Full paper published in International Journals
1. Sumnu, G. & L. Bayındırlı, “Effects of Semperfresh and Jonfresh Fruit Coatings on Post-storage Quality of "Ankara" Pears,” J. Food Process. Pres.,18, 189-199 (1994).
2. Sumnu G., L. Bayındırlı & M. Özilgen, “Quality Control Charts for Storage of Apples: A Research Note,” Food Sci. Technol. (Leb. Wiss. Technol.), 27, 496-499 (1994).
3. Sumnu G., L. Bayındırlı & M. Özilgen, “Quality Control Charts for Storage of Apricots,” Z. Lebensm. Unters. Forsch. (Eur. Food Res. Technol.), 199, 201-205 (1994).
4. Sumnu, G. & L. Bayındırlı, “Effects of Sucrose Polyester Coating on Fruit Quality of Apricots,” J. Sci. Food Agr., 67, 537-540 (1995).
5. Sumnu, G. & L. Bayındırlı, “Effects of Coatings on Fruit Quality of ‘Amasya’ Apples,” Food Sci. Technol. (Leb. Wiss.Technol.), 28, 501-505 (1995).
6. Bayındırlı, L., G. Sumnu & K. Kamadan, “Effects of Coatings on Post-storage Quality of Mandarins,” J. Food Process. Pres., 19, 399-407 (1995).
7. Bayındırlı, L., G. Sumnu & S. G. Özkal, “Effects of Isopropylalcohol on Lye Peeling of Amasya Apples,” Fruit Processing (Flüssiges Obst), 6, 237-239 (1996).
8. Bayındırlı, L., A. Bayındırlı, S. Şahin, G. Sumnu & S. Gider, “Studies on Caustic Peeling of Apples,” J. Food Sci. Tech. Mys., 33, 240-242 (1996).
9. Özilgen, M., G. Sumnu, H. Emir & F. Emir, “Quality Control Charts for Storage of Raisins and Dried Figs,” Z. Lebensm. Unters. Forsch. A (Eur. Food Res. Technol.), 204, 56-59 (1997).
10. Ndife, M., G. Sumnu & L. Bayındırlı, “Differential scanning calorimetry determination of gelatinization rates in different starches due to microwave heating,” Food Sci. Technol. (Leb. Wiss.Technol.), 31, 484-488 (1998).
11. Ndife, M., G. Sumnu & L. Bayındırlı, “Dielectric properties of six different species of starch at 2450 MHz.,” Food Res. Int., 31, 43-52 (1998).
12. Sumnu G., M. Ndife & L. Bayındırlı, “Effects of sugar protein and water on starch gelatinization due to microwave heating,” Eur. Food Res. Technol. (Z. Lebensm. Unters. Forsch. A), 209, 68-71 (1999).
13. Sumnu G., M. K. Ndife & L. Bayındırlı, “Temperature and weight loss profiles of model cakes baked in the microwave oven,” J. Microwave Power E. E., 34, 221-226 (1999).
14. Sumnu G., M. Ndife & L. Bayındırlı, “Optimization of microwave baking of model layer cakes,” Eur. Food Res. Technol. (Z. Lebensm. Unters. Forsch. A), 211, 169-174 (2000).
15. Sumnu G., “Quality control charts for storage of pears,” Eur. Food Res. Technol. (Z. Lebensm. Unters. Forsch. A), 211, 355-359 (2000).
16. Sumnu G., “A review on microwave baking of foods,” Int. J. Food Sci. Tech., 36, 117-127 (2001).
17. Özmutlu, Ö., G. Sumnu & S. Şahin, “Assesment of proofing of bread dough in the microwave oven,” Eur. Food Res. Technol. (Z. Lebensm. Unters. Forsch. A), 212, 487-490 (2001).
18. Özmutlu, Ö., G. Sumnu & S. Şahin, “Effects of different formulations on the quality of microwave baked bread,” Eur. Food Res. Technol. (Z. Lebensm. Unters. Forsch. A) 213, 38-42 (2001).
