Description: W:\ahmet_hava.jpg


            Middle East Technical University
            Electrical & Electronics Engineering Dept. Room # A 303
            Üniversiteler Mahallesi, Dumlupınar Bulvarı No:1, Çankaya 06800 Ankara/Turkey

Tel       : +90 (312) 210 2377

Fax      : +90 (312) 210 2304         

E-mail :  hava.at.metu.edu.tr

Internet: METU:  http://www.metu.edu.tr  Personal: http://users.metu.edu.tr/hava



Research Profile: Ahmet Hava Profile





Ph.D., Electrical Engineering; 1998, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering ( WEMPEC)

M.Sc., Electrical Engineering; 1991,
University of Wisconsin-Madison, Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering ( WEMPEC)

B.Sc., Electrical Engineering; 1987. Istanbul Technical University







*  Power Electronics

*  Electric Power Quality
*  Electric Motor Drives
*  Electric Machines 


*  Design of high performance power electronic conversion systems with emphasis on high power density, high energy efficiency, high reliability, and reduced cost

*  Power electronic converter design and control with widebandgap material switches such as GaN and SiC transistors

*  Clean energy such as wind energy, solar energy, sustainable environment favoring projects involving integration of various energy sources, energy efficient power conversion devices, etc.
*  Multi-phase power conversion systems and power converter system analysis, design, etc.

* Motion control, electric drives, servo systems, high bandwidth high performance motion

*  Design and control of electric power quality devices, such as active filters and reactive power compensation devices

*  Applications of control theory (specifically discrete time control systems) to energy systems and industrial processes





Current Semester:



EE 209 Fundamentals of Electrical and Electronics Engineering



On learning by doing: learning-cone


Past Years:


EE 590 Seminar (2009, 2014, 2015)

EE 569 Special Topics in Power Electronics (Spring 2003/4/5, 2007/8/9, 2014/5, 2017)
EE 464 Power Electronics II (Spring 2004, 2006/7/8/9, 2011-2012-METU-NCC, 2014/5/6/7)

EE 463 Power Electronics I (Fall 2003/5/6, 2007x2, 2008x2, 2009x2, 2013, 2011-2012-2013-METU-NCC, 2014/5/6)

EEE 462 Electrical Motor Drives (2012-METU-NCC)

EE 362 Electromechanical Energy Conversion II (Spring 2003, 2005/6, Spring 2011x2)

EE 361 Electromechanical Energy Conversion I (Fall 2005, Fall 2010x2)

EEE 361 Electromechanical Energy Conversion (Fall 2012-METU-NCC)

EE 282 Introduction to Digital Electronics (Spring 2008, 2011-METU-NCC, 2016)
EE 281 Electrical Circuits (Fall 2002, 2003, 2004x2, 2006, 2013, 2016, 2011-METU-NCC)

EE 209 Fundamentals of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (Fall 2017x2, Spring 2018x2, Fall 2018x2, Spring 2019x2)


           Middle East Technical University (METU):


 Professor, 9/2015 - Present

 Associate Professor, 5/2010 – 9/2015

 Assistant Professor, 9/2002 – 4/2010

            METU-Northern Cyprus Campus, Visiting Faculty, 9/2011-7-2013


            Yaskawa Electric America Inc. (in collaboration with Yaskawa Electric Co.) Senior R&D Engineer, 11/1997-5/2002

           University of Wisconsin-Madison, Graduate Student, Research/Teaching Assistant 1988-1997

            Rockwell Automation-Allen Bradley Inc.Temp. Engineer 1994-1995

 Istanbul Technical University, Teaching Assistant 3/1987-11/1987






17) Z. Özkan and A. M. Hava, “Inductor Saturation Compensation with Resistive Decoupling for Single-Phase Controlled VSC Systems,” IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics,  2019.

16) Z. Özkan and A. M. Hava, “Current Control of Single-Phase VSC Systems with Inductor Saturation Using Inverse Dynamic Model Based Compensation,” IEEE Transactions on Industrial  Electronics,  2019.

