- Ph.D.
in Electrical & Electronics Engineering, Middle East Technical
University, 1996
Ph.D. Dissertation:Effects of Anisotropy of Ferrite
Coating on the Radiation Characteristics of Cylindrical Conductor Excited by
Elementary Sources
- M.S.
in Electrical & Electronics Engineering, Middle East Technical
University, 1992
M.S. Thesis: Electronic Beam Scanning by a
Vertically Magnetized Ferrite Slab
- B.Sc.
in Electrical & Electronics Engineering (High Honor student), Middle
East Technical University, 1990
B.Sc. Project:High Frequency Phase Shifter Design
and Implementation
Areas of
- Numerical
and analytical methods in electromagnetic wave theory
- Phased
- Analysis
of Periodic Structures
Antennas and Microwave Components
- Radiation
of electromagnetic waves in anisotropic media
- Radiation
of electromagnetic waves in layered media
- November
2010 - Professor, Dept. of
Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Middle East Technical University
- Jan
2008 – 2010 Associate Professor, Dept.
of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Middle East Technical University
- March
1999-2007, Assistant Professor, Dept.
of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Middle East Technical University
- April
1998-March 1999, Instructor, Dept.
of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Middle East Technical University
- April
1997-April 1998, Visiting Scientist, ElectroScience Laboratory, The
Ohio State University, USA.
- September
1996-March 1997, Instructor, Dept.
of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Middle East Technical University
- September
1990-September 1996, Research and Teaching Assistant, Dept. of Electrical and Electronics
Engineering, Middle East Technical
(Military Electronics Company), Design of Millimeterwave Receiver,
Transmitter and Radar Systems and Development of a Prototype, Nov
245-TUBITAK, Active Phased Arrays and Array Fed Antennas,
1994-April 1997
BILTEN- FRTED, Distance Education Applications in the World and Turkey,
To Develop a Prototype of a Distance Education Model Using New
Communication Technologies, November 1995 - March 1996
- DPT, Portable
Satellite Earth Station, Jan 1996 - April 2001
(Military Electronics Company), Adaptive Antennas, Jul 1998 - Jun
AFP, Development of a Hybrid Method for Efficient Analysis of EM
Radiation/Scattering from Large Finite Planar Arrays, Jun 1999 -
Aug.2001(Prime investigator)
260-TUBITAK(The Scientific and Technical Research Council of Turkey), Smart
Antennas: Computer Aided Design & Technology, Nov. 1998-June 2001
(The Scientific and Technical Research Council of Turkey), Analysis of
microstrip antennas on finite ground plane and substrate, Aug.
Specifications and Implementation Requirements of a Phased Array
Antenna For LEO Satellite Communication, Feb.2001-Jun.2001
(State Planning Organization), Design and production of novel
multi-function reconfigurable antenna/antenna arrays by micromachining
technology (Mikroişleme teknolojisi ile çok işlevli, şekillendirilebilir,
yeni mikroşerit anten/anten dizilerinin tasarımı ve üretimi), June
- COST 284-TUBİTAK Innovative Antennas for
Emerging Terrestrial and Space-based Applications, Oct.2003--Sept.2004
(Prime investigator)
X-Band Phased Array Antenna Design, Oct.2003-Oct.2006
- AMICOM (Advanced
MEMS For RF and Millimeter Wave Communications) Network of Excellence
Sixth Framework project, Jan.2004 -2004
–October 2007 (Work Package Leader)
- TUBITAK, Phased Array Antenna by RF-MEMS
Technology, July 2005- (Prime
BAP-2006-03-08-05, Electromagnetic Absorbing Materials, Jan 2006-Dec 2007
UEAKE, Development of Coast Guard Radar, Sept. 2006- Sept. 2007
Mm-wave RF-MEMS Production and Measurements, June 2006-
(Military Electronics Company), Synthetic Aperture Radar, Oct 2007-
- COST IC0603 ASSIST - Antenna
Systems & Sensors for Information Society Technologies, Oct. 2007 -
(Prime investigator)
(Consiglio Nazionale Delle Ricerche, Italy)-TUBITAK (The Scientific and
Technical Research Council of Turkey), Analysis of the Radiation From
Aperture/Printed Antennas in the Presence of Periodic Structures Through
Numerical and Asymptotic Techniques, March 2008 - (Prime investigator with
Prof. Paolo Nepa from University of Pisa)
- Nokia-Finland,
Cooperation between METU and NSN about antenna and RF front end design and
simulation, Feb 2008-FEb 2009.
FP7 REGPOT project, Dec 2009-present
- ASELSAN, Radar Units, Oct 2009-Oct 2011
- ASELSAN, 30-88MHz Antenna Design and Production,
2011-present (prime investigator)
- COST IC1102
VISTA - Versatile, Integrated, and Signal-aware Technologies for Antennas
(TUBITAK- 111R001 Development of Frequency Scanning Slotted Cylindrical
Substrate Integrated Waveguide (SIW) Array Antenna for Security Imaging
Applications), 2011- present (prime investigator of Turkish side)
Associates and Service
- Associate Editor, IEEE Transactions on
Antennas and Propagation, 2010-present
- Europen School of
Antennas (EsoA) Board Member, Jan 2010
- TUBITAK Advisory Board Member, March 2011-present
- IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society, Awards
Committee Member, 2010-present
- Senior Member, IEEE, 1/91-present
- IEEE Turkey Section Chair, 2006- 2007
- IEEE Turkey Section Vice Chair, 2004-2005
- IEEE Turkey Section Student Activities Chair,
- IEEE AP/MTT/ED/EMC Chapter Chair, 2004-2006
- IEEE AP/MTT/ED/EMC Chapter Vice Chair, 2000-2004
- URSI Turkey National Committee Vce Chair, 2012-
Graduate Courses:
- EE526
Antenna Theory
- EE521
Analytical Methods in EM
- EE523
Electromagnetic Wave Theory
Undergraduate Courses:
- Erol
Gelenbe Best MSc. Thesis Award in Electrical Eng. Dept, METU, 1993
- Prof.
Dr. Mustafa Parlar Education and Research Foundation, 1994 Research and
Encouragement Award, with Millimeterwave Receiver, Transmitter and Radar
Systems Research Project Group
- Young
Scientist Award of the URSI (International Union of Radio Science) at 25th
General Assembly in 1996
- Playing
classical guitar
- Listening
to classical music
- Literature
- Swimming
- Sailing


1. E. Ercil, L. Alatan, O. Aydin Civi, “An Efficient Numerical Solution Method
for Reflectarrays of Varying Element Sizes,” IEEE Transactions on Antennas and
Propagation, Vol: 63, No: 12, pp 5668 - 5676, Dec. 2015, DOI:
- E.Erdil, K.Topalli, N. Esmaeilzad, O.
