EE 427 Microwaves I

Course Details
2011-2012 Fall Semester

Homework solutions
Midterm Questions
NOTICE and CHECK the change in the Weekly Schedule of EE 427
Tuesday 11:40- 12:30 EA 307
Thursday 11:40- 13:30 D 131

1.TEM Transmission lines (circuit analysis)4.10.11
2.Terminated transmission line (reflection coefficient, VSWR, loads)
3.Introduction and use of Smith Chart
4.Impedance transformation and matching
5.Matching involving lumped elements
6.Matrix Representation of Microwave Junctions
7.Time Domain Anlaysis of Reflections
8.Solution of Helmholtz equations in guided structures (TEM, TE, and TM modes)
9.Perturbation method for low loss lines
10.Field solutions for coaxial lines and losses
11.Rectangular waveguides, modes of propagation, losses
12.Phase and group velocities
13.Circular waveguides
14.S Matrix of Lossless Junctions
Standing Wave Pattern

!! check for last minute announcements !!

Course Code: 5670427 (EE427)

Course Name: Microwaves I

Catalog Description: TEM mode transmission lines. Field and distributed circuit analysis. Frequency and time domain analysis. Waveguiding structures. Rectangular and circular waveguides. Impedance transformations and matching techniques. Scattering matrix of microwave junctions.

Credit: (3-2) 4

Laboratory Description:

There are 7 experiments to be performed during the semesters. Laboratory rules will be explained in detail by the laboratory assistants.
In principle, groups of two students will perform the experiments. Different experiment set-ups will be present in the laboratory and groups will perform the experiments in rotation each week.
About three course hours are required for each experiment but exact timing depends on the experimental procedure and the ability of the group members :)
Preliminary work is a must and quizzes are occasional ;). Reports are due to the following week.
A laboratory final examination will be given at the end of the semester.
About 20% of course grade is determined by the laboratory work done.

Text Book:

  • "Microwave Engineering" by David M. Pozar, Addison Wesley Publ. Comp., 2005.
Reference Book:
  • "Foundations for Microwave Engineering" by Robert E. Collin, Mc Graw Hill Int. Editions, 2nd edition, 1992.
  • "Microwave Engineering" by A. Das and S. K. Das, Mc Graw Hill, 1st ed., 2007.

For further details contact to Simsek Demir.