15) E. Kantar and A. M. Hava, “Optimal Design of Grid-Connected Voltage-Source Converters Considering Cost and Operating Factors,” IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, Vol.63, Issue:9, pp. 5336-5347, September 2016.

14) C-C. Hou, C-C. Shih, P-T. Cheng, and A. M. Hava, “Common-Mode Voltage Reduction Pulse-width Modulation Techniques for Three-Phase Grid Connected Converters,” IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, Vol.28, no. 4, pp. 1971-1979, April 2013.

13) O.S. Şentürk and A. M. Hava, “Performance Enhancement of The Single-phase Series Active Filter by Employing The Load Voltage Waveform Reconstruction and Line Current Sampling Delay Reduction Methods,” IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, Vol.26, no. 8, pp. 2210-2220, August 2011.


12) A.M. Hava and E. Ün, “A High Performance PWM Algorithm for Common Mode Voltage Reduction in Three-phase Voltage Source Inverters,” IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, Vol.26, no. 7, pp. 1998-2008, July 2011.


11) Ö. Göksu and A. M. Hava, “Experimental Investigation of Shaft Transducerless Speed and Position Control of AC Induction and Interior Permanent Magnet Motors,” Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences, (TJEEC), Vol.18, No.5, pp. 865-882, 2010.


10) O.S. Şentürk and A. M. Hava, “High Performance Harmonic Isolation and Load Voltage Regulation of The Three-phase Series Active Filter Utilizing The Waveform Reconstruction Method,” IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, Vol. IA-45, No. 6, pp. 2030-2038, Nov/Dec. 2009.


      9) E. Demirkutlu and A.M. Hava, “A Scalar Resonant Filter Bank Based Output Voltage Control Method and a Scalar Minimum Switching Loss Discontinuous PWM Method for the Four-leg Inverter Based Three-phase Four-wire Power Supply,” IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, Vol. IA-45, No. 3, pp. 982-991, May/June 2009.


      8) E. Ün and A.M. Hava, “A Near State PWM Method with Reduced Switching Losses and Reduced Common Mode Voltage for Three-Phase Voltage Source Inverters,” IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, Vol. IA-45, No. 2, pp. 782-793, March/April. 2009.


      7) A.M. Hava and E. Ün, “Performance Analysis of Reduced Common Mode Voltage PWM Methods and Comparison with Standard PWM Methods for Three-phase Voltage Source Inverters,” IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, Vol.24, No. 1, pp. 241-252, January 2009.


      6) K. Yamanaka, A.M. Hava, H. Kirino, Y. Tanaka, N. Koga, T.J. Kume, “A Novel Neutral Potential Stabilization Technique Using The Information Of Output Current Polarities and Voltage Vector,” IEEE     Transactions on Industry Applications, Vol. IA-38, No. 6, pp. 1572-1580, Nov/Dec. 2002.


      5) J.K. Kang, H. Hara, E. Yamamoto, E. Watanabe, A.M. Hava, T.J. Kume, “The Matrix Converter Drive Performance Under Abnormal Input Voltage Conditions,” IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, Vol.17, pp. 721-730, September 2002.


      4) A. M. Hava, S. K. Sul, R. J. Kerkman, T. A. Lipo, “Dynamic Overmodulation Characteristics of Triangle Intersection PWM Methods,”  IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, Vol. IA-35, pp. 896-907, July/Aug. 1999. (Presented at IEEE-IAS’97 Conference, New Orleans, Louisiana, Oct 1997, pp. 1520-1528).

3) A. M. Hava, R. J. Kerkman, T. A. Lipo, “A High Performance Generalized Discontinuous PWM Algorithm,” IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, Vol. IA-34, pp. 1059-1071, Sept./Oct. 1998.        (Presented at IEEE-APEC’97 Conference, Atlanta, Georgia, February 1997, pp. 886-891).