Zorlu, H. Kulah, O. Aydin Civi, “Reconfigurable nested ring-split ring
transmitarray unit cell employing the element rotation method by microfluidics”
IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, vol.63, no. 3,
pp.1163-1167, March 2015
- Omer Bayraktar, Ozlem Aydın Civi,
“Circumferential Traveling Wave Slot Array on Cylindrical Substrate Integrated
Waveguide (CSIW)”, IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, vol. 62
, no.7, pp 3557 – 3566, July 2014.
- C. Cetintepe, E. S. Topalli, S. Demir,
O. A. Civi, and T. Akin, "A fabrication process based on structural
layer formation using Au–Au thermocompression bonding for RF MEMS
capacitive switches and their performance," International Journal of
Microwave and Wireless Technologies, vol. 6, no. 05, pp. 473-480, July
- C.
Guclu, J. Perruisseau-Carrier, O. Aydin Civi, “Proof of Concept of a Dual-band
Circularly-polarized RF MEMS Beam-Switching Reflectarray,” IEEE
Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, vol.60, no.11, pp. 5451 - 5455,
- Ömer
Bayraktar, Ozlem Aydin Civi, and Tayfun Akın, “Beam Switching Reflectarray Monolithically
Integrated with RF MEMS Switches”, IEEE
Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, vol.60, no.2, pp.
854-862 , Feb 2012
- N. Gokalp and O. Aydin Civi, “Beam Steerable
Meanderline Antenna Using Varactor Diodes”, Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, vol.53, no.1,
pp.200-204, Jan 2011. (DOI 10.1002/mop.25634).
- M. Unlu, K. Topalli, H. I. Atasoy, S. Demir, O.
Aydin Civi, and T. Akin, “Hybrid Connection of RF MEMS and SMT Components
in an Impedance Tuner”, AEUE-International Journal Of
Electronics And Communications, vol. 64, no. 8, pp. 748-756, 2010.
- Kagan Topalli, Emre Erdil, Ozlem Aydin Civi, Simsek
Demir, Sencer Koc, Tayfun Akin, “Tunable dual-frequency RF MEMS
rectangular slot ring antenna”, Sensors And Actuators: A vol. 156,
no. 2, pp. 373-380, December 2009
- K. Topalli, , M. Unlu, H. I. Atasoy, O. A. Civi, S.
Demir, and T. Akin, “Empirical Formulation of Bridge Inductance in
Inductively Tuned RF MEMS Shunt Switches,” Progress In Electromagnetics
Research, PIER 97, pp. 343-356, 2009
- Ozcan
Koysuren, Sertan Yesil, Goknur Bayram, Mustafa Secmen, Ozlem Aydin Civi, “Effect of a
carbon black surface treatment on the microwave properties of
poly(ethylene terephthalate)/carbon black composites”, Journal of
Applied Polymer Science, Vol. 109, no.1, pp. 152-159, 5 July
- Onur Bakır, Ozlem Aydin Civi, Vakur. B. Erturk,
Hsi-Tseng Chou, “Efficient Analysis of Phased Arrays of Microstrip Patches
Using A Hybrid Generalized Forward Backward Method/Green's Function
Technique with a DFT Based Acceleration Algorithm”, IEEE Transactions
on Antennas and Propagation,vol.56, no.6, pp.1669-1678, June 2008.
- Kagan Topalli, Ozlem Aydin Civi, Simsek Demir,
Sencer Koc, and Tayfun Akin, “A Monolithic Phased Array using 3-bit
Distributed RF MEMS Phase Shifters”, IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory
and Techniques, vol.56, no.2, pp. 270-277, Feb 2008.
- E.
Erdil, K. Topalli, M. Unlu, O. Aydin Civi, and Tayfun Akin, “Frequency Tunable Microstrip Patch Antenna Using
RF MEMS Technology”, IEEE Transactions on Antennas
and Propagation, vol.55, no.4, p.1193-1196,
April 2007.
- Ö.
Aydin Civi and P.H. Pathak, “Array Guided Surface Waves On a Finite Planar
Array of Dipoles with or without a Grounded Substrate”, IEEE
Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, vol.54, no.8, p.2244-2252,
August 2006.
- K.Topallı, M. Ünlü, Ş.Demir, Ö. Aydın Civi, S. Koc,
and T. Akin, “A New Approach For Modelling Distributed MEMS Transmission
Lines”, IEE Proceedings H- Microwave, Antennas and Propagation, vol.153,
no.2, p.152-162, April 2006.
- O.A. Civi, V.B. Erturk, and H-T Chou, “Extension of
Forward Backward Method with DFT Based Acceleration Algorithm for the
Efficient Analysis of Large Periodic Arrays with Arbitrary Boundaries”,
Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, vol.47, no.3,
p.293-298, November 5, 2005.
- G. Ögücü, L. Alatan, and Ö.A. Civi, “Closed-form
Green’s functions for finite grounded dielectric substrate”, Electromagnetics,
vol.25, no.2, p.153-168, Feb.-March 2005.
- L.Alatan,
G. Öğücü, and Ö.A.Çivi, Comments on “Effects of Ground Plane and
Dielectric Truncations on the Efficiency of a Printed Structure”, IEEE
Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, vol.52, no.1, p.350-351, Jan
- Özlem Aydın Civi, "Extension of Forward
Backward Method with DFT Based Acceleration Algorithm for The Efficient
Analysis of Radiation/Scattering from Large Finite Printed Dipole
Arrays", Microwave and Optical Technology Letters,
vol.37, no.1, p.20-26, April 5, 2003.
- H-T Chou, H-K Ho, O.A.Civi, and V.B. Erturk,
"Applications of hybrid discrete Fourier transform-Moment Method to
the fast analysis of large rectangular dipole arrays printed on a thin
grounded dielectric substrate", Microwave and Optical Technology
Letters, vol.34, no.3, pp.203-207, August 5 2002.
- H-T Chou, H-K Ho, P.H. Pathak, P. Nepa and O. A.
Civi, "An Efficient Approach based on Discrete Fourier Transform
-Moment Method for the Fast Analysis of Large Rectangular Array," IEE
Proceedings- Microwave, Antennas and Propagation, vol. 149, no. 01. ,
p.1-6, February 2002.
