Prof. of Dept. of Electrical and Eletronics Eng., METU, Ankara







intelligence Found.

special interests



  Chapters in International Books
  Chapters in National Books
  Online Lecture Notes
  Symposium Proceedings
  International Journal Papers
  International Conference Papers
  National Conference Papers

  National Journals / Magazines
  M.Sc.and Ph.D. Theses


Computer Vision and
Intelligent Systems
Research Laboratory

Department of Electrical &
Electronics Engineering,
Middle East Technical University,
06531, Ankara,Turkey

P: (+90) 312 2102333
P: (+90) 312 2104558
F: (+90) 312 2101261

  1. Jain L.C., Lazzerini and  Halici U. (editors), Innovations in ART Neural Networks, Springer Verlag, 2000, ISBN 3-7908-1270-6 (Springer-Verlag Catalog)  
  2. Halici U., Jain L. C., I. Hayashi, S.B.Lee and T. Tsutsui (editors), Intelligent Biometric Techniques in Fingerprint and Face Recognition, CRC Press, USA, (Springer Verlag, Nedherlands) 1999 , ISBN 0-8493-2055-0 (CRC Press Catalog) (Springer-Verlag Catalog)  
  3. Halici U. (editor), Hints from Life to Artificial Intelligence, Middle East Technical University, Ankara, 1994. (html)
  4. Halici U., Ucoluk G., (editors), Felsefi ve Toplumsal Boyutlariyla Yapay Zeka (Sociological and Philosophical Aspects of Artificial Intelligence), Middle East Technical University, Ankara, 1993  (in Turkish)

Chapters in International Books
  1. Askar P., Halici U., E-learning as a Catalyst for Educational Innovation, chapter in E-Education Applications: Human Factors and Innovative Approaches by Claude Ghaoui (Editor), IGP publishing, USA, 2004
  2. Halici U, Leblebicioglu K., Ozgen C., Tuncay S., “Recent Advances in Neural Network Applications in Process Control”, chapter in The Recent Advances in Artificial Neural Networks: Design and Applications edited by Jain L.C., Farelli, CRC Press, USA, 2000 ISBN: 0849322685, pp 229-289 (CRC Press Catalog)  
  3. Halici U., L.C. Jain, A. Erol, "Introduction to Fingerprint Recognition", chapter in Intelligent Biometric Techniques in Fingerprint and Face Recognition, edited by Halici U., Jain L. C., I. Hayashi, S.B.Lee and T. Tsutsui (eds), CRC Press, USA, 1999, ISBN 0-8493-2055-0, pp 1- 34 (CRC Press Catalog)  
  4. Erol A. , Halici U., G. Ongun "Feature Sensitive Filtering for Ridge Extraction", chapter in Intelligent Biometric Techniques in Fingerprint and Face Recognition, Halici U., Jain L. C., I. Hayashi, S.B.Lee and T. Tsutsui (eds), CRC Press, USA, in press 1999, ISBN 0-8493-2055-0, pp 193-216 (CRC Press Catalog)  
  5. Beksac S., Erkmen A., Aksel S., Halici U., Leblebicioglu K., Beksac M., Atalay V., Jain L. C., "Intelligent Diagnostic Systems in Medicine", chapter in Soft Computing Techniques in Human-Related Sciences, edited by Teoderoscu H.N., Kandel A., Jain L.C. , CRC Press, USA, 1999, ISBN-0-8493-1635-9 (CRC Press Catalog)  
  6. Halici U., Erol A., Ongun G., "Industrial Applications of Hierarchical Neural Networks: Character Recognition and Fingerprint Recognition", chapter in Industrial Applications of Neural Networks, edited by L.C.Jain, V. R. Vemury, CRC Press,USA, 1998, ISBN 0-8493-9802-9,  pp 159-192 (CRC Press Catalog)
  7. Dogac A., et al, Halici U., "Design and Implementation of A Distrbuted Workflow Management System:METUFlow", chapter in Advances in Workflow Management Systems and Interoperability, edited by Dogac A., Kalinichenko L., Ozsu, M. T., Sheth A., Springer Verlag, 1998 (Springer-Verlag Catalog)

Chapters in National Books
  1. Halici, U., Yapay Sinir Aglari (Artificial Neural Networks), in: Karakas S. Aydin H. Özesmi, Ç., Özdemir C. (eds), Beyin ve Kognisyon (Brain and Cognition), Çizgi Tip Yayincilik, Turkey , pp 37-49 (in Turkish)
  2. Halici, U., Akman V., Leloglu U., Yapay Zeka Nedir? (What is Artificial Intelligence?), Chapter in Halici U., Ucoluk G., (Editors), Ethical, Sociological and Philosophical Aspects of Artificial Intelligence, 1993 (in Turkish)

