Computational Methods for Electrical Engineering

Course Description
EE 443 Computational Methods in Electrical Engineering (3-0) 3
Numerical errors and their estimation. Approximation and interpolation. Roots of equations. Solutions of linear and nonlinear simultaneous equations. Numerical differentiation and integration. Solution of ordinary and partial differential equations. Introduction to statistical methods. 
Prerequisite: CENG 221 and MATH 254 or consent of the department 

 Syllabus (2003 Fall)

 Direct Methods (.ppt)         (Thanks to Dr. Lale Alatan)
Notes on direct solution methods of systems of linear equations, Power point presentation
Some MATLAB files are available for Gauss elimination.
 Gauss elimination, (without pivoting), .m file,
 Gauss elimination, (with row pivoting), .m file
 Gauss elimination, (with full pivoting), .m file

 Iterative Methods          (Thanks to Dr. Lale Alatan)
Notes on iterative solution methods of systems of linear equations, Power point presentation

Statistical Methods
 Monte Carlo simulation of Craps dice game
Matlab mcscraps.m file for Craps game Monte Carlo simulation

 Homework 1

 Homework 2

 Homework 3
Data files for HW3. You can download these files by using the "save link as" option of your browser.

The coefficient matrix AA.txt
The right-hand side vector bb.txt
These are TEXT files that can be read with MATLAB commands
load -ascii a.txt
load -ascii b.txt
 Homework 4

 Homework 5

 Homework 6

 Midterm 1 Solutions
 Midterm 2 Solutions
 Midterm and Final Results