- Sencer Koç, Ö. Aydın Çivi and O. Merih Büyükdura,
"Near-field scanning in the time domain on a spherical surface-A
formulation using the free-space Green's function", J. Acoust.Soc.
Am., vol.110, no.4, p.1778-1782, October, 2001.
- Ö. Aydın Çivi, Prabhakar H. Pathak, H-T. Chou and P.
Nepa, "A hybrid UTD-MoM for efficient analysis of EM
radiation/scattering from large finite planar arrays", Radio
Science, vol. 35, no. 2, p.607-620, 2000.
- Ö. Aydın Çivi, P.H. Pathak, H-T. Chou, "On the
Poisson sum formula for the analysis of wave radiation and scattering from
large finite arrays", IEEE Transactions on Antennas and
Propagation, vol.47, no.5, p.958-959, May 1999.
- Ö. Aydın Çivi, A. Hızal, "Effects of anisotropy
of ferrite coating on the radiation characteristics of a cylindrical
conductor excited by elementary sources", Journal of
Electromagnetic Waves and Applications, vol.12, no.3, p.287-307, 1998.
- Ö. Aydın, A. Hızal, "Dielectric Coated
Vertically Magnetized Ferrite Slab for Electronically Scanning MM-Wave
Antennas", ELEKTRIK (Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering
& Computer Sciences, in English), vol.1, no.3, p.206-218, Nov
Conference Papers
- M. Ojaroudi, O. Aydin Civi, “A
Novel UWB Slot Antenna with a Self-Complementary Matching Network “, 2015
Loughborough Antennas and Propagation Conference (LAPC), 2-3 November
- O. Aydin Civi, ”Reconfigurable
Antennas by RF MEMS Technology,” 2015 Loughborough Antennas and
Propagation Conference (LAPC), 2-3 November 2015. (invited talk)
- Bayraktar, O.; Sevinc, Y.; Civi,
O.A.; Demir, S.; Koc, S. “Ka-band phased array antenna with circular rim,”
2015 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation &
USNC/URSI National Radio Science Meeting, pp. 2479 - 2480, 19-24 Temmuz
2015 DOI: 10.1109/APS.2015.7305628
- Kiris, O.; Aydin Civi, O., “8 ×
4 SIW power divider and slotted array antenna,” 2015 IEEE International
Symposium on Antennas and Propagation & USNC/URSI National Radio
Science Meeting, pp. 482 - 483, 19-24 Temmuz 2015 DOI:
- Erdinç Erçil, Lale Alatan,
Özlem Aydın Çivi, “Fast construction of the MoM matrix for reflectarrays
through a smart tabulation,” 2015 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas
and Propagation & USNC/URSI National Radio Science Meeting, pp. 796 -
797, 19-24 Temmuz 2015 DOI: 10.1109/APS.2015.7304785
- Hosseini, N.; Seyedpour
Esmaeilzad, N.; Aydin Civi, O, “Tunable frequency antenna integrated with
microfluidic channel,” 2015 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and
Propagation & USNC/URSI National Radio Science Meeting, pp. 2303 -
2304, 19-24 Temmuz 2015 DOI: 10.1109/APS.2015.7305540
- Özlem Aydın Çivi,
“Reconfigurable Reflectarrays: Design, Analysis and Fabrication”,
Proceedings of the 9th European Conference on Antennas
and Propagation (EUCAP), Lisbon, Portugal, pp.1-5, 12-17 April
2015. (invited talk)
- Omer Bayraktar, Enis Kobal,
Yusuf Sevinc, Cagri Cetintepe, Ilker Comart, Kaan Demirel, Ebru Sagiroglu Topalli,
Tayfun Akin, Simsek Demir, Ozlem Aydin Civi, “RF MEMS Based Millimeter
Wave Phased Array for Short Range Communication”, Proceedings of the 9th
European Conference on Antennas
and Propagation (EUCAP), Lisbon, Portugal, pp.1-5, 12-17 April
- Erdinç Erçil, Lale Alatan,
Özlem Aydın Çivi, “Efficient Analysis of Reflectarrays through the Use of
Characteristic Modes, Proceedings of the 9th European Conference on Antennas
and Propagation (EUCAP), Lisbon, Portugal, pp.1-5, 12-17 April
- Omer
Bayraktar and Ozlem Aydin Civi, “Cylindrical Substrate Integrated
Waveguide (CSIW) Slot Arrays with Uniform and Nonuniform Spacings “,
URSI General Assembly, Beijing
China, August 2014 (Young Scientist Award)
- Emre
Erdil, Kagan Topalli, Nasim Seyedpour Esmaeilzad, Özge Zorlu, Haluk Kulah,
Ozlem Aydin, “Microfluidic Reconfigurable Nested Split Ring-Regular Ring
Transmitarray Unit Cell”, URSI
General Assembly, Beijing China, August 2014.
- Ömer
Bayraktar and Ozlem Aydın Civi, “Slot Array on Curved Substrate Integrated
Waveguide”, IEEE 2013 IEEE AP-S International Symposium, Orlando, USA, pp.
246 – 247, July 2013.
- Ebru
Topalli, Cagri Cetintepe, Ozlem Aydin Civi, Simsek Demir, and Tayfun Akin,
“A Fabrication Process Flow for Stacked Structural Layer Formation Using
Au-Au Thermocompression Bonding for RF MEMS Capacitive Switches”, 14th
International Symposium on RF-MEMS and RF-Microsystems, Potsdam, Germany,
July 1-3, 2013.
- E.
Erdil, K. Topalli, O. Zorlu, T. Toral, E Yildirim, H. Kulah, O. Aydın
Civi, “Reconfigurable Microfluidic Transmitarray Unit Cells”, 14th
International Symposium on RF-MEMS and RF-Microsystems, Potsdam, Germany,
July 1-3, 2013.
- E.
Erdil, K. Topalli, O. Zorlu, T. Toral, E Yildirim, H. Kulah, O. Aydın
Civi, “A reconfigurable microfluidic transmitarray unit cell”, Proceedings
of the 7th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EUCAP),
Gothenburg, Sweden, pp. 2957 – 2960, April 2013.
- Ömer
Bayraktar and Ozlem Aydın Civi, “Slots on Cylindrical Substrate Integrated
Waveguide”, IEEE 2012 IEEE AP-S International Symposium, Chicago, USA,
July 2012.
- Ozlem
Aydin Civi, S. Demir, T. Akin, “Reconfigurable Antennas Using RF-MEMS
research in Turkey”, 2011 IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium
Digest, pp.1-4, June 2011 .
