PhD Thesıs
Dissertation Title: Analysis of System Drought for Manitoba Hydro Using Stochastic Methods.
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Peter Rasmussen
Analyzed data, model and parameter uncertainties associated with stochastic models in the probability of the Churchill-Nelson River Basin streamflow drought. The project is funded by Manitoba Hydro and Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council, Canada. During this research:
o Analyzed the Churchill-Nelson River Basin streamflow data statistically,
o Identified the uncertainties associated with stochastic models, parameters, and data in the assessment of hydro-power system drought probability,
o Developed Markov-Switching model-based stochastic modeling framework,
o Incorporated identified uncertainties into stochastic models using Bayesian Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) methods, and
o Compared the developed Markov-Switching model with traditional stochastic streamflow models in hydrology, using several drought statistics.
Research Interest
Drought Analysis
Flood Modeling
Hydrologic Time Series Modeling
Sustainable Urban Stormwater Management
Stochastic Modeling in Hydrology
Bayesian Inference in Hydrology
Completed and Ongoıng Research Projects
· Project Coordinator, Solid Waste Management of Middle East Technical University, Northern Cyprus Campus (Campus Research Fund: BAP FEN-12-O-4). 2012- Present
· Researcher, Investigation of Applicability of Stormwater Management Practices in the Town of Guzelyurt (Campus Research Fund: BAP FEN-13-YG-5). 2012-Present.
· Project Coordinator, Development of a Conceptual Model of Guzelyurt Aquifer using GIS (Campus Research Fund: BAP FEN-13-D-8). 2013 Present.
· Project Coordinator, Development of a Flood Protection Project for Guzelyurt Region (Campus Research Fund: BAP FEN-11-D-5). 2011-2013.
· Project Coordinator, Trend Analysis of Precipitation and Temperature in North Cyprus (Campus Research Fund: BAP FEN-11-O-6). 2011-2012.
· Project Coordinator, Modeling of Bostanci-Guzelyurt Flood and Identification of Flood Risk Areas in Guzelyurt Region (Campus Research Fund: BAP FEN-15). 2010- 2011.
· Researcher, Integrating Uncertainty into the Assessment of Hydrologic Drought Frequency (Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada). 2000-2005.
· Title: Annual and Seasonal Trend Patterns of Climate Change in North Cyprus. MSc Thesis. Completed in 2013.
· Title: Sustainable Solid Waste Management of Middle East Technical University, Northern Cyprus Campus. MSc Thesis. Ongoing.
· Title: Assessing the Potential for Rain Water Harvesting in Middle East Technical University, Northern Cyprus Campus. MSc Thesis. Ongoing.
· Title: Drought Analysis of North Cyprus. MSc Thesis. Ongoing.
· Title: Flood Management in North Cyprus. PhD Thesis. Ongoing.
· Title: Development of a Flood Protection Project for Guzelyurt Region. Completed in 2012.
· Title: Development of a Conceptual Model of Guzelyurt Aquifer using GIS. Ongoing