Course Outline
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FLE 261 Introduction to Linguistics II

Fall 2005


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Section 3: Course Outline

15th September Introduction
22th Syntax (Aitchison Chapter 8)
29th Syntax (Radford Chapters 1-2)
6th October Syntax (Radford and Fromkin and Rodman)
13th Language Acquisition
20th Language Acquisition
27th Language Acquisition
3rd November Holiday
10th Mid Term
17th Sociolinguistics
24th Sociolinguistics
1st December Sociolinguistics
8th Semantics and Pragmatics
15th Semantics and Pragmatics
22nd Language Change

Course Assessment

Assignments/quizzes  30%
Mid Term  30%
Final Exam  40%

Attendance and meeting deadlines for assignments are mandatory