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Below is a reading list for the course, a selection of  links arranged according to the topics in the course outline and a few other useful links 

In the lists which follow, all ebrary books are accessible only from METU computers 

 Reading List*


Ben Jonson (1572-1637)   Bartholomew Fair
John Donne (1572-1631)   Satire III (p 1103) 'Holy' Sonnets ,  Meditation XVII.( p 1123). All of these and more can be downloaded from luminarium  
George Herbert (1593-1633)  ‘The Altar’ (p1370) , Prayer (I) (p1374), The British Church
Lady Mary Wroth (1587--1651)   "Unseen, unknown", and a selection from her works of your own choice (Look at the sonnets, too)
Richard Lovelace (1618-1657)    "Song. To Lucasta, Going to the Wars" (p 1707) "To Althea. From Prison" (p 1707)  
 John Denham       "Cooper’s Hill" (p 1713).  download from Poetical Works of Edmund Waller and Sir John Denham  

Re Cooper’s Hill

Abraham Cowley (1618-1667)   Ode. Of Wit.  

Walton, G.  Essay   "Abraham Cowley."

Andrew Marvell (1621-1678)      "The Nymph Complaining for the Death of her Fawn" (p 1418), The ‘Mower’ Poems (p 1423) [download from luminarium , "Fleckno, an English Priest at Rome",  "An Horatian Ode upon Cromwell's Return from Ireland" (p1472), "The Garden"(p 1428), "Upon Appleton House", "Bermudas" (p 1416), "A Poem upon the Death of His late Highnesse the Lord Protector",  "The Last Instructions to a Painter"  "To his Noble Friend, Mr. Richard Lovelace, upon his Poems" "On Mr. Milton's Paradise Lost"  
John Milton (1608-1674)    "L'Allegro" (p1443), "Il Penseroso" (p1446),  "Lycidas" (p1451), "Sonnets" (p1471 - 1472), ‘To the Lord General Cromwell’ (1430),  Paradise Lost (as much as possible; try to finish it) [3 copies in METU library PR3560 M663], Paradise Regain'd [2 copies in METU library at PR3560 M662],  Areopagitica (p1461)A Mask (Comus),   Samson Agonistes(p1610)  
John Dryden  (1631-1700) Choose one major poem and one play; "MacFlecknoe" (p 1816) makes a good comparison with Marvell's satire on this person;  All for Love make an interesting comparison with Shakespeare's Anthony and Cleopatra 

*Page references refer to the Norton Anthology of English Literature 6th edition, vol 1. Unacknowledged links are usually to www.luminarium.

      Topics in the course outline (further links)

17th c. legacies of the Reformation Shell Catholicism, Controversy & the English Literary Imagination, 1558-1660 [ebrary]

English Puritaninsm, 1603-1689 [ebrary]

Protestant Reformation - Wikipedia

English Reformation Sources (links to original documents)

The English Reformation (excellent links)

Court, Coterie, Catholicism Davenant, Sir William

Paul Coleman Review:  Theresa M. DiPasquale: Literature and Sacrament: The Sacred and the Secular in John Donne" Cambridge Quarterly 2002 31: 361-363; [PDF]

Smith John Donne  [ebrary]

Hart Art and Magic in the Court of the Stuarts [ebrary]

Summers and Pebworth Literary Circles & Cultural Communities in Renaissance England [ebrary]

History Today article about the links between passion, death and remembrance in the portraiture of Stuart England  View Full Text [METU users]

Conscience, Calvinism, Cromwell Barbour Religion and Literary Culture in Seventeenth Century England [ebrary]

Loewenstein Representing Revolution in Milton and His Contemporaries - Religion, Politics, and Polemics in Radical Puritanism [ebrary]

Rogers The Matter of Revolution. Science, Poetry and Politics in the Age of Milton [METU Library PR435 R64]

Shell Catholicism, Controversy & the English Literary Imagination, 1558-1660 [ebrary]

Oliver Cromwell  This page is a good general introduction to the war, and should be read before looking (especially) at Marvell's poems.

Masques,  Plays, Novels and their audiences Novel - Wikipedia  (follow the links, this is a good wikipedia page)

The Novel in Europe 1670-1730. 

Loxley Complete Critical Guide to Ben Jonson [ebrary]

 Ballads, Sermons, Diaries, News Ancient Poems, Ballads, and Songs of the Peasantry of England

Bremer Francis and Ellen Rydell "Performance Art? Puritans in the Pulpit" (the tricks of the trade used by 17th-century preachers to hold their audiences) History Today, September 1995 View Full Text [METU users]

John Evelyn’s downloadable texts

Dooley and Baron Politics of Information in Early Modern Europe [ebrary]  

Wartime (1642-1649)

BBC - History - The English Civil War

English Civil War

Hutton Royalist War Effort, 1642-1646 [ebrary]

Summers and Pebworth English Civil Wars in the Literary Imagination [ebrary]

Story Donno Andrew Marvell - The Critical Heritage [ebrary]

Ian MacKillop on Upon Appleton House imlect1.html

3 copies of Selected poetry and prose of Andrew Marvell are available in METU Library at PR3546 M391

Women writers Cerasano and Wynne-Davis Readings in Renaissance Women's Drama - Criticism, History, and Performance, 1594-1998 [ebrary]

Andrew Dickson Review: "The Politics of Early Modern Women's Writing • Danielle Clarke: The Politics of Early Modern Women's Writing" Cambridge Quarterly 2002 31: 261-268; [PDF]  [METU Users]

Writing Women in Jacobean England (Barbara Kiefer Lewalski's study of women writers of the early 17th century)

Aphra Behn

Behn's Plays

Aphra Behn- Poems

Aphra Behn's Other Works

Elizabeth Cary

Margaret Cavendish Newcastle The Blazing World and Other Writings, Political Writings,   "The Life of William Cavendish, duke of Newcastle". IX ...

