Associate Professor
Assistant Professor
8/1988-6/1989 Fulbright Scholar at
9/1989-12/1989 Visiting Professor at
1/1990-4/1990 Fulbright Scholar at
Research fields: Algebraic and differential topology
Research Interests: Topological K-theory, homotopy theory, vector fields, frame fields on manifolds, geometric structures on manifolds
· Mixing homotopy types of (n-1)-connected (2n+1)-manifolds
METU J. Pure and
Appl.Sci., 13 (1980), 183-192.
· On quaternionic James numbers and almost-quaternion substructures on the sphere
Proc.Amer.Math.Soc. 86 (1982), 535-540
· On the obstruction to cross sectioning symplectic Stiefel manifolds
METU J.Pure and Appl.Sci. 15 (1982), 55-58
· Almost-quaternion substructures on the complex sphere
Proc. of International N. Terzioğlu
Symposium, Karadeniz Technical University Math. J.
5 (special issue) (1982), 242-244.
substructures on the canonical Cn-1 - bundle over S2n-1,
J. London Math.Soc., Series 2, 28 (1983), 435-442.
· Almost-quaternion (m-1)- structures on S4m-3
Proc. Amer. Math.Soc. 90 (1984) , 155-156 .
· Non existence of almost-quaternion substructures on the complex projective space
Canad. Math. Bull. 28 (2) (1985), 231-232
· Construction of almost complex and almost-quaternion substructures on the sphere
Proc. of Math Symposium, Journal of Sciences-Atatürk Üniversity Faculty of Sciences (special issue) ( 1985) 207- 219.
· Turgut Önder, Sections of U(2n)/Sp(s) over S4n-1 ,
Indag. Math 48, 455-461 (1986).
· Some specialized structures on the subbundles of the tangent bundle of sphere
Bull. Cal. Math.Soc. Festschrift M.Dutta (1987), 35-40.
· Homotopy groups of some homogeneous spaces and some remarks on their sections over the sphere (with M.Abdelal)
Rend.Circ.Math Palermo (2), 139 (1990), 381-354.
· Some equivariant specialized structures on the complements of G-fields over the sphere
Proceedings of the 23rd Conference on Geometry and Topology (Cluj-Napoca 1993), 102-107, Babeş Bolyai Univ., Cluj- Napoca, 1994
· An alternative computation of 2-primary factors of J-orders of Hopf line bundles
Bulletin of İstanbul Technical University, (special issue : Şuhubi and Continuum Mechanics) 47(4) (1994), 265-274.
· Equivariant frame fields on spheres with complementary equivariant complex structures
Manuscripta Math. 86 (1995), 393-407.
· Equivariant cross sections of complex Stiefel manifolds
Topology and its
Applications, 109 (2001), 107-125.
· Orders of elements of equivariant J-groups of complex projective spaces
Indag. Math., N.S. 13 (2002), 229-247.
· Equivariant complex structures carried by equivariant plane fields on spheres Preprint (2018)
Contributions in Books
" Arf Invariant and its applications in Topology"
The Collected Papers of Cahit
Arf, Editor:
T. Terzioğlu, METU Press,
G.Ikeda, T.Önder, S.Sertöz, C.Tezer
Gökova Geometry / Topology Conference Proceedings (1993, 94, 95, 96, 98, 00, 01, 02, 03) ,
published by The Scientific and Technical Research Council of Turkey and
distributed by International Press.
Editors: Selman Akbulut, Turgut Önder, Ronald Stern.
Gökova Geometry / Topology Conference Proceedings 04/05 (joint issue), 06-17
(Published and distributed by International Press)
Editors: Selman Akbulut, Turgut Önder, Ronald Stern (Denis Auroux after 2008).
Editorial Board Memberships
Managing Editor of Journal of Gökova Geometry-Topology (electronic
Turkish Journal of Mathematics
Conference Organization
Gökova Geometry-Topology Conferences (1992-1996, 1998, 2000-2018)