Materials The novels: Since Great Expectations is being taught other sections of this course too, there will be a great rush for sources, so you should get your copy of the novel as soon as possible. The novels have been ordered for the book store but do not seem to have arrived yet (please check this). There are a few copies in METU library, and you can all read and download the novels from on-line editions which you can find easily through links in the right hand margin of this page. The formatting of Project Gutenberg texts is not enticing, so you may prefer to look at the other options given here. The METU 'ebrary' service, which can only be accessed from METU computers (because it is a subscription service) has two editions of Great Expectations and one of Jude the Obscure, but since you can only print out about 30 pages from ebrary books you will probably find these more useful for the introductions and notes than for the main text.. There is a link in the left-hand margin to this site. Write Great Expectations or Jude the Obscure in the key word search box., and you will find not only the novel itself, but some secondary sources too. David Perdue’s Charles Dickens Page, on: http://www.fidnet.com/~dap1955/dickens/fast-facts.html includes a list of links to electronic versions of Dickens's works, and you can access these from off-campus computers. You may find this link to a Dickens Glossary useful for unknown terms. Secondary sources: These are among the best known and most written about writers and novels in English Literature, so you will be able to find many relevant articles and chapters in books on the internet and in libraries. Chapter 9 of Ruth Glancy’s
The Student Companion to Charles Dickens (Westport, CT: Greenwood Press,
1999), should be read as an introduction, as should Chapter 7 of Philip
Mallett's, Thomas Hardy: Texts and Contexts. (Gordonsville, VA,
USA: Palgrave Macmillan, 2003). and Chapter 8 of Gillian Beer's Darwin's
Evolutionary Narrative in Darwin, George Eliot All of these are available on “ebrary” |