course outline
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ELIT 518 Literature in the 17th Century

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Fall 2013 Course Outline/Weekly Schedule

(Classes: Wednesdays, 1440, room Z19-A)

Week 1:  General introduction to the 17thc and its literature, and to Milton.  Francis Bacon Essays

Week 2:  PL Book I.   Donne:  “A Nocturnall Upon St Lucie’s Day”, “Satyre III” , “Batter my heart three         person’d God”, “At the round earth’s imagin’d corners”, Meditation XVII [You should know all the Songs and Sonets]

Week 3:  PL Book 2.  Marlowe Tragedie of Dr Faust (1604 version); Shakespeare MacBeth (1608).  [no class, instructor absent]

Week 4:  No classes: National Holiday.

Week 5: PL Book 3.  Webster The Duchess of Malfi,  Burton  “The Author’s Abstract of Melancholy”     from The Anatomy of Melancholy-- and a selection of pages of this work.

Week 6PL Book 4. The masque: Jonson Pleasure Reconciled to Virtue, Milton Comus; Jonson   from A Celebration of Charis in Ten Lyric Pieces, Nos 1-3; Wroth, Sonnet 1 from Pamphilia to Amphilanthus

Week 7:  PL Book 5  Jonson Volpone, “To Heaven’;  Waller “Of English Verse”,  Lovelace “To Lucasta,            Going to the Wars “, “To Althea, from Prison”; Herrick  “Delight in Disorder”, “Upon Julia’s            Clothes”,  “To the Virgins, to Make Much of Time’’; Herbert “The Altar” and “Prayer;              Milton’s  sonnets 19  “When I consider how my Light is spent” and 23 “How Soon hath time”, Cowley, “Of Wit”,

Week 8:  Mid-term exam

Week 9:  PL Book 6. Milton “Lycidas”, “L’allegro” and “Il Penseroso. ”

Week 10PL Book 7. Johnson “To Penshurst”, “To Saxham”, Denham “Cooper’s Hill”,  Marvell          “Appleton House”, “The Garden”, and the Mower poems (and revisit Milton’s Pandemonium         and Paradise)

Week 11: PL Books 8 and 9. Milton “Areopagitica”, “Defence of the People of England” (first defence);             Marvell “An Horatian Ode” 

Week 12: PL Book 10.  From Bunyan’s Pilgrim’s Progress

Week 13: PL Book 11.  Samson Agonistes

Week 14PL Book 12.  Paradise Regained

Weeks 15 and 16:  Make-up classes



Presentation 20%
Mid Term 35%
Final 45%

Attendance and the meeting of presentation deadlines are mandatory