Online Lecture Notes
  1. Halici U., Lecture Notes on Introduction to Neural Networks, Information Institute, Middle East Technical University, 2001
  2. Halici U., Atalay V., Leblebicioglu K., Lecture Notes on Image Processing Algorithms, Information Institute, Middle East Technical University, 1998
  3. Halici U. Gelenbe E, Lecture notes on Neurocomputers, Dept. of EE Eng. Middle East Technical University, Ankara,1998. (  
  4. Halici U., Aybay I., Lecture notes on Data Structures, Dept of EE Eng. Middle East Technical University, 1995, Ankara (first edition 1992) (LectureNotes/EE441/ee441index.html)  
  5. Aybay I., Halici U., Lecture notes on Operating Systems, Dept of EE Eng., Middle East Technical University, 1995, Ankara (LectureNotes/EE442/ee442index.html)

Symposium Proceedings
  1. Halici U., Leblebicioglu K., Atalay V., Nalcaci E. (Editors), Proc. of Brain-Machine 2000 Workshop, Intelligence Foundation of Turkey, Dec 2000, Ankara  
  2. Atalay V., Halici U., Inan K., Yalabik N. Yazici A., (Editors) Proc. of 11th International Symposium on Computer and Information Sciences, METU Press, Nov. 1996, Antalya  
  3. Ciftcibasi T. Halici U. (Editors), Proc of. Fuzzy Logic and Neural Networks, Middle East Technical University, October 26-27, 1995, Ankara   (in Turkish)
  4. Bozsahin C., Halici U., Oflazer K., Yalabik , (Editors), Proc. of 3rd Turkish Symposium on Artificial Intelligence and Artificial Neural Networks, TAINN III, METU Press, June 1994  
  5. Gelenbe E., Halici U., Yalabik N. (Editors), Proc of International Symposium on Computer and Information Sciences, ISCIS VII, University Rene Descartes Press, 1992  
  6. Oflazer K., Akman V. Guvenir A., Halici U. (Editors), Proc. of 1st Turkish Symposium on Artificial Intelligence and Artificial Neural Networks, TAINN I, Bilkent University Press, 1992