- Egemen
Yildirim, Ozlem Aydin Civi, “Design
of a wideband radar absorbing structure”, Proceedings of the
5th European Conference on Antennas
and Propagation (EUCAP), pp. 1324 – 1327, 11-15 April 2011
- Doganay
Dogan, Özlem Aydin Civi, “ A Novel Edge Wall Waveguide Slot Antenna”, 2010
IEEE International Symposium on Phased Array Systems and Technology, pp.
453 – 456, Boston, 12-15 Oct. 2010.
- Caner
Guclu, Cagri Cetintepe, Ozlem Aydin Civi,
Simsek Demir and Tayfun Akın, “35 GHz Phased Array Antenna using
DMTL Phase Shifters”, 10th Mediterranean Microwave Symposium (MMS2010),
METU-NCC, pp.114-117, 25-27 August, 2010
- Hakkı
İlhan Altan, Özlem Aydın Civi and Şimşek Demir, “X-Band High Power Ferrite
Phase Shifter.”, 10th Mediterranean Microwave Symposium (MMS2010),
METU-NCC, pp.296-299, 25-27 August, 2010.
- Caner
Guclu, Julien Perruisseau-Carrier, and Ozlem Aydin Civi, “Çift Frekansta
Çalışan Yeniden Yapılandırılabilir Ayrık Halka Yansıtıcı Dizi Anten Birim
Hücre Tasarımı”, URSI Türkiye 5. Bilimsel Kongresi, pp.128-131, ODTÜ-KKK,
25-27 Ağustos 2010.
- Ömer
Bayraktar, Özlem Aydın Çivi ve Tayfun Akın “RF Mems Anahtarlı
Ayarlanabilir Yansıtıcı Dizi Anteni, URSI Türkiye 5. Bilimsel Kongresi,
pp.132-135, ODTÜ-KKK, 25-27 Ağustos 2010.
- Ramazan
Cetin, Ozlem Aydın Civi, Paolo Nepa, “Yakınında Saçıcı Bulunan Büyük Sonlu
Dizi Antenlerden Saçınımın Etkin Analizi :çin Melez Kırınım Teorisi -
Ayrık Fourier Dönüsümü Momentler Yöntemi”, URSI Türkiye 5. Bilimsel
Kongresi, pp.313-316, ODTÜ-KKK, 25-27 Ağustos 2010.
- Doganay
Dogan, Özlem Aydın Çivi, “Dar Kenar Egimsiz Yarıklı Dalga Kılavuzu Anten
Dizisi”, URSI Türkiye 5. Bilimsel Kongresi, pp.456-459, ODTÜ-KKK, 25-27
Ağustos 2010.
- Hakkı
İlhan Altan, Özlem Aydın Çivi, Simsek Demir, “ İkiz-Toroid Yapıdaki Ferit
Faz Kaydırıcılarda Yüksek Dereceli Modların Bastırılması”, URSI Türkiye 5.
Bilimsel Kongresi, pp.416-419, ODTÜ-KKK, 25-27 Ağustos 2010.
- Doganay
Dogan, Özlem Aydin Civi, “Edge Wall Slotted Waveguide Antenna with Low
Cross Polarization”, 2010 IEEE AP-S International Symposium, Toronto,
Canada, pp., 11-16 July 2010
- Ramazan
Cetin, Ozlem Aydın Civi, Paolo Nepa, “DFT-UTD Based MoM Approach for an
Efficient Analysis of Scattering from Large, Finite Arrays in the Vicinity
of Scattering Objects”, 2010 IEEE AP-S International Symposium, Toronto,
Canada, pp., 11-16 July 2010. (Student paper competition, Honorary Mention
- Caner
Guclu, Julien Perruisseau-Carrier, and Ozlem Aydin Civi, “Dual Frequency
Reflectarray Cell Using Split-ring Elements with RF MEMS Switches”, 2010 IEEE AP-S International Symposium,
Toronto, Canada, pp., 11-16 July 2010.
- Ömer
Bayraktar, Ö.Aydın Çivi, T. Akın, “Beam Switching Reflectarray with MEMS
Controls”, European Conference on Antennas & Propagation 2010,
Barcelona, Spain, Proceedings CD, 12-16 April 2010.
- Ramazan Cetin, Ozlem Aydin Civi,
Paolo Nepa, Giuliano Manara, “Electromagnetic Scattering
from Obstacles in the Near Field Region of Electrically Large Arrays”,
ICEAA'09 International Conference on Electromagnetics in Advanced
Applications, Turin-Italy, p.678-681, Sept.14-18, 2009
- Nihan
Gokalp, Özlem Aydin Çivi, “Millimeter-Wave Frequency Reconfigurable Slot
Dipole Array with Packaged RF-MEMS Switches”, European Conference on
Antennas & Propagation 2009, Berlin, Germany, Proceedings CD, 23-27
March 2009.
- Hakki
Ilhan Altan, Özlem Aydin Çivi, Simsek Demir, “Reggia-Spencer Ferrit Faz
Kaydirici Tasarimi”, URSI 4.Bilimsel Kongresi, Antalya, pp 98-101, 20-22
Ekim 2008.
- Nihan
Gokalp, Özlem Aydin Çivi, Isinim Huzmesi Yönlendirilebilen Sur Biçimli
Mikroşerit Anten Dizisi, Antalya, pp 208-211, 20-22 Ekim 2008.
- A.A.
Serra, P. Nepa, G. Manara , T. Celandroni , O.A. Civi, UTD Fields Radiated
by Electrically Large Hexagonal Arrays with Realistic Current
Distributions, URSI GA - Chicago, IL, USA, August 7-16 2008
- Gokalp,
Nihan; Aydin Civi, Ozlem, “Beam steerable traveling wave meander line
antenna using varactor diode for X-band applications”
2008 IEEE AP-S International
Symposium, San Diego, USA, pp.1 – 4, 5-11 July 2008
- Özcan
Koysuren, Sertan Yesil, Goknur Bayram, Mustafa Secmen, Ozlem Aydin Civi “EFFECT
BLACK FILLED PET BASED COMPOSITES”, PPS-24- The Polymer Processing Society
24th Annual Meeting, Salerno-Italy, pg. II.536, June 15-19, 2008
- K.
Topallı, M. Ünlü, İ. İstanbulluoğlu, H. İ. Atasoy, Ö. Bayraktar, Ö. Aydın
Çivi, Ş. Demir, S. Koç, and T. Akın, “Reconfigurable RF MEMS Devices and
Antennas,” 5th International Conference on Electrical and Electronics
Engineering (ELECO 2007), pp.204-209, Bursa, Turkey, 5-9 December 2007.