      2) A. M. Hava, R. J. Kerkman, T. A. Lipo, “Simple Analytical And Graphical Methods For Carrier Based PWM-VSI Drives,” IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, Vol.14, pp. 49-61, January 1999. (Presented at IEEE-PESC’97 Conference, St. Louis, Missouri, June 1997, pp. 1462-1471)  Errata sheet JP3errata


      1) A. M. Hava, R. J. Kerkman, T. A. Lipo, “Carrier Based PWM-VSI Overmodulation Strategies: Analysis, Comparison, and Design,” IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, Vol.13, pp. 674-689, July 1998.








PATENTS (All available in PDF format):


1)                 R. J. Kerkman, D. Leggate, G. Skibinski, A. M. Hava, US Patent, # USP 5,912,813, “Method and apparatus for controlling reflected voltage using a motor controller,” June 15, 1999. PAT1

2)                 A. M. Hava and R. J. Kerkman, US Patent, # USP 6,023,417 “Generalized Discontinuous Pulse Width Modulator,” February 8, 2000. PAT2




6) VESTEL A.Ş., “Fotovoltaik Sistemler için 50kW Evirici Tasarımı” 12/2016-6/2018. (Power and control system design and development of a 50 kW grid connected PV inverter)

5) TÜBİTAK EEEAG-104E141 “Üç Fazlı 10 kVA Birleşik Güç Kalitesi Düzelticisinin Geliştirilmesi” 01/07/2005-01/03/2008.

4) TÜBİTAK EEEAG-104E009 “Kesintisiz güç kaynağı güç elektroniği devrelerinin ayrık zamanlı denetimi ve bu denetim sistemlerinin ayrık zamanlı denetim platformunun geliştirilmesi,” 01/07/2004 - 30/06/2007.

3) ODTÜ BAP-2004-07-02-00-120, “Güç doğrultucuları için geniş bantlı harmonik filtrelerinin tasarımı,” 01/01/2004-30/06/2005.

2) A. M. Hava, T. A. Lipo, “Utility Interface Selection Issues for a Variable Speed Wind Turbine Generator System,” US-Windpower/Kenetch Co., Livermore, California, January, 1994.

1) A. M. Hava, T. A. Lipo, “Simulation and Control Algorithm Development of a Double Stator Winding Induction Machine Drive,”  Sundstrand Co., Rockford, Illinois, September, 1993.


Exclusive experience in low voltage distribution system (380V, 50 Hz) operated power converters, specifically voltage source inverter technologies (ranging from sub kW units to several hundred kW ratings) with the following applications in front;

2003-2010: Transformerless three-phase on-line UPS systems (converter design, high performance discrete time control, converter paralleling)

2012+ : Industrial vector controlled drives, speed controlled drives, high bandwidth servo drives

2016+ : Grid connected three-phase PV converter systems (design and control)

2017+: Mil spec power supplies (design and control)


Ph.D. Thesis: December 1998, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, Wisconsin, U.S.A
Thesis Title: Carrier Based PWM-VSI Drives In The Overmodulation Region      hava-phd-thesis-download

M.Sc. Thesis: May 1991, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, Wisconsin, U.S.A
Thesis Title: A Modified C-Dump Converter For Switched Reluctance Machines

B.S. Thesis: February 1987, İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, İstanbul, Türkiye
Thesis Title: Hysteresis Motors (In Turkish, Histerezis Motorları)



The Turkish Ministry of Education (MEGSB) graduate scholarship for MSc and PhD Studies, from 1988-1993.

Second prize paper award of the IEEE-IAS Industrial Power Converter Committee for the paper “A Modified C-Dump Converter for Switched Reluctance Machine Drives,” at the IAS'91 annual meeting, Dearborn, Michigan, Oct. 1991.

IEEE Power Electronics Society, 1999 Transactions Prize Paper Award for the journal publication “Simple Analytical And Graphical Methods For Carrier Based PWM-VSI Drives,” published in IEEE Trans. on Power Electronics, Vol. 14, No. 1, January 1999. PELS-awards

METU Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences, Supervision of The Best Thesis (Awarded to Emre Ün for his MSc Thesis), 2009.