International Journal Papers
  1. Erden MS, Leblebicioglu K, Halici U. Multi-agent system-based fuzzy controller design with genetic tuning for a mobile manipulator robot in the hand over task, JOURNAL OF INTELLIGENT & ROBOTIC SYSTEMS 39 (3): 287-306 MAR 2004
  2. Ulusoy , I., Halici, U., Nalcaci, E., Anac, I., Leblebicioglu, K., Basar-Eroglu, C. Time frequency analysis of visual evoked potentials for inter-hemispheric transfer time and proportion of callosal fibers in different diameter. Journal of Biological Cybernetics. 90 (4): 291-301 APR 2004
  3. Erkoc S, Leblebicioglu K, Halici U. Application of genetic algorithms to geometry optimization of microclusters: A comparative study of empirical potential energy functions for silicon MATERIALS AND MANUFACTURING PROCESSES 18 (3): 329-339 2003
  4. Colakoglu (Ulusoy), I., Hancock, E., Halici, U., Disparity Using Feature Points in Multiscale. LECT NOTES COMPUT (SSPR), vol 2396 page 320-328 2002
  5. Halici U., "Reinforcement learning with internal expectation in the random neural networks for cascaded decisions", BioSystems, 63(2001), pp 21-34
  6. Leblebicioglu K, Halici U, Celebi, "Infinite Dimensional Hopfield Neural Networks", Nonlinear Analysis, Elsevier, 47(2001), pp 5807-5813
  7. Ongun G, Halici U., Leblebicioglu K. Atalay V., Beksaç S., Beksaç M., "Automated contour detection in blood cell images an efficient snake algorithm", Nonlinear Analysis, Elsevier, 47(2001) 5839-5847
  8. Halici U., Leblebicioglu K., Jain L.C., "Training Radial Basis Function Neural Networks Through Parabolic Evolutionary Algorithm", International Journal of Knowledge-Based Intelligent Engineering Systems, Volume 5, Number 3, July 2001
  9. Halici U., "Reward, Punishment and Expectation in Reinforcement Learning for Random Neural Networks", European Journal of Operational Research, 2000, Vol 126, pp 288-307
  10. Halici U., “Reinforcement learning with internal expectation in the random neural networks for cascaded decisions”, Biosystems, Elsevier, 2001
  11. Leblebicioglu K, Halici U, Celebi, "Infinite Dimensional Hopfield Neural Networks", Nonlinear Analysis, Elsevier, 2001
  12. Ongun G, Halici U., Leblebicioglu K. Atalay V., Beksaç S., Beksaç M., "Automated contour detection in blood cell images an efficient snake algorithm", Nonlinear Analysis, Elsevier 2001,
  13. Halici U., "Reward, Punishment and Expectation in Reinforcement Learning for Random Neural Networks", European Journal of Operational Research, Elsevier, 2000, Vol 126, pp 288-307
  14. Arpinar I. B., Halici U., Arpinar S., Dogac A., Formalization of Workflows and Correctness Issues in the Presence of Concurrency", Journal of Distributed and Parallel Databases, 1999, Vol 7, No 2, pp 199-248
  15. Leloglu U., Halici U., “Multi-image Region Growing for Integrating Disparity Maps”, Proc. Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns, LECT NOTES COMPUT SC 1689: (1999), pp 403-410
  16. Tunali O., Halici U., "A Neural Optimizer for Hypercube Embedding", Nonlinear Analysis, Pergamon, Elsevier, 1999, Vol 36, pp 785-797
  17. Halici U., Jain L. C., Leblebicioglu K., Lazzerini B., Kuncheva L. I., Parabolic Evolutionary Algorithm, Romanian Journal of Information Science and Technology, 1998, vol 1 No 3, pp 217-229
  18. Halici U. Arpinar A., Dogac A., Serializability of Nested Transactions in Multidatabases, Proc of 6th International Conference on Database Theory, LECT NOTES COMPUT SC 1186: 321-335 1997
  19. Leblebicioglu K., Halici U., “Infinite Dimensional Radial Basis Function Neural Networks for Nonlinear Transformations on Function Spaces”, Journal of Nonlinear Analysis, Elsevier-Pergamon, Vol. 30, No. 3, 1997, pp. 1649 - 1654,
  20. Halici U., “Reinforcement Learning in Random Neural Networks for Cascaded Decisions, Journal of Biosystems, Elsevier, Vol 40 No 1,2, January 1997 pp 83-91
  21. Halici U., Ongun G. “Fingerprint Classisfication through Self Organizing Maps Modified to Treat Uncertainties”, Proceedings of the IEEE, Vol 84, No 10, pp 1497-1512, October 1996