Andrew Dickson  Review: "Order and Disorder • Lucy Hutchinson: Order and Disorder"
Cambridge Quarterly 2002 31: 261-268; [PDF] [METU Users]

Order and Disorder [METU Library PR3517 H85 O74] (Lucy Hutchinson)

Selected Poetry of Anne Killigrew

Katherine Philips "The Matchless Olinda" Selected Poetry of Katherine Philips (1631-1664)

Cambridge History of Eng and Am Lit: 14. Katherine Philips. 

Katherine Philips (1632-1664)

  Katherine Phillips (the poem 'friendship')


Exiles Rogers and Sorell Hobbes and History [ebrary]
The Restoration Erskine-Hill William Congreve [ebrary] 

Congreve's Plays

The Works of John Dryden- Prose- An Essay of Dramatick Poesie and Shorter Works

Dryden's Plays

Selected Poetry and Prose of John Dryden

A volume of Dryden's poetry is available in METU Library at PR3412 D6

Zwicker Dryden's Political Poetry [METU Library PR3427 P6 Z9]

George Farquhar

George Farquhar- Poems

William Wycherley

Tomlinson, Howard.  "Commemorating Charles I: King and Martyr?" (how the 1649 execution became a potent symbol in the political war of words after the Restoration) History Today  February 1995 View Full Text


Focussing on Milton Milton Reading Room (texts of most of Milton's works)

Milton's essays on The Tenure of Kings and Magistrates, Of Education, The Doctrine and Discipline of Divorce

Bradford Complete Critical Guide to John Milton [ebrary]

Curry. Milton's Ontology ... [METU Library PR3562 C8]

Hanford.  A Milton Handbook [METU Library PR3588 H2]

Hill, John Spencer John Milton- Poet, Priest and Prophet. [full book, open access]

Saurat. Milton ,Man and Thinker [METU Library PR3588 S36]

Svensen.  Milton and Science. [METU Library PR3592 S3 S8]

Thorpe, Milton Criticism  [METU Library PR3588 T56]

William Poole Review: "How Milton Works • Stanley Fish: How Milton Works" Cambridge Quarterly 2002 31: 257-261; [PDF]  [METU Users]

William Zunder (ed) New Casebooks: Paradise Lost  (critical essays) 

Milton Quarterly. vols 1-16 are available at Bilkent

Milton Studies, vol 3 [METU Library PR3579 M5]


The Royal Society Helen Stringer's page on The Royal Society

Birkbeck College page on Boyle Learn about Boyle

John Evelyn’s downloadable texts

Christopher Wren


Early Modern Literary Studies- Electronic Texts

Bilkent Library Catalogue



Appelbaum Literature and Utopian Politics in Seventeenth-Century England [ebrary]

Cambridge History of Early Modern English Literature [ebrary]

Paul Coleman  "The Taylor's Stitch’ Sir Thomas Urquhart's Translation of Rabelais".  Cambridge Quarterly 2003 32: 299-309; [PDF] [METU users]

Ferber Dictionary of Literary Symbols[ebrary]

Alaistair Fowler's article on Country House poems in The Seventeenth Century journal (ask me for a copy)

Frank Gender, Theatre, and the Origins of Criticism - From Dryden to Manley [ebrary]

Larry Gragg "A Vagabond in Paradise" (the efforts of a younger Verney son to shed his reputation as a ne'er-do-well in 17th-century Barbados).  History Today August, 1995.  View Full Text [METU Users]

Kramnick's Making the English Canon - Print-Capitalism & the Cultural Past, 1700-1770 [ebrary]

Loewenstein and Mueller  Cambridge History of Early Modern English Literature [ebrary]

Willy Maley.  Review: "Language and Conquest in Early Modern Ireland: English Renaissance Literature and Elizabethan Imperial Expansion" • Patricia Palmer: 
Cambridge Quarterly 2003 32: 282-287; doi:10.1093/camqtly/32.3.282 [PDF]  [METU Users]

Tom Mason Review: "Poetry and Revolution: An Anthology of British and Irish Verse 1625–1660" Cambridge Quarterly 2001 30: 337-349;  [PDF]  [METU Users]

Post Green Thoughts, Green Shades - Essays by Contemporary Poets on the Early Modern Lyric [ebrary]

Summers and Pebworth  Fault Lines and Controversies in the Study of Seventeenth-Century English Literature [ebrary]

Willey, Basil.  The Seventeenth Century Background: Studies in the thought of the age in relation to poetry and religion  [METU Library B1131 W5 1953]