- Vakur
B. Ertürk, Özlem Aydın Çivi, “Integral Equation Based Method For The Fast
Analysis Of Irregularly Contoured Large Finite Phased Arrays”, European
Conference on Antennas & Propagation 2007, Edinburgh, England,
Proceedings CD, 11-16 November 2007
- O.
Bayraktar, K. Topalli, M. Unlu, O. Aydin Civi, S. Demir, T. Akin, “Beam
Switching Reflectarray Using Rf Mems Technology”, European Conference on
Antennas & Propagation 2007, Edinburgh, England, Proceedings CD, 11-16
November 2007.
- M.
Secmen, S. Demir, A. Hizal, O. A. Civi, “An Ellıptıcally Polarızed
Axıal-Mode Helıcal Antenna Wıth A Conformal Polarızer”, European
Conference on Antennas & Propagation 2007, Edinburgh, England,
Proceedings CD, 11-16 November 2007
- K.
Topalli, O. Aydin Civi, S. Demir, S. Koc, and T. Akin,
"Dual-Frequency Reconfigurable Slot Dipole Array with a CPW-Based
Feed Network using RF MEMS Technology for X- and Ku-Band
Applications," 2007 IEEE AP-S International Symposium, Honolulu ABD,
Proceedings pp.825-828, June 10-15, 2007.
- K.
Topalli, O. Aydin Civi, S. Demir, S. Koc, and T. Akin,
"Monolithically integrated MEMS phased array," 8th Workshop
on MEMS for MilimeterWave Communications (MEMSWAVE), pp. 119-122,
Barcelona, Spain, 26-29 June 2007.
- M.
Unlu, H. I. Atasoy, S. Demir, O. Aydin Civi, S. Koc, and T. Akin,
"Double stub and triple stub RF MEMS impedance tuners," 8th
Workshop on MEMS for Milimeter Wave Communications (MEMSWAVE),
pp. 169-172, Barcelona, Spain, 26-29 June 2007.
- Mustafa
Secmen, Simsek Demir, Lale Alatan, Ozlem Aydin Civi and Altunkan Hizal, “A Compact Corporate Probe Fed Antenna
Array”, European Conference on Antennas &
Propagation 2006, Nice
France, Proceedings CD, 6-10 November 2006.
- Emre
Erdil, K. Topalli, . Unlu, I. Istanbulluoglu, E. U. Temocin, H. I. Atasoy,
O. Bayraktar, O. A. Civi, S. Demir, S. Koc, Tayfun Akin, “Reconfigurable
Slot Antenna With Fixed-Fixed Beam Type Rf Mems Capacitors”, European Conference on Antennas &
Propagation 2006, Nice
France, Proceedings CD, 6-10 November 2006.
- O.
Bayraktar, K. Topalli, . Unlu, I. Istanbulluoglu, E. U. Temocin, H. I.
Atasoy, O. A. Civi, S. Demir, S. Koc, Tayfun Akin, “Reconfigurable
Reflectarray Using RF Mems Technology”, European Conference on Antennas & Propagation 2006, Nice France, Proceedings CD, 6-10
November 2006.
- A.
Hızal, O.
Aydın Civi, “Overview of MEMS Research in EMT Applications”, IVth
International Workshop on Electromagnetic Wave Scattering, Gebze, pp.10-3
- 10-8, September 18-22 2006.
- M. Unlu, K.
Topalli, H. I. Atasoy, E. U. Temocin, I. Istanbulluoglu, O. Bayraktar, S.
Demir, O. A. Civi, S. Koc, and T. Akin, “A Reconfigurable RF MEMS Triple
Stub Impedance Matching Network”, European
Microwave Conference 2006,
Manchester –England, pp. 1370-1373
10-15 September 2006.
- H.
I. Atasoy, M. Unlu, K. Topalli, I. Istanbulluoglu, E.U. Temocin, O.
Bayraktar, S.Demir, O. Civi, S. Koc, and T. Akin ” Investigation of
On-Wafer TRL Calibration Accuracy Dependence on Transitions and Probe
Positioning”, Proceedings of the 36th European Microwave Conference,
Manchester –England, pp.1582-1585,
10-15 September 2006.
- Özlem Aydın Çivi, P.H. Pathak, “Dizi
Tarafından Yönlendirilen Yüzey Dalgalarının Sonlu Düzlemsel Anten
Dizilerinin Işıma/Saçılma Karakteristiklerine Etkileri”, 3rd National
URSI Symposium, Ankara-Turkey, pp 49-51, 6-8 Sept. 2006.
- Emre
Erdil, Kağan Topallı, Mehmet Ünlü, Özlem Aydın Çivi, Tayfun Akın ” RF MEMS Kapasitörler İle Rezonans
Frekansi Ayarlanabilen Antenler”, 3rd National URSI Symposium,
Ankara-Turkey, pp 404-406, 6-8 Sept.
- Mehmet Ünlü, Kağan Topallı, Şimşek Demir, Özlem
Aydın Çivi, Sencer Koç, Tayfun Akın “RF MEMS Teknolojisi İle Ayarlanabilir
Empedans Uyumlama Devresi”, 3rd National URSI Symposium,
Ankara-Turkey, pp 407-409, 6-8 Sept.
- H.
İ. Atasoy, K. Topallı, M. Ünlü, İ. İstanbulluoglu, E. U. Temoçin, Ö.
Bayraktar, Ş. Demir, Ö. Aydın Çivi, S. Koç ve T. Akın “RF MEMS Teknolojisi Ile Kapasitif Ve
Metal-Metal Bağlantılı Paralel Anahtar Yapıları”, 3rd National
URSI Symposium, Ankara-Turkey, pp.410-412, 6-8 Sept. 2006.
- Kağan
Topallı, Mehmet Ünlü, Özlem Aydın Çivi, Şimşek Demir, Sencer Koç, Tayfun
Akın “RF MEMS Teknolojisi İle Tek
Parça Faz Dizili Anten Yapisi”, 3rd National URSI Symposium,
Ankara-Turkey, pp.413-415, 6-8 Sept.
- İ.
İstanbulluoğlu, K. Topallı, E. U. Temoçin, H. İ. Atasoy, M. Ünlü, Ö.
Bayraktar, Ş. Demir, O. A. Çivi, S. Koç, and T. Akın “RF MEMS Teknolojisi Kullanilarak
Tasarlanmiş Ayarlanabilir Bant Geçiren Bağlanmiş-Hat Süzgeç”, 3rd
National URSI Symposium, Ankara-Turkey, pp.416-418, 6-8 Sept. 2006.