  22. Aybay I., Cetinkaya S., Halici U., "Classification of Neural Hardware", Neural Network World, IDG Vol 6, No 1, January 1996, pp 11-28
  23. Dogac., A., Dengi, C., Kilic, E., Ozhan, G., Ozcan, F., Nural, S., Evrendilek, C., Halici, U., Arpinar, B., Koksal, P., Kesim, N., Mancuhan, S., "METU Interoperable Database System", ACM SIGMOD Record, Vol.24, No.3, September 1995.
  24. Halici U., Sungur M. "Annealing by Boltzmann Machine for Solving Soma Puzzles’, Neural Network World, IDG, Vol 5, No 3, May 1995, pp 317-328
  25. Sungur M. Halici U., " A Connectionist Solution for the NP-Complete Serializability Problem" Elektrik, Vol 2., No 1., April 1994, pp52-61
  26. Halici U., Dogac A., "An Optimistic Locking Technique for Concurrency Control in Distributed Databases", IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, Vol. 17, No 7, July 1991.
  27. Guran H, Halici U., "Complete Test Generation Method for all Stuck_at Faults in Combinational Circuits", Intl. Journal of Electronics, 1990, Vol.68 No.5, May 1990
  28. Guran H, Halici U., "Discussion on Stuck at Faults in Combinational Circuits", Inl. Journal. of Electronics, Vol. 67, No. 1, pp 7-14. 1989
  29. Halici U., Dogac A., " Concurrency Control in Distributed Databases through Time Intervals and Short_term Locks", IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, Vol. 15, No 8, August 1989
  30. Halici U., Dogac A., "A New Method for Concurrency Control in Distributed DBMSs: Permission Test Method", ACM SIGMOD Record, Vol. 16, No.3, September 1987.
International Conference Papers
  1. Ulusoy, I., Hancock, E.R., Halici, U.A probabilistic approach to sparse multi-scale phase based stereo, ICPR, 2004
  2. Dilan Gorur, Ugur Halici, Hamdullah Aydin, Guclu Ongun, Fuat Ozgen, Kemal Leblebicioglu, “Sleep Spindles Detection Using Autoregressive Modeling”, Proc. of ICANN/ICONIP 2003.
  3. Ilkay Ulusoy, Ugur Halici, “Active stereo vision for object recognition and cognitive map formation in a virtual world”, Proc. of IEEE CVPR 2003.
  4. Ilkay Ulusoy, Ugur Halici, Kemal Leblebicioglu, “Simple object recognition and cognitive map formation using human-like vision in a virtual world”, Proc. of IEEE CAMP 2003.
  5. Erdem Akagündüz, Ugur Halici, “Simulation and Synchronization of Human Facial Expressions and Lip Motion for Turkish Syllables”, Proc. of TAINN 2003.
  6. Gorur D., Halici U, Aydin H, Ongun G., Ozgen F, Leblebicioglu, Sleep Spindles Detection Using Short Time Fourier Transform and Neural Networks, IEEE-INNS IJCNN 2002, Honolulu, Hawai, USA, May 2002
  7. Güçlü Ongun, Ugur Halici, Kemal Leblebicioglu, Volkan Atalay, Meral Beksaç, Sinan Beksaç, An Automated Differential Blood Count System, proc. IEEE EMBC 2001, Sept 2001, Istanbul, Turkey
  8. Güçlü Ongun, Ugur Halici, Kemal Leblebicioglu, Volkan Atalay, Meral Beksaç, Sinan Beksaç, Feature Extraction and Classification of Blood Cells for an Automated Differential Blood Count System, proc. IEEE-INNS IJCNN 2001, 555, July 2001, Wahington DC, USA
  9. Anac I, Ulusoy-Colakoglu I., Halici U., Nalcaci E., Leblebicioglu K., Basar-Eroglu C., "Time-frequency Analysis of VEPs for Interhemispheric transfer time and magnitude ratio", ECNS, 2001, Istanbul
  10. Erol A. Halici U., The Effect of Orientation Map Accuracy on Fingerprint Classification using PCA-MSOM, Proceedings of 4th International Conference on Knowledge Based Intelligent Engineering Systems and Allied Technologies, KES'2000, IEEE - IEE, Brighton, UK, August 2000, pp 527-530
  11. Halici U, Jain L.C., Leblebicioglu K., "Training Radial Basis Function Neural Networks through Parabolic Evolutionary Algorithm", Soft Computing (SOCO'99), Genova, Italy, June 1-4, 1999
  12. Mülayim A. Y., Atalay V., Leblebicioglu K., Halici U., "Texture Classification using Fuzzy Logic" Soft Computing (SOCO'99), Genova, Italy, June 1-4, 1999
  13. Tuncay s., Leblebicioglu K., Ozgen C. Halici U., "Failure Diagnosis by using Fuzzy Petri Nets", Soft Computing (SOCO'99), Genova, Italy, June 1-4, 1999
  14. Chinarov V., Halici U., Leblebicioglu K., "Pattern Recognition in Bistable Networks", SPIE's 13th Annual International Symposium on Aeropace/Defense Sensing, Simulation, and Controls in Orlando, Florida 5-9 April 1999.
