Survey on Human-Computer Interface and Culture

In this study, we are trying to discover preferences that people from different cultures have related to Human-Computer Interfaces.
Please answer each of the following questions. After completing the survey please click on the "Submit" button at the bottom of the page.
Thanks for your participation

Terms used in this study:
Human-Computer Interface (or User Interface): The part of a computer program that communicates with the user; i.e. what is displayed on the screen, heard from speaker and the inputs received from the keyboard.
Program or Software: A particular product that works on a computer.
Culture: Norms, beliefs, life style, etc. that belong to the society in which you live.

All information that you will give here will be kept confidential. All raw responses will be read by Kursat Cagiltay and destroyed after analyzing the data

If you want to get a copy of the results of this study please enter your e-mail address here:

Background Questions:

My age:
My gender (M=Male, F=Female):
I was born in (country):                
I lived most of my life in (country):
I consider myself to belong to the following culture (please state):

Have you ever been in another country apart from your home country for longer than three weeks?
Yes, I have been in (country) For (months/years)

At school/work we speak (language):
At home we speak (language):         
What other languages can you speak: 

Do you watch a lot of foreign movies?
Yes, Mostly which country's movies?

Have you ever bought a product that you think it was not designed (or poorly designed) for your culture?
Yes, What was it? What was the problem?

Are there certain products that you would buy just because they are from a foreign country?
Yes, What are they?

How many hours in a normal week do you use a computer?
How long have you been using computers? (Years) :

Where do you use a computer most? At home At work At school Other
Culture and HCI Related Questions

In the following questions please tell us how much you agree with each statement.
Range your answers on a scale from "Strongly Agree" to "Strongly Disagree".
SA=Strongly-Agree A=Agree LA=Less-Agree LD=Less-Disagree D=Disagree SD=Strongly-Disagree

Strongly Agree

Strongly Disagree







1. I would prefer a computer that is able to do a lot of things at once, instead of one thing at a time.


2. While working with the computer, I prefer to do several things at the same time (e.g. open different windows for different applications and work on them synchronously).


3. I prefer to instruct a computer in detail how to do something instead of only giving it basic information.


4. I like a computer interface that I can change the appearance of, so it will look the way I want it to


5. I prefer computer software that has an interface adapted to my culture.

Strongly Agree

Strongly Disagree







6. I think it takes less time to learn how to use a technology that is adapted to my culture compared to a technology with the same design for everybody in the world.


7. I think it is harder to use culturally adapted technology compared to the same design for everybody in the world.


8. I find it important that I perform well on a computer when other people can see me working.


9. I would like my colleagues at work to be able to access my computer and add or review things in my work. I would like sharing my work as a team effort.


10. Before using or buying a new computer program, I would first like to get feedback about it from my friends.

Strongly Agree

Strongly Disagree







11. I would like to design my computer's screen to be similar to my friends' computer screen.


12. I like to have the same software on my computer at home as on my computer at work.


13. I prefer to use familiar software, even though there may be software with more features available.


14. If I find out usability problems with a software package, I react to this seriously (call company, write complaint letters, etc.)


15. I prefer to use computer software from well-known, worldwide companies.

Strongly Agree

Strongly Disagree







16. I believe that many computer software packages have materials or features that offend my beliefs/culture.


17. I refuse to use computer software that has materials or features not suitable for my culture.


18. I think most of the available computer software includes materials or features that are based on Western culture.


19. I think computer software COMPANIES tend to ignore other cultures when producing, marketing and advertising their products.


20. I think computer software DESIGNERS tend to ignore other cultures when designing their products.


21. I think if a product is being produced for worldwide consumption, it is a DESIGNER'S ethical responsibility to understand what that entails.


22. I think if a product is being produced for worldwide consumption, it is a COMPANY'S ethical responsibility to understand what that entails.

23. List major cultural problems with computer interface design.

Writing symbols, punctuation
Using taboos
Religious items
Screen design
Other (Please state)

24. Have you ever been faced with a problem that is related with your culture/belief in computer software?
Please briefly explain.

25. If you have any other comments about culture and its effects on Human-Computer-Interaction, please state here:

26. Please tell us if there is anything in this questionnaire that you found unclear or confusing.

THANKS, I appreciate your help...

Created by Kursat Cagiltay for L542
Indiana University , Bloomington - 1998