- H. İ.
Atasoy, M. Ünlü, K. Topallı, İ. İstanbulluoğlu, E. U. Temoçin, Ö.
Bayraktar, Ş. Demir, Ö. Aydın Çivi, S. Koç ve T. Akın ”TRL Kalibrasyonunda Uç Konumlandırması
ve Geçişlerin Etkileri” 3rd National URSI Symposium,
Ankara-Turkey, pp. 426-428, 6-8
Sept. 2006.
- Ö. Bayraktar,
K. Topallı, M. Ünlü, İ. İstanbulluoğlu, E. U. Temoçin, H. İ. Atasoy, Ş.
Demir, Ö. A. Çivi, S. Koç ve T. Akın” RF MEMS Teknolojisi İle Yansitici Dizi Anteni Tasarimi ” 3rd
National URSI Symposium, Ankara-Turkey, pp.438-440, 6-8 Sept. 2006.
- E. U.
Temoçin, K. Topallı, M. Ünlü, İ.İstanbulluoğlu, H.İ. Atasoy, Ö. Bayraktar,
Ş. Demir, Ö. Aydın Çivi, S. Koç, T. Akın” Eşdüzlemsel Dalga Kilavuzundan Mikroşerit Hatta Geçiş Üzerine
Çalişmalar ” 3rd National URSI Symposium, Ankara-Turkey, pp.
448-450, 6-8 Sept. 2006
- K. Topalli,
M.Unlu, Ö. Aydin Civi, S. Demir, S.Koc, and T.Akin, “A Monolithic Phased
Array Using 3-Bit DMTL RF MEMS Phase Shifters”, 2006 AP-S International
Symposium and USNC/URSI National Radio Science Meeting, Albuquerque-USA, pp.517-520, 9-14 July
- Onur
Bakır, Özlem Aydin Çivi, Vakur B. Ertürk, Hsi-Tseng Chou, “Fast Analysis
of Large Microstrip Patch Phased Arrays Using Generalized Forward Backward
Method with DFT Based Acceleration Algorithm”, 2006
AP-S International Symposium and
USNC/URSI National Radio Science Meeting, Albuquerque-USA, pp. 4039
- 4042, 9-14 July 2006.
- H. I. Atasoy,
K. Topalli, M. Unlu, I. Istanbulluoglu, E. U. Temocin, O. Bayraktar, S.
Demir, O. A. Civi, S. Koc, and T. Akin, “Metal-to-Metal and Capacitive
Contact RF MEMS Shunt Switch Structures”, MEMSWAVE’06, Orvieto-Italy,
pp.154-156, 27-30 June 2006.
- M. Unlu, K.
Topalli, H. I. Atasoy, E. U. Temocin, I. Istanbulluoglu, O. Bayraktar, S.
Demir, O. A. Civi, S. Koc, and T. Akın, “A Reconfigurable RF MEMS
Impedance Tuner for Impedance Matching of a Two-Stage Low Noise
Amplifier”, MEMSWAVE’06, Orvieto-Italy, pp.115-118, 27-30 June
- Secmen,
M.; Topalli, K.; Unlu, M.; Erdil, E.; Civi, O.A.; Hizal, A., “Dual
Wideband Antenna Analysis for Linear FMCW Radar Applications”, IEEE 14th
Signal Processing and Communications Applications, p.1-4 17-19 April
- K.
Topallı, E. Erdil, and Ö. Aydın Çivi, "Reconfigurable Antenna
Structures Using MEMS Technology", 28th General
Assembly of URSI, New Delhi-India, October
23-29, 2005.
- G.
Manara, P. Nepa, F. Bertoncini, Ö. Aydın Çivi, and V. B. Ertürk,
"Electromagnetic Scattering From a Finite Strip", 28th General
Assembly of URSI, New Delhi-India, October 23-29, 2005.
- Ö.
Aydın Çivi, P. H. Pathak and P. Janpugdee, "Effects of Array Guided
Surface Waves on the Radiation and Scattering from a Finite Printed Dipole
Array", ICEAA'05 International Conference on
Electromagnetics in Advanced Applications, Turin-Italy, p.741-744,
September 12-16, 2005.
- E.
Erdil, K. Topallı, Ö. Aydın Çivi, and T. Akın, “Reconfigurable CPW-Fed Dual-Frequency Rectangular
Slot Antenna Using RF MEMS Technology”,
2005 AP-S International Symposium
and USNC/URSI National Radio Science Meeting, Washington
D.C.-USA, July 3-8, pp.392-395, 2005.
- G.
Öğücü, L. Alatan and Ö. Aydın Çivi, “Effect of
the Finite Grounded Substrate on the Input Impedance of the Microstrip
Patch Antenna”,
2005 AP-S International Symposium
and USNC/URSI National Radio Science Meeting, Washington
D.C.-USA, pp.404-407, July 3-8, 2005.
- E.
Erdil, S. Onat, K. Topallı, İ. İstanbulluoğlu, M. Ünlü, Ş. Demir, L.
Alatan, Ö. Aydın Çivi, S. Koc and T. Akın, “Reconfigurable antenna
structures using MEMS technology”, 6th Workshop on MEMS for
MilimeterWave Communications MEMSWAVE 2005, Switzerland, June 23-24,
- M.
Unlu, K. Topalli, S. Demir, O. Aydin Civi, S. Koc, and T. Akin, “A Parametric Study On Modeling Distributed
Mems Transmission Lines”, 2004
European Microwave Conference in 7th European Microwave Week,
pp.1157-1160, October 11‑15, 2004, Amsterdam.
72. Emre Erdil, Ozlem Aydin Civi, “RF MEMS teknolojisi ile rezonans frekansi
ayarlanabilir mikroserit yama anten,” 2nd National URSI Symposium
Turkey, pp. 351-353, 8-10 September 2004 (in Turkish).
73. M. Unlu, K. Topalli, S. Demir, O. Aydin Civi, S. Koc, and T. Akin, “Siralanmis
MEMS iletim hatlari icin yeni bir model,” 2nd National URSI
Symposium Turkey, pp. 435-437, 8-10 September 2004 (in Turkish).
74. K. Topalli, M. Unlu, S. Demir, O. Aydin Civi, S. Koc, and T. Akin, “RF
MEMS teknolojisi ile mikroserit ve esduzlemsel dalga kilavuzu hat ustunde
paralel anahtar yapilari,” 2nd National URSI Symposium Turkey, pp.
370-372, 8-10 September 2004 (in Turkish).