  15. Aybay I., Cerkez C., Halici U., Badaroglu M., "Hardware Implementations of Neural Networks and The Random Neural Network Chip", Proc. 13th International Symposium on Computer and Information Sciences, IOS Press, Antalya , Turkey, Oct. 1998, pp 157-161
  16. U. Halici., "Reward, Punishment and Internal Expectation for Training the Random Neural Network with Reinforcement, Proc. 13th International Symposium on Computer and Information Sciences, IOS Press, Antalya , Turkey, Oct. 1998, pp 162-169
  17. G. Ongun, U. Halici, K. Leblebicioglu, V. Atalay, A. Erkmen, S. Beksaç, M. Beksaç, A. Erol, "An Automated Blood Cell Analysis and Classification System", Proc. 13th International Symposium on Computer and Information Sciences, IOS Press, Antalya , Turkey, Oct. 1998, pp 222-227
  18. Halici. U., L.C. Jain, K. Leblebicioglu, B. Lazzerini, L.I. Kunchrva, "A Parabolic Approximation to Speed-up Evolutionary Algorithms", Proc. of the 7th Turkish Symposium on Artificial Intelligence and Neural Networks, Ankara, June 1998, pp 101-108
  19. Halici U., Atalay V., Leblebicioglu K., Arkan A., Mulayim M., Ceran S., "Distance Education on Internet: A Java Based Image Processing Course in METU.", Proc. of 2nd International Symposium on Distance Education, Ankara, Turkey, May 1998, pp 428-437
  20. Badaroglu M., Halici U., Aybay I., Cerkez C., "Digital Neural Network Chip for the Random Neural Network Model with Programmable Architecture", Proc. of the 12th International Symposium on Computer and Information Sciences, Antalya, October 1997
  21. Halici U., Badaroglu M., Aybay I., Cerkez C., "A Digital Random Neural Network Chip Design", Proc. of NEUREL 97, Belgrade, Yugoslavia, September 1997, pp 78-83
  22. Cerkez C., Aybay I., Halici U., “A Digital Neuron Realization for the Random Neural Network Model “, Proc of IEEE International Conference on Neural Networks, Houston, USA, June 1997, pp 1000-1004
  23. Karahan O., Ozgen C., Halici U., Leblebicioglu K. “A nonlinear model predictive controller using neural networks”, Proc of IEEE International Conference on Neural Networks, Houston, USA, June 1997, 690-693
  24. Ongun G., A. Erol, K. Leblebicioglu, V. Atalay, Halici U., "Wavelet Based Texture Segmentation through Neural Networks" Proc. of 2nd International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience, Durham, North Carolina, March 2-5, 1997
  25. Edogan, A. , Leblebicioglu K, Halici U., Atalay V., Extraction of Optimal Texture Features by Genetic Algorithm, Proceedings of the Eleventh International Symposium on Computer and Information Sciences, Antalya, November 1996, pp183-188
  26. Leblebicioglu K., Halici U., "Infinite Dimensional Radial Basis Function Neural Networks for Nonlinear Transformations on Function Spaces", Proc. of 2nd World Congress of Nonlinear Analists, Athens, July 1996,
  27. Halici U., Karaöz E. “A Linear Approximation for the Gelenbe’s Learning Algorithm for Recurrent Random Neural Networks” ”, Proc of 6th Turkish Symposium on Artificial Intelligence and Neural Networks, TAINN VI, Istanbul, Turkey, June 1996
  28. Asuman Dogac, Ugur Halici, et al., “METU Interoperable Database System”, Demo Description, Proc. of ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data, Montreal, June 1996.
  29. Gulöksüz A., Halici U., “A Neural Circuit to Handle Passive Extinction in Conditioned Reinforcement Learning“, Proc. of European Meeting on Cybernetics and System Research, EMCSR XIII, Vienna, Austria, April, 1996, pp 1026-1030
  30. Gökhan Özhan, Asuman Dogaç et. al., “Making Oracle7, Sybase and Adabas Interoperable Through CORBA: MIND Project”, EOUG Conference 96, Amsterdam, Netherlands, April, 1996
  31. Dogac.,A., Dengi, C., et al. "A Multidatabase System Implementation on CORBA", Proc. of 6th Intl. Workshop on Research Issues in Data Engineering, RIDE-NDS 96, New Orleans, Lousiana, USA, February 1996.