19. Sahin, S. & G. Sumnu, “Effects of microwave cooking on fish quality,” Int. J. Food Prop., 4, 501-512 (2001).
20. Şahin, S., G. Sumnu & Zincirkıran, D., “Effects of susceptor, coating and conventional browning applications on colour and crust formation during microwave baking” J. Microwave Power E. E., 37, 223-236 (2002)
21. Seyhun, N., G. Sumnu & S. Şahin, “Effects of different emulsifiers, gums and fat contens on retardation of staling of microwave baked cakes”, Nahrung-Food 47, 248-251 (2003).
22. Keskin, S. O, G. Sumnu & S. Şahin, “Bread baking in halogen lamp-microwave combination oven”, Food Research International (2004) (In print)
23. Keskin, S. O., Sumnu, G., S. Şahin (2004). Usage of enzymes in novel baking process. Nahrung-Food 48, 156-160.
24. Altunakar, B., S. Sahin ve G. Sumnu (2004). Functionality of batters containing different starch types for deep-fat frying of chicken nuggets Eur. Food Res. Technol. 218, 318-322.
25. Goksu, E. I., G Sumnu, A. Esin. Effect of microwave on fluidized bed drying of macaroni beads. J. Food Eng. (2005) 66(4): 463-468.
Demirekler, P., G. Şümnü ve S. Şahin, "Optimization of bread baking in
halogen lamp-microwave combination oven by response surface methodology",
Eur. Food Res. Technol 219(4): 341-347 (2004)
27. İçöz, D., G. Şümnü ve S. Şahin, “Color and texture development during microwave and conventional baking of breads”, Int. J. Food Prop. 7, 201-213 (2004)
Seyhun, N., Sumnu, G.,
Sahin, S. Food and Bioproducts Processing
Effects of different
starch types on retardation of staling of microwave-baked cakes. Food and
Bioproducts Processing 83: 1-5 (2005)
29. Sakiyan O., Sumnu G, Sahin S, Bayram G. Influence of fat content and Emulsifier type on rheological properties of cake batter. Eur. Food Res. Technol 219(6): 635-638 (2004)
30. Sumnu, G., Sahin, S., Sevimli, M. Microwave, Infrared, Infrared-Microwave combination baking of cakes. J Food Eng 71: 150-155 (2005)
31. Sumnu, G., Turabi, E., Oztop, M. Drying of carrots in microwave and microwave-halogen lamp combination oven. Lebensmittel Wissenschaft und Technology 38: 549-553 (2005)
32. Dogan, S. F., Sahin, S., Sumnu, G. 2005. Effects of soy and rice flour addition on batter rheology and quality of deep-fat fried chicken nuggets. J Food Eng 71(1): 127-132
33. Dogan, S. F., Sahin, S., Sumnu, G. Effects of batters containing different protein types on quality of deep-fat fried chicken nuggets. Eur. Food Res. Technol 220: 502-508 (2005)
34. Sevimli, M. Sumnu, G., Sahin, S., Optimization of halogen lamp-microwave combination baking of cakes: A response Surface Study. Eur. Food Res. Technol 221: 61-68 (2005)
35. Keskin, S. O. Ozturk, S., Sahin, S., Koksel, H., Sumnu, G., Halogen lamp-microwave combination baking of cookies. Eur. Food Res. Technol 220: 546-551 (2005)
36. Akdeniz, N.., Sahin, S., Sumnu, G. Effects of different batter formulations on quality of deep-fat fried carrot slices. Eur. Food Res. Technol 221: 99-105 (2005)
37. Dos, A., Ayhan, Z., Sumnu, G. Effects of different factiors on sensory attributes, overall acceptance and preference of Rooibos (Aspalathus Linearis) tea. J Sensory Science (2005) 20: 228-242
38. Sahin, S., Sumnu, G. , Altunakar, B. Effects of batters containing different gums on quality of deep-fat fried chicken nuggets. J. Sci. Food Agr. 85: 2375-2379 (2005)