75. M. Unlu,
K. Topalli, S. Demir, O. Aydin Civi, S. Koc, and T. Akin, “Design and Modeling
of a Reconfigurable Triple Stub Impedance Matching Network using Distributed
MEMS Transmission Lines,” 5th Workshop on MEMS for MilimeterWave
Communications (MEMSWAVE), pp. I17-I20, Uppsala, Sweden, 30 June-2 July
76. K.
Topalli, M. Unlu, S. Demir, O. Aydin Civi, S. Koc, and T. Akin, “A Parametric
Modeling Study on Distributed MEMS Transmission Lines,” 5th Workshop on MEMS
for MilimeterWave Communications (MEMSWAVE), pp. I13-I16 Uppsala, Sweden,
30 June-2 July 2004
77. Ö. Aydin Çivi, P. Janpugdee , P.
H. Pathak, “Effects of Array Guided Surface Waves on Radiation Characteristics
of a Finite Planar Printed Dipole Array”, 2004 IEEE International Antennas and
Propagation Symposium, Monterey, California-USA, vol.1 p.579-582, June 20-25
78. K.Topallı, M. Unlu, H. Sagkol, S.
Demir, Ö. Aydin Çivi, S. Koç, T. Akin, “A New Model for Distributed MEMS
Transmission Lines”, 2004 IEEE International Antennas and Propagation
Symposium, Monterey, California -USA, vol.3 p.2855-2858, June 20-25 2004.
79. F.
Bertoncini, O. A. Civi, V. B. Ertürk, G. Manara and P. Nepa, "Scattering
from finite periodic surfaces: a comparison between integral equation and ray
techniques," 2004 URSI EMTS International Conference on Electromagnetics
Theory, Pisa-Italy, vol.2, pp. 843-845, May 23-27, 2004 (invited paper).
80. O. A. Civi, V. B. Erturk, and
H.-T. Chou, "Efficient Analysis of Large Finite Arrays via MoM Formulation
with DFT Based Acceleration Algorithms", ICEAA'03 International Conference
on Electromagnetics in Advanced Applications, Turin-Italy, p.337-340, Sept.8-12,
2003 (invited paper).
81. O. A. Civi, P. H. Pathak,
“Excitation of Surface Waves Different from Grounded Substrate Modes on a
Finite Planar Printed Dipole Array ", 2003 IEEE International Antennas
and Propagation Symposium and URSI Radio
Science Meeting,
Columbus-USA, Proc.
Vol.4, p., June 22-27, 2003.
82. O. Aydin Civi, H. Chou, V. B.
Erturk, "Extension of Forward
Backward Method with DFT Based Acceleration Algorithm for the Efficient
Analysis of Large, Periodic Arrays with Arbitrary Boundary”, 2003 IEEE
International Antennas and Propagation Symposium and URSI Radio Science Meeting, Columbus-USA, Proc. Vol.4,
p., June 22-27, 2003.
83. V. B. Erturk, O. Aydin Civi, H.
Chou, "A DFT Based Accelerated Generalized Forward Backward Method for the
Fast Analysis of Two Dimensional, Large Printed Arrays with Arbitrarily Shaped
E", 2003 IEEE International Antennas and Propagation Symposium and URSI Radio Science Meeting, Columbus-USA, URSI Proc. p., June 22-27, 2003.
84. G. Öğücü, L.Alatan, Ö. Aydin Çivi,
T. Ege “Sonlu Yer Düzlemi ve Dielektrik Katmanı Üzerine Yerleştirilmiş
Mikroşerit Antenlerin Analizi”, URSI-Türkiye'2002 Birinci Ulusal Kongresi, p
125-128, Eylül 2002 (in Turkish).
85. M. Uysal, Ö. Aydin Çivi,
“Silindirik Anten Dizilerinin Mobil İletişimde CDMA Sistem Performansına Etkileri”,
URSI-Türkiye'2002 Birinci Ulusal Kongresi, p 129-132, Eylül 2002 (in Turkish).
86. K. Topalli, H. Sagkol, M. Ünlü, Ö.
Aydin Çivi, S. Demir, S. Koç ve T. Akin, "RF MEMS Teknolojisi ile Faz
Dizili Anten," URSI-Türkiye'2002 Birinci Ulusal Kongresi, p 134-137, Eylül
2002 (in Turkish).
87. H. Sagkol, M. Ünlü, K. Topalli, Ö.
Aydin Çivi, S. Demir, S. Koç ve T. Akin, "RF MEMS Teknolojisi ile
Mikrodalga Faz Kaydiricilari,"URSI-Türkiye'2002 Birinci Ulusal Kongresi,
p. 138-141, Eylül 2002 (in Turkish).
88. M. Ünlü, H. Sagkol, K. Topalli, Ö. Aydin Çivi,
S. Demir, S. Koç ve T. Akin, "RF MEMS Teknolojisi ile Ayarlanabilir
Empedans Uyumlama ve Güç Bölücü Devreleri," URSI-Türkiye'2002 Birinci
Ulusal Kongresi, p. 142-145, Eylül 2002 (in Turkish).
89. M. Ünlü, H. Sagkol, K. Topalli, Ö.
Aydin Çivi, S. Demir, S. Koç ve T. Akin, "Anten Uygulamalari için Yeni
MEMS Anahtar Yapilari," URSI-Türkiye'2002 Birinci Ulusal Kongresi, p.
146-149, Eylül 2002 (in Turkish).
90. Ö. Aydin Civi, ”Extension of
Forward Backward Method with DFT Based Acceleration Algorithm for the Efficient
Analysis of Large Printed Dipole Arrays”, 2002 IEEE International Antennas and
Propagation Symposium, San Antanio-USA, vol.2 p.626-629, June 16-21, 2002.
91. Ö. Aydin Çivi, P. H. Pathak, P.
Janpugdee and B. A. Munk, “Surface Waves On A Finite Planar Dipole Array In
Free Space”, 2002 IEEE International Antennas and Propagation Symposium, San
Antanio-USA, vol.2 p.78-81, June16-21 2002.
92. Lale Alatan, Özlem Aydin Civi,
Gölge Ögücü, "Analysis of Printed Structures on Truncated Dielectric Slab
and Finite .Ground Plane", 2002
IEEE International Antennas and Propagation Symposium, San Antanio-USA,
vol.4, p.190-193, June16-21 2002.
93. H. Sagkol, K. Topalli, M. Ünlü, Ö.
Aydin Çivi, S. Koç, S. Demir, and T. Akin, "A Monolithic Phased Array with
RF MEMS Technology", 2002 IEEE International Antennas and Propagation
Symposium, San Antanio-USA, vol.4 p.760-763, June16-21 2002.