METU Prof. M. Parlar Thesis Award, Supervision of The Best Thesis (Awarded to N. Onur Çetin for his MSc Thesis), 2010.

METU Engineering Faculty, Top 20% academic performance award (2007, 2009, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2015).



            IEEE Society: Senior Member (S91,M98, SM14), IEEE

            IEEE Power Electronics Society: PELS

IEEE Industry Applications Society: IAS

            IEEE Industrial Electronics Society: IES
           TMMOB Elektrik Mühendisleri OdasıEMO




Scientific American Magazine:   www.sciam.com
Your Internet Doctor:    WebMD
Amazon Bookstore:  Amazon

Barnes & Noble Bookstore:   www.barnesandnoble.com

Music: mylinks

Information about TurkeyTÜRKİYE
Information about Ankara: ANKARA

Türk Dil Kurumu: TDK

İngilizce-Türkçe Sözlük: B.Sankur-Sözlük


Google Scholar: GS



ETMD ( Elektrik Tesisat Mühendisleri Derneği )


ASEE Prism Magazine:  PRISM

Türk Patent Enstitüsü: TPE
Motion Control Magazine:  Motion

Power Quality News PQ Magazine
Power Electronics Technology Magazine: PET



Here you will find some information and link to resources on power electronics.




My Graduate Students and Their Theses, Suggestions for Prospect Thesis Students

Detailed student-thesis-publication information in this link: theses




For ambitious students I will supervise Msc/PhD Theses in a wide research area.


Important notice: In my more than 17 years of experience in the academic environments in Turkey, I have witnessed that in the Government-Industry-Academics triangle, there is a major lack of awareness on the role of university research. This is unfortunately so. Industry does not encourage the skillful engineers to obtain advanced engineering degrees such as MSc and PhD. Neither is the academic world requesting a structured correction, nor the government is enforcing rules for correction. The end result is that skilled students prefer to work in industry full time (for full financial benefit) and only some of them and mostly as part time they continue graduate studies. Of course, the part time graduate school attendance does not allow full exploration of research capabilities. So, as an experienced researcher, I have found this path is neither fruitful to the student nor to the advisor. Therefore, I have made adjustments in my requirements for accepting students. Currently, I only favor students under two conditions;

1)      Student meets my academic record expectations and is willing to be a full time researcher at the university (with own funding, Tubitak scholarship, university research assistantship etc.)

2)      Student meets my academic record expectations and the employer favors the student to work on a project which I am a consultant/supervisor for. Then the project must carry potential for publication (as an indicator that the project is research type and qualifies for a thesis subject). Of course, this option requires that I am expert in the field, the employer funds such a project, the student is willing, etc. In brief, meetings in advance, preparations, etc. are necessary.


For comprehensive information on my masters thesis supervision visit the following link:  Yüksek lisans


For PhD candidates: PhD







26) Ziya Özkan: (PhD, graduated in June 2019) Title: High Performance Current Control Methods For Voltage Source Converters Wıth Saturable İnductors

25) Oğuzhan Öztoprak: (MSc, graduated in June 2019) Title: Performance Evaluation And Comparison Of Low Voltage Grid-Tied Three-Phase Ac/Dc Converter Configuratıons With Si And SiC Semiconductor Switches

24) Feyzullah Ertürk: (MSc, graduated in May 2015) Title: Investigation of Modular Multilevel Converter Control Methods

23) S. Nadir Usluer: (MSc, graduated in December 2014) Title: Switch Mode Converter Based Damping Of PWM Converter With LCL Type Filter For Grid Interface Of Renewable Energy Systems

22) Barış Çiftçi: (MSc, graduated in December 2014) Title: Selection Of Suitable PWM Switching And Control Methods For Modular Multilevel Converter Drives

21) Emre Kantar: (MSc, graduated in July 2014) Title: Design and Control of PWM Converter With LCL Type Filter For Grid Interface of Renewable Energy Systems

20) Semih Kavurucu: (MSc, graduated in February 2014) Title: Design and Implementation of a 200W Microinverter for Grid Connected Photovoltaic Energy Conversion System

