
Diplexing orthogonal mode transducer

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Publication number:GB2103021
Publication date:1983-02-09
- international:H01P1/161; H01P1/16; (IPC1-7): H04J1/08; H01P5/02
- european: H01P1/161
Application number:GB19820018969 19820701
Priority number(s):GB19820018969 19820701; GB19810020655 19810703
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Abstract of GB2103021
A diplexing orthogonal mode transducer for isolating the signals which are transmitted and received in the two different frequency bands of a satellite communications system comprises a smooth walled inner waveguide (1) which is partly overlapped by a coaxial outer waveguide (2) having an internally corrugated section (2b) adjacent the aperture (4) of the inner waveguide arranged so that signals in the higher frequency band are confined to a central region coupled with the inner waveguide (1) and signals in the lower frequency band are confined to a peripheral region which couples with the section (2c) of the outer waveguide surrounding the inner waveguide (1). The annular section (2c) of the outer waveguide splits into four evenly arranged branches (5) which peel away from the inner waveguide (1) and transform smoothly into rectangular waveguides (6), the orthogonal polarisation components of received low frequency energy being isolated and conducted away by the branching waveguides (5, 6). The internal corrugations are dimensioned to present a capacitive reactance to the higher frequency signal and an inductive reactance to the lower frequency signal. Each branch (5) is provided with a central rib (7) along its inner wall, the ribs (7) commencing on the outside of the inner waveguide (1) before the outer waveguide branches.  

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