94. M. Ünlü, K. Topalli, H. Sagkol, S.
Demir, Ö. Aydin Çivi, S. Koç, and T. Akin, "RF MEMS Adjustable Impedance
Matching Network and Adjustable Power Divider", 2002 IEEE International
Antennas and Propagation Symposium, San Antanio-USA, vol.2 p.26-29, June16-21 2002.
95. M. Ünlü, K. Topalli, H. Sagkol, S. Demir, Ö.
Aydin Çivi, S. Koç, and T. Akin, "New MEMS Swich Structures for Antenna
Applications", 2002 IEEE
International Antennas and Propagation Symposium, San Antanio-USA, vol.URSI
p.134, June16-21 2002..
96. Ö. Aydin Civi, V. B. Erturk, P.H. Pathak, P.
Janpugdee and H.-T. Chou, “A Hybrid UTD-MoM Approach for the Efficient Analysis
of Radiation/Scattering from Large, Printed Finite Phased Arrays”, 2001 IEEE International Antennas and
Propagation Symposium and URSI Radio Science Meeting, Boston-USA, vol.2
p.806-809, July 8-13 2001.
97. Lale
Alatan, Özlem Aydin Civi, Gölge Ögücü, “An Approximate Green’s Function for a
Finite Grounded Dielectric Slab”, 2001
IEEE International Antennas and Propagation Symposium and URSI Radio Science
Meeting, Boston-USA, Proc. URSI, p. 43, July 8-13 2001.
98. . S. S
Koc, O. Aydin Civi and O. M. Buyukdura, “An
application of the t-matrix method to time-domain scattering” , 2001 IEEE International Antennas and
Propagation Symposium and URSI Radio Science Meeting, Boston-USA, Proc.
URSI, p. 336, July 8-13 2001.
99. Hsi-Tseng
Chou, Hsien-Kwei Ho, P.H. Pathak, P. Nepa and Ö.A. Civi, “A Hybrid Discrete
Fourier Transform -Moment Method for the Fast Analysis of Large Rectangular
Phased Arrays”, 2001 IEEE International
Antennas and Propagation Symposium and URSI Radio Science Meeting,
Boston-USA, vol.4 p.314-317, July 8-13
P. Janpugdee , P. Pathak, P. Nepa, Ö. Civi
and H.-T. Chou, “Ray Analysis of the Radiation from a Large Finite Phased Array
of Antennas on a Grounded Material Slab”, 2001 IEEE International Antennas and
Propagation Symposium and URSI Radio Science Meeting, Boston-USA, Proc. URSI,
p. 91, July 8-13 2001.
Sencer Koç, Merih Büyükdura and Özlem Aydin
Çivi, "Near field scanning in time domain on a spherical surface - a
formulation using the free-space dyadic Green's function", 9th COST 260
Meeting on Smart Antenna Computer Aided Design & Technology, Gothenburg,
Sweden, May 2-5, 2001.
Ö. Aydın Çivi, P.H. Pathak, H-T. Chou, P.
Nepa, “Extension to a hybrid UTD-MoM approach for the efficient analysis of
Radiation/Scattering from tapered array distributions”, 2000 IEEE International Antennas and Propagation Symposium and URSI
Radio Science Meeting, Salt Lake City-USA, p.70-73, July 16-21 2000.
P.H.Pathak, Ö. Aydın Çivi, D.H. Kwon, J.J.
Kim, “Conventional and modern methods for the analysis of large finite phased
arrays”, Proceedings of ISAP2000
(International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation), Fukuoka, Japan, 4p
on CD-ROM, August 21-25 2000.
Nepa, P.Pathak, Ö. Çivi and H-T. Chou, “A DFT based UTD ray analysis of the EM
radiation from electrically large antenna arrays with tapered distributions”, 1999 IEEE International Antennas and
Propagation Symposium and URSI Radio Science Meeting, Orlando-USA, p.87, July 11-16 1999.
Aydın Çivi, P.H. Pathak, H-T. Chou, "An efficient hybrid UTD-MoM analysis
of radiation/scattering from large truncated periodic arrays", 1998 IEEE International Antennas and
Propagation Symposium and URSI Radio Science Meeting, Atlanta-USA,
p.748-751, June 22-26 1998.
Aydın Çivi, P.H. Pathak, H-T. Chou, "On the Poisson sum formula for
analysis of EM radiation/scattering from
large finite arrays", 1998 IEEE
International Antennas and Propagation Symposium and URSI Radio Science
Meeting, Atlanta-USA, p.752-755,
June 22-26 1998.
Aydın Çivi, P.H. Pathak, H-T. Chou, "A hybrid UTD-MoM for efficient
analysis of EM radiation/scattering from large finite planar arrays", 1998 International Symposium on
Electromagnetic Theory, Thselanokki-Greece, p.172-174, May 25-28 1998.
Aydın Çivi, A. Hızal, "Microstrip patch antenna on magnetized cylindrical
ferrite substrate", 1997 IEEE
International Antennas and Propagation Symposium and URSI Radio Science Meeting,
Montreal-Canada, p.1516-1519, July 13-18 1997.
Aydın, A. Hızal, "Analysis of ferrite coated cylindrical antenna", XXVth General Assembly of URSI,
Lille-France, p.87, 28 August-5 Sept 1996.
Aydın, A. Hızal, "Radiation of dipoles in multilayered cylinder with
ferrite layer", 1996 IEEE
International Antennas and Propagation Symposium and URSI Radio Science Meeting,
Baltimore-USA, p.1836-1839, July 21-26 1996.
Ö. Aydın, A. Hızal, "Radiation
characteristics of slot excited cylindrical antenna coated by layered
anisotropic material", MELECON'96
8'th Mediterranean Electrotechnical Conference, Bari-Italy, p.1404-1406,
May 13-16 1996.
Ö. Aydın, A. Hızal, "Electronic beam
scanning in Millimeter-wave band with dielectric-ferrite loaded antennas",
MELECON'94 7'th Mediterranean
Electrotechnical Conference, Antalya, p.410-413, April 12-14 1994.
Ö. Aydın, A. Hızal, "Asymmetrical
coupled transmission line modeling of grounded ferrite slab and electronic beam
scanning by a slot antenna in a ferrite slab", 1993 IEEE International Antennas and Propagation Symposium and URSI
Radio Science Meeting, Ann Arbor-USA, p.372-375, July 1993.
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