  32. Halici U., Erol A., “A Hierarchical Neural Network for Optical Character Recognition”, Proc. of 8th International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks, ICANN 95, Paris, France, October 1995.
  33. Asuman Dogac et al. “MIND: Amultidatabase System Implementation on CORBA, Demo Description”, Proc. of Conf. on Object-Oriented Programming Systems, Languages, and Applications, OOPSLA '95, Austin, Texas, USA, October 1995.
  34. Gokcay D. Halici U., “A Statistical Scheme for Automatic Title Generation”, Proc. of International Symposium on Computer and Information Sciences, ISCIS IX, Antalya, Turkey, November 1994.
  35. Halici U., Tunali O. " A Performance Analysis on Boltzmann Machine Through Hypercube Embedding”, Proc. of the 6th School Neural Networks Theory and Applications, Brno, Czech Republic, September 1994.
  36. Buyukkokten F., Isikli O., Koksal M., Halici U., Aybay I., "Document Management in Haldoc", Proc. of, Mediterranian Electrotechnical Conference, MELECON 94, Antalya, Turkey, April, 1994.
  37. Tin S., Halici U., "Learning Feature Based Semantics of a Subset of Turkish Sentences" Proc. of International Symposium on Computer and Information Sciences, ISCIS VIII, Istanbul 1993.
  38. Ünlü D., Halici U., "User Identification through Neural Network Through Keystroke Rhythm Analysis", (abstract), Proc of NATO ASI on From Statistics to Neural Networks, Les Arcs, France, June 1993
  39. Halici U., Yaranli U. "Neural Networks in Mazes", Proc. of International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, IEEE INSS IJCNN, Beijing, Republic of China, November, 1992.
  40. Sungur M., Halici U., "Optimizing Neural Networks for Playing Tic Tac Toe", Proc. of International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, IEEE INSS IJCNN, Baltimore, USA, June, 1992.
  41. Halici U., Sungur M., "A Boltzmann Machine for Restricted Total Ordering Problem", Proc. of International Symp. on Computer and Information Sciences, ISCIS VI, Antalya, Turkey, October, 1991.
  42. Halici U., Dogac A., "Concurrency Control in for Distributed Multiversion Databases Through Time Intervals", Proc. of the 19th Computer Conference of ACM, San Antonio, Texas, USA, March, 1991
  43. Halici U., Dogac A., "Concurrency Control in Distributed Databases Through Dummy Locks" (Invited Paper), Proc. of the 5th Jerusalem Conference on Information Technology, IEEE, Jerusalem, Israel, October 1990.
  44. Sungur M., Tuzer K., Halici U., "Performance Evaluation of a Locking Oriented Optimistic Method for Concurrency Control of Distributed Databases", Proc. of International Symposium on Computer and Information Sciences, ISCIS V, Cappadocia, Turkey, November 1990
  45. Halici U., Dogac A. "WRFW Graph Testing Method for Concurrency Control", Proc of BILCON on New Trends in Communication, Control and Signal Processing, Ankara Turkey, July, 1990
  46. Unlu D., Halici U., " User Identification through Neural Network", Proc of International Symposium on Artificial Intelligent Applications and Neural Networks, IASTED, Zurih, Switzerland, June 1990
  47. Tunali O., Halici U, Ercal F., Aykanat C., "Neural Network Simulation on an iPSC/2 Hypercube Multicomputer", Proc of International Symposium on Artificial Intelligent Applications and Neural Networks, IASTED, Zurih, Switzerland, June 1990
  48. Beser B., Tulunay E., Halici U., "A Multiprocessor Neural Network Simulator", Proc of International Symposium on Artificial Intelligent Applications and Neural Networks, IASTED, Zurih, Switzerland, June 1990
  49. Halici U., Dogac A., "Optimistic Method with Dummy Locks", (Invited Paper), Proc. of International Symposium on Computer and Information Sciences, ISCIS IV, Cesme, Turkey, September 1989.
  50. Halici U., Dogac A., "Serializability of Database Histories”, Proc. of International Symposium on Computer and Information Sciences, ISCIS III, pp. 325-340, Cesme, Turkey, November 1988.
  51. Halici U., Dogac A., "Ordering Transactions by Serialization Numbers for Concurrency Control in Distributed Databases", Second International Symposium on Computer and Information Sciences, ISCIS II, Istanbul, October,1987.