39. Isci, A., Sahin, S., Sumnu, G. Recovery of aroma compounds by pervaporation. Journal of Food Engineering 75(1), 36-42 (2006)
40. Altunakar, B., S. Sahin ve G. Sumnu Effects of hydrocolloids on apparent viscosity of batters and quality of chicken nuggets. Chemical Engineering Communications 193(6), 675-682 (2006)
41. Akdeniz, N., Sahin, S., Sumnu, G. Effects of batters containing different gums for deep-fat frying of carrot slices. Journal of Food Engineering 75(4), 522-526 (2006)
42. Tireki, S., Sumnu, G., Esin, A. Production of bread crumbs by infrared-assisted microwave drying. European Food Research and Technology 222 (1-2), 8-14 (2006)
43. Sumnu, G., Datta, A.K., Sahin, S., Keskin, S.O., Rakesh, V. Transport and Related Properties of Breads Baked Using Various Heating Modes. Journal of Food Engineering 78(4): 1382-1387 (2007)
44. Datta, A.K., S. Sahin, G. Sumnu, S. O. Keskin, “Porous Media Characterization of Bread Baked Using Different Heating Modes”. Journal of Food Engineering 79(1): 106-116 (2007)
51. Oztop M, Sahin S., Sumnu, G. Optimization of microwave frying of potato slices by Taguchi technique. Journal of Food Engineering 79(1): 83-91 (2007)
52. Keskin, S. O., G. Sumnu, S. Sahin, “A study on the effects of different gums on dielectric properties and the quality of breads baked infrared-microwave combination oven”, European Food Research and Technology 224(3): 329-334 (2007).
53. Oztop M, Sahin, S., Şümnü, G. “Optimization of microwave frying of osmotically dehydrated potato slices by using Response Surface Methodology”. European Food Research and Technology 224, 707-713 (2007).
54. Sakiyan, O., Şümnü, G., Sahin, S., Meda, V. “Investigation of dielectric properties of different cake formulations during microwave and infrared-microwave combination baking”. Journal of Food Science 72, E205-E213 (2007).
55. Sahin S., Şümnü, G., Oztop M.H. “Effect of osmotic pretreatment and microwave frying on acrylamide formation in potato strips”. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture 87, 2830-2836 (2007).
56. Sakiyan, O., Sumnu, G., Sahin, S., Meda, V. The effect of different formulations on physical properties of cakes baked with microwave and near infrared-microwave combinations. Journal of Microwave Power & Electromagnetic Energy 41: 17-23 (2007).
57. Turabi, E., Şümnü, G., Sahin, S. “Rheological properties and quality of rice cakes formulated with different gums and an emulsifier blend”. Food Hydrocolloids 22, 305-312 (2008).
58. Turabi, E., Şumnu, G., Şahin, S. Optimization of baking rice cakes in infrared-microwave combination oven by response surface methodology. Food and Bioprocess Technology, 1, 64-73 (2008)
59. Kahraman, K., Sakiyan, O., Ozturk, S., Koksel, H., Sumnu, G., Dubat, A. Utilization of Mixolab to predict suitability of flours in terms of cake quality. European Food Research and Technology 227: 565-570 (2008)
60. Yalçın, E., Sakiyan, O., Sumnu, G., Celik, S., Köksel, H. Functional properties of microwave treated wheat gluten European Food Research and Technology 227: 1411-1417 (2008)
61. Bayramoglu B., Sahin S., Sumnu G. Solvent-Free Microwave Extraction of Essential Oil from Oregano. Journal of Food Engineering, 88:535-540 (2008).
62. Uysal N., Sumnu G., Sahin S. Optimization of microwave-infrared roasting of hazelnut. Journal of Food Engineering, 90:255-261 (2009).
