanese Recipes" in the Turkish Automotive
"Kitchen"," Association of Japanese Business Studies 11th
Annual Meeting Best Paper Proceedings, Oakbrook, Illinois, May 29-31, 1998.
49. Güner, N., Wasti, S. N. "Business Plans for Knowledge Parks: The Case
of the METU Technopark," Global Awareness Society International 7th
Annual Conference Proceedings, İstanbul, May 28-31, 1998.
50. Wasti, S. N., “Türk Binek Otomobili Sektöründe
Müşteri-İmalatçı İlişkileri Üzerine bir
Çalışma,” (“A Study of the Buyer-Supplier Relations in the Turkish
Automotive Industry”), V. Otomotiv ve Yan Sanayii Sempozyumu Bildiri
Kitabı (Proceedings of the 5th Automotive and Supplier Industry
Symposium), Bursa, November 7-8, 1997.
Wasti, S. N., “Design
Outsourcing and Product Development: A Study of the U.S. and Japan Automotive
Industries,” Proceedings of the 9th World Productivity Congress, Vol. 1,
İstanbul, June 4-7, 1995.
Liker, J. K., Kamath, R.
R., Wasti, S. N., Nagamachi, M., "Integrating Product Development Through
the Supply Chain," The Best in Management Worldwide: Linking Management
Scholarship--Proceedings of the 2nd International Federation of Scholarly
Associations of Management (IFSAM), L. R. Jauch, R. N. Osborn (Eds.),
Dallas, Texas, August 17-20, 1994.
Liker, J. K., Kamath, R.
R., Wasti, S. N., Nagamachi, M., "The Supplier Role in Product
Development: Are There Still Large U.S. and Japan Differences?" Academy
of Management 54th Annual Meeting Best Papers Proceedings, D. P. Moore
(Ed.), Dallas, Texas, August 14-17, 1994.
(This paper received the Runner-up Best Paper Award from the Technology and
Innovation Management Division of the Academy of Management, 1994.)
Dagli, C. H., Wasti, N. "An
Intelligent Scheduling System For Automatic Storage and Retrieval
Systems," Engineering Society of Detroit Conference on Programmable
Controllers and Expert Systems Conference Proceedings, Detroit, Michigan,
April 4-6, 1989.
[This paper was also presented in
Turkish ("Otomatik Ambarlama Sistemleri icin Uzman Çizelgeleme
Sistemi") at the 12th National Congress of Operations Research (Yöneylem
Araştırması 12. Ulusal Kongresi) held at Bilkent University,
Ankara, June 21-23, 1989.]
Wasti, S. N., Andrews,
S. Nusr-Et: Sustaining the Personality
Brand, available in
English and Turkish with teaching note on, 2019.
Ersahin, D., Andrews, S., Wasti, N. Ereuna Research: Ethical Dilemmas with Big Data Analytics, available
with teaching note on, 2019.
Kaplan, A., Andrews, S., Wasti, N. To Change or not to
Change: The Blue&Green Design Technology Company, available with teaching
note on, 2019.
[This case study received the most popular free case
award of the Case Centre in 2022.]
1. Wasti, S. N., Erşahin, D., Seminar on Case Teaching and Writing for Ethics4Challenges
Erasmus+ project, March 17-18, 2024.
2. Wasti, S. N., Ph.D seminar on Content Analysis, University of Glasgow,
June 4, 2024.
3. Wasti, S. N., Ph.D seminar on Content Analysis, University of Glasgow,
June 5, 2023.
4. Wasti, S. N., Seminar on
Case Teaching and Writing, Directorate General of Information Technologies
(Turkish Ministry of Trade), March 21, 2023.
5. Wasti, S. N., Webinar on
Case Teaching and Writing, Yalova University,
November 30, 2022.
6. Wasti, S. N., Webinar on
Content Analysis, Anadolu University, May 21, 2021.
7. Wasti, S. N., Seminar on
Content Analysis, Qualitative Paper Development Workshop in Management &
Marketing, Eskişehir, June 20-21, 2019.
8. Wasti, S. N., Ph.D seminars on Content Analysis and Toyota’s Trust Repair
Efforts,” University of Münster, Münster,
May 21-22, 2019.
9. Wasti, S. N., “Turkey and
China in the Belt and Road Supply Chain,” 2nd Xiamen University
Forum on the Belt and Road Development, Xiamen, April 28-29, 2019.
10. Nienaber, A-M., Hofmann, E., von Gehlen, K., Narooz, R., Wasti, S. N., “Entrepreneurial
distrust. A stakeholder approach in technology parks,” Symposium in 10th Workshop on
Trust Within and Between Organizations, St. Gallen,
January 9-10, 2019.
Wasti, S. N., Panel presentation, 3. Ulusal Tasarım Araştırmaları Konferansı (UTAK), Ankara, September 14, 2018.
Wasti, S. N.,
İçerik Analizi semineri, 24. Yönetim ve Organizasyon Kongresi,
Sabancı University, May 2016.
