Course Outline
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FLE 146 (03)

Instructor: Y Doc Dr Margaret J-M Sonmez

Classes:  Wednesdays 0840-1130, Z21

Office Hours: Mondays, 0840-1130, B8

Course Book:  Victoria Fromkin, Robert Rodman and Nina Hyams, An Introduction to Language, 7th edition, Boston, Mass: Thomson Heinle, 2003

Reference to additional resources will be given in class.

Course Outline:

8.2.2006 Introduction
15.2.2006 What is Language, What is Linguistics
22.2.2006 Language in the Brain
1.3.2006 Language in the Brain
8.3.2006 Phonetics
15.3.2006 Phonetics
22.3.2005 Phonetics
29.3.2006 Mid Term Exam
5.4.2006 Phonology
12.4.2006 Phonology
19.4.2006 Phonology
26.4.2006 Morphology
3.5.2006 Morphology
10.5.2006 Revision