Dr. Canan Bozkaya
Department of Mathematics
Middle East Technical University
06800 Ankara, Turkey

email: bcanan at metu.edu.tr
Office: M230
Phone: 210 2975

Teaching 2017-2018 Spring

Math 480 Numerical Methods for Differential Equations

Math 118 Calculus II



Dr. Bozkaya received her B.Sc (2002), M.Sc. (2004) and Ph.D. (2008) degrees in mathematics at Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey. In 2008-10, she was a postdoctoral fellow in the Department of Mathematics and Statistics at Memorial University,  St. John’ s, Canada. She joined the faculty of the Middle East Technical University in January 2011, as an Assistant Professor of Mathematics. Dr. Bozkaya’ s research covers broadly the numerical solutions of the steady and unsteady partial differential equations in computational fluid mechanics and magnetohydrodynamics. Her research ranges from numerical modelling to code design using numerical methods/analysis, integration of other existing scientific software packages into the numerical simulation tools and the implementation of these tools to practical problems in engineering and physics. During her postdoctoral studies, she applied a computational fluid dynamics package for the solution of a two-phase flow model for simulating free surface flows with arbitrarily moving rigid bodies and she analyzied the effects of submergence depth on fluid forces exerted on the body. Her recent studies focus on an effective numerical simulation of a two-dimensional flow of biomagnetic  fluid subjected to an external magnetic  field in a  healthy and stenosed artery.

Dr. Bozkaya was awarded the 2008 Mustafa Parlar Doctoral Dissertation Award in the first place. The award has been established by the Prof. Dr. Mustafa N. Parlar Foundation to recognize an outstanding Ph.D. thesis containing technological improvements in Science, Social Science and Engineering defended at the Middle East Technical University.

Old Man and Vortices (c. 1513): probably a self-portrait  (http://www.drawingsofleonardo.org/)












Last Updated on 11.07.2012