Wasti, S. N., “Space, Social Capital, and Innovation: The Case of METU
Technopolis as an Innovative Space,” University of Southampton Winchester
School of Art, July 17, 2015.
Wasti, S. N., “A Content
Analysis of Online Consumer Responses to Toyota’s Unintended Acceleration
Crisis: Suggestions for Trust Repair,” 8th Workshop on Trust Within and
Between Organizations, Coventry, November 5-7, 2014.
Wasti, S. N., Biliciler,
G., Güngör, İ, Tanrıverdi, E. Y., “Media Reflection of Toyota’s Trust
Repair Activities: A Crisis Communication Approach,” Association of
Japanese Business Studies 26th Annual Conference, Istanbul, July
2-3, 2013.
(This paper was also presented at the 7th First International Network on
Trust (FINT) Workshop on Trust Within and Between Organizations in Singapore,
November 21-23, 2013.)
16. Wasti, S. N., Wasti, S. A. , “Buyer Supplier
Trust in Developing Countries: The Case of the Turkish Automotive
Industry,” talk given at the International Conference on Social Sciences,
İzmir, August 21, 2008.
17. Wasti, S. N., “Strategic
Segmentation in Buyer-Supplier Relationships,” talk given at the 1st
International Automotive Supplier Forum (1. Uluslararası
Otomotiv Yan Sanayi Forumu), İstanbul, June 10, 2004.
Wasti, S. N., Kozan,
M. K., Kuman, A., “Buyer-Supplier Relationships in the Turkish Automotive
Industry,” talk given at the Middle East Technical University, Department of
Industrial Engineering, Ankara, April 9, 2004.
Wasti, S. N., Kozan, M.
K., Kuman, A., “Buyer-Supplier Relationships in the Turkish Automotive
Industry,” talk given at
Bilkent University, Faculty of Business
Administration, Ankara, December 29, 2003.
Wasti, S. N., Kozan, M.
K., Kuman, A., “Buyer-Supplier Relationships in the Turkish Automotive
Industry,” talk given at
the Workshop on Opportunities for Strategic Collaboration Among Automotive
Buyers and Suppliers, organized by the Sabancı
University Competitiveness Forum, İstanbul, September 26, 2003.
Wasti, S. N.,
“Küreselleşme Perspektifi İçinde Ana ve Yan Sanayii
İlişkileri,” (Buyer-Supplier Relationships in the Perspective of
Globalization), talk given at the the 2nd
International Subcontracting Exhibition (SUBCONIST), İstanbul, May 8, 2003.
Wasti, S. N.,
"Buyers And Suppliers: Different Strokes For Different Folks," Paper
presented at the Academy of Management 1999 Meeting, Chicago, Illinois,
August 6-11, 1999.
Wasti, S. N., “New
Developments in Manufacturing Systems: International Comparisons,” Center
for International Research on the Japanese Economy First Conference, Tokyo,
September 7-8, 1998.
Liker, J. K., Wasti, S.
N., Kamath, R. R., "Involving Parts Suppliers in Automotive Product
Development: US, UK & Japan" INFORMS Meeting, New Orleans,
Louisiana, November, 1995.
Wasti, S. N., Liker, J. K., "Supplier Involvement in Automotive Component
Design: A US-Japan Comparison, ORSA/TIMS Meeting, Detroit, Michigan,
October, 1994.
Öz, Ö.,
Wasti, S. N., 2001, “Book Review: M. E. Porter, H. Takeuchi, M. Sakakibara, Can Japan Compete? London, MacMillan
Press, Ltd., 2000, 208 pp.” ODTÜ Gelişme
Dergisi (METU Studies in
Development), vol. 28, Number 3-4, pp. 477-484.
S. N., 2011, “Kıyaslama Yöntemi Hakkında Bilinmesi Gerekenler” (What
We Need to Know about Benchmarking), Önce Kalite Dergisi, Şubat
S. N., Kozan, M. K., Kuman, A., “Türk Otomotiv Sektöründe Ana ve Yan Sanayi
İlişki Tiplerinin Araştırılması (The Research of
Primary and Subsidiary Industry Relation Types in the Turkish Automotive
Sector),” TAYSAD Dergisi, Ocak-Mart (January-March) 2004, No. 21.
Çelik, Toyota’s Crisis Communications and Public Emotions: Implications for Trust Repair, September 2018.
Feyza Keskin, Relationship Between Social Capital, Information Sharing,
Organizational Ambidexterity and Firm Performance in Technology Parks,
September 2018.
Uzunca, Comparative Advantages of Spinoff Suppliers: A Case Study of a Turkish
Automotive Manufacturer, June 2009.
Köseoğlu, Social Capital Formation Among Tenant Firms and Between Tenant
Firms and the Host University in Business Incubators: The Case of a
Turkish Business Incubator, June 2007.
Kuman, Buyer-Supplier Relationship Typologies and Conflict Management
Strategies in the Turkish Automotive Industry, March 2003.
Tarı, Analyzing the Fit Between Organizational Environment, Structure, and
Culture: A Case Study of a Public Organization, September 2002.