Barutcu I., Sahin S., Sumnu G. Acrylamide Formation in Different Batter
Formulations During Microwave Frying. LWT-Food Science and Technology, 42:17-22
64. Bayramoglu B., Sahin S., Sumnu G. Extraction of Essential Oil from Laurel Leaves by Using Microwaves. Separation Science and Tecnology, 44: 7222-733 (2009).
65. Seyhun, N., Ramaswamy, H., Sumnu, G., Sahin, S., Ahmed, J. Comparison and modeling of microwave tempering and infrared assisted microwave tempering of frozen puree. Journal of Food Engineering 92: 339-344 (2009).
66. , Turabi, E. Investigation of physicochemical properties of breads baked in microwave and infrared-microwave combination ovens during storage. European Food Research and Technology 228: 883-893 (2009).
67. Barutcu I., Sahin S., Sumnu G. Effects of microwave frying and different flour types addition on the microstructre of batter coatings Journal of Food Engineering 95: 684-692 (2009).
68. Ozkoc, S. O., Sumnu, G., Sahin, S. The effects of gums on macro and micro-structure of breas baked in different ovens. Food Hydrocolloids 23: 2182-2189 (2009).
69. Demirkesen, I., Mert, B., Sumnu, G., Sahin, S. Rheological properties of gluten free-bread formulations. Journal of Food Engineering 96: 295-303 (2010).
B. Book
1. Sahin S. and Sumnu S.G. Physical Properties of Foods, Springer, 2006.
2. Sahin S., Sumnu S.G. Propiedades fisicas de los alimentos. Editorial Acribia, Spain (2009).
Editor in a book
1. Sumnu, S. G., Sahin, S. Food Engineering Aspects of Baking Sweet Goods. CRC press, Boca Raton (2008)
2. Sahin, S., Sumnu, S. G. Advances in Deep-Fat Frying of foods (Contemporary Food Engineering Series) . CRC press, Boca Raton (2008)
D. Chapter in a book
1. Datta AK, Sumnu G and Raghavan GSV (2005) Dielectric properties of foods. In: Rao MA, Rizvi SSH and Datta AK, eds. Engineering Properties of Foods, 3rd edition, CRC Press Taylor & Francis Group, Baco Raton, pp 501-565
2. Sumnu G and Sahin S. Baking. Recent Developments in Microwave Processing. In: D. Sun, ed. Emerging Technologies for Food Processing. Elsevier, UK, pp 419-444 (2005)
3. Sumnu G and Sahin S. Baking. In Microwave Processing of Foods. Edited by M. Reiger and H. Schubert. Woodhead Publishing Ltd, UK, pp 119-42 (2005)
4. Kocer, D., Karwe, M. V., Sumnu S. G. Alternative Baking Technologies. In Food Engineering Aspects of Baking Sweet Goods. S. Sahin and S.G. Sumnu (eds) CRC Press (Taylor and Francis group), USA (2008) pp.215-244.
5. Sahin S., Sumnu, S.G. Alternative frying technologies. In Advances in Deep Fat Frying of Foods. S. Sahin and S.G. Sumnu (eds) CRC Press (Taylor and Francis group), USA (2008) pp. 289-302.
Conference Paper (International)
Full paper presented at and published in the proceedings of a refereed
conference regularly held by an international organization
Sumnu, G., Ö. Özmutlu
and S. Sahin, “Effects of microwave proofing on quality of microwave baked
breads”, Proceedings of 3rd
International Conference on Predictive Modelling of Foods, Leuven-Belgium,
301-302, 2000.
Sahin, S., Ö. Özmutlu and G. Sumnu, “Optimization of microwave
baking of bread”, Proceedings of 3rd International Conference on Predictive Modelling of
Foods, Leuven-Belgium, 329-330, 2000.
Seyhun, N., G. Sumnu, and S.
Şahin, “Retardation of staling of microwave baked cakes by using
emulsifiers and fats,” Proceedings of 9th International Conference on Microwave and High
Frequency Heating, Loughborough-UK, 349-352, 2003.
