1. Course No. and Name: GEOE 401 Mineral Deposits (Lecture Notes__ CLICK HERE)


2. Course (Catalog) description: GEOE 401: Mineral Deposits (2-2)3


Mineral resources concepts, ore bearing fluids, paragenesis and zoning, geothermometry, magmatic segregation, contact metasomatism, hydrothermal deposits, massive sulfides, residual and mechanical concentration, sedimentation, oxidation and supergene enrichment.


3. Prerequisite(s): None


4. Textbook(s) and/or other required material:


Main Reference Book:

Evans, A. M., 1993, Ore Geology and Industrial Minerals, An Introduction, 3rd Ed.: Blackwell


Supplementary Reference Books:

Guilbert, J. M. and Park, C. F., 1986, The Geology of Ore Deposits: Freeman

Jensen, M. L. and Bateman, A. M., 1981, Economic Mineral Deposits, 3rd Ed.: Wiley International Editions

Edwards, R. and Atkinson, K., 1986, Ore Deposit Geology: Chapman and Hall

Stanton, R. L., 1972, Ore Petrology: McGraw-Hill

Evans, Anthony, M., 1987, An Introduction to Ore Geology, 2nd Ed.: Blackwell


Reference Books in Turkish:

Gümüþ, A., 1979, Metalik Maden Yataklarý: Çaðlayan

Kýrýkoðlu, S., 1992, Maden Yataklarý: Ýstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi

Gökçe, A., 1995, Maden Yataklarý: Sivas Cumhuriyet Üniversitesi


5. Course Objectives:

1. Introduce students to the elementary aspects of mineral economics.

2. Provide students with the knowledge of the morphology of mineral deposits, paragenesis and zoning, and geothermometry and geobarometry.

3. Provide students with the knowledge of nature and migration of, and the ways and means of deposition from ore bearing fluids.

4. Introduce students to the major theories on the formation and different types of mineral deposits.

5. Teach students the basic features of mineral deposits to be recognized in the field by providing hand specimens in the laboratory.



6. Topics covered on a weekly basis:


1. Introduction (Mineral resource concept, Basic Definitions)……………….….(1 week)

2. Nature and Morphology of Mineral Deposits………………………………....(1 week)

3. Textures and Structures of Ore and Gangue Minerals, Fluid Inclusions,

Wall Rock Alteration………………………………………………………….….(1 week)

4. Major Theories of Ore Genesis (Magmatic Processes, Hydrothermal Processes,

Metamorphic Processes, Surface Processes)……………………………………..(1 week)

5. Geothermometry, Geobarometry, Paragenesis and Zoning,

 Dating of Mineral Deposits……………………………………………………...(1 week)

6. Classification of Mineral Deposits………………………………………….…(1 week)

7. Diamond Deposits in Kimberlites and Lamproites; Mineral Deposits

Related to Carbonatite-Alkaline Igneous Environment………………………….(1 week)

8. Orthomagmatic Deposits……………………………………………………...(1 week)

9. Pegmatitic Environment; Skarn Environment………………………………...(1 week)

10. Greisen Deposits; Vein Association and Other Hydrothermal Deposit Types;

Strata-bound Deposits (MVT, Sandstone-Uranium)…………………………….(1 week)

11. Porphyry Deposits; Stratiform Sulfide, Oxide and Sulfate Deposits of

Sedimentary and Volcanic Environments……………………………………….(2 week)

12. Sedimentary Deposits (Placers, BIF, Oolitic Iron, Manganese)…………….(1 week)

13. Residual Deposits and Supergene Enrichment……………………………...(1 week)


7. Class/Laboratory/Computer/Field schedule:


1. Ore and gangue minerals

2. Depositional textures

3. Wall rock alteration

4. Geothermometry

5. Paragenesis

6. Orthomagmatic deposits

7. Pegmatites and skarn deposits

8. Hydrothermal deposit

9. Massive sulfides

10. Sedimentary deposits

11. Laterides and oxidation


8. Contribution of course to meeting the professional component:

Others: 3 credits (100%)


9. Relationship of course to program objectives:

This course is related to Program Objectives #1, and #5


10. Prepared by: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nilgün Güleç

      Assist. Prof. Dr. Pýrýl Önen                          Date: February 1999