Soyal, The Relationship Between Corporate Entrepreneurship and Innovation and
The Moderating Effect of Transformational Leadership, December 2019.
Melih Horata, Physical Space Matters: Developing Social Capital for Innovation
in Technopark Buildings, September 2019.
Aslan, Sources and Benefits of Social Capital for Technology Based Firms in
STPs: A Case of METU Technopolis, August 2014.
Özalp, Integration of Supplier Processes: Supplier Segmentation, Supplier
Selection, and Order Allocation in a Case Company, October 2005 (co-supervised
with Gülser Köksal).
Durukan, Entrepreneurial Decision- Making in the Video Game Industry: A Study
on Entrepreneurs Based in the METU Technopark, July 2019 (co-supervised with
Rose Narooz).
Feşel Akbay, Product Mix Determination Under Uncertainty Within a
Framework Proposed for Effective Product Management, September 2013
(co-supervised with Gülser Köksal).
3. Elif Uzun-Şengün, Performance Outcomes of Interorganizational
Trust in Buyer-Seller Relationships: The Case of the Relationship Between a
Pharmacy and a Drug Wholesaler, January 2005.
November 2021-2023 |
Turkish lead for British
Council Connect4Innovation two-year ParCeL project
with the University of Worcester |
April 2016-March 2018 |
Researcher for British
Council Newton Funds Institutional Links NILCAT/BC project with Coventry
University |
September 2015-August 2018 |
Local coordinator for Erasmus+
Case Study Alliance Turkey (CAT) Project on developing case teaching and case
writing in Turkish higher education |
January-May 2013 |
Project director for
Middle East Technical University Technopark
consulting project on determination of ODTÜ Teknokent
services for international stakeholders |
April 2011-December 2016 |
Project director for
Middle East Technical University research grant investigating Toyota’s trust
rebuilding efforts after the “sticky gas pedal” crisis |
January-December 2016 |
Project director for
Middle East Technical University research grant investigating the
relationship of social capital on ambidexterity for technology park firms |
January 2007-November 2009 |
Project director for
Middle East Technical University research grant investigating cases of
supplier spinoff organizations in the automotive industry. |
July 2006-May 2009 |
Researcher in Scientific
and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TÜBİTAK) project on
Turkey’s technology management system. |
January-December 2006 |
Project director for
Middle East Technical University research grant investigating
university-incubator relationships. |
January-December 2004 |
Project director for
Middle East Technical University research grant investigating performance
outcomes of trust in pharmacy-drug wholesaler dyads. |
September 2002-May 2005 |
Researcher on Medforist: Euro-Mediterranean Network for Sharing IST
Learning Resources (part of the EUMEDIS) Project. |
September 2000-2002 |
Project consultant for
MIT’s International Vehicle Manufacturing Program (IMVP) Assembly Plant
Research Project–Round 3. |
1998-2003 |
Project director for
Middle East Technical University research grant investigating types of
buyer-supplier relationships in the Turkish automotive industry. |
1996-1998 |
Project director for
Middle East Technical University research grant investigating state of
buyer-supplier relationships in the Turkish automotive industry. |
January-December 1997 |
Project director, Middle
East Technical University Technopark business plan
development project. |
December 1996-January 1997 |
Consultant, Reorganization
project, Monroe Shock Absorbers (Monroe Amortisörleri)-Tenneco
Automotive, Çorlu, Turkey. |
December 1995- January
1996 |
Consultant for the World
Bank Agromarketing Management Pilot Program
Consortium conducted by the Department of Management, Middle East Technical
University |
of Business Administration, Department Chair, August 2022-present
of the METU Confucius Institute, April 2011-December 2018
of the Administrative Board of the METU Confucius Institute, October 2008-April
2011, October 2024-present
board member for the Journal of Trust Research, 2013-present
Academy of Management (EURAM) National Representative (2017-2020)
Ad hoc
reviewer for
Journal of Management
Journal of Operations and Production Management
Transactions on Engineering Management
of Trust Research
Journal of Cross-Cultural Management
Journal of Conflict Management
Journal of Production Economics
Business Review
of Business Venturing
Development Journal
Systems in Accounting, Finance, and Management
Studies in Development Journal (ODTÜ Gelişme Dergisi)
international and national conferences
Guest co-editor
for the Ahmet Acar Special Issue of the METU Studies in Development Journal
(ODTÜ Gelişme Dergisi), 2023
Guest co-editor
for the Muhan Soysal Special Issue of the METU Studies in Development Journal
(ODTÜ Gelişme Dergisi), 2009
of Business Administration, Assistant Chair during April 2000-January 2001,
Acting Chair during January-April 2001, Chair during April 2001-March 2002
to Turkey’s National Project Coordinator Chairman at the Eureka! Consortium,
The Scientific and Technical Research Council of Turkey
(TÜBİTAK-TİDEB), October 1998-July 1999
of various university and departmental committees
International Network on Trust (FINT)
of Management (AOM)