Seyhun, N., G. Sumnu. and S. Şahin,
of gums for retatdation of staling of microwave baked cakes,”
Proceedings of 9th International
Conference on Microwave and High Frequency Heating, Loughborough-UK,
353-356, 2003.
Keskin, S. O., G. Sumnu. and S. Şahin,
“Effects of halogen lamp-microwave combination baking on bread quality,”
Microwave 2004 Proceedings,
International Symposium on Microwave Science and its application to
related fields, Takamatsu-Japan, 556-559, 2004
Sevimli, M., G. Sumnu. and S. Şahin,
“Effects of different baking methods on quality
of cakes,” Microwave 2004 Proceedings, International Symposium on Microwave
Science and its application to related fields, Takamatsu-Japan, 548-551,
Goksu E. I., Esin, A, G. Sumnu,
“Comparison of fluidized bed, microwave and microwave assisted fluidized bed
drying,” Microwave 2004 Proceedings,
International Symposium on Microwave Science and its application to
related fields, Takamatsu-Japan, 552-555, 2004
Sakiyan, O., Sumnu, G. Sahin, S., Meda,
V. The variation of gelatinization degree of cakes baked with microwave and
infrared-microwave combination. International Microwave Power Institute’s 40th
Annual Symposium Proceedings, August 9-11, 2006, Boston, USA, pp 101-104.
Sakiyan, O., Sumnu, G. Sahin, S., Meda,
V. The variation of color, texture and volume of cakes baked with microwave and
infrared-microwave combination. International Microwave Power Institute’s 40th
Annual Symposium Proceedings, August 9-11, 2006, Boston, USA, pp. 97-100.
2. Abstract of a paper presented at and published in
the proceedings of a refereed conference regularly held by an international
1. Sumnu, G., M. K. Ndife ve L. Bayındırlı, “Optimization of microwave baking of model layer cakes”, Institute of Food Technologists Annual Meeting Book of Abstracts, Chicago-IL, 87-88, 1999
2. Sumnu, G. ve S. Şahin, “A study on retardation of staling in microwave baked cakes”, Institute of Food Technologists Annual Meeting Book of Abstracts, New Orleans - Lousiana, 127, 2001
3. Özmutlu, O., G. Sumnu ve S. Şahin, “Effects of microwave proofing with different gluten containing flours on quality of microwave baked breads”, Institute of Food Technologists Annual Meeting Book of Abstracts, New Orleans- Lousiana, 127, 2001.
4. Altunakar, B., Sahin, S., Sumnu, G., “Functionality of Batters Containing Different Starch Types for Deep-fat Frying of Chicken Nuggets’’, AIChE Annual Meeting, 2003.
5. Tireki, S., Şumnu, G., Esin, A. Infrared-assisted microwave drying by using halogen lamp-microwave combination oven. 1st International Food and Nutrition Congress, June 15-18, İstanbul, 2005, p.167
6. Turabi, E., Şumnu, G., Sahin, S. The effects of different types of gums and usage of emulsifıer on emulsifyıng and rheological propertıes of gluten-free cake batter. 1st International Food and Nutrition Congress, June 15-18, İstanbul, 2005, p.153.
7. Keskin S O., Şumnu, G., Sahin, S. The effects of different gums on dielectric properties of doughs and breads baked in infrared-microwave combination oven. 1st International Food and Nutrition Congress, June 15-18, İstanbul, 2005, p.166.
8. Akdeniz N, Sahin S, Sumnu, G. The effects of food gums on quality parameters of battered deep fat fried carrot slices. 1st International Food and Nutrition Congress, June 15-18,İstanbul, 2005, p.162
9. Öztop, M. Sahin S, Sumnu, G. Optimization of microwave frying of potato slices by using Taguchi Technique. 1st International Food and Nutrition Congress, June 15-18,İstanbul, 2005, p.42.