National Conference Papers
  1. U. Beldek, K. Leblebicioglu, U. Halici, "Genetik Programlama Yöntemi ile Robot Yönlendirme Probleminin Çözümlenmesi ve MATLAB Uygulamasi", TOK'2001, Bildiriler Kitabi, sayfa: 91-98, 18-19 Ekim, Bursa-Uludag, 2001.
  2. E. Kiliç, K. Leblebicioglu, U. Halici, "Bulanik Renkli Petri Agi Kullanarak Asenkron Motorda Hata Teshis ve Tesbiti", TOK'2001, Bildiriler Kitabi, sayfa: 181-190, 18-19 Ekim, Bursa-Uludag, 2001.
  3. M.S. Erden, K. Leblebicioğlu, U. Halici, "Hava Trafik Kontrolünde Pazarlik Kullanarak Çeliski Çözme Uygulamasi", TOK'2001, Bildiriler Kitabi, sayfa: 215-218, 18-19 Ekim, Bursa-Uludag, 2001.
  4. A. Erdogan, U. Halici, K. Leblebicioglu, V. Atalay, "Doppler Radarlarda Hedef Tanima için Araç Tiplerinin Belirlenmesi", SIU'2001, Bildiriler Kitabi, sayfa 179-182, Gazi Magosa, KKTC, 2001.
  5. M.S. Erden, K. Leblebicioglu, U. Halici, "Çok Ajanli Sistem Yaklasimiyla Hava Trafigi Kontrolu", SIU'2001, Bildiriler Kitabi, sayfa 427-432, Gazi Magosa, KKTC, 2001.
  6. E. Kiliç, K. Leblebicioglu, U. Halici, "Egitilmis Üyelik Fonksiyonlari Kullanilarak Bulanik Karar Agaci ile Dogal Gazli Boru Hatlarinda Hata Bulma", SIU'2001, Bildiriler Kitabi, sayfa 440-445, Gazi Magosa, KKTC, 2001.
  7. M.S. Erden, K. Leblebicioglu, U. Halici, "Çok Ajanli Sistem Yaklasimiyla Genetik Ayarlamali Bulanik Kontrol Kullanarak Iki Boyutta Nesne Teslimi Sistemi için Robot Kontrolü", SIU'2001, Bildiriler Kitabi, sayfa 717-722, Gazi Magosa, KKTC, 2001.
  8. N. Khaled, U. Halici, K. Leblebicioğlu, C. Özgen, Ü. Akbay, "Yapay Sinir Agi Denetleç ile pH Denetimi", TOK'2000 Otomatik Kontrol Ulusal Toplantisi Bildiriler Kitabi, s. 37-42, 21-22 Eylül 2000, Hacettepe Universitesi, Ankara  
  9. S. Tuncay, M. S. Erden, K. Leblebicioglu, U. Halici, C.Özgen, "Genetik Algoritma Kullanarak Otomatik Petri Agi Çatimi (Construction)", TOK'2000 Otomatik Kontrol Ulusal Toplantisi Bildiriler Kitabi, s. 202-206, 21-22 Eylül 2000, Hacettepe Universitesi, Ankara  
  10. U. Halici, K. Leblebicioglu, C.Özgen, S. Tuncay, M. T. Dokucu, "Sinir Aglariyla Buhar Isitimli Kazan Denetimi", TOK'2000 Otomatik Kontrol Ulusal Toplantisi Bildiriler Kitabi, s. 127-132, 21-22 Eylül 2000, Hacettepe Universitesi, Ankara  
  11. Kaya M., C.Özgen, K. Leblebicioglu, U. Halici, "Yüksek Safliktaki Endüstriyel Bir Damitma Kolonunun Model Öngörümlü Denetleçle Denetimi", TOK'2000 Otomatik Kontrol Ulusal Toplantisi Bildiriler Kitabı, s. 19-23, 21-22 Eylül 2000, Hacettepe Universitesi, Ankara  
  12. Kaffashi F., C.Özgen, K. Leblebicioglu, U. Halici, "Ph Sistemlerinde Kayan Kipli Ve Bulanık Mantık Denetim Uygulamaları", IV. Ulusal Kimya Mühendisliği Kongresi, 4-7 Eylül, Istanbul Üniversitesi, Istanbul. 6. .  
  13. I. Ulusoy, U. Halici, K. Leblebicioglu, E. Nalcaci, C. Basar-Eroglu, "Her Iki Hemisferden Alinan Görsel Uyari Potansiyelleri Kullanarak Korpus Kallosum Lif Sayilarinin Tahmin Edilmesi", SIU 2000, Sinyal Isleme ve Uygulamalari Konferansı, June 2000, Antalya  
  14. G. Ongun, U. Halici, Sinan Beksac, K. Leblebicioglu, V. Atalay, "Kan Hücrelerinin Çevritlerinin Belirlenmesi için Özellestirilmis Hizli Yilan Algoritmasi", SIU 2000, Sinyal Isleme ve UygulamalariKonferansı, June 2000, Antalya  
  15. O. Özün, A. Y. Mülayim, V. Atalay, K. Leblebicioglu, U. Halici, "Farkli Bakis Açilarindan 3 Boyutlu Nesne Modellemede Nesneyi Kapsayan Ba?langiç Küpü Çikarimi", SIU 2000, Sinyal İşleme ve Uygulamaları Konferansı, June 2000, Antalya  
  16. A.Y. Mülayim, V. Atalay, K. Leblebicioglu, U. Halici, "Çesitli Bakis Açilarindan 3 Boyutlu Nesne Geriçatiminda Silüet ve Stereo Tabanli Bilgilerin Kullanimi", SIU 2000, Sinyal Işleme ve Uygulamalari Konferansı, June 2000, Antalya  
  17. A. Erdogan, U. Halici, K. Leblebicioglu, V. Atalay, G. Turhan Sayan, "Yapay Sinir Aglari ile Doppler Radar Hedef Sinyallerini Tanima", SIU 2000, Sinyal İşleme ve Uygulamaları Konferansı, June 2000, Antalya
  18. U. Yilmaz, S. Genç, V. Atalay, U. Halici, K. Leblebicioglu, "Üç Boyutlu Nesnelerde Görüntü Tabanli Doku Geriçatimi Yöntemlerinin Karsilastirilmasi", SIU 2000, Sinyal Işleme ve UygulamalariKonferansi, June 2000, Antalya  
  19. Umur Akinci, Halici U., Leblebicioglu K., Atalay V., "SAR Görüntülerinin Anizotropik Yayilim Teknigi ile Bölütlenmesi",  SIU 99, Sinyal Isleme ve Uygulamalari Kurultayi Bildiriler Kitabi, Ankara  