19) İlker Şahin: (MSc, graduated in February 2014) Title: Design and Implementation of a Digitally Controlled 1-kW Interleaved Dc-Dc Step Down Converter With Optimized F-L-N Values for Higher Power Density

18) Hasan Yılmaz: (MSc, graduated in September 2012) Title: Design, Application And Comparison Of Single Stage Flyback And Sepic PFC AC/DC Converters For Power Led Lighting Application

17) Vahap Volkan Aban: (MSc, graduated in September 2012) Title: The Design, Control, And Performance Analysis Of Ac Motor Drives With Front End Diode Rectifier Utilizing Low Capacitance Dc Bus Capacitor And Comparison With Conventional Drives

16) Ziya Özkan: (MSc, graduated in February 2012) Title: Leakage Current And Energy Efficiency Analyses Of Single Phase Grid Connected Multi-kva Transformerless Photovoltaic Inverters


15) Ufuk Ayhan: (MSc, graduated in February 2012) Title: Investigation Of Dc Bus Current Harmonics In Two And Three Level Three-phase Inverters


14) Nebi Onur Çetin (MSc, graduated in July 2010) Title: Design And Implementation Of Advanced Pulse Width Modulation Techniques And Passive Filters For Voltage Source Inverter Driven Three-Phase Ac Motors (METU Best Thesis Award, 2010)


13) Hasan Hüseyin Eroğlu: (MSc, graduated in July 2010) Title: Design and Implementation of an Ultracapacitor Test System


12) Mehmet Can Kaya: (MSc, graduated in September 2008) Title: Design, Implementation, and Control of a Two–stage AC/DC Isolated Power Supply with High Input Power Factor and High Efficiency


11) Fuat Onur Bağlan: (MSc, graduated in August 2008) Title: Design of an Educational Purpose Multifunctional DC/DC Converter Board


10) Ömer Göksu (MSc, graduated in May 2008) Title: Shaft Transducerless Vector Control of The Interıor Permanent Magnet  Motor with  Speed and Position Estimation Using High Frequency Signal Injection and Flux Observer Methods


9) Emre Ün (MSc, graduated in November 2007) Title:  Common Mode Voltage and Current Reduction in Voltage Source Inverter Driven Three Phase AC Motors (METU Best Thesis Award, METU Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences, Awarded in 2009)


8) Osman Selçuk Şentürk  (MSc, graduated in September 2007) Title:  Series Active Fılter Design, Control, and Implementation with a Novel Load Voltage Harmonic Extraction Method


7) Hasan Özkaya (MSc, graduated in June 2007) Title: Parallel Active Filter Design, Control, and Implementation


6) Eyyüp Demirkutlu: (MSc, graduated in 2006) Title: Output Voltage Control of a Four-leg Inverter Based Three-phase UPS By Means of Stationary Frame Resonant Filter Bank


5) Süleyman Çetinkaya: (MSc, graduated in 2006) Title: Repetitive Control of a Three Phase Uninterruptible Power Supply With Isolation Transformer


4) Mutlu Uslu: (MSc, graduated in 2006) Title: Analysis, Design, and Implementation of a 5 kW Zero Voltage Switching Phase-shifted Full-bridge DC/DC Converter Based Power Supply for Arc Welding Machines


3) Bülent Üstüntepe: (MSc, graduated in 2005), Title: A Novel Two-Parameter Modulation and Neutral Point Potential Control Method For The Three-Level Neutral Point Clamped Inverter


2) Hazem Zubi: (MSc, graduated in 2005), Title: Broadband Harmonic Filter Design for Rectifiers

1) Bilge Şimşir: (MSc, graduated in 2005), Title: Analysis, Design and Implementation a Two-switch Single-phase Electronic Line Voltage Regulator




The following website gives plenty of good advice to make graduate school life better both for the student and the advisor.



Do You Intend To Pursue a PhD Degree?

Think again! Read the following and reconsider! Everything-you-wanted-to-know-and-you-were-afraid-to-ask...


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