10. O.Keskin, S. Ozturk, S. Sahin, H. Koksel, G.Sumnu. Baking of cookies in halogen lamp-microwave combination oven. ICC Conference-Cereals The Future Challenge- July 3-6, 2005, Vienna, Ausria, p.143.
11. G.Sumnu, O.Keskin, S. Sahin. The effects of different formulations on physical properties of doughs and breads baked in microwave and infrared-microwave combination ovens. 2005 AACC International Annual Meeting, Orlando, September 11-14, 2005, p.116.
12. S. Sahin, O. Sakiyan, G.Sumnu. Physical Properties of different cake formulations during microwave and infrared-microwave combination baking. 2005 AACC International Annual Meeting, September 11-14, Orlando, 2005, p.111.
13. S. Sahin, E. Turabi, G.Sumnu. A study on the Rheological properties of gluten free-cake batters containing emulsifier and different types of gums. 2005 AACC International Annual Meeting, September 11-14, 2005, Orlando,p.147-148.
14. G.Sumnu, S.Tireki, A. Esin. Production of bread crumbs by infrared-assisted microwave drying. The effects of different formulations on physical properties of doughs and breads baked in microwave and infrared-microwave combination ovens. 2005 AACC International Annual Meeting, September 11-14, 2005, Orlando, p.128.
15. Sakiyan O., Sumnu G., Sahin S., Meda V. ‘Investigation of dielectric properties of different cake formulations during baking with halogen lamp-microwave combination and microwave’, North Central ASABE/CSBE Conference, Brookings, SDSU, 2005
16. Sakiyan O., Meda V., Sumnu G., Sahin S. Effects of Formulation, frequency, baking time and temperature on dielectric properties of cake during baking with microwave and infrared-microwave combination. 2nd Technical Smposium of CIGR Section VI Future of Food Engineering, April 26-28, 2006, Warsaw, Poland, p. 201.
17. Turabi, E.., Sumnu G., Sahin S. Optimization of baking conditions of gluten free rice cake in infrared-microwave combination oven. 2nd Technical Smposium of CIGR Section VI Future of Food Engineering, April 26-28, 2006, Warsaw, Poland, p. 234.
18. Oztop, M Sahin S., Sumnu, G. Optimization of microwave frying of osmotically dehydrated potato slices by using Taguchi Technique. 2nd Technical Smposium of CIGR Section VI Future of Food Engineering, April 26-28, 2006, Warsaw, Poland, p. 172.
19. Turabi, E., Sumnu, G., Sahin, S. 2007. Baking of rice cake in infrared-microwave combination oven. IFT 2007 Annual Meeting, July 28-August 1, 2007, Chicago, USA. p 44
20. Seyhun, N., Ramaswamy, H., Zhu, S., Sumnu, G., Sahin, S. 2007. Ohmic heating of potato cubes in salt solutions. IFT 2007 Annual Meeting, July 28-August 1, 2007, Chicago, USA. p 127
21. Turabi, E., Regier, M., Sumnu, G., Sahin, S., Rother, M. 2007. Dielectric properties of gluten-free rice cake batters formulated with different gums. 2007 CIGR Section VI International Symposium on Food and Agricultural products: Processing and Innovations, 24-26 September, Naples, Italy, p.64.
22. Yalcin, E., Sakiyan, O., Sumnu, G., Celik, S., Koksel, H. 2007. Effects of microwave heating on functional properties of gluten. 2007 CIGR Section VI International Symposium on Food and Agricultural products: Processing and Innovations, 24-26 September, Naples, Italy, p.124.
23. Barutcu, I., Sahin, S., Sumnu, G. 2007. Effects of batters containing different types of flours on quality of microwave fried chicken fingers. 2007 CIGR Section VI International Symposium on Food and Agricultural products: Processing and Innovations, 24-26 September, Naples, Italy, p.138.