  20. Halici U. K. Leblebicioglu, V. Atalay, I Ulusoy, G. Ongun, E. Gürses, "Fraktal Tahmin ile Görüntü Sikistirma", SIU 98, Sinyal Isleme ve Uygulamalari Kurultayi Bildiriler Kitabi 1998, pp 76-80  
  21. Halici U., Atalay V., Leblebicioğlu K., Arkan H., Mülayim A., Ceran S., "Internet Üzerinden Java ile Görüntü Isleme Dersi", SIU 98, Sinyal Isleme ve Uygulamalari Kurultayi Bildiriler Kitabi, 1998, pp 224-229  
  22. Erol A, Halici U., Leblebicioglu K, Atalay V, Ongun G, "Parmakizi Görüntülerinin Eslestirilmesi", SIU 98, Sinyal Isleme ve Uygulamalari Kurultayi Bildiriler Kitabi, 1998, pp 101-106  
  23. Erdogan A., Halici U., Leblebicioglu K, Atalay V, Turhan Sayan G., "Darbeli Doppler Radarlarda Yansima Sinyali Analizi ve Hedef Siniflandirma için Öznitelik Çikarimi" SIU 98, Sinyal Isleme ve Uygulamalari Kurultayi Bildiriler Kitabi, 1998, pp 271-276  
  24. Ongun G., Halici U., Leblebicioglu K, Atalay V, "Otomatik Kan Hücresi Analiz ve Siniflandirma Sistemi", SIU 98, Sinyal Isleme ve Uygulamalari Kurultayi Bildiriler Kitabi, 1998, pp 316-321  
  25. Mülayim A., Atalay V., Leblebicioglu K., Halici U., "Bulanik Mantik Kullanilarak Doku Siniflandirilmasi", SIU 98, Sinyal Isleme ve Uygulamalari Kurultayi Bildiriler Kitabi, 1998, pp 554-559  
  26. Halici U., Atalay V, Leblebicioğlu K., Arkan H., Mülayim A., Ceran S., "Internet Üzerinde Sanal Eğitim ve JAVA Tabanlı Bir Görüntü İşleme Dersi", Bilisim 98 Bildiriler Kitabi, September 2-4, 1998, Istanbul  
  27. Halici U., Atalay V., Leblebicioğlu K., Arkan H., Mülayim A., Ceran S., "Internet Üzerinde Java Tabanlı Görüntü İşleme Dersi", BTIE'98, Bilisim Teknolojileri Isiginda Egitim konferansi, Bildiriler Kitabi, May 22-24, 1998, ODTU, Ankara  
  28. Cerkez C., Aybay I., Halici U., "Sayisal Bir Nöron Tasarimi", EMO Elektrik-Elektronik Bilgisayar 7. Ulusal Kongresi Bildiriler Kitabı, Eylul 1997, Ankara, pp 51-54  
  29. Ongun G., Erol A., Leblebicioglu K., Atalay V. Halici U., “Sinir Aglar ile Dalgacik Tabanli Doku Bölütlemesi, 5. Sinyal İşleme ve Uygulamaları Kurultayı Bildiriler Kitabi, Kusadasi, Izmir, May 1997, pp 1-6  
  30. Ongun, G., Halici, U., Ozkalayci, E., HALafis Otomatik Parmakizi Tanima Sistemi TBD 12. Ulusal Bilisim Kurultayi Bildiriler Kitabi, Istanbul, Eylul 1995 (in Turkish).  
  31. Halici U., Bircan T. Aybay I. Koksal M. Erol A. HALDOC icin Otomatik Metin Okuma Sistemi , TBD 9. Ulusal Bilisim Kurultayi Bildiriler Kitabi, Istanbul, Eylul 1994 (in Turkish).  
  32. Halici E., Halici U., Aybay I., "Kopyanin Yasal Yollardan Engellenmesi", TBD 8. Ulusal Bilisim Kurultayi Bildiriler Kitabi, Istanbul, Eylul 1993 (in Turkish).  
  33. Halici U., Ünlü D. "A Morphological Analysis of Turkish Words Using Neural Networks", 2nd Turkish Artificial Intelligence and Neural Networks Symposium, TAINN II, Istanbul, June, 1993  
  34. Buyukkokten F., Isikli O., Halici U., Halici E., "EGS: Etkilesimli Grafik Sistemi", TBD 8. Ulusal Bilisim Kurultayi Bildiriler Kitabi, 27-29 Eylul 1990, Ankara, s 25-32 (in Turkish).  
  35. Isikli O., Buyukkokten F., Halici U., Halici E., "Veri Tabani Sistemlerinde Resim Uygulamalarinin Saklanabilmesi ve Bir Uygulama Olarak Halbase", TBD 8. Ulusal Bilisim Kurultayi Bildiriler Kitabi, 27-29 Eylul 1990, Ankara, s 97-105 (in Turkish).  
  36. Aybay I., Halici U., "Türkiye Üniversiteleri için bir Bilgisayar Egitimi Programy Önerisi", TBD 8. Ulusal Bilisim Kurultayi Bildiriler Kitabi, 27-29 Eylul 1990, Ankara, s 218-224 (in Turkish).  
  37. Dogac A., Halici U., "A New Technique for Concurrency Control in Distributed Databases", Proc. of METU EE 30. Anniversary Symposium, February 1989 (in Turkish).  
  38. Halici U., Guran H., "An Algorithm for Test Set Generation Single Stuck-at Faults of Combinational Circuits", Proc. of TBD 5th National Computer Symposium, Istanbul, Turkey, September 1984 (in Turkish).

National Journals, magazines
  1. Halici U., "Cozulemeyen Problemler (Unsolvable Problems)", Bilim ve Teknik Dergisi, TUBITAK, February 1988 (in Turkish).  
  2. Dogac, A., Halici U., Civelek, F., Vural, S., “Veritabani Teknolojisi”, Bilgisayar Dergisi, pp. 97-110, August 1988 (in Turkish)

M.Sc and Ph.D. Theses




Last Revised: January 29, 2002