24. Bayramoglu, B, Sahin, S., Sumnu, G. 2007. Solvent-free microwave extraction of essential oils from oregano. 2007 CIGR Section VI International Symposium on Food and Agricultural products: Processing and Innovations, 24-26 September, Naples, Italy, p.139.
25. Seyhun, N., Ahmed, J., Ramaswamy, H., Sumnu, G., Sahin, S. 2007 Change in dielectric properties during tahwing of frozen potato puree CIGR Section VI International Symposium on Food and Agricultural products: Processing and Innovations, 24-26 September, Naples, Italy P.142.
26. Keskin, S. O., Sumnu, G., Sahin, S. 2007. Effects of gums on staling of breads baked in different ovens. 2nd International Congress on Food and Nutrition 24-26 October, İstanbul, Turkey, p.236.
27. Keskin, S. O., Sumnu, G., Sahin, S., Senyuva, H. 2007. Acrylamide formation in breads during baking in different ovens 2nd International Congress on Food and Nutrition 24-26 October, İstanbul, Turkey, p.247
F. Full paper published in National Journals
Sriwatanapongse, A., G.
Sumnu ve A. Bayındırlı, “Peroxidase Inactivation and
ascorbic acid degradation of selected vegetables during microwave blanching”, Gıda,
16, 233-236 (1991).
Sumnu, G. ve L. Bayındırlı,
“A review on Preservation of Fruit Coatings by Sucrose Polyesters”, Gıda, 22, 227-232 (1997).
Sumnu, G., “Use of
various starches in microwave baked cakes”, Gıda,
26, 9-11 (2001).
Bayındırlı, L., G. Sumnu, Ö. Cengiz ve N. Bişiren,
“Kaplama maddeleri yardimıyla portakalların raf ömrünün uzatılması”,
Gıda Mühendisliği Dergisi,
2, 10-13 (1998) (in Turkish).
Seyhun, N., Şümnü, G.
Sahin, S, “Farklı nişasta ve emülgatör çeşitlerinin ve yağ
miktarlarının mikrodalga ile pişirilen keklerin bayatlaması
üzerindeki etkileri”, Gıda, 29(5), 337-343
G. Conference Papers (National)
Full paper presented at and published in the proceedings of a refereed
conference regularly held by a national organization
Sumnu, G. ve L. Bayındırlı,
“Kaplama Maddelerinin “Satsuma” Mandalinalarının Kalite Faktörleri
Üzerine Etkisi”, Gıda Mühendisliği
2. Ulusal Sempozyumu, 125-130, Ankara, 1995.
Sumnu, G., L. Bayındırlı
ve M. Ndife, “Mikrodalga ile ısıtılma sırasında
şeker, su ve proteinin nişasta ile etkileşimi”, Gıda
Mühendisliği 3. Ulusal Sempozyumu, 417-423,
Ankara, 1997.
İşçi, A., Sahin, S., Sumnu,
G. “Çilekteki aroma bileşenlerinin pervaporasyon yöntemiyle geri kazanılması”,
273-276, Gıda Kongresi 2005, İzmir, 2005
Turabi, E., Şumnu, G., Sahin, S.
“Farklı gam tipleri ve emülgatör kullanımının glutensiz
kek hamurunun reolojik özellikleri üzerindeki etkileri”, 389-392, Gıda
Kongresi 2005, İzmir, 2005
Sakıyan, Ö., Şumnu, G., Sahin,
S. “Halojen lambası ve mikrodalga kombinasyonu ve mikrodalga ile pişirilen
kek formülasyonlarının fiziksel özelliklerinin incelenmesi”,
393-396, Gıda Kongresi 2005, İzmir, 2005
Öztop, M. H., Sahin, S., Şumnu,
G., “Mikrodalga ile kızartma işleminin Taguchi tekniği ile
optimizasyonu”, 458-461, Gıda Kongresi 2005, İzmir, 2005
Tireki, S., Şumnu, G., Esin, A.
“Kaplama maddesi üretiminde mikrodalga ve halojen lambası ile
kurutma”, 514-517, Gıda Kongresi 2005, İzmir, 2005
Keskin, S. Ö., Şumnu, G., Sahin,
S. “Farklı ekmek formülasyonlarının mikrodalga ve halojen
lamba-mikrodalga kombinasyonu ile pişirilen ekmeklerin kalitelerine olan
etkileri”, 518-521, Gıda Kongresi 2005, İzmir, 2005
Oztop, M., Şahin, S., Şumnu,
G. Osmotik dehidrasyon uygulanmış patates dilimlerinin mikrodalga ile
kızartılması işleminin optimizasyonu. Türkiye 9. Gıda Kongresi, Bolu, 2006, p. 551-554. (1.8 pt.)
Barutçu, İ., Şahin, S., Şumnu,
G. Kızartılıp dondurulmuş ürünlerin mikrodalgada ısıtılması
için kaplama maddesi tasarımı. Türkiye 9. Gıda Kongresi,
Bolu, 2006, p. 945-948. (1.8 pt.)
Turabi, E., Şumnu, G., Şahin, S. Infrared-mikrodalga
kombinasyonlu fırında pişirilmiş glutensiz pirinç
keklerinin pişirme şartlarının optimizasyonu. Türkiye 9. Gıda
Kongresi, Bolu, 2006, p.
533-536. (1.8 pt.)
Şakıyan, Ö., Şumnu, G., Şahin,
S. Mikrodalga ve kızıl ötesi-mikrodalga kombinasyonu ile pişirilen
kekin dielektrik özelliklerinin incelenmesi. Türkiye 9. Gıda Kongresi,
Bolu, 2006, p. 433-436. (1.8 pt.)
O., Şümnü G. ve
Şahin, S. Mikrodalga ve kızıl ötesi kombinasyonu ile pişirilen
keklerin jelatinizasyon derecelerinin belirlenmesi. Hububat 2006, 73- 76,
Gaziantep, , 2006.
S. O., Şümnü G. ve
Şahin, S. Farklı pişirme yöntemlerinin ekmeklerin gözenek yapısına
olan etkileri. Hububat 2006, 109-115, Gaziantep, , 2006.
E., Şümnü G. ve
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glutensiz pirinç keklerinin pişirime şartlarının
optimizasyonu. Hububat 2006, 255- 260,
Gaziantep, , 2006.
2. Abstract of a paper presented at and published in
the proceedings of a refereed conference regularly held by a national
Özmutlu, Ö., G. Sumnu ve S. Şahin, “A new formulation for
microwave baked bread”, Blacksea and
Central Asian Symposium on Food Technology, 111, Ankara, 2000.
Şahin, S. ve G. Sumnu “Control of muscle softening by
microwave cooking”, Blacksea and Central
Asian Symposium on Food Technology, 94, Ankara, 2000.
Altunakar, B., Şahin, S.
ve Şümnü G. “Farklı
gum çeşitleri içeren kaplama hamurlarının kızartılmış
tavuk kalitesi üzerine etkileri”, Türkiye 8. Gıda Kongresi,pp 79, Bursa, 2004
Göksu, E. I., Esin A. ve Şümnü, G.
“Makarna boncuklarının akışkan
yatak, mikrodalga ve mikrodalga yardımlı akışkan yatakta
kurutulması’’, Türkiye 8. Gıda Kongresi,pp 87 Bursa, 2004
İşçi, A., Şahin,
S. ve Şümnü G. “Katı
faz mikroekstraksiyonunun (SPME) çilek aroması için optimizasyonu”,
Türkiye 8. Gıda Kongresi,
pp. 45 Bursa, 2004
Keskin, S. Ö., Şümnü
G. ve Şahin,
S. “Halogen lamba-mikrodalga kombinasyonlu fırında ekmek pişirilmesinin
optimizasyonu’’, Türkiye 8. Gıda Kongresi, pp